HOME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MISSION ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~ DEFINITIONS ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~1~~~~~~ REPARATIONS
~~~~~~3~~~~~~ HOUSES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOME FINANCING ~~~~~~~~
The Tenant: Rentals
~~~~~~4~~~~~~ WORK
~~~~~~5~~~~~~ TRANSPORTATION ~~~~~~~~~~
Tires Tyres Everywhere ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ World Circle Loop Lines & Baltimore Legend
~~~~~~~~ MDOT:MDTA~MTA ~~~~~~~~
Transport Overflow
~~~~~~6~~~~~~ POLLUTIONS = POISONS ~~~~~~~~
AT WHAT COST ~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~ 7 ~~~~ ENERGIES
~~~~~~~~~~ TRASH ALTERNATIVES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~8~~~~~~ NATURE RESTORATION ~~~~~~~~
Becoming a "SPONGE CITY"
Baltimore-Specific Studies
World Ecology Impact
~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE COMMONS ~~~~~~~~
HOMEWORK: What To Do Now

Baltimore Serenade: Ecosystem Guardians Embracing Impactful & Peaceful Climate Solutions


Mexican Fritillary Butterflies (Euptoieta hegesia)

"How to Plant Milkweed for Monarchs from Seed or Starter Plants" - Theodore Payne Foundation


Right to Isolation

An Amazon Associate & Chewy affiliate earning link revenue

Elizabeth Street Garden

"Dragonflies Reveal Surprising Insights Mercury-Pollution" - U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) U.S. Department of the Interior (July 16, 2024)

"Electric Fishing Puts a Rare Dolphin-Human Partnership at Risk: Illegal Fishing Practices are Threatening Traditional Cooperation Between Humans and River Dolphins in Burma" - Smithsonian Magazine (September 22, 2015)

"Electrofishing as a Potential threat to Freshwater Cetaceans" - Endangered Species Research 39:207 (July 11, 2019)

"Marine mammals are like a litmus test for the ecosystem. .... Thousands of chemicals from households, farms and factories quietly enter the ocean every day. Some readily absorb onto bits of another common pollutant: plastic. When mistaken for food by small animals like plankton and anchovies, plastic enters the food chain—along with the chemicals it soaked up."

8 Shocking Facts About Dolphins and Whales in Captivity - In Defense of Animals

"Rainbow Connection" - "The Muppet Show" - Debbie Harry & Kermit The Frog (1980)

"James Hansen's 1988 Testimony After 30 Years. How Did He Do?" - Yale Climate Connections (2019)

"Who Will Pay for the Costs of Climate Change?: John Kerry and an Aspen Ideas Festival panel discuss" - NBC News (June 24, 2024)

"Virginia Opens Winter Blue Crab Harvest Despite Opposition" - Chesapeake Bay Foundation (June 25, 2024)

"Why Europe and America's Dying Forests Could be Good News" - DW Planet A (June 14, 2024)

"How Mushrooms Clean up the Planet (and Other Fungi Powers)" - DW Planet A (2021)

"You can't be an environmentalist if you are a meat eater. It's total hypocrisy. And you actually can't be a humanitarian either, when you are causing all that suffering. 64 billion animals a year are killed for food that you don't need, and its unhealthy. .... Live your life with principles. .... Everything that lives, lives off of something else that lives. Everything. Everything in creation. And it is your responsibility as a human being. Everything in creation. And it's just your responsibility as a human being to decide where - how much mercy can you show when you are alive. Because, one day, you will be asking for mercy. And how much did you give. And I think that is something you should be thinking about, every day of your life."
- Chrissie Hynde

"Gowanus Canal Hazardous Waste Site | Brooklyn, New York: Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program" -

"100 Blocks by Toxic NYC Canal Being Tested for Cancerous Vapors - Residents Demand Answers" - New York Post (June 15, 2024)

"A Glade of Trees to Green London Victoria for World Environment Day" - The Tree Council

"Champions of the Earth Award": 2024 Focus: Land restoration, drought resilience, and combating desertification

World Environment Day: Every June 5th

"As Saudi Arabia Claws Back Land From the Desert, Wildlife Returns" - United Nations Environment Programme

"We cannot have sustainable development without environmental protection and land is at the heart of environmental protection. It is the backbone of terrestrial biodiversity, vegetation cover and much more."
- Osama Ibrahim Faqeeha, Saudi Arabia's Deputy Minister of Environment.
"The dark days are coming. It's time to buck up {and} reduce fishing mortality." - warns David Sikorski, Commission member and executive director of the Coastal Conservation Association of Maryland

"The First Plastic | Cleaning Oceans | The Ocean Cleanup" - The Ocean Cleanup (March 23, 2020)

"Mexico's Howler Monkeys Are Dying, Falling Out of the Trees, Amid Scorching Heat Wave: Veterinarians and Volunteers are Trying to Save the Threatened Primates by Hoisting Buckets of Water and Food Into Trees, as Well as Providing Medical Care" - Smithsonian Magazine (May 22, 2024)

"Howler Monkeys are Dropping Dead From Trees in Mexico's Intense Heat" - Associated Press (May 21, 2024)

"Baltimore-Area Fish Kill Investigation Ongoing" - Chesapeake Bay Magazine (2018)

2018 Fish Kill Summary - Maryland Department of the Environment Water and Science Administration Bioregulatory Monitoring and Response Division Fish Kill Investigation Section

"Among the Problems at Patapsco Plant: Potentially Explosive Substances in the Sewage Sludge" - Baltimore Brew (2022)

Hummingbird or Flower?
The Green Bird Flower (Crotalaria cunninghamii) Photo: Ausemade

Hummingbird or Flower?
The Green Bird Flower (Crotalaria cunninghamii)

Crotalaria cunninghami, also known as green birdflower or regal bird-flower.
Crotalaria cunninghamii legume family Fabaceae

PLANTS THAT MATTER: Hummingbird -shaped Crotalaria Cunninghamii, are native to Australia. Pollinators of the Green Bird Flower are nectivorous birds, bees, and other insects. Name attributed to 1800's botanist, Allan Cunningham. Their seeds in pods inside rattle, hence the Greek word, "Crotalaria." 1st Picture from the Binns Track in Australia. From Ausemade. Other Names are: Regal Birdflower, Bird Flower, Dwarf Bird Flower, Parrot Pea, Sandhill Rattlepod, Stuart’s Pea, and Alywalywere.

"Effects on Fish
The detonation of explosives in or near water produces post-detonation compressive shock waves characterized by a rapid rise to a high peak pressure followed by a rapid decay to below ambient hydrostatic pressure. The latter pressure deficit causes most impacts on fish. The primary site of damage in finfish is the swimbladder, the gas-filled organ that permits most pelagic fish to maintain neutral buoyancy. The kidney, liver, spleen, and sinus venous also may rupture and haemorrhage. Fish eggs and larvae also may be killed or damaged (Wright 1982). Studies (Wright 1982) show that an overpressure in excess of 100 kPa will result in these effects. The degree of damage is related to type of explosive, size and pattern of the charge(s), method of detonation, distance from the point of detonation, water depth, and species, size and life stage of fish. Vibrations from the detonation of explosives may cause damage to incubating eggs (Wright 1982, Wright in prep.). Sublethal effects, such as changes in behaviour of fish, have been observed on several occasions as a result of noise produced by explosives. The effects may be intensified in the presence of ice and in areas of hard substrate (Wright 1982, Wright in prep.).
The detonation of explosives may be lethal to marine mammals and may cause auditory damage under certain conditions. The detonation of explosives in the proximity of marine mammals also has been demonstrated to induce changes in behaviour (Wright in prep.). The number of shellfish and crustaceans killed by the detonation of explosives is believed to be negligible, however, few data are available. Sublethal effects of explosives onshellfish and crustaceans including behavioural modifications are little known or understood (Wright 1982, Wright in prep.).
Effects on Fish Habitat
The use of explosives in and near fish habitat may also result in the physical and/or chemical alteration of that habitat. For example, sedimentation resulting from the use of explosives may cover spawning areas or may reduce or eliminate bottom-dwelling life forms that fish use for food. By-products from the detonation of explosives may include ammonia or similar compounds and may be toxic to fish and other aquatic biota (Wright in prep.)."

Blue Paradox - Soling the Plastic Problem Movement

"They Aren't Trail Trees!" - Georgia Backroads (2023)

"If You Find A Bent Tree In The Forest, You May Have Just Stumbled Upon A Centuries Old Secret" - Jojo Stories (2018)

"How Wildlife Crossings Protect Both Animals and People" - "CBS Sunday Morning" (April 2024)


Your laughter brings me sunshine
Every day is springtime
And I am only happy when you are by my side
How precious is this love we share
How very precious, sweet and rare
Together, we belong like daffodils and butterflies

Love is like a butterfly
As soft and gentle as a sigh
The multicolored moods of love are like its satin wings
Love makes your heart feel strange inside
It flutters like soft wings in flight
Love is like a butterfly, a rare and gentle thing
Love is like a butterfly, a rare and gentle thing

Understanding Species Roles in Ecosystem Survival

"Wildlife Crossings: Bridges and Tunnels Specifically Designed for Animals Can Reduce the Environmental Impact of Highways."

"Guy's Epic Response When Starving Deer Shows Up at Door" - Geo Beats Animals (March 2024)

"This is Why Farmers Sell Their Weapons and Buy Donkeys" - WATOP

"Leave It To Beavers" - "Nature" | PBS

"Beavers Without Borders" - Beaver Trust

"Fur For the Future"" - The Oregonian (1950) [Parachuting beavers featured]

"Beaver Fever: WILD HOPE" - "Nature" | PBS (2023)

"They Threw 12,000 Tons Of Orange Peels In A Forest. 16 Years Later, They Returned to See The Results" - Be Amazed (2022)

REPORT: "February 2024 Global Climate Report" - National Centers for Environmental Information | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

"Assessing the Global Climate in January 2024

State of the Climate in 2022: Special Supplement to the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (September 2023)

"A Look of 2022" Report - State of the Climate, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (2023)

"Oil, coal and gas operators are failing to make the cuts needed to limit global warming to 1.5C, according to a new IEA report."

"Tracking Pledges, Targets and Action: Achieving All Methane Pledges Made by Countries and Companies Would Cut Emissions From Fossil Fuels by 50% by 2030" - International Energy Agency (IEA) (2024)

"The US – the largest global producer of oil and gas – is also the biggest emitter from oil and gas operations, closely followed by Russia. China is by far the highest emitter in the coal sector. There was also a substantial increase in major fossil fuel leaks in 2023 compared with 2022, with more than 5m tonnes of emissions detected – including from a well blow-out in Kazakhstan that went on for more than 200 days. "

"'Simply Catastrophic': California Salmon Season to Be Restricted or Shut Down - Again" - California Matters (March 2024)

"The Ocean Is The Ultimate Solution" - Frank Zappa (1979)

"Texas officials say the Smokehouse Creek fire in the Texas Panhandle burned more than 1 million acres covering nearly 1,700 square miles....
'We're still trying to tally up the cattle losses,' Smith said. 'It burned probably 70-80% of the ranch."



"Learning about global warming at Climate Change Theme Park"

"Tell me again I need to know. The forest had trees, the meadows were green.
The oceans were blue and birds really flew. Can you swear that it’s true?

Whose garden was this? It must have been lovely. Did it have flowers?
I’ve seen pictures of flowers, and I’d love to have smelled one.
Tell me again I need to know, tell me again I need to know.
Tell me again I need to know, tell me again I need to know."

"How Aluminum Wrap Protects Sequoias From Wildfire" - NOVA PBS (2021)

"Those who oppose wilderness values today may have sons and daughters who will honor wilderness values tomorrow. Our responsibility as life tenants is to make certain that there are wilderness values to honor - after we have gone."
- Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas

"The Lorax" - Dr. Seuss (1972)

"The Lorax" - Film Songs

Lorax Truth - Let it Grow Or Bubble Existence?


When one group of people suppresses another group of people, the land and non-human animals tend to suffer too. It is often called; "war." Repairing and restoring our natural resources gives Baltimore the chance to thrive even in times of climate change and global warming. Taking consistent and innovative, yet proven measures (many from Europe) Baltimore can be the epitome - the envy of all cities. Baltimore: be ants, not grasshoppers.


"Every fish that swims silent, every bird that flies freely,
every doe that steps softly.
Every crisp leaf that falls, all the flowers that grow
on this colorful tapestry, somehow they know.
That if man is allowed to destroy all they need.
He will soon have to pay with his life; for his greed."

"Tapestry" Lyrics - Please read

"Healing Time on Earth" - John Denver

"Let There Be a Voice" - Documentary Film

"We're at tipping point, and we don't know what is on the other side of that tipping point, because it's an ecosystem. Because it is an ecosystem, everything becomes dependent on everything else, and we don't have all the answers. We don't know if we can come back. We don't know whether we can reverse what is happening.
What happens? What happens if Al Gore, the U.N., Paris, the U.N. panel, six thousand of the world's best scientists, are just dead wrong here. And me. We are all wrong. What happens if we make the decision to go ahead and do what we are doing. Here is the worst that happens to us: Every country becomes energy independent. We all end up with clean energy. We are therefore better off in our security. We are better off in our health, because we've eliminated particulates from the air. We have less cancer, less children hospitalized. We're not spending money on damages. We may be able to live up to our environmental responsibility and legacy for next generations. That's the worst that can happen - to us." - John Kerry, Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP) 25 Years

"Earth Song" - Michael Jackson

"The curse of modern economy, is waste and pollution. In Nature, there is no waste. We have to learn from the economy of Nature; what is called, 'biomimicry.' We have to copy the workings of Nature. We humans extract resources, from the earth. And in that process of manufacturing, we create so much pollution, so much waste, that our rivers get polluted, our oceans get polluted, our air becomes polluted. So we need to learn from Nature, and created a new economy, which will have no waste, and no pollution, or at least minimizing the waste, and maximizing the good natural economy. If we can learn from nature, and see Nature as our Teacher, Our economy will be better off. - Satish Kumar, Founder, Resurgence Trust

"Hill: At the Top of the World" - Lee Hazlewood and Aniima

ENDANGERED SPECIES - United States Fish & Wildlife Service

Nature Rights = Indigenous Rights
"As pressures on ecosystems mount and as conventional laws seem increasingly inadequate to address environmental degradation, communities, cities, regions and countries around the world are turning to a new legal strategy known as The Rights of Nature. This film takes viewers on a journey that explores the more recent origins of this legal concept, and its application and implementation in Ecuador, New Zealand, and the United States. Learn how constitutional reforms adopted in Ecuador have helped recognize nature as a legal entity, and how partnerships between the Māori and the government of New Zealand have led to personhood status for rivers, lakes and forests, and a renewed sense of balance between people and nature. See how the Rights of Nature function in the urban setting of Santa Monica, California."

What we do today....: FORECASTS

"Love Earth" - Neil Young with Crazy Horse

1 in 5 migratory species face extinction, population of many others continue to decline...

"You may also think of it as a one-of-a-kind event. But whatever killed the dinosaurs and other species at the end of the Cretaceous was actually the fifth mass extinction event in the Earth’s history. And it probably wasn't the last: scientists generally agree that we are now entering the sixth mass extinction. Species are fading away faster than nature would ordinarily dictate, amounting to what some experts have called a 'biological annihilation' that will weaken not just ecosystems worldwide, but human civilization itself. That is what we are talking about when we mention the 'extinction crisis.'"
1. Humans are causing the extinction crisis
2. Species go extinct all the time. But not at this rate...
3. It’s not enough to save species—individual populations matter, too
4. Extinction causes chain reactions...including to people
5. Protecting lands and waters is a key tactic for stemming the extinction crisis

Baltimore percentage of local population extinction in 177 species of mammals is in realm of 76% to 100% biological annihilation. 100% yes, is - no more life. [Figure 6]

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

John Denver is perhaps the most prolific nature-oriented singer-songwriter of all time. John Denver is a Baltimore favorite. One of John's favorite performances were always benefit concerts for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. "Thank God I'm a Country Boy" is a Baltimore Oriole "7th Inning Stretch" institution. John Denver's work and promotion for environment and laws stemmed from his songs. Enjoy bounty!

"The Rights of Nature: A Global Movement" - Documentary Film

"Sandy" - Harry Chapin

"Rain Forests Keep Falling On My Head" - "Family Ties "




"Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky (Always)
"Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky (Always)
Until the ocean covers every mountain high (Always)
Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea (Always)
Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream"
"Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky (Always)
Until the ocean covers every mountain high (Always)
Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea (Always)
Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream"
"Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky (Always)
Until the ocean covers every mountain high (Always)
Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea (Always)
Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream"

"In a World Without Bats" - Eco Health Alliance

"Can Plants Have the Same Rights as Humans?" - Bloomberg Originals (2023)

"Eating Our Way to Extinction" - Watch Film (2022)

FACT SHEET: "President Biden Announces New Initiatives at COP27 to Strengthen U.S. Leadership in Tackling Climate Change" - November 11th, 2022

"The Climate Crisis: Working Together for Future Generations" - United States Department of State

"An Urban Oasis Grows in Baltimore-With Justice and Nature In Mind: Through Hustle and Vision, Atiya Wells Founded a Green Space From Unused Land That Serves Its Community's Needs." (2021)

"Restoration of Baltimore's Stony Run is Failing Again, Residents and Scientists Say: After Millions of Dollars Spent on Re-Channeling the Stream to Slow Runoff, Critics Say a New Approach is Needed" - Baltimore Brew (2023)

"Marylanders Should be Wary of Contaminated Fish" - The Baltimore Sun (2023)

"Invasive Woody Plants" - University of Maryland Extension

Maryland State Wildlife Action Plan: Threats to Maryland's Wildlife Species and Their Habitats, Chapter 5 (2015-2025) - State of Maryland Government

"How Urban Landscapers Use Native Plants to Create Habitats for Wildlife: Increasingly, Popular Public Spaces Are Using a Conservation-Oriented Gardening Philosophy That Can Also Transform Communities." - National Audubon Society (2016)

"Maryland Still Losing Forests and Trees, Though at a Slower Rate, Study Finds" - Bay Journal (2022)

Commentary: "Government Officials Need to Do More to Protect Mature Forests - and Fight Climate Change" - Maryland Matters (2023)


"Defining Environmental Justice and Environmental Racism" - Ryan Holifield, Department of Geography University of Georgia

"Denying Access: NoDAPL to NoNAPL" - A Documentary Film (2020)

Features The Water Protectors at Standing Rock and Seneca Territory opposing the Dakota Access and Northern Access Pipelines.

"Awake, A Dream From Standing Rock" - A Documentary Film

"End of the Line: The Women of Standing Rock" Q & A - Shannon Kring & Wasté Win Young (2021)

"The Standing Rock Generation Is Changing the World" - Rolling Stone

Stand L.A. - In the Neighborhood of Wilmington

"For far too long, neighborhood oil drilling has disproportionately affected the health of our low-income communities of color,' said council president Nury Martinez at a news conference ahead of the vote. Martinez, who grew up in polluted neighborhoods in the city, introduced the measure along with council member Paul Krekorian 'From freeways to power plants, our frontline communities bear the brunt of pollution and climate impacts.'"

"L.A. City's Oil and Gas Ban: A Major Win for Environmental Justice Communities" - Legal Planet

Los Angeles City Council approves ban of new oil and gas wells. Black and Latino communities in the city have been disproportionately burdened from the impacts of the fossil fuel pollution

"We've Been Talking About Climate Change for a Hundred Years" - Popular Mechanics

"Climate Disinformation Leaves Lasting Mark as World Heats Wildfires, Floods, and Soaring Temperatures Have Made Climate Change Real to Many Americans" - ABC News (2022)

"UN Chief Warns World is One Step From 'Nuclear Annihilation'" Associated Press (August 1st, 2022)

"The Trump Administration Is Reversing Nearly 100 Environmental Rules. Here is the Full List" - The New York Times (2020)

"No Impact Man" - Documentary Film


"Bella Donna:
We fight - For the Northern Star

And the lady's feeling ~ Like the moon that she loved
Don't you know that the stars are ~ A part of us?
And the lady's feeling
Just like the moon that she loved"

Washington D.C.: Regarding LED, high kelvin street lights, the color of the lights (cool) reduces melatonin, circadian rhythms disrupted, cause sleep deprivation and other sleep disorders, damage (ruin) eyesight through retina deterioration. cancer related, mental health disorders, especially in children (causing challenges in school.....) and destroy especially nocturnal habitat. Light Trespassing * Sky Glow * Deprivation Artificial light at night (ALAN)

"In Real Life: Dark Skies" - Newsy Report

Horizontal Divider 20

"Bless the beasts and the children,
For in this world they have no voice,
They have no choice.
Bless the beasts and the children,
For the world can never be,
The world they see."

Official Video

"The Lemon Tree" - Peter, Paul, and Mary Performance (With lyrics)

"Soil Erosion Demonstration" - Milne's Science Tech (2021)

"Why The World Is Running Out Of Soil" - CNBC (2022)


Under Construction

The United States of America Environmental Protection Agency Search Engine (EPA)

Horizontal Divider 30


Weather resources.

"Climate Literacy" - PBS Learning Media

"You can draw the blind
But you can't stop the sun
From shining on and on and getting you there
Tide forever beckons you to leave
But something holds you back....

This is my home
This is my sea
Don't paint it with the future of factories
This is my life
this is my right
I'll make it what I want to
I'll stay and I'll fight

Horizontal Divider 1


"Signs of rising waters are so glaring around Maryland's Dorchester County, residents are facing difficult decisions about the future earlier than most other waterside communities on the East Coast."
[Read eparately or Follow Along with Film!]

"Nick Miller Presents: Additional Information to, "An Inconvenient Truth" - Simon Fraser University (2009)

Horizontal Divider 27


TREE CANOPIES: Tree Canopies in Baltimore are homes, and the life lungs and mental health of our brains.

MAP: Baltimore Neighborhoods


Horizontal Divider 6


Horizontal Divider 28


Emissions Reduction is meaningful. Offsets are meaningless. No possible amount of trees can be planted compared to "offsets."

"Green New Deal" - "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" (2019)

Horizontal Divider 7

"Reef" - Midnight Oil


Communal trash receptacles are available when people want to throw their trash away (and do anyways), no longer littering, blowing in wind, get wet, or animal rummaged through. There will be at least one of each type of receptacle, completely sorted: Compost/Yard, Glass, Paper, Plastic, and Other for each block to use around an intersection, so total of 2 intersections. Freedom. Your garbage day can be once, or multiple times, even one bottle or leaf if you would like. With art, the receptacles will fit in with an entire program of intersection repair, making them meeting places.
[Intersection Repair is one of many thing I learned, experienced, and bring from 9 years of living in Portland, Oregon (2002-2011.]

With garbage trucks no longer needed to go down especially small alleys, Baltimore City saves tons of gasoline, and can move people to other jobs - like planting trees! Growing trees in the backs of homes will allow many more trees - as vital to have tree canopy than what the diagram shows in 33rd Street Baltimore Fishbowl article. First, getting rid of more lanes makes the buses even slower due to still having to weave in (just like North Avenue, as painting red does not make them be able to go faster due to parked cars....) and out. Second, use less concrete. No longer need to build or designate bike paths, as the alleys become allée bicycle paths (seek pictures below). Instead of one bike path in the middle where one still has to confront traffic just to get to it (think kids) on either side, there are 2, yes TWO both way bike paths using allées are created!

Horizontal Divider 20




"The story of one shepherd's long and successful singlehanded effort to re-forest a desolate valley." [French in English version.]

"Evergreen" - Barbra Streisand

"Trees of the World Quiz'

"Maryland Still Losing Forests and Trees" - Bay Journal (2022)

REPORT: "Technical Study on Changes in Forest Cover and Tree Canopy in Maryland" - Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology, University of Maryland (2022)

"Investing in Trees: Global Companies are Protecting and Restoring Forests" - World Economic Forum

"Increased Diurnal Activity Is Indicative of Energy Deficit in a Nocturnal Mammal, the Aardvark" - Environmental, Aviation, and Space Physiology (2020)

Under Construction

"Maryland and Other Bay States Receive First Batch of Federal Infrastructure Funding to Restore Chesapeake" - Maryland Matters

Inauguration Ceremonies and Address of Honorable Thomas Swann on the Opening of Druid Hill Park, OCTOBER 19, 1860



"What is Permafrost? - NASA

"Permafrost: Everything You Need to Know" - NRDC

"The Great Melting: Ice, Polar Bears, and Permafrost" - PBS

"Rapid Warming is Probably Behind a Spike in Mercury {emissions} Levels in Svalbard Polar Bears" - Artic Today (2020)

"Arctic Report Card 2020: Coastal Permafrost Erosion" - NOAA (2020)

"3 Surprising Facts About global Warming in the Polar Region" - World Economic Forum (2023)

MARYLAND: "Permafrost and Periglacial Processes: Past Permafrost on the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain, Eastern United States " - U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

"Permafrost and Periglacial Hazards" - Geological and Geophysical Surveys - Alaska Department of Natural Resources

"Permafrost Variability Over the Northern Hemisphere Based on the MERRA-2 Reanalysis" - The Cryosphere (2019)

Permafrost under Ching Hi-Tibet Railway - Documentary (2011)

Population Shifts: "Why 97% of Namibia is Empty" - Real Life Lore


Sierra Club v. Morton - Wikipedia

U.S. Reports: Sierra Club v. Morton, 405 U.S. 727 (1972). [Text]

Animal Outlook


"Do You Like Fireflies? Leave the Leaves to Save Them!"

"Grizzlies, Elephants, Giant Pandas, & Wolves" - "60 Minutes"

Carly Simon

"Martha Stewart Cuts Ties with Cruel Salmon Hatchery" - Animal Outlook

"Inside A Bat House" - Inside House

"The Size of Your Bat House Matters - Here's Why" - Bat BnB

"Why Aren't There any Have Bats in my Bat House?" - Habitat For Bats

Rodrigues Bat: "The Hectic Around-the-Clock Effort to Save an Endangered, Orphaned Bat" - The Baltimore Sun (2007)

White-Nose Syndrome: "Maryland's Bat Mines: Research is Shedding Light-Ultraviolet Light-on a Disease that has Decimated Western Maryland's bats." - The Nature Conservatory (Last Updated 2021)

"Why Are There No Mosquitoes at Disney World?" - Midway to Main Street

"Mosquito Control Efforts Expanded in Baltimore" - WMAR TV 2 ABC

"Maryland Department Of Agriculture Preparing For Mosquito Season After Tough 2018" - WJZ TV 13 CBS

Enter content here

Action for Animals - Oakland [Ending certain Rodeo Practices Activism]

"Our Last Straw" Campaign; Plastic Straw Ban - Washington D.C. - Department of Energy & Environment

"Our Last Straw" Plastic Straw Ban Campaign -

The Law of the Sea

"Oceans and the Law of the Sea" - United Nations

"Ocean Treaty: Historic Agreement Reached After Decade of Talks" - BBC News (2022)


"Hummingbird" - Don Robertson

"The Mississippi Squirrel Revival" - Ray Stevens





~ Crafts A2Z ~
"In the first months of 2022, the number of people forced to flee war, violence and persecution worldwide surpassed 100 million for the first time. Any hope this would represent a high-water mark for global displacement was , driven by the war in Ukraine and unresolved crises in other parts of the world.
Far from being shocked into action, the international community has so far been unable to resolve the conflicts and other causes of displacement that have forced so many millions to flee their homescontinued inaction, combined with the growing effects of the climate emergency, spiraling costs of living and looming global economic recession, means the outlook for global displacement in 2023 appears bleak.
And yet, even though many of the greatest challenges in the year ahead will be continuations of existing humanitarian emergencies, we do not have to be bound by the past. We can seek ways to share responsibility for the protection and well-being of refugees, internally displaced and stateless people. This coming December will provide an opportunity to do just that as governments, charities and NGOs, the private sector and many others join representatives of displaced communities for the second Global Refugee Forum.
Below follows a snapshot of some of the most critical situations likely to determine whether last year’s record displacement figure was just another data point on an inexorable upward trend, or a moment when the tide began to turn.
"In countries where I have worked and visited in the Pacific for the last 20 years, people are witnessing the graves of their loved ones being washed out into the sea. ....
The key element of {U.N. expert Ian Fry's} his plan would be to investigate the plight of people displaced by the impacts of climate change. 'Of 59.1 million people internally displaced in 2021 across the world, most were displaced by climate-related disasters.' He noted that the number was far higher than displacement due to armed conflict.

“We are faced with an intolerable tide of people moving from their homes due to the impacts of climate change,” the expert said.

Fry expressed particular concern about people displaced across international borders due to climate change. 'There is no legal definition for these so-called climate change refugees, and they are not defined as refugees under the United Nations Refugee Convention. As a result, these people may fall through the cracks when it comes to protection,' he warned.
"Earth System Science Data (ESSD) is an international, interdisciplinary journal for the publication of articles on original research data (sets), furthering the reuse of high-quality data of benefit to Earth system sciences."

"Devastating Melt of Greenland, Antarctic Ice Sheets Found" - Associated Press (April 20th, 2023)

"About as bad as it gets — until more warming kicks in. Killer floods, droughts and heat waves hit around the world, costing many billions of dollars."

INVASIVE SPECIES: Almost an Amphibian: The Northern Snakehead Fish - Chesapeake Bay Program

EAT INVASIVE! Catch and eat Invasive Fish to Maryland - Department of Natural Resources

"Pacific Walrus Faces Growing Threat" - "CBS Evening News" (2014)

"The Deadliest Animal in the World" - GatesNotes (2014)

"A Whale Named Hope: Beautiful New Jersey Sand Sculpture Raises Awareness on Ventnor Beach" - WPVI TV 6 Philadelphia ABC (2023)

"Wind Turbine Underwater Noise and Marine Mammals: Implications of Current Knowledge and Data Needs" - (2006)

"A Whale Named Hope: New Jersey Sculptor John Gowdy Creates Massive Humpback Whale Sculpture in Ventnor to Spread Awareness" - WPVI TV 6 ABC

Flagship UN Report: "A Livable Future for All is Possible, If We Take Urgent Climate Action" - United Nations News (March 20th, 2023)

"Urgent Climate Action Can Secure a Livable Future For All" - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (March 20th, 2023)

"Conservation brought striped bass back from the brink. Now, these big, beloved fish are vulnerable once again. ....

Striped bass spawn and spend their most vulnerable life stages in the tidal reaches of Bay rivers, where fresh and saltwater meet. These areas are often the most exposed to pollution running off the nearby land, and to human activities that can disturb the fragile environment. In the Bay's main stem, low-oxygen dead zones, driven by excess nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in the Bay, can stress striped bass and push them into warmer waters than they prefer, making them more susceptible to diseases like mycobacteriosis."
"The large number of adults observed and the occurrence of juveniles indicate that lionfish are established and reproducing along the southeast United States coast."

Invasive Lionfish Portal

"Invasive Lionfish: A Guide to Control and Management" - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) | Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Inc. | Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Special Publication Series, Number 1 (2012)

"Invasive Species and Ballast Water of the Chesapeake Bay" - Aidan Catoe (2022) [Wonderful pictures]

"Genomic Expansion of Aldh1a1 Protects Beavers Against High Metabolic Aldehydes From Lipid Oxidation" - Cell Reports - NIH (2021) [Cancer-Resistant]

"The Genome of North American Beaver Provides Insights Into the Mechanisms of its Longevity and Cancer Resistance" - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (2020)

Nature is all we need, and truly desire.

"Biden Bans Roads and Logging in Alaska's Tongass National Forest: The U.S. Forest Service Rule Restricts Development on More Than 9 Million Acres in North America's Largest Temperate Rainforest, Reversing a Trump Decision." - The New York Times (2023)

"How Africa Can Escape Chronic Food Insecurity Amid Climate Change: The Toll of Extreme Weather Events on Crops Underscores the Region's challenges and Need for Policies to Save Lives and Protect Livelihoods. - International Monetary Fund (IMF) (2022)

"Rapid Evolution" [How we may see evolution everyday] - TREY the Explainer (2018)

"I'm gonna buy me a dog
A dog? A dog
Why? Why?
'Cause I need a friend now
Babe, you need all the friends
You can get, I'm tellin' you"
"Old Noah was there to answer the call
He finished up making the ark just as the rain started fallin'
He marched in the animals two by two
And he called out as they went through
"Hey, Lord"

I've got your green alligators and long-necked geese
Some humpty-backed camels and some chimpanzees
Some cats and rats and elephants, but Lord, I'm so forlorn
I just can't see no unicorn" ....

The ark started movin,' ~ it drifted with the tide
Them unicorns looked up from the rock and they cried
And the waters came down and sort of floated them away
And that's why you'll never see a unicorn, to this very day"

"The Unicorn Song" - The Irish Rovers - Lyric Version

"The Continuing Story of The Unicorn" - The Irish Rovers

A Cocktail Of Contaminants In Chesapeake Waters https://www.wateronline.com/doc/a-cocktail-of-contaminants-in-chesapeake-waters-0001

"Future generations will not forgive us for having deliberately spoiled their last opportunity. Let us stop this delayed-action genocide! Let us cease thinking only of ourselves and reasoning only in the short term.... This is our responsibility; as we hold in our hands the future of tomorrow's exacting generations." - Jacques Cousteau

The saddest thing are "captured" animals that are forced to rely completely on human animals, who fail, and cause massive deaths:

"The other live fish in the water tank might also die. Four labourers assigned from the Fishery Department were here yesterday but none of them have arrived so far today. Yesterday, they dug to bury the dead fish.” About 600 kg of 400 dead fish of different species were found dead at Dighalipukhuri in Guwahati on Sunday. 'Depletion of dissolved oxygen in the tank, high organic load led to the incident,' said Assam Fisheries Minister Parimal Suklabaidya. Later, pumps were used to shower water, boats were used to create wave motions in order to enhance oxygen content in the water." - Guwahati, Assam, India
"Return to telling stories.... - Scott Chaskey

"The Private Life of Deer" - "Nature" PBS

Naomi Oreskes is an American historian of science.

Naomi Oreskes Henry Charles Lea Professor of the History of Science Affiliated Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Harvard ON LEAVE SPRING 2024

Naomi Oreskes The Big Myth ["The magic of the marketplace."]

"Spiritual Living is Careful Living" - Marianne Williamson November 15th, 2022

Mission Abound

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