It truly works! Know what you want from the refrigerator before you open the door to save electricity!
Energy 101: "Home Energy Assessment" - Energy Saver - U.S. Department of Energy [With Film]
"Energy Savings Tips" - Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Energy 101: "Detecting Air Leaks" - Energy Saver - U.S. Department of Energy [With Film]
"Create a Clean Room to Protect Indoor Air Quality During a Wildfire" - Environmental Protection Agency
"Indoor Particulate Matter" - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
"Protecting Yourself from Radiation" - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
"How to Make Your Home Lead-Safe" - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
"Do-It-Yourself Savings Project: Lower Water Heating Temperature" - U.S. Department of Energy [With Film "How To"]
"Cold Weather Tips for Potential Freezing Weather" - Austin Water - City of Austin
"How to Make Your Home Lead-Safe" - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
"Can Hot Weather Give You a Heat Headache?" - Very Well Health (September 19, 2023)
"18 Remedies to Get Rid of Headaches Naturally" - Healthline[Branding, proprietary data, and AI generated focused articles]
"LUFTLEITBANEN" VENTILATION CORRIDORS = A proven German practice using stretches of land, especially with trees,
where there are no high buildings, in order to draw in cooler air from surrounding areas. [Frankfurt]
Use "Cross Ventilation" - the motion of air: Heat rises, and cold air falls. If no curtains, or use in conjunction with
curtains and blinds, use cardboard, or if you have flat Styrofoam from packaging (allows some light), place to fit window.
Darkness cools so much. If you live in multi-level home, open your windows upstairs in western window (or closest to), place
cardboard on unopened upper window, and let hot air escape. If your doors upstairs has space underneath, keep door closed
from dawn to dusk. Open windows at night if below 85 degrees and expected to go into 70's or even into 60's. Place cold
water on face, and let morning air hit for extra cooling. I hope this helps. This is what I do, and I only use a few fans.
It's the electric bill shock that will hurt worse with having air conditioners. Go to libraries, attend library events https://calendar.prattlibrary.org/
malls..., movie theatres, make playdates for your kids during the day if need. Cordially, Shaiyel Seltzer(edited)
Melinda, Do you use shutters, curtains, blinds, or even better - cardboard to keep second floor windows dark? Cardboard cereal
boxes... and thin Styrofoam packaging works well to fit without even needing tape. For heat to escape (Heat up - Cool falls);
Open one set of windows at night, directing the heat up and outward to highest windows (size does not matter. Hot air will
escape. Wait until 85 F and below to open. Western windows are better. Not opening windows at night makes your house a
cooking oven. Cross ventilation works! Use fans when you sleep and keep them exclusively inside, in otherwards, don't use
as window fans. Fans circulate air, not cool air. I have in my bedroom 2 box fans - one on each side of my bed blowing at
each other, and once figuring that out, I sleep well. These are personal works without air conditioning too! I hope these
trials of mine help! Bright Cooling, Shaiyel Seltzer
Regarding cooling; any degree lower than 78 adds 4-7% more on electric bill.
"You can save as much as 10% a year on heating and cooling by simply turning your thermostat back 7°-10°F for 8 hours
a day from its normal setting. ...
Save energy in the winter by setting the thermostat to around 68°F to 70°F while you're awake and setting it lower while
you're asleep or away from home."
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 Criteria - U.S. Department of Energy [Energy Saver]
"Programmable Thermostats/Thermostat Operation" - U.S. Department of Energy [Energy Saver]
Heating and Cooling Money-Saving Bill Tips - Office of Home Energy Programs (OHEP)
Energy 101: "Daylighting" - Energy Saver - U.S. Department of Energy [With Film]
"14 Ways to Keep Cool AND Save Energy This Summer" - Home Wizard
Energy 101: "Small Wind Electric Systems/Turbines" - Energy Saver - U.S. Department of Energy [With Film]
"Do-It-Yourself Savings Project: Lower Water Heating Temperature" - U.S. Department of Energy [With Film "How To"]
