HOME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MISSION ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~ DEFINITIONS ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~1~~~~~~ REPARATIONS
~~~~~~3~~~~~~ HOUSES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOME FINANCING ~~~~~~~~
The Tenant: Rentals
~~~~~~4~~~~~~ WORK
~~~~~~5~~~~~~ TRANSPORTATION ~~~~~~~~~~
Tires Tyres Everywhere ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ World Circle Loop Lines & Baltimore Legend
~~~~~~~~ MDOT:MDTA~MTA ~~~~~~~~
Transport Overflow
~~~~~~6~~~~~~ POLLUTIONS = POISONS ~~~~~~~~
AT WHAT COST ~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~ 7 ~~~~ ENERGIES
~~~~~~~~~~ TRASH ALTERNATIVES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~8~~~~~~ NATURE RESTORATION ~~~~~~~~
Becoming a "SPONGE CITY"
Baltimore-Specific Studies
World Ecology Impact
~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE COMMONS ~~~~~~~~
HOMEWORK: What To Do Now

Baltimore Serenade: Ecosystem Guardians Embracing Impactful & Peaceful Climate Solutions


Bus Stop Sizing - MTA.maryland.gov

"Governor Wes Moore Announces the Return of the Red Line" - MDOT MTA Maryland (June 2023)

"Bus Stop Rightsizing Initiative" - Maryland Transit Administration (MTA)

Hanover - No one still could not take public transit to work....

PARKING: Rogers Avenue Subway 5515 Wabash Avenue (2 Hours) [Mostly FREE Parking lots]

Under Construction

"MTA Exists Solely to Make Paying the Orioles and Ravens for Parking Seem Better in Comparison." [Thread] (2023)

Thursday, March 21, 2024
9am to 1pm
Free Development Workshop
Event Location: MDOT Headquarters
7201 Corporate Center Drive, Hanover, Maryland 21076
Harry Hughes Conference Room

* "Network with Primes, MDTA Procurement Officers and MDTA CRFP Compliance Officers.
* Learn about resources to assist in growing and strengthening your business.
* Understand the MBE/VSBE/DBE Programs and your role as a prime or subcontractor."

Apparently, the following is expected. Closest public transportation is found via BWI Thurgood Marshall Light rail stop/bus 75 on east side of Corporate Center Drive. Walk into trees, climb over train tracks, wade through Stony Run. More trees....


MAP - Satellite

Nothing about getting to location even for people with disabilities:
"Individuals who wish to participate and who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, or who require translation services (free of charge), should contact the Title VI Office at mdtaeeo@mdta.maryland.gov or 410-537-5660 (711 for Maryland Relay) no later than three (3) business days before the date of the meeting."

Event Flyer

Eventbrite Reservation

"Testimony on HB 1336 - Greater Baltimore Transit Governance and Funding Commission Finance" Transit Choices [Contact Info] (2022)

"Social Security Works to Avert Data Center Failure" - Data Center Knowledge (2011)

"Light Rail Service Suspension" - Commencing December 8th, 2023 TO ________ - Maryland Transit Administration

"'Lessons Learned' New Maryland Rail Car Factory Could Offer Struggling Metro Some Relief: Hitachi Rail Unveils New $70M Hagerstown Factory to Build as Many as 800 New 8000-Series Railcars." - WUSA TV 9 (2022)

"Hitachi Rail Factory "on Track" in Hagerstown" - DC News Now (2023)

"MTA Unveils Seven East-West Transit Options for Baltimore; Public Input Sought" - Maryland Matters (2022)


"'Strong Preference for Light Rail,' but Baltimore Wants the Red Line Done Quickly, Too" - Reddit (2023)

They don't have the rolling stock. Governor Hogan canceled the rolling stock replacement and delayed the mid-life overhaul to the normal end-of-life service. There literally aren't enough vehicles to reliably place in service.
"State Sen. Cory McCray, D-District 45, also released a statement:

'News of the suspension of MTA Light Rail Services comes less than 72 hours after the Maryland Department of Transportation announced $3.3 billion in proposed budget cuts as part of its Maryland Consolidated Transportation Program Overview for fiscal years 2024-29. This news further exacerbates the fact that we need to invest more in our public transit system due to failing infrastructure instead of taking away from it. I question why an issue that transportation officials classified as a known problem was not caught much earlier and resolved during a routine inspection."

"Light Rail Services Suspended, Video Shows Fire Event" - WBAL TV 11 (October 21st, 2023)

"Mayor Scott Signs Bill Requiring Procurement of 100% Zero Emissions Vehicles by 2030 for City's Administrative Fleet" - Baltimore City Government December 4th, 2023

"Scooter Rider Struck, Killed by MTA Bus in Downtown Baltimore" - WBAL TV 11 (November 5, 2023)

"Runaway Bus Pins MTA Driver Against Light Pole, Crushing Arm, After He Forgets to Secure Brake" - WNBC TV 4 (August 29, 2017)

"MTA bus driver suspensions surge but drivers rarely fired" - New York Post (2019)

'BALTIMORE — Ahead of the 2023 Annual Bea Gaddy Thanksgiving Dinner, Mayor Brandon Scott released the schedule for city-provided transportation for the event. Due to the change in venue from its usual location in East Baltimore, the city will provide transportation to the new location at Middle Branch Fitness and Wellness Center."

Bea Gaddy Thanksgiving 2023 Bussing

Question One: No reason given as to why moved. Wouldn't it make sense to have it at Convention Center or Healthcare for the Homeless? A place that it is easy to get to?
Question Two: Mayor, if MTA is "so good", why needed? Why not ask MTA to have Thanksgiving be a, "Fare Free" day just like you asked for - for Artscape? The busses are traveling already.
Question Three: Having more - extra busses travel in Baltimore causes more air pollution. Not only no thought, but no thought to air pollution at all.
Question Four: Why isn't it all City Circular busses? They are already going off their routes? How was a private bus company given this work? Taxpayers pay for this. Yet, private bus company is being paid for 8 locations.
LIGHT RAIL ARE FOR "CHOICE" (Those with vehicles) NOT "CAPTIVE" (vehicleless and forced to take public transportation in whatever capacity their government offers - or doesn't) RIDERS. Skeletons without bodies. New concept of streetcars clearly for the wealthy, than the "Captive" financially poor. [One of many articles exhibiting proof of federal, state, and local governments intentionally are transportation racist, segregationist, and classist. And the light rails all "fail" 'projections". The "CHOICE" still want to pollute and drive.]:

"But as the spindly systems spanned out across the land, most fell short on attracting significant new crowds of riders or shifting commuters away from their cars. 'They were sold on the idea of reducing congestion, and that didn’t happen anywhere,' said Brown. ....

Meanwhile, while cities have continued to invest in light rail, it has often come at the expense of bus service, thus disadvantaging poorer riders of color.
'It’s not like [light rail systems] are unused,' said Jonathan English, Columbia University doctoral student, specialty in North American urban transit history, and CityLab contributor} 'But after dozens or even a hundred kilometers of light rail, the effect of these transit systems as transportation has been pretty marginal.'

Planners believed that light rail could draw a new market of riders. Car-owning commuters who lived in suburbs but might be interested in alternative transportation options were seen as the natural light rail constituency. Buses carry a stigma—a racist, classist stigma—but trains had cachet. 'The idea was that if you provided a reliable, high-quality rail service, that might appeal to those individuals,' Jeff Brown, {a Florida State University urban planning professor} That's why virtually all light rail systems followed a 'hub and spoke' layout, with long arms {forests cut for parking lots} reaching out to the suburbs rather than focusing on the city core. ....

Part of the problem was the alignment of many light rail systems. Constrained by strict federal funding requirements, planners often laid their tracks along freeway medians and busy arteries to save money; that means riders often had to trek across multiple lanes of speeding traffic to board, and stations often had to be sited far from walkable residential areas. There was also little integration with existing bus networks, or vice-versa. 'It's good if you can walk to the light rail station, but even in cities with extensive networks like Portland, only a tiny percentage of the region's population can do that,' English said."

Includes Chesapeake Bay Bridge Subsection (at bottom)

After 53 Years, how is Maryland Transit Administration fairing in providing accurate, on time service?
Just what are MTA's true priorities?

Baltimore City was built for horses, donkeys, wagons, trains, and streetcars, both horse-driven and electric. Ill-placed in Baltimore City with small streets, especially with worldwide evidence, buses only work on stroads and highways, and still have low ridership. MTA has had 53 years to deal with its segregated, classist, racist, and religious-based routes - and roots. Transportation for Baltimore Region suburbs, 6 counties, is focused only on work and sports, and must drive to in order to use - subway, and light rail. The opposite should be implemented: pay for parking, and ride is free. Free for all. Then people will take transit. Maryland should/must focus on state-wide public transportation. Not allowing people to go where they want, state parks, concert venues, businesses for work and necessity, even Baltimore city parks and nature centers when there were streetcars, busses on purpose laid through certain neighborhoods via income (high and low separated) and often racial and culturally-based.

Especially with the opportunity to bring back the streetcars in 1970 with the thought, "Let Streetcar rails be Streetcar Dedicated Lanes! Streetcars only! Just like they use to be!" Maryland Transit Administration could of not only averted the never-ending iterations of public bus system disasters, but Baltimore would of been the shining city in U.S.A. who kept their entire Streetcar System, the envy of all who are converting their entire system to Streetcars (Milwaukee, Tampa, Los Angeles). Instead, 53 years later, attempted semi-dedicated painted blood crumbling red bus lanes, called "bus rapid transit" (BRT), even though known world-wide failure, are simply, "Spectacular."

The Maryland Transportation Administration touts civil rights "compliant." While hiring practices could be stellar, regarding where service goes or doesn't go, types of vehicles used, and frequency, nothing could be further away from, "Civil Rights." The superior transportation in the world are Trams, Trikkens, Tramways, Tramvays, and Streetcars. Rewarding Streetcars to high ridership main streets in Baltimore, some still have the rails under pavement to over crowded buses who often leave people to continue to wait again for yet another bus - starting with the complete length of North Avenue. For just one route, a Red Line Light Rail, expected to cost 2 Billion dollars, Baltimore can have several dedicated-laned streetcar lines, including a longer routed version of proposed "Red Line" route. It simply will not include anything that does not involve transport - moving people: cutting down trees, global burning parking lots, painting roads, or elevators (one elevator at Mondawmin Subway Station is in 3rd<.U> year of being "fixed"). Streetcars will run on rails with cooling technology so no matter how hot, will not bend, run along grass instead of cement and asphalt, have lots of stops, and will arrive - on time.

"The Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of its transit services on the basis of race, color, or national origin, as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. ....

Among other things, in operating a federally-assisted program the MTA and its sub-recipients cannot on the basis of race, color, or national origin, either directly or indirectly:

1. Deny program services, aids, or benefits
2. Provide a different service, aid, or benefit, or provide them in a manner differently than they are provided to others
3. Segregate or separately treat individuals in any matter related to the receipt of any services, aid, or benefit

Service, aids, or benefits can include: routing, scheduling, and quality of transportation services (i.e., frequency of service, age, and quality of vehicles assigned to routes)."


"It takes me nearly 4 hours to travel from Baltimore City to Montgomery County and 4 hours back to visit my parents and other family. Yes, EIGHT HOURS! I even have to leave the State of Maryland and go to into Washington D.C.!

I have to take 4 different transportation modes, and pay 4 separate times, MTA - in Baltimore City, MARC - in Baltimore City for train to Washington D.C., Metro Subway (WMATA) in Washington D.C., and then Ride On in Montgomery County.

Cost? Well, MTA fare is $2.00 (and $2.00 more as there are no transfers), MARC from Penn Station to Washington D.C. is $9.00 each way. New Carrolton costs one dollar less, $8.00, but the extra Metro subway fare ($6.00) makes it more costly. Then Metro Subway (WMATA) from Union Station to Silver Spring Metro Station is $3.60. Then a large climb to get to the bus I need in the multi-level bus depot nearby. Ride On is just $1.00, half as much as in Baltimore, (because Baltimore City Citizens who ride sardine-style busses, subsidize the buses in the counties who carry few passengers), but only adds to my total fare. So, the tally? ONE WAY is MTA $4.00 (2 buses), MARC $9.00, $3.60 Washington D.C. Subway, Ride On $1.00 = $17.60. ROUND TRIP: $35.20 Senior Citizen/Disability: MTA $2.00 (2 buses), MARC $4.50, D.C. Subway $3.60 Ride On $1.00 (Free if live in Montgomery County as need a card) = $12.10. Round trip: $24.20. Driving? about $7.00 for gas, $14.00 roundtrip and about 45-50 minutes each way.

I can never travel back and forth in one day, as traveling, especially in the heat and cold, is exhausting. It actually takes me longer to get home, and especially "punished" by having to walk several blocks from Penn Station, have to stand as no benches offered, and, of course, lucky for a bus to even show up, much less be on time, as often buses don't even show up, forced to continue into the night.

I continue to attempt to figure out other ways to get to Montgomery County. There is Greyhound, with cheapest being $8.99 with always a $3.99 fee, so in reality from Baltimore to Silver Spring One Way is $12.98. Roundtrip: $25.96. Adding in $4.00 for MTA (2 buses) and Ride On $1.00 Total is One Way $17.98 with Roundtrip $35.96. So while alittle quicker, it is more expensive and only runs once a day, Baltimore to Silver Spring at 10:50 A.M. - 50 minutes. Getting to Greyhound used to be ever so easy, as it was downtown on Baltimore Street. I was always amazed as to how the buses were able to squeeze through the brick street boundaries, but the drivers were always able to. The worst location was when it was at Travel Plaza, but, being next to casino next to highway isn't much better. There are few busses that go next to casino. I have to invest nearly 2 hours to take multiple buses (part subway to make it a little quicker).
Let's be real and call it, MTA bus cost, as few without already owning a vehicle get to use lightrail and subway (remember, they shortened the bus routes and took transfers away 2 decades ago to suck more money out of us city citizens)

There is a bus from BWI, the 201, but it only runs 6 times a day, and only 3 times on weekends. This forces me to get to a lightrail stop. A lightrail is a streetcar with few stops, made for people who already have another mode of transportation; the automobile. There are many busses who go right by lightrail stops, but don't stop, like bus 22. This "Commuter" Bus is meant for airplane riders, not for me (as I cannot even allow myself to dream to go anywhere that way). There is a Columbia Commuter bus, but it is only for people in Columbia to come to Baltimore to work and back. It is very clear by the schedule. No bus to go to Columbia, or anyone who lived there to come to Baltimore, "For the day." See what I mean about the State of Maryland being a "Dictator," limiting where I can go? Heck, if it was as late as 1955, I could ride on streetcars even to Ellicott City. Ever since, Howard County has forced their discriminating ways. The State of Maryland has even spent millions of dollars to make sure I will never get to Ellicott City by removing the rails. Couldn't they just of covered with wood so bicycles could go over the tracks? No. Now they want to build all new rails... Billions of dollars - and it will go to a former forest cut-turned parking lot. They don't want us to ever travel to Main Street in Ellicott City.

The $35.20 is certainly the difference between going to visit my aging parents, brother, sister-in-law, and my niece and nephew. I sadly had to tell them I could not afford to come for Thanksgiving. I have tried, over and over again in attempts that the transportation government people would not only take responsibility for dictating where I can travel to. I attempted to be on one of the MTA committee groups. After nearly 6 months, I got a rejection letter, stating that what I wanted changed is what others want, so none of us are essentially, "allowed." Mind you, it was their "disability" groups. More and more of us pedestrians are getting killed by drivers, and it isn't even called, "murder." Many countries, even the most destitute, where they have streets, have continuous sidewalks, and don't even need street signs. American exceptionalism, unwillingness to read - study, or have any capacity - curiosity of how other countries solve problems is literally killing us. They don't even care about kids, who can have a continuous sidewalk to cross a street safely. They all drive, I even at a Baltimore City Transportation Hearing asked for a raise of hands, "Who drives and owns a car?" Every person raised their hand. One has absolutely no comprehension of the pain of metal benches burning on hot days and icy cold too bitter to sit upon on cold days. They don't comprehend how there is no transfer timing process or how far apart buses meant to "transfer" force just missing those busses. They have no compassion for continuing to take away bus stops hurts people, forcing aging bodies walk extra-long city blocks carrying heavy food - instilling "punishment." They force us to breathe soot, ruin our ears with 85+ decibel bus and subway noise pollution. The waiting is the worst part, making 20-minute trips nearly 2 hours - and all travel is inside the City! Not willing to go beyond, "Not reliable" damages people. The shaft is especially bad for people who are visually impaired.... All over the city there are streetlights placed in the middle of sidewalks!

Is there any wonder why, none of these "transportation" entities have no "Public" in them? Because, it is never meant to be, "public," but for "private" vehicles?


"Resilience 2050" = Automobile Catering - more than ever: Widening Highways... Shorter "Red Line" that also caters to drivers [Current Light rail stops dictate that will be near even fewer people's homes in walking distance]


After studying this page completely, please then go to the following linked page. Thank you!

{Click above}

"Money for Nothing" - Dire Straits Performance (2016)

"While many countries ensure that all their citizens, regardless of where they live, have access to dependable rail or bus services, 45 percent of Americans have no public transit at all in their communities. And when the United States does invest in transit, or health care, or housing, we tend to spend a lot without getting anything like the results of our peer nations.

From the Purple Line project in Maryland (which is now more than $1 billion over budget and four years behind schedule, with an estimated final price tag of $3.4 billion and a completion date of 2026) to the Second Avenue subway line in New York City (just the first phase took ten years and $4.4 billion to build), examples abound of expensive, never-ending transit projects. .... No matter how much money the government invests in public transit, if we can't figure out how to build more efficiently, we'll continue to see the same old story play out.

If we look to our peer nations across the Atlantic, we can see that they're able to build far more miles of rail transit for a fraction of the cost. Take Spain........."


"Unless we find ways to overcome this challenge by showing ordinary people just how much they stand to gain from increased public investment in critical services, from housing and health care to transit, disillusionment with government will only intensify, and our dream of a humane, democratic socialist society will grow ever more distant."

"Since the 1950s, US policymakers and politicians have built highways and parking spaces on what seems like every corner of the country. Meanwhile, urban transit systems from Boston to San Francisco have suffered massive disinvestment and stigmatization despite their numerous positive externalities (notably; decreased pollution and gridlock) and increasing ridership. While subway and light-rail systems are appreciated and used by many affluent urban residents - bus systems, largely the modes of last resort for poor and underserved communities, are stigmatized by these same urbanites."



The Transportation Infrastructure Investment Act of 2013 forces The Maryland Transit Administration to increase fares every two years. - State of Maryland

"Fare collection resumed on all Montgomery County Ride On buses on Aug. 1. The one-way pre-pandemic fare, which was $2 per ride, is now $1 for all Ride On buses including the Flash (express). Monthly passes, which were $45 per rider, are now $22.50 - yes, adult riders."

Montgomery County MCDOT and Ride On: Full Monthly passes:$22.50. ALWAYS FARE FREE FOR Seniors and those with Disability. Maryland Transit Administration Monthly Passes: Full:$77.00 Senior/Disability Fare $23.00.

Implementation has been delayed.

"D.C. Votes to Eliminate Metrobus Fares in Movement Toward Free Transit" - The Washington Post (December 6th, 2022)


It takes 4 different public transportation systems, and so pay 4 separate times to go from Baltimore City to Montgomery County, and vice versa. MTA -> MARC to Union Station -> Metro Subway -> Ride On / Metro Bus. Cost? At least $23.00 each way. Want to go for Thanksgiving? No MARC so buy an AMTRAK ticket from Baltimore to Washington D.C. - which can be even near $80.00 each way, depending on how full. So many go without family Thanksgiving. 2022 was finally a time to be together in person too after 2 years not due to Covid-19. This is a true occurrence - a true story. The saddest part = their family shamed them for not having the money instead of helping them of other means.

"Traffic Incidents and Events" - MDOT

Current Traffic Map - Sigalert



OF Course in Jest! Most accessible place to get to with public transportation in entire State of Maryland!


"The backbone of any great city is transportation. The Charm City Circulator (CCC), a fleet of 24 free shuttles that travel four routes in the central business district of Baltimore City, Maryland. The Harbor Connector (HC) is an extension of the CCC and is the City’s free maritime transit service {boats} connecting 6 piers through four vessels."

The above statement was written a long time ago. The 4 routes go well south to Fort McHenry, west to Mount Clare Junction, East to southern Fells Point, and North to northern Charles Village. "Oh I never pay, never go on MTA. I either ride my bike or take free bus" says the residents of Locust Point, at Fort McHenry, banishing the thought of ever paying for MTA 94 whose bus stops are graced in front of their homes. The Charm City Circular also goes to Riverside Park, a swanky upscale neighborhood that MTA services with number 71. The MTA Silver, Green, and 51 also have few to no riders to Charles Village. Why take the Brown, Navy, and many other busses when Free Free Free for Fells Point?

Redundancy is a problem. These 4 City Circular routes serve predominately well-to-do Caucasian people, while people in the financially poor neighborhoods have no choice - pay for MTA - state service is - is a HUGE problem, as it is segregationist, classist, and racist. Colleges and Universities run their own shuttles, U of Maryland, MICA, and Johns Hopkins with 3 different types. This population go to the very same places that the City Circular go - Green Route. People who come to Baltimore are treated to this "free" transportation too. So insult to injury, people who do not live here pay no property taxes are perceived as "better - more deserving" people by Baltimore City Government. Charm City Circular is now in second decade of Baltimore City Government practicing classist, segregationist, and racist means upon its citizens. It is simply only a matter of time till a lawsuit is filed....
FREE TO MORE WELL TO DO NEIGHBORHOODS Segregation, Classism, and racism, at its finest....

"The Charm City Circulator celebrates 10 years, but many in Baltimore are not in a partying mood" = Greater Greater (2020)

Baltimore City Department of Transportation

Baltimore Complete Streets Manual [First & Final March 2021]

Baltimore City Government contends its most redundant bus service possible in all of Baltimore City: covering same pathways of MTA bus routes, University of Maryland buses, MICA shuttles, and Johns Hopkins multi bus fleets and Blue Jay shuttles, is the following:
"The routes prioritize the neighborhoods with the highest percentage of households who don't have cars and close gaps in places where MTA buses don't cover with the circulator's service area."

1. City Circular routes cater to colleges and Universities, yet, are least population to ride. Why?
Maryland Institute College of the Arts (Served by subway and light rail too), University of Maryland (Served by subway and light rail too), and Johns Hopkins University are main 3. All of their college students have plentiful free transportation from their colleges and universities, and hospitals. Most offer door to door; meaning from your front door to closest pathway to your classes, internship, or even working location (post-college).

2. Silver, Navy, Yellow, and many more main MTA buses have longer routes, with Charm City Circulars stealing ridership because, "Free"

3. ADVERTISING BUDGET? [Progressive Voices is one] Charm City Circular is running advertisements on radio via national - local catering through ISP live streams. Why does a "FREE BUS" have to advertise???? Why is Baltimore City government spending money in this way? Grants not for more routes, but for advertising? The buses already state, "Free." A bus does not equate tourism. The ad is not targeted to tourists, but locals who may not know there is a, "Free Bus." Frankly, Streetcars attract - and busses repel tourists.

There are whole scathes of neighborhoods who no longer have any busses. More and more cutting of stops make even stops apart dozens of streets, all in the name of, "Make bus go faster." Bus can never go faster - ill to be on time. Getting rid of traffic - cars makes bus be able to be on time.

Charles Village, Fells Point, Federal Hill, Locust Point, Fort McHenry, Riverside, Otterbein... Are these impoverished neighborhoods who lack $ for automobiles, or - "WELL-TO-DO GENTRIFIED"????

REAL AGENDA LATER DOWN PAGE DISCOVERED: "The Plan will identify opportunities where the Charm City Circulator and Harbor Connector services can improve transportation routes and equity within the Charm City Circulator and Harbor Connector service capacity."


One "FREE TRANSPORT" Day - "World

"'World Car Free Day' is an initiative encouraging motorists to take a break from driving and explore alternatives like public transit. Whether using buses or trains to travel for work, school, health care or recreation, riders will have plenty of options to experience the many benefits of public transportation. Additionally, by choosing transit, riders will help to decrease roadway congestion and vehicle emissions throughout the region.

Throughout the weekend, riders can ride transit free to the world famous Artscape street festival, the Baltimore Ravens home game against the Indianapolis Colts, the acclaimed play “The Wiz” at the Hippodrome Theatre or visit Baltimore standards such as the Walters Art Museum, the National Aquarium, Fort McHenry National Monument and the American Visionary Art Museum.

If you’re a regular rider – enjoy the free ride throughout the September 22-24 weekend. If you’re trying transit for the first time, visit mta.maryland.gov or the Transit app to plan your trip. The Transit app, a free download for smartphones, will offer guidance, including which bus routes are diverted and which stops are closed due to road closures.

According to the American Public Transportation Association, households that give up the use of one car realize savings of about $10,000 annually. Taking transit also eliminates the expense and hassle of parking, and allows passengers to focus on activities that driving won’t allow, like working, reading or relaxing without the need to focus on safety."


Governor Hogan Administration touts "accomplishments":
"IN THE LAST 5 YEARS: MDOT MTA built {streets painted red} 5.5 miles of dedicated bus lanes, installed real-time information signs at 6 multi-modal transfer locations, and built the West Baltimore MARC transfer center."

Horizontal Divider 8

MTA List Section: VITAL 32 MTA TRUTHS: Charges, Challenges, & Solutions.

Cities all around the world, even entire countries, are realizing that a free transit system makes not only reduction of traffic and pollution, but economic sense. The United States is no different: Savannah, Missoula, Iowa City, Kansas City... The country of Luxembourg is similar in size and population to Baltimore City. If Luxembourg can do it, Baltimore can have free transit too.

Maryland Transit Administration (MTA)
1. Operation costs mostly paid from taxes anyways.
2. Operation costs VASTLY reduced by illuminating the industry of money: collecting money, the people who count the money, printing tickets, purchasing money collection, the people who deal with complaints and processing refunds due to computer errors (credit), people who validate, process, and take pictures for disability passes, needless card reader machines, and mechanics to fix the money collection machines....
3. Social Equality. To no longer label people due to their age or disability. People become equal. Free Transportation for All.
4. End to Food Deserts - No one should have to pay to travel to get better nutrition (as convenience stores don't/can't offer) reach farmer markets and grocery stores that have less expensive prices. Convenience stores continue to make record profits with little nutritious options; mostly frozen and canned options. Especially effects people, seniors and disabled who live on so little via public assistance....
5. Broken Fair Boxes - Many times the fair boxes are not working on buses, and if the bus is late, the bus driver signals for people to just get on, and not process their bus pass or pay. Bus drivers often give people free rides anyways.
6. Subway Styles People jump subway styles, and more and more often the styles are set open, whether there is an attendant or not.
7. "FREE" makes more people ride, evidenced by Charm City Circular. "Free" naturally entices people to use transit, at least for short trips. All over the U.S.A. and worldwide, transit goes free - even from the start, like Tampa. Kansas City, and Omaha.
8. BIGGEST REASON: Less vehicles with tires carbon emissions. Carbon emissions from exhaust pipes and tire erosion (6PPD): both bond to ground ozone.
9. Ease - Greatly reduces traffic congestion. Drivers should LOVE! Free transit from where people actually live --> Less road congestion - less traffic --> less pressure on roads --> making less road repairs needed.....
10. Need for new Road and Highway expansions will cease (Which costs bankrupt), leaving only maintenance costs, with balance going to transit. Now the sliver of the pie will be highways instead of the sliver forever being public transit. The majority of Maryland State budget continues to go to automobile projects if priority is not changed to all being able to get where they want to go, not where MTA dictates.
11. Fighting Traffic Congestion is and has always been a losing battle: 3.4 Billion for 2021, and 4.1 Billion for 2023. - Maryland Department of Transportation 2022 Annual Attainment Report on Transportation System Performance [Page 21]
12. Transit Transfer Coordination MTA does not coordinate buses so that one can transfer to another bus, light-rail, or subway. Each MTA route is planned and then start times from each direction are chosen. Then the other stops to final destination are filled in. That is the end of MTA involvement of providing bus transit. It is pure coincidence if MTA busses run so often that one does not have to wait for more than 10 minutes, usually only during rush hour, if at all. In Switzerland, the tiniest of towns have streetcars (trams) and trains every 30 minutes, meticulously timed to transfer, with dedicated riders. [Of course, "Timed like a Swiss Clock."}
13. Baltimore Region is Too Large, and have Too Varied Interests The area MTA is attempting to support is too large, and does not serve any jurisdiction, especially Baltimore City well at all, except for commuters and segregated transit: subway and light-rail, of which they drive to, so they already have a mode of transportation.
14. Baltimore City Neighborhood Connectors Baltimore City needs neighborhood connector routes: a cluster of neighborhoods serviced by one route, allowing all to reach all nature-connecting places and amenities quickly.
15. Baltimore Region Connectors The neighborhood connectors bring people to several swift routes, making waiting time to final destination close to nil, as the swift will be sitting their for immediate boarding.
16. No Money Loss Zero chance of anyone ever stealing MTA fare box monies, like MTA employee: $400,000 in 2009.
17. Retrieve "car storage" space for Retail and Homes Since the buses will be free, looking at reducing parking spaces at Rogers Avenue Station to build some housing there would be beneficial.
18. MTA has had 52 years. More than ever segregates via racist and classist (carless) routes. Light-rail for people with cars. Buses for poor. Many neighborhoods with no longer service. Since 1970, the State of Maryland has had 52 years to remove segregation and racism by building a transit system that gave service to all, instead of listening to certain parties and intentionally remove service from certain apartment complexes, light-rail stops, and offer specialized bus service to certain private schools, while the general public were not allowed. Instead of more service, MTA has cut service, causing even more people to not take its buses. MTA cut every other bus stops to ever 3rd block, to even every 4th block. MTA took the streetcar-based routes which were converted to bus routes starting after WWII, and in 2017 destroyed all but a few of those routes. The MTA designer of, "Baltimore Link" resigned, and no one has attempted, now 5 years later, to restore the service. While all the streetcar tracks were still intact, in 1970, MTA should of restored the streetcars, which build the suburbs, of which General Motors, Standard Oil, Firestone, and Phillips Petroleum-backed National City Lines bought 46 cities, including Baltimore's transit stash. Stealing the perfect electric transportation. The Supreme Court voted that Sherman Act was broken, that National City Lines was a monopoly. General Motors was fined %,001 dollars, and the others only 1 dollar. Baltimore having its own complete transportation system again.
19. 6PPD-quinone = Toxic Tire Carbon Emission In 2020 Chemical 6PPD was found to kill fish, and almost killed all Coho Salmon. Amongst 2,000 hardening tires chemicals, 6PPD bond with ground ozone creating 6PPD-Quinone carbon emissions. All emission research and projections are now outdated. Tired-vehicles, though battery or hydrogen powered, still will and do emit carbon emissions, with some evidence that it be more than exhaust. Busses can no longer be used: weight: for battery and water cooling system being up to 2,000 more pounds, digging cobalt and lithium dirty with child-labor used, used tires, and batteries have toxic chemicals and hard to take apart for recycling. Hydrogen celled overall are less costly, but don't have good salespeople.
20. End duplicity, redundancy of overlapping routes There are several buses that travel the same very streets and pick up few people, while other neighborhoods have no transit at all. Charm City Circular and MTA - all have bus stops of both. Johns Hopkins, University of Maryland, and Maryland Institute College of the Arts run their own buses and van service, even to their houses for their students and faculty.
21. Tourist Make one route that takes people to all the tourist attractions, including the Great Blacks Wax Museum, Enoch Pratt Free Central Library instead of what is current. Fore fill the original purpose.
24. While Streetcars are being re-implemented, Redesign bus routes Allow people to get to services in their own neighborhoods, rather than straight down one large street only. I have some ideas: how to run twice as many buses in half the time currently. The biggest issue: waiting time.
25. Buses cannot fore fill the needs of passengers. It takes about 4 minutes for a patron with a wheelchair to board, and addition 4 minutes to de-board, is wasteful for anyone. Only two bicycles can ride, if bus has front feature. Streetcars allow unlimited amount of passengers, and roll-on and roll off freedom. Too many overcrowded people on a bus, and too little seats cause arguments, even physical fights. [People even from near the back of the bus threw ice at me, and a girl got hit, so the mother punched me in the face and teeth. The Gold Bus - Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019. Ironically, I was on my way to Penn-North Library to see the North Avenue MTA plan.]
platforms for quicker entry.
26. Light rail needs their streetcars to be the kind that one can enter without stairs or raise the platforms. Continues to make hardship for people without wheelchairs that have physical challenges, use canes, especially when with luggage, and for anyone regardless, because people shop. Stairs on light-rail cars is archaic.
27. Rapid Emission Reduction = Mass Streetcars and Trains Look at Europe. Look at India. Look at China. Look at the Arabic countries. [Seek pages, "Streetcar Routes Today" and "World Transit"]
28. Highway and road expansions cost WAY too much, and traffic only will and always grows to fill the lanes anyways, thereby expanding again....
29. MTA bus routes were made shorter, and took away paper transfers, forcing people to pay twice to continue ride.
30. MTA discriminates against people who want or need to use cash. The "Charm Pass," started in 2018. Enticed with free 90-minute transfers. So one can make a round trip - one way trip of it - completely free.
31. MTA "Light rail" projects include destruction of acres of trees, animal habitat (no where to go - killed by automobiles, trucks, busses...) for parking lots.
Since last streetcar on June 19, 1955, there has been no public transit for people from Baltimore to go to "Ellicott City" - "Old Ellicott City" and MTA intends to still keep it that way. Given the plans, RED LINE will still never go to "Old Ellicott City." After over 68 years (2023), STILL, never allowing still no one from Baltimore to travel by public transportation to get to and from Ellicott City (Ellicott Mills). This is classism, racism, and segregationist Maryland Transit Administration (MTA).

"Saving Transit from a Death Spiral" - RM Transit (February 18th, 2023)

"Some U.S. Cities May Offer Model to Ease Canada Transit Violence: Experts" - Vanderhoof Omineca Express (2023)

"Why Navigating Transit With Your Telephone is Hard" - RM Transit

How to Get to "Old" Ellicott City - hint, "Driving Only" directions

"MDOT MTA Announces 90-Minute Free Transfers with Use of New CharmPass Mobile Ticketing App" - With Fancy Chips....

"I work for the ATM, not the MTA" - May's Daughter October 11th, 2022 - Pink on Yellow Bus

Another reason to get rid of all "Money" Jobs. FARE FREE. PAY FOR PARKING. People do not want to work far away from their homes, due to "Regionalism" and congestion.

"Report Finds Maryland Transit Agency Suffers From Under-Staffing and High Vacancy Rates" - Maryland Matters (December 9, 2022)

Subway Attendants
Money and Credit Card Counters
Administration specific for transit money collection
Machinists to service and repair ticket machines and fare boxes
Ticket Machines
Bus Fare Boxes
Maintence for Turnstyles...

Some "Money" Jobs:

MONEY COUNTER SALARIES: Estimated total pay for a Money Counter at Maryland Transit Administration is USD 57,744 per year. The breakdown is as follows: Base pay USD 47,810 per year. Additional pay is USD 9,934 per year. Additional pay includes cash bonus, commission, tips, and profit sharing. - According to Glass Door [Though should be public record, MTA chooses to share little with its true employer; Maryland public taxpayers.

Money Counter Salary: Maryland Transit Administration (MTA)

Deputy Director Treasury and Fare Collection Salary $81,048.00 - $130,366.00 Annually Job Type: Full Time Department: Maryland Transit Administration Place: Baltimore City Job Number: 8031-MTA-1/22

MONEY FOR MONEY: "This fare system upgrade/replacement implementation is scheduled to proceed through 2025. This position is responsible for an annual office budget of $10 million and a capital budget of approximately $2-5 million. ....

This position is responsible for the development, implementation, and oversight of reconciliation procedures for cash ($60 million), smart card, mobile apps, credit cards, and other revenue streams. The deputy is responsible for reviewing and analyzing ridership and revenue numbers from the fare collection system. ....

The Deputy Director also manages three multi-year $2-5 million task order contracts for agency use. This allows individual departments to request consultant assistance as needed."

"Bus Stop Rightsizing" - Maryland Transportation Administration (MTA) [Attempting to mark bus stops properly - while getting rid of stops]

THIS - IS - WAR!!!!

"The project had been difficult. To keep land costs down, the alignment followed the tracks of an abandoned interurban train line — convenient but not necessarily optimal. ....

On my visit, I was joined by a single person waiting for the next city-bound train {actually light rail}. When it eventually arrived, one other rider disembarked, heading for a waiting shuttle bus. The train {light rail} car was mostly empty, reflective of ridership that even before Covid-19 had never met its targets."

"While the local political winds have shifted, the fear, privilege and suburban aversion to anything 'urban' haven't gone anywhere. ....

Systemic anti-transit land-use policies are common across the US. In a peculiar circular logic, transit opponents often use the poor state of current transit service as an argument against expansion or improvement."

RED LINE "DISGUISED" for Baltimore City is NOTHING MORE THAN FAST BALTIMORE COUNTY EAST-WEST "BYPASS" well-to-do South-Eastern Baltimore, and Chicago-based Edmonson Village Shopping Center owners

Red Line Maryland Website

Commentary: "Government Officials Need to Do More to Protect Mature Forests - and Fight Climate Change" - Maryland Matters (2023)

LAST MTA "Redline" Meeting: Tuesday, August 1st Hampstead Hill Academy 500 South Linwood Avenue (Eastern Avenue) Navy Bus 3-7 PM 410-396-9146

2015 Tunnel portion of Red Line was 40% (over $1 billion) of total cost (of course, more now)


I Accept

"Resilience 2050" = Automobile Catering - more than ever: Widening Highways... Shorter "Red Line" that also caters to drivers [Current Light rail stops dictate that will be near even fewer people's homes in walking distance]
Page 14: According to the Baltimore Metropolitan Board, The Baltimore Regional Transportation Board, and its Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Baltimore Region, public transportation is only "mandatory" public transportation to go to work and attend school, including universities. This means, doctor appointments, purchasing medicine, purchasing food, purchasing necessary clothing due to weather.... basic - essential needs to function - to have a life in order to prepare to go to schools and work is deemed, even to return home from school or work is deemed, "non-mandatory."
This means, doctor appointments, purchasing medicine, purchasing food, purchasing necessary clothing due to weather.... basic - essential needs to function - to have a life in order to prepare to go to schools and work is deemed, even to return home from school or work is deemed, "non-mandatory."
Try to tell that to a car driver, that they are not allowed to use their car for these tasks, for they are luxury - "optional" trips. Those who are in authority do not use public transportation, and only want car-centric regional rail transit. Clear-cut for acres of parking lots for their "precious" automobiles.
"Not I!!!! I would never be caught dead on a low-life grimy bus!"

"Not I!!!! I will never, ever be caught even dead on a low-life grimy bus!"

In order for Baltimore City to have a true chance of a successful future, Baltimore City Transportation Department must be completely independent, to properly address its own citizen's needs for its Commons, without pressure and influence of suburb priorities - especially for using Baltimore City as throughway from one bordering county to another.
and being able use the Baltimore Reginal Cooperative Purchasing Committe for purchases. of any regional or state controlling bodies who manipulate and continue to advocate (City Council approving every for state control for their own needs, and so, is not able to properly address its own citizen's needs. The biggest takeover occurred in 1970 when the State of Maryland took over Baltimore City's public transportation. As regional overlapping and state of Maryland priorities continue, in recent years "Baltimore Metropolitan Council," - Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB)" is the "Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)" which made 13 members with 8 of 9 "voting" members overburden Baltimore City Mayor's vote. "The BRTB is a 13-member board representing the cities of Annapolis and Baltimore, the counties of Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, Howard and Queen Anne's, as well as the Maryland Department of Transportation, the Maryland Department of the Environment, the Maryland Department of Planning, the Maryland Transit Administration, and Harford Transit." See how confusing this is already?

more than ever loom, with few deciding for many, and it is always for car-centric priorities. Baltimore City's streets were built for streetcars and carriages, not for any other vehicles, and must be returned to street-centric - people-centric use.
and public transportation being completely separate and Baltimore City only controlled, and will always be lopsided, Most "projects," meaning money allocated are for roads: road resurfacing, rehabilitation, and restructuring roads, and road bridges. On Orleans Street, from Washington Street to Ellwood Avenue Estimated Total Cost: $11,500,000, Eleven and a half MILLION DOLLARS for only 4,500 feet of "Road resurfacing/rehabilitation"

There is not a single project, absolutely nothing to save pedestrian lives - Continuous Sidewalks....
Having several layer transportation bureaucracies, Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC), Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB), and also Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) and Maryland Department of Transportation is not only counterproductive and overlapping, but also quite costly to pay so many people (and attend conferences) when Baltimore City has its own transportation system.

Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC)

Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB)

Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA)

Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC)

????? "The Transit Question: Baltimore Regional Transit Needs Assessment" Report (2015) ?????

Chesapeake Bay Memorial Bridge Section for MDTA

Excessive Million Monies Given Specifically to Airport Bathrooms [Not transportation of any kind]

"BWI-Thurgood Marshall Airport’s newest restrooms feature fully-enclosed stalls for privacy, technology that indicates toilet availability and occupancy, ample room for luggage and a sleek, modern design — luxuries that might earn them the title of greatest in the nation, if they can flush away the competition in this year’s 'America’s Best Restroom' contest.
'We put a lot of effort into planning and designing these restrooms,' said Maryland Aviation Administration Executive Director and CEO Ricky Smith, who oversees operations at BWI. 'Obviously, it would be neat to win. I think that would be a source of pride for a lot of people.'

As part of a $55 million renovation project for which construction kicked off in late 2021, three restroom sets have opened in concourses B, C, and D. Another three will open by the end of this year, according to Smith."


TES, We Worst Because of no Streetcars and Trains. YES Virginia has invested millions - into trains and Streetcars. When will you learn lobbying organization, that more highways never bring more business growth - only more induced traffic - more congestion? When will you be satisfied - for the narcissistic love for you and your inanimate killing machine?

"Our neighbors in Northern Virginia have invested billions of dollars in their state’s transportation and infrastructure improvements. These improvements have resulted in businesses relocating and higher paying jobs for citizens. Maryland has not made these improvements. We have fallen behind."

Never will be enough - When learn?

"How To Convert A Gas-Powered Car To An Electric Vehicle" - CNBC (2023)

"Why The United States Gave Up On Public Transit" - CNBC (2023)

"Why Passenger Train Manufacturing Is Booming In The U.S." - CNBC (2023)

Don't Do What We Did: Destroy all rail while urgent need to continue to build MARTA, real estate prices rise and benefit, "Buy and Hold," and have no money to put towards other vital needs, like education....

"Lack of Infrastructure" [Rail Shown] - "The Real Reasons Why Poor People are Poor" - Practical Wisdom (2021)

Mission Abound

Homes * Any Street * Baltimore * USA * 01234

Any Street * Anytown * Baltimore * USA * 01234
