"We're powered by purpose-driven people like you who believe in being inclusive and creative, and value safety, innovation,
integrity, and community service. We are a Fortune 200 company, 19,000 colleagues strong serving more than 10 million customers
at six energy companies -- Atlantic City Electric (ACE), Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE), Commonwealth Edison (ComEd), Delmarva
Power & Light (DPL), PECO Energy Company (PECO), and Potomac Electric Power Company (Pepco)."
As being the majority provider for Marylanders, Exelon Corporation, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, has proven itself
to be a bully, a blackmailer, a swindler, and instigator of privatization so it will solely control - conduits. When Exelon
was not able to purchase companies in Texas (owns nuclear plants there though), while nearly in bankruptcy, they turned their
eyes to the mid-Atlantic: Baltimore, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., Delaware, New Jersey, and other Maryland companies (PEPCO).
Owns Nuclear Reactor Plants in New York too. Baltimore, Gas, and Electric, originally "Baltimore Gas" was started by the
Peale family with altruistic means. When city-owned, yes Baltimore City owned sold itself to Exelon in 2012, it ceased to
be, "Baltimore, Gas, and Electric" evidenced by change to three letters, "BGE," and "final logo and name degradation to lowercase,
"bge." Understand, "bge" is merely a file folder in the file cabinet of Exelon. The electricity is generated
by nuclear power plants and fracked gas. Though Maryland has banned fracking, The State of Maryland still takes part, and
even more immoral, to use fracked gas from surrounding states, especially, Pennsylvania.
Energy prices only go up. And Exelon is a master - and has full control of even turning off all power for customers - the
ultimate bully move (yes, just like summer of 2022 in California). Baltimore City citizens and residents had a good thing,
and Baltimore City Government gave it away, choosing the most costly way to receive gas and electric - private company. Instead
of moving towards Co-op, the least expensive of the 3, the only move is to work on low-enthalpy geothermal, hydrothermal,
and thermal energy with propellorless wind turbine and wind-water turbines and become energy independent - for good.
"BGE has approximately 22,550 circuit miles of distribution lines. Approximately 9,350 circuit miles are overhead distribution
and 13,200 circuit miles are underground distribution. Since 1969, underground lines have been required for extensions of
electrical distribution lines necessary for electric service per Code of Maryland Regulations.
Undergrounding can provide improved aesthetics, enhanced reliability, more public safety, reduce operations and maintenance
expenses. There are many benefits to undergrounding, but existing overhead lines are the preferred method of providing reliable
electric service. Overhead lines are preferred for these reasons:
* Undergrounding remains very expensive. The Maryland Public Service Commission’s Selective Undergrounding Working
Group final report completed in 2000 concluded that the average cost of undergrounding existing electric overhead installations
in MD is $900,000 per mile.
The average useful life of underground cable is approximately 30 years, compared to 50 years for overhead lines.
* Undergrounding usually requires that other overhead utilities (cable TV, telephone, street and private area lighting) be
relocated at the same time.
* Undergrounding involves trenching, directional boring or open cutting pavement. Meter upgrades and modifications
to electrical service connections of customers would also be required at the customer’s expense.
* Underground cables are not immune from damage during storms and can sustain damage from lightning
and flooding and dig-ins.
When underground cables are damaged, locating the damage and making the necessary repairs usually takes much longer
than it does with overhead lines.
"Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BGE) today announced that it has filed with the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC)
for adjustments to both the electric and gas distribution rates for its residential and commercial customers—marking
only the second such electric request in nearly 20 years. Electric bill is expected to increase by $7.22 per month
(or 6.6 percent), based on the median of current monthly usage of 800 kilowatt hours of electricity and BGE's standard offer
service. The typical residential total gas bill is expected to increase by $4.62 per month (or 7.9 percent)"
PRICE INCREASE: January 1st, 2023 - bge - An Exelon Company
PRICE INCREASES: October 1st, 2022 to May 31st 2023 and June 1st, 2023 to September 30th, 2023
PRICE HIKES: "Multi-Year Customer Relief and Energy Infrastructure Investment Plan (2021-2023)" - bge - An Exelon Company
PRICE HIKES: "Multi-Year Infrastructure Investment Plan (2024-2026)" - bge - An Exelon Company
"Even with the relatively low {fracked} gas price, we found that the utilities' {each company} current
spending path will lead to substantial increases in the typical residential gas customer's 2035 winter bill, relative
to average winter bills over 2020-2022:
For BGE customers, a 56% bill increase, up from $192/month to $299/month.
For WGL customers, a 40% bill increase, up from $160/month to $224/month.
For Columbia Gas of Maryland (CMD) customers, a 45% bill increase, up from $186/month to $270/month.
At September 2022 gas commodity prices, the typical residential customer's winter bill in 2035 will be much higher: $390/month
in 2035 for BGE; $326/month for WGL; and $353/month for CMD."
Complete Speculation: Building Transit - For Exelon????
BEFORE EXELON: "Public Service Commission of Maryland Ten-Year Plan (2008 - 2017) of Electric Companies in Maryland" (2008)
WITH EXELON: "Public Service Commission of Maryland Ten-Year Plan (2021 - 2030) of Electric Companies in Maryland" (2021)
Securities and Exchange Commission Filing on March 15, 2005 File No. 70-______ - UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION
Exelon was formed by the merger of PECO Energy Company (formerly Philadelphia Electric Company) and Unicom Corporation (formerly
Commonwealth Edison Company) October 2000. Unicom became ComEd.
"Ameren, Exelon Defuse Risk That Could Have Spelled Bankruptcy" - The Wall Street Journal (2008)
PURE GREED EXELON. Obviously Exelon has money. They are SO bombastic, that they brag as to how they simply went ahead
without the federal monies...
"'It is truly staggering that an industry this big and this mature can claim to need so much government help to survive and
thrive in a world in which technologies that don’t emit global warming pollution will benefit,' Ellen Vancko, a nuclear
expert at the Union of Concerned Scientists said in a release.
Rowe also said Exelon was confident it would get a $60 million loan guarantee for building the largest urban solar
energy project in Chicago. 'We have been given oral assurances,' he told reporters. 'And on that basis we have
gone ahead and done two-thirds of the work to build the project.'"
"In a nuclear plant, even small problems can have major consequences. A year ago, a roof leak at Calvert Cliffs led to
an emergency shutdown. The leak caused an electrical short. The emergency diesel generators were activated,
but one of the generators didn't work because of another electrical failure. The loss of backup generator power
was one of the major causes of the crisis at the Fukushima plant."
Although Calvert Cliffs never came close to completely losing power, the incident prompted Trepanier and use the incident as a “burning platform” to identify other problems and improve the plant’s
performance. Fukushima is a reminder that there is always the possibility of a catastrophic event that no one anticipated.
"Governor Martin O Malley has reached a settlement in the proposed Constellation Energy and Exelon buyout deal. The
agreement will carry a lot of weight when the issue goes before the public service commission for approval. David Collins
has the details."
On March 12, 2012, Exelon Corporation acquired - bought Constellation Energy Group, Inc. All shares and all certificates representing
Constellation Energy Group or Baltimore Gas and Electric Company were required to be exchanged for Exelon Corporation common
stock. Exelon stock of one share was exchanged; for 0.93 share of Constellation Energy Group or Baltimore Gas and Electric

Baltimore, Gas, and Electric and Baltimore Gas and Electric Home is bought by Exelon in 2012. Exelon takes names away through
"Constellation Energy, and then makes BG&E --> BGE, no longer standing for "Baltimore, Gas, and Electric," especially Baltimore.
Exelon even makes the letters lower case, making sure Baltimoreans know the pecking order. "Baltimore" means nothing. We
are enslaved already regarding utility costs, and - Exelon has total control, and can already shut off power, just like power
company, Pacific Gas and Electric in California.
Exelon buys PEPCO (deceivingly called, "a merger") completed ownership in 2016 and Washington Gas and Electric too.
Ebony M. ThompsonEbony M. Thompson
Current: Baltimore City Solicitor
Associate Venable LLP
Written in "Since 2012, Ebony Thompson has worked as a litigator. She is part of the team of attorneys that represented
Exelon Corp. and Pepco Holdings Inc. in their recent merger, shepherding the companies through local and state requirements
to create the leading mid-Atlantic electric and gas utility."
"Hurricane Sandy: Video of Explosion at NYC Con Edison Plant" - ABC News (October 30th, 2012)
Consolidated Edison - Wikipedia
"Public Service Commission Approves Transfer of Upstate Nuclear Power Plants" --> to Exelon (2022)
LAW: Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement Plan (STRIDE) - Maryland Office of People's Counsel (2013)
2014 Senior Notes [Trusts] - Exelon Generation Company, LLC - Securities Act (SEC)
Streetcars were considered, a, "Utility," but were not allowed to raise their fare.... This article does not raise, but interesting
fact of why Streetcars were so hated::
"'Streetcars serve as a particularly cogent example because their plight resulted in a Supreme Court ruling that influences
utility regulation today. In Market Street Railway v. Railroad Commission, the Supreme Court found that protections ordinarily
afforded to utilities-such as the right to raise capital through reasonable rates,' said Kihm, 'Do not apply to utilities
under intense competition.'
'When markets enter a truly disruptive phase, the institutional provision utilities cherish the most—the right to be
afforded a reasonable opportunity to earn a fair rate of return on their invested capital—may disappear,' Kihm said.
'Utilities might not be able to attract investment capital, limiting their ability to function. Once a utility gets to this
point, its ability to adapt would be essentially non-existent.'"
"BGE's $100 Million Offer to Buy City's Conduit Could Hurt"
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION: FORM 10-K [A few of Exelon Holdings] States that BGE was historically a,
"low environmental risk"(2015)
"Exelon has bullied local charities to support the deal. The settlement’s promises are smoke and mirrors."
Editorial Opinions "Exelon's New Deal for Pepco Still Isn't Good Enough" - The Washington Post (2015)
"Let me give a little background again for the record. On April 30th, 20L5, Exelon Corporation announced Exelon's purchase
of Pepco Holdings, Inc., or PHI. [Page 3]
Powerline Trail - Montgomery County Parks [PEPCO was approached before Exelon purchased] Marked completed in 2018
"Baltimore Board Approves Conduit Fee Hike for Utilities: BGE Calls Increase a Tax on City Residents" - WBAL TV 11 (September
"BGE Sues City of Baltimore Over Conduit Fees" - WBAL TV 11 (October 2015)
"BGE internal Memo Details Conduit Deal With Baltimore City: Critics Say Deal Will Cost Customers Hundreds of Millions; BGE
Says Customers Will Benefit Over the Life of the Asset" - WBAL TV 11 (November 2015)
Exelon Political Donations - July to December 2016
Sep 21, 2016 — "Court ruling, Exelon must pay the IRS $1.2 billion in taxes owed and
another $260 million in penalties and interest."
"Exelon's Attempt to Defer Taxes in Like-Kind Exchange Fails" - The Court Case: Exelon Corp. et al. v. Comm. UNITED STATES
TAX COURT - Tax Notes (2016)
"Exelon Wins $235 Million-a-Year Nuclear Lifeline in Illinois {For 10 Years}" [That Is $2.35 BILLION DOLLARS] - Bloomberg
News (2016)
Meanwhile, In Mid-Atlantic:

PROMISES PROMISES - LIES LIES: "Millions of dollars in merger benefits to be delivered to customers and communities."
Seek especially (in small writing), "Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information"
"Our obligation in this case under the Public Utilities Article is to determine 'just and reasonable rates' for the
service BGE {Exelon} renders its customers. Under Supreme Court case law, we are also obligated to ensure that the
Company has the opportunity to earn a return on its investment that permits it to remain financially sound and able
to maintain credit and attract capital. This requires a delicate balancing of competing interests, and presents among
the most challenging tasks to any Commission. We have thoroughly reviewed BGE's {Exelon} Application and carefully considered
all of the evidence presented in this case as well as the comments rendered at the five evening public hearings. Based on
this comprehensive review, we authorize BGE {Exelon} to increase its electric rates by $41.762 million and its gas rates
by $47.776 million, for a total of $89.538 million.
Happy 200? BGE Exelon Timeline of Baltimore's power companies (2016)
"BGE 200th Anniversary" - bge, An Exelon Company
"Exelon Texas Unit Files Chapter 11, Adding Momentum To ERCOT Upswing" - S & P Global Market Intelligence (2017)
"Plant owners are seeking subsidies in Ohio, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey after Exelon Corporation
wins state aid for reactors in Illinois and New York.
They are lobbying for state aid as historically low power prices and a natural gas glut chip away at revenue.
Expanding state aid to money-losing nuclear reactors across the Eastern U.S. could put consumers on the hook for as
much as $3.9 billion a year in higher power bills.
Nuclear plant owners are seeking subsidies in Ohio, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and New Jersey after Exelon Corp. won state
aid for reactors in Illinois and New York last year. Should all 28,000 megawatts of nuclear power across northeast
and mid-Atlantic states win subsidies at the same level as New York, ratepayers would face an annual $3.9 billion hike,
according to a March 21 report by Bloomberg Intelligence.
Propping up nuclear reactors preserves ..."
"In 2017 there were no revenues realized from a decommissioning rider nor were any decommissioning expenses incurred"
"The mandatory transition period ended January 1, 2007 pursuant to Section 16-106 of the Public Utilities Act. Therefore there
are no billing experiments that qualify under the requirements of Section 285.3700 Schedule C-33."
There is a clear jealousy, a driven philosophy to be something it is not. Nuclear will never be "clean," never
be, "zero emission" due to there always be toxic radioactive waste. Just the mode of bringing barrels to the nuclear
reactors already offers transportation emissions not to mention bringing full radioactive materials across the country....
Illinois and New York were basically blackmailed - give us money or else! We will destroy the nuclear plants and people
won't have jobs! [Calvert Cliffs Lusby, MD Nuclear Waste --> Nevada]
"Clean energy policies at state and federal levels favor solar, wind, and other forms of clean energy, which has driven
the expansion of these energy sources in the past decade. But such policies simultaneously fail to recognize the value
of zero-carbon nuclear energy. It doesn't have to be this way.
In the absence of coordinated federal policy, states have an important role to play. In Illinois and New York, state governments
have already enacted policies that put nuclear on a level playing field with other forms of clean energy,
serving as a model for the rest of the nation." - Exelon’s Chief Nuclear Officer Bryan Hanson
Meanwhile, In Mid-Atlantic:
Serving D.C., Maryland and Virginia. Alta-Gas is Canada-Owned.
"Pepco Delivers on its Promises: Maryland Residential Customers Will Receive Second $50 Rate Credit" - Pepco Website (2017)
1,000,000 customers 50 Million $50.00 each
AFTER EXELON BOUGHT BGE and PEPCO: "Maryland Office of Peoples Counsel, et al. v. Maryland Public Service Commission" (2017)
The insidious facts are, Exelon has and still does, acquiring more not "natural" gas investments, so while major
gas boom profits, it is claiming that nuclear profits are down, and attempting to double dip in the "Energy" industry.
Pushes claims that "Nuclear is Clean," so "It is renewable like wind and solar" while produces same toxic
radioactive waste. Exelon buys utility companies and any resources, if cannot buy, lease for as long as can, even 50 years,
for damns, conduits... permanently changing over to the way they want the grid to be, for all their other stockholder's interests,
especially the fracked, not "natural" gas. If Americans no longer will use gas directly, Exelon is intent to burn
it for electricity. And high prices - as you have never seen.
"The Chicago-based energy company's announcement came after what it called more than five years of losses at the single-reactor
plant and Three Mile Island's recent failure to be selected as a guaranteed supplier of power to the regional
electric grid. Exelon wants Pennsylvania to give nuclear power the kind of preferential treatment and premium
payments that are extended to renewable forms of energy, such as wind and solar. It has not said how much it wants.
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf has made no commitment to a bailout. In a statement Tuesday, Wolf said he is concerned about
layoffs at Three Mile Island and open to discussions about the future of nuclear power. Exelon employs 675 people
at the plant, whose license does not expire until 2034.
Nuclear bailouts have won approval in Illinois and New York, but the potential for higher utility bills in Pennsylvania is
generating resistance from rival energy companies, manufacturers and consumer advocates. 'The notion that nuclear power is
clean energy, as the industry argues, is laughable. It's a myth, and they're trying any way they can
to get more money out of ratepayers.' - David Hughes, President of the Pittsburgh-Based Consumer Group Citizen Power
'Like New York and Illinois before it, the commonwealth has an opportunity to take a leadership role by implementing a policy
solution to preserve its nuclear energy facilities and the clean, reliable energy and good-paying jobs they provide,' Chris
Crane, Exelon president and CEO, said in a statement. Around the US, nuclear plants have been hammered by the natural gas
boom. In December, Illinois approved $235 million a year {for 10 years equaling 2.35 BILLION} for Exelon to prop up nuclear
plants in the Quad Cities and Clinton, six months after the company threatened to shut them down.
"Owner {Exelon} Threatens to Close Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant as Natural Gas Boom Cuts Profits" - The Christian Science
Monitor (2017)
Exelon Corporation warned Tuesday that it will close the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania
in 2019 unless it receives government aid, the latest sign of how the sector is in danger of shrinking as it faces
intense competition in the U.S."
"BGE has filed a new five-year STRIDE work plan with the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) that further accelerates
the pace of the work."
No resources sited for not a single claim, especially environmental. Obviously, leaks are bad....
Taking mined, fracked not "natural" gas to burn to convert to electricity, and then have emissions left over is THE WORST
use of ENERGY! This is the length Exelon has gone to. And if you are a customer, this is what they take your money for!!!!
This is what you bought, but none of it is yours!!!!
Exelon lies, even in their own articles. States that there are no emissions, while later on stating: "NET Power produces
only electricity, liquid water and pipeline-quality CO2, as well as valuable argon and nitrogen, all while operating as efficiently
as most natural gas power plants in operation today. The emissions can be piped for other commercial uses, such
as oil recovery."
Exelon's "new" gas plant is attempting to also mimic what gasification plant does. Yet, gasification NEVER - EVER
uses brand new - straight out of the ground fuels. Gasification never has "emissions" it can "pipe" elsewhere for processing.
Gasification is self-contained, with chemicals finding their binding partners or separation chemical home.
"Keynote by Exelon President and CEO Chris Crane" - Climate Leadership Conference (2019)
"From Downtown to the Mojave: A Bankruptcy Hits Exelon's Desert Solar Farm" - Crain's Chicago Business (2019)
"Exelon Utilities CEO Abruptly Steps Down" - TV 2 Chicago CBS (2019)
The companies were asked for records of communications with state Sen. Martin Sandoval, whose offices were recently raided
and who has resigned from a Senate committee. Read the federal search warrant served on his Springfield office.
An unredacted version of the federal search warrant served on Sen. Martin Sandovals Springfield office has been released,
Capitol Fax reports. Read it below. Also, Sandoval has resigned as head of the Senate Transportation Committee.
Commonwealth Edison is again enmeshed in a federal investigation of corruption in Illinois politics.
The utility, along with parent Exelon, received a grand jury subpoena Oct. 4 requiring production of records of any communications
with certain individuals and entities, including Illinois State Senator Martin Sandoval, the companies disclosed last night
in a Securities & Exchange Commission filing.
Sandovals offices and home recently were raided by federal investigators, who were looking for evidence related to various
businesses and items related to any official action taken in exchange for a benefit, according to the Chicago Tribune, which
cited documents released by the state Senate.
For ComEd and Exelon, its the second federal subpoena theyve received in the past three months. Earlier, they acknowledged
requests for information surrounding lobbying activities from the U.S. attorneys office in Chicago. That investigation focused
at least in part on former Southwest Side Ald. Michael Zalewskis efforts to get lobbying work for ComEd, according to reports
at the time. Zalewski has been a close ally of House Speaker Michael Madigan for years.
In a further sign of how serious this investigation is to Exelon and ComEd, Exelon last night disclosed for the first time
that it had established a special oversight committee of its board, made up solely of independent directors, to oversee the
companies cooperation and compliance with the subpoena, any further action taken by the U.S. Attorney and any resulting actions
that may be required or recommended.
Keep up with the stories that unfold throughout the day. Sign up for our Afternoon 10 newsletter.
The committee has retained its own outside counsel, according to the filing.
The committee was formed June 21, according to the disclosure. Exelon informed investors of the first subpoena July 15.
Asked which directors were serving on the special committee and why its existence wasn't disclosed in July, a ComEd spokeswoman
said the companies weren't commenting beyond what was in the filing.
The companies have cooperated fully with the U.S. Attorney and intend to continue to cooperate fully and expeditiously with
any government requests or inquiries, according to the most recent filing.
Former Commonwealth Edison CEO Anne Pramaggiore
ComEd trial defendants push to keep information from future jury
Exelon executive Calvin Butler
New CEO, same unusual policy: Exelon cashes out Butler's shares for $1 million
electricity power lines Exelon FirstEnergy energy
Lightfoot's ComEd pact entails $32.5 million in higher rates for West Side project
"The Companies Were Asked for Records of Communications with State Senator Martin Sandoval, Whose Offices were Recently
Raided and Who Has Resigned From a Senate Committee..."
"Exelon Generation to Begin Negotiations to Acquire Full Ownership of R.E. Ginna, Nine Mile Point and Calvert Cliffs" - Exelon
Corporation (2019)
"Three Mile Island’s Unit 1 opened in 1974 and is licensed to operate through 2034.
Shutting it down will cut its life short by 15 years, but Exelon has complained that the plant is losing money in competitive
electricity markets where it contends with a flood of cheap natural gas and renewable energies that benefit from state-based
subsidies. Three Mile Island also faced particularly difficult economics because the 1979 accident left it with just one
Decommissioning Unit 1, dismantling its buildings and removing spent fuel could take six decades and cost more than $1 billion,
Exelon estimates, although companies specializing in the handling of radioactive material are buying retired U.S. nuclear
reactors and promising to do it in under a decade."
"40 Years After A Partial Nuclear Meltdown, A New Push To Keep Three Mile Island Open" - Public Broadcasting System (2019)
First intention in the "ACT" is to amend 2004 Act, in order to change the concept definitions of "Alternative Energy," "Environmentally
Beneficial Sources" and other words, to be able to get nuclear and nuclear fission, oil and coal derivatives to qualify like
geothermal, solar and wind under 2004 definitions.
Pennsylvania House Representative Nuclear Bailout Bill 2019 [Attempt to make, "Nuclear Fission" "Environmentally Beneficial
Sources" (page 1) "Alternative energy" (Page 5)and, "Zero Emission."
Exelon states that it will not take apart Three Mile Island Nuclear Reactors until 2074. [What procrastination! What a cost!
Perhaps hope they will not ever have to... they are, "By the sea, By the see" - global warming crisis...
IT IS A TYPE OF BAILOUT: "Exelon said the $1.2 Billion cost to decommissioning the plant would be financed from a trust
fund into which the power plant’s customers have paid since the plant went online in 1974. Exelon or its successors
would be responsible for paying any fund shortfall." [Spread out to 100 years so interest will accrue, and Exelon could actually
make a profit over closing it through trust fund, instead of returning to customers....
Meanwhile, In Baltimore City and Suburbs:

Maryland Public Service Commission Report states: "Based on the response and evidence submitted by BGE, Staff concludes that
BGE failed to provide for safe operation and maintenance of the facilities following a 2019 gas explosion in Columbia,
Maryland which destroyed a 57,000 square-foot commercial building.
"$52 million to create more natural conditions for aquatic life, $47 million for climate resiliency
projects to benefit vegetation, clams and oysters, $41 million to remove trash and debris, $25
million to restore water-filtering mussels, and <$19 million in other water quality.
The settlement cuts through what could have been years of legislation between Exelon and the state. 'During that time there
would have been no environmental benefit,' Prost said. 'We still have a lot of questions as to whether this settlement goes
far enough, and we'll be digging into the details, but we do think it's better that the results have been reached sooner rather
than later.'"
Conduit Charter Amendment Text
Introduced by President Young and Council members Sharon Green Middleton, Isaac “Yitzy” Schleifer, Robert Stokes,
Brandon Scott, Zeke Cohen, Kristofer Burnett, Bill Henry, Leon Pinkett, Ryan Dorsey, John Bullock, Edward Reisinger, Mary
Pat Clarke and Eric Costello.
Introduced and read first time: March 18, 2019.
A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL concerning Charter Amendment – Underground Conduit System – Sale, Transfer
or Franchise Prohibited.
FOR the purpose of prohibiting the sale, transfer, or franchising of the City’s underground conduit system for cables,
wires, and similar facilities; excepting this underground conduit system, its operations and uses, from the Charter provisions
otherwise authorizing the grant of franchises or rights relating to the operation or use of public property or places; and
submitting this amendment to the qualified voters of the City for adoption or rejection.
BY proposing to amend Article VIII – Franchises Section Baltimore City Charter (1996 Edition)
SECTION 1. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE, That the City Charter is proposed to be amended to read
as follows:
Article VIII. Franchises – Authority to grant.
The title of the City in and to its waterfront, wharf property, land under water, public landings, wharves and docks, streets,
lanes, and parks, its sewer system and water supply system, as described in Article VII, §§ 33 and of this Charter, AND ITS
With the exception of the City’s sewer and water-supply system AND UNDERGROUND CONDUIT SYSTEM FOR CABLES, WIRES, AND
SIMILAR FACILITIES, the City may grant for a limited time and subject to the limitations and conditions contained in the Charter
specific franchises or rights in or relating to any of the public property or places mentioned in the preceding sentence;
provided that such grant is in compliance with the requirements of the Charter, and that the terms and conditions of the grant
shall have first been authorized and set forth in an ordinance duly adopted.
Every such grant shall specifically set forth and define the nature, extent and duration of the franchise or right thereby
granted, and no franchise or right shall pass by implication under any such grant; and, notwithstanding any such grant the
City shall at all times have and retain the power and right to reasonably regulate in the public interest the exercise of
the franchise or right so granted; and the City shall not have the power by grant or ordinance to divest itself of the right
or power so to regulate the exercise of such franchise or right.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this proposed amendment to the City Charter be submitted to the legal and qualified
voters of Baltimore City, for adoption or rejection, in accordance with Article XI-A, § 5 of the Maryland Constitution, in
the form specified by the City Solicitor.
Massive Illinois Government and Elected Officials briberies, Over 9 Years Scheme, Artificial Share Gain
Exelon CEO Chris Crane had Feb. 12, 2020 meeting with President Donald Trump at the White house.
"Marlow Colvin, a Former State Representative, Retired from ComEd as a Top Lobbyist at Year-End. Other Departures Include
Longtime ComEd Executive Val Jensen and Exelon Foundation President Steve Solomon. [Mentions Baltimore]
"A 60 Million Bribery Scandal...."
"For the first time since news broke last summer that federal investigators had subpoenaed Exelon and subsidiary Commonwealth
Edison in their probe of Illinois political corruption, the company is explicitly warning investors that
it could be subject to criminal or civil penalties."
"Illinois and Ohio Bribery Scandals Show the Perils of Mixing Utilities and Politics For Utilities, All Things Take a Back
Seat to Profit, and Their Power Can be Bad for Customers and the Climate. - Inside Climate News (2020)
"Still, the affidavit renewed criticism from some in the energy sector over states subsidizing bailout of nuclear power
plants, a process that has also occurred in New York, New Jersey and Illinois. In New Jersey, Public Service Enterprise Group
and Exelon Corp. won subsidies amounting to $300 million a year to prevent their three plants in South Jersey from closing
after a bitter two-year legislative battle.
“This should raise questions in New Jersey whether the ZEC (zero-emission certificate) legislation is necessary,’’
said Glen Thomas, president of the P3 Group, a coalition of energy suppliers that opposes nuclear subsidies. “We now
know in Ohio the only reason these bills passed (was) legislators were being bribed.’’
"After $60M Bribery Charges, Questions Renewed over Ratepayer Subsidies for Nuclear Power" - New Jersey Spotlight News (2020)
"Exelon Now Warns It and ComEd Are At Criminal or Civil Risk" - Crain's Chicago Business (2020)
The utility {ComEd owned by Exelon like BGE} admitted to a bribery scheme that began in 2011, the same year the General Assembly
approved the Energy Infrastructure Modernization Act (EIMA), which also came to be known as the smart grid law.
ComEd argued at the time that the electric grid needed to be updated, but that it needed a guarantee
it would get its money back.
Since ComEd is a utility with a virtual monopoly, the state regulates what it can charge.
ComEd worked out a deal with the legislature: It would invest in the grid to make it “smart.” In return, Illinois
would lift significant regulatory oversight.
“What was sold as this kind of need for a very specific set of investments has led to these incredible profits …
one calculation we did is we looked at if they continue to have this automatic rate-making authority, and they make the investments
that Exelon is telling its investors it plans to make, by 2023, ComEd will make just under a billion dollars in profits
each year that's all coming out of our bills and that's pretty incredible,” said PIRG's Abe Scarr, who co-authored
the report.
"Nuclear Hostage Crisis: Day 2,363"
Savings Never Materialized...
"ComEd might respond that there is no Exelon interference in ComEd affairs, that ComEd operates independently, that these
concerns are 'speculative.' Such a response would be non-factual. Exelon legally owns and controls ComEd. The
record in the Maryland case made clear that Exelon could use its power over business strategy and capital availability
to restrict (its utility’s) activities. That is what ownership means." – National utility expert Scott
"The recent Illinois lobbying corruption scandal involving Exelon Corporation, its subsidiary Commonwealth Edison and Democratic
House Speaker, Michael Madigan, demonstrates the extent to which nuclear “power” is about more than electrons.
The FBI arrests of the Ohio House Speaker and five others in a $60 million bribery/corruption scheme; the $10 billion
Exelon nuclear bailout in New York; the questionable circumstances surrounding Exelon’s 2016 PepCo merger;
and the South Carolina $9 billion SCANA fraud case, suggest that this may be a national pandemic."
Meanwhile in Maryland:
"Exelon, owner of the Conowingo Dam, while seeking a 50-year federal license renewal, blatantly disregarded conditions
of its current license that requires the company to operate a fish ladder to allow migratory fish to spawn upriver."
[Larry Hogan Style]
""Maryland lawmakers have introduced an emergency bill that seeks to break off Governor Larry Hogan's proposed deal
with Exelon Corporation - a deal, they say, would box out the state from overseeing the Conowingo Dam’s water quality
impacts to Chesapeake Bay waterways.
The deal Hogan proposed between Maryland’s Department of the Environment and Exelon Corporation - a Chicago-based,
multi-Billion-dollar energy company that owns and operates one of Maryland’s largest energy sources, the Conowingo
Dam - would give Exelon federal licensing over the hydroelectric dam for the next 50 years and waive a Water Quality Certification
requirement for the company.
Hogan has called the deal a 'significant and positive step in the right direction.'"
Meanwhile, In Baltimore:
Exelon makes Carim Khouzami BGE CEO in 2020
"Khouzami serves on the boards of several prominent Baltimore-based organizations including the Baltimore Community Foundation,
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Port Discovery Children's Museum, Baltimore Development Corporation, and Bridges
Baltimore. He also serves on the board for the Southern Gas Association."

At 9:54 AM (EDT) on August 10, 2020 a major natural gas explosion leveled 3 homes on the 4200 block of Labyrinth Road, with
killing two, injuring seven, and trapping multiple people. Representatives for bge - An Exelon Company, still contend
the cause of the explosion, "is unknown."
"Within hours, Terry James lost both of his legs, had burns all over his body and could barely speak due to burns internally.
'87% of his skin was gone,' Troy James said. It was a survival rate that doctors said was as low as 10%. ....
But the financial burden of what's to come next is unfathomable.
'I wasn't even mentally prepared for this to happen but to be financially prepared, we have to change our home for it to be
accessible to him, that means widening doorways, make the shower accessible to him, his bedroom, entrance to the home,' Troy
James said. 'On top of medical bills and the foreseeable future, around the clock care that's going to happen.'
The James family is now asking for the public's help, while the investigation into the cause of the explosion and how this
all happened is still being pieced together.
'While it was a tragedy, it was not an act of God,' Latoya Francis-Williams, the family' attorney, said. 'Our goal is to figure
out who is responsible.' More than a month later, still no answers and an uphill battle for the man they adore."
"Groups Hold Dinner for Residents Month After Gas Explosion" - WBAL TV 11 (2020)
"Pettit and Francis-Williams represent Terry James, a tenant who lived in the basement at the Labyrinth Road house and had
his lower legs amputated as a result of his injuries. He is seeking $50 million in damages in the gross negligence suit. James
is the only plaintiff in the latest filing.
Attorneys say the company is liable for not alerting residents or authorities about the 'shockingly high' levels of gas."
"City Council Passes Charter Amendment to Prevent Privatization of Baltimore's Conduit System: The City's 700-Mile Conduit
System Has Been Identified as a Building Block for Future Broadband Expansion. If the Amendment is Approved by the Mayor,
Voters will Decide Whether to Ban its sale." - Technical.ly (2020)
2020 Donation to Morgan University $50,000.00 + Category - Exelon Generation Company, LLC [Notice headquarters; not local,
"bge - An Exelon Company"]
"Exelon Prepares to Shutter Illinois Nuclear Plants" - WWTW Chicago (2021)
"What Will Happen to Byron Once Nuclear Plant is Gone?" - Eyewitness News TV WTVO WQRF (2021)
"Illinois Energy Transformation #25: Nuclear Bailout Updates - The 'Bailout Blues Show' Continues" - Nuclear Energy Information
Service (NEIS) (2021)
"Why should Illinoisans give ComEd and its parent company any more money at all? The utility's profit margin goes
only in one direction - skyward.
Abraham Scarr, {director of the Illinois Public Interest Research Group, a consumer advocacy organization} tells the Tribune
that ComEd’s profits ballooned to $3.6 billion over the last seven years. Compare that with the 13-year period
before that when the utility’s profits were $4.1 billion. ComEd was able to ramp up its profits by lobbying legislators
for a law change in 2013 that effectively allowed the utility to sidestep the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC),
which regulates public utilities.
Commonwealth Edison must think Illinoisans suffer from collective amnesia. Back in 2016, the power utility snagged sizable
subsidies from the General Assembly for two of its nuclear power plants — greased by contracts and jobs to allies of
then-House Speaker Michael Madigan. We know this because ComEd admitted it to federal prosecutors and paid a $200 million
fine as punishment.
Now the utility, through its parent company, Exelon, is knocking on Springfield’s door again, hat in hand, hoping
lawmakers and citizens forget that chapter as it once more asks for subsidies, this time for four other
nuclear plants that didn’t get state 'help' from the legislative package the utility secured in 2016.
We’re here to remind state lawmakers to not get hoodwinked into burdening ratepayers with costlier electric bills,
especially by Springfield players whose lobbying practices have spawned federal corruption indictments. On Wednesday,
prosecutors indicted Madigan’s former chief of staff, Tim Mapes, one of several Madigan allies to be charged.
As it did the last time, the utility giant is relying on union help to pitch the legislation. Nuclear plant
subsidies in the labor-backed proposal would cost $600 million every year for a decade. ... The union-linked proposal
would more than double ComEd’s yearly profits in under a decade, 'to $1 BILLION annually.'"
But the one thing lawmakers shouldn’t do — allow the utility {comed -an Exelon Company} giant to continue to
pad its profit margin while crying poor and approaching the legislature and its customers for a bailout."
Op-Editorial: }It's Time to End Not Extend - ComEd's Automatic Rate Hikes" - The Chicago Tribune (2021)
"Why Illinois Paid $694 Million to Keep Nuclear Plants Open" - CNBC (2021)
"With 2020 comp of more than $15 million, Chris Crane Paid No Financial Price for ComEd's Admissions of Bribery and the
$200 Million Fine Exelon Shareholders Paid for the Subsidiary's corruption."
"Exelon Files Decommissioning Plans to Shut Down Byron Nuclear Plant" - TV 13 WREX
Nuclear Plants at Risk in Illinois Energy Talks; U.S. House Representative Kinzinger (R) says that Federal Government Must
Give Subsidies and Tax Credits" - TV3 WCIA CBS (2021)
"29 nuclear power accidents worldwide that exceed $100 million in property damage, 13 in the U.S. Maintenance? Nuclear plant
O&M costs increase with age, just like any machine, and are partially responsible for nuclear's current uncompetitiveness.
Costs? The last two U.S. reactors under construction – Vogtle 3&4 in Georgia - are 6 years behind schedule and $14
billion over budget. Illinois ratepayers are now paying profitable Exelon Corporation over $3 billion to bail out reactors
here, with Congress poised to gift as much as $44 billion to the nuclear industry." ....
Lavishing $35 billion on an industry that has publicly demonstrated its penchant for corruption must be viewed as condoning
and rewarding this corrupt behavior. Exelon subsidiary ComEd's 2019 guilty plea and $200 million fine for illegal lobbying
activities; First Energy of Ohio’s ongoing bribery scandal and FBI indictment of state legislators; South Carolina’s
SCANA corruption conviction regarding its $9 billion failed reactor build – all are illustrative of the character and
operational ethics of the industry that BBB proposes to reward. Congress should be judged by the company it keeps (and rewards)
in next year’s mid-term elections. ....
Better choices for real climate solutions do exist. For example, $35 billion could buy ~27,000 modern, new 2-megawatt
wind turbines. These would generate the electrical equivalent of ~22 nuclear reactors (after adjusting for intermittency),
and could be online generating carbon and radioactive-waste-free electricity in 2-3 years. No current nuclear plant design
can accomplish this at this cost, and in this time frame. No future reactor design will be available in sufficient
utility-scale quantities for 15+ years, assuming the designs even work. We need real, shovel-ready climate solutions
now, and before 2030. Simply put - nuclear power is NOT a climate solution. It is an impediment that delays the
implementation of real climate solutions.
We are in Climate Code RED. You can't build an energy future by bailing out the past. It is critical that the
public and policy makers dispute the fake, pie-in-the-sky promises of a corruption-laden, self-serving nuclear power industry,
and invest in a truly sustainable energy future to combat climate disruption."
"On Sunday morning, Exelon did not dispute the characterization parties were at impasse, but said it remained hopeful a deal
could be made, as, 'Failure to act will cost thousands of jobs, force consumers to pay higher energy prices to polluting power
plants and will immediately increase carbon and air pollution by eliminating two-thirds of state’s clean energy,' An
Exelon spokesperson said in an emailed statement. ....
Despite public outrage over former ComEd lobbyists’ and executives’ indictments this past fall, alleging they
orchestrated a years-long bribery scheme to curry favor with Madigan during a time period while two major energy laws were
negotiated, Exelon still holds strong cards as lawmakers look to reach agreement on an ambitious and wide-ranging new energy
law without undue influence from utilities.
And the labor-backed bill includes its own ethics reform proposals, like establishing an independent 'Electric Utility Monitor’
to oversee ComEd during its deferred prosecution period, ."
State Sen. Mike Hastings (D-Tinley Park) on Friday obliquely referred to ethics scandals related to Madigan, ComEd and its
emissaries while ginning up a crowd of hundreds of unionized Exelon employees rallying in front of the state Capitol in support
of the Climate Union Jobs Act."
"We know that more than 55,000 of our neighbors in Will and Grundy counties don’t have enough to eat."
Braidwood Generating Station, located in Will County is one of six Illinois nuclear plants owned and operated by Exelon Generation.
[Nuclear Reactor Plants tend to be where financially poor tend to live.]
"Just how affordable will electric bills be? ... 'Good - over time. Exelon is getting paid to keep their nuclear
plants open by electric customers ALL throughout Illinois. ALL OF US ARE GOING TO BE PAID A SURCHARGE on that
Electric customers, by the way, ARE ALREADY PAYING a similar fee TO BAILOUT EXELON for keeping OPEN OTHER nuclear
plants bills
IN DEPTH NEWSREELS & CHICAGOEANS SHARING THEIR EXPERIENCES: "Corrupt Public Utility Exelon is What 'Fear and Loathing in the
Windy City' is All About" - Chicago Corner (2021) Chicago Corner (2021)
"Calvert Government Buys Exelon's Joint Operations Center - Southern Maryland News (2021) [Power plant's original owner/operator,
Baltimore Gas and Electric]
Meanwhile, In Baltimore City and Maryland:
"Gas Leak Causes Building Evacuations, Street Closures in Downtown Baltimore" - WMAR TV 2 (May 14th, 2021)
In its order approving the plan, the Public Service Commission authorized Pepco to increase its rates in June 2021, April
2022, and April 2023.
.... The offsetting tax credit rate is shown as a separate line item on customer bills under the name "Pepco Federal Tax Credit".
> Beginning in April 2022, the Pepco Federal Tax Credit line on customer bills reflected a 25 percent offset of the delivery
service rate increase that went into effect in April 2022.
> Beginning in April 2023, the increased rates for April 2023 will go into effect without any offset
from the acceleration of certain tax benefits. The Pepco Federal Tax Credit line will no longer appear on the bill.
>With the rate adjustment and offsets approved by the PSC, after April 2023 typical residential electric bills will increase
by $2.51 per month as compared to last year. Individual customer bill increases may differ from these amounts,
depending on household energy use.
> The PSC did not approve delivery service revenue increases for telecommunication network service (Schedule TN) and time
metered high voltage service (Schedule GT-3B) and thus these rates are not subject to the "Pepco Federal Tax Credit."
"Maryland Multi-Year Plan": Meaning Raise Rates Every Year! 2021, 2022, 2023... - pepco Exelon [Yes, pepco is lowercase too]
"Governor Hogan applauded Maryland’s 2018 water quality certification, which required up to $172 million per year to
be paid by Exelon in lieu of nutrient reductions that the dam is responsible for discharging. Hogan stated, “The
certification provides a strong framework for working with private partners such as Exelon to take real actions to address
sediment and nutrient pollution problems caused by the dam.”
Exelon was not happy with the conditions of the certification and filed state and federal legal challenges against it while
claiming that Maryland officials waived their right to issue a certification. In October 2019, both parties met behind
closed doors without public participation and negotiated a settlement agreement that provided less than 1% of the
funding that the water quality certification required as prescribed to protect water quality. ....
This influx of nutrients and sediment causes great harm to the Lower River and Chesapeake Bay by smothering subaquatic
vegetation, causing massive dead zones and killing fish. It also has put Maryland’s watermen out of business
and will eventually collapse the seafood industry of Maryland and Virginia when the next big hurricane occurs, likely in
the next 50 years. ....
Gov. Hogan should be protecting Marylanders’ interests, not protecting Exelon, the most profitable energy utility in
the country. It’s also worth noting that a subsidiary of Exelon was caught bribing government officials in Illinois
and had to pay $200 million in fines for doing so.
"Former Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan Indicted on Charges Including Bribery, Racketeering" - TV 7 ABC Chicago (2022)
Lobbying Investigation: Fitch has revised Exelon's and ComEd's Governance scores for Management Strategy and Governance Structure
to '3' from '4'. The revision reflects the steps that the company has taken to address the compliance issues and
lack of management oversight regarding ComEd's previous lobbying activities.
"Amid Scandal, ComEd Seeks $199 Million Rate Hike That Would Add $2.20 Per Month to Bills" The Chicago Tribune (2022)
“It's not Exelon that needs the bailouts - it’s the communities that will get screwed. There’s an emphasis
on keeping the plants open at all costs, save the high-paying jobs. We get that, but nothing lasts forever.'" - Dave Kraft,
director of the Nuclear Energy Information Service in Chicago, referring to the owner of Illinois' nuclear fleet.
"Exelon Corporation Completes Split for Nuclear Hydrogen Fuel Production" - Hydrogen News (2022)
"Leadership" Message begins;
"Our success depends on each of us living up to these standards. I commit to you that I will do so. I expect no less from
each and every one of you. .... Sincerely, Christopher M. Crane, President and Chief Executive Officer"
"Notice of Exelon Annual Meeting of Shareholders and 2022 Proxy Statement" - United States Securities and Exchanged Commission
EXELON AND AT&T: "New Charge Filed Against Mike Madigan as AT&T Illinois Agrees to Pay $23 Million Fine Two Major Utilities
Serving Illinois Residents Have How Been Charged as a Result of the Years-Long Investigation That Swirled Around Madigan."
- WBEZ Chicago
Oodles of Articles regarding Indicted Former Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan, His Son....
"According to Butler, that split, driven by several factors, was a pivotal contribution to the company’s ongoing financial
success as well. “We looked at the value that that split created for our shareholders. When we announced that split
in February of 2021, we were valued as a combined entity at roughly 40 billion dollars. A year later, when it was solidified
in February of 2022, Exelon was valued, based on stock price, at about $57 billion,” he says. “It just
goes to show you it was the right thing to do to unlock that value of both companies.”
Between 2022 and 2025, Exelon plans to have invested 29 billion dollars in its infrastructure. The company is growing its
rate base at 8 percent annually through well-informed investments in technology, and systems to aid reliability and resiliency.
The goal is to keep prices down, increase customer satisfaction, and ensure physical and cyber security. “We’re
committed to 6 to 8 percent earnings growth in our guidance period. So that’s what we’re doing, we’re
growing,” he says."
"Longtime Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges. Here's What to Know" - The Chicago
Tribune (2022)
"Armada Hoffler Completes $246M Acquisition of Baltimore's Exelon Building" - S & P Global Market Intelligence (January 2022)
[RENTERS Exelon and Constellation in same building]
Exelon finalizes "split" BGE and BGE Home. Make "BGE HOME" disappear - to be, "Constellation Home."
Logo change for BGE (ComEd - as well as other Exelon ownership) shows noticeable hierarchy by making them lowercase. BGE
becomes, "bge - An Exelon Company." Pretty much ends - destroys the name "Baltimore."
Meanwhile, In Mid-Atlantic:
"LIVE: Gas Explosion Injures 12, Including 4 Children, at Gaithersburg Condos" - TV 9 WUSA CBS [Video] (2022)
The STRIDE law allows utilities to include a monthly surcharge on customer bills to recover the estimated costs of
such projects contemporaneously with, or even before, the execution of the projects. It thus allows the utility an
easier and faster method of recovering its infrastructure costs from ratepayers. The law’s stated legislative purpose
is, 'To accelerate gas infrastructure improvements in the State by establishing a mechanism for gas companies to promptly
recover reasonable and prudent costs of investments in eligible infrastructure replacement projects separate from base rate
proceedings.' ....
Would repeal of the STRIDE law affect gas safety?
No. The utilities are legally obligated to provide safe service. Gas utility service is provided through a government-granted,
public franchise. In exchange for being awarded the franchise, the utility agrees to provide safe and reliable service. The
gas utilities have acknowledged that they will make necessary safety improvements regardless of STRIDE. ....
Is there a long-term climate action plan for natural gas in Maryland?
No. Substantial investments are going forward without any long-term plan as far as natural gas’s role
in Maryland. A substantial portion of this money likely would be better spent on beneficial electrification. But alternatives
to replacing the entire gas infrastructure are not being considered. This means money is being spent that will likely
prove uneconomic but nevertheless potentially borne by consumers."
Borne = carry the weight of
"Over its long history, BGE has adopted several logo and name changes, with the last change to adopt the previous
BGE green logo occurring nearly 30 years ago. While each of BGE’s visual identities throughout the years have served
the company well, the brand has changed over time to reflect new phases in the company’s evolution."
- "The BGE Logo is Changing. What Isn't Changing is Our Commitment to Powering a Cleaner and Brighter Future for Maryland
Customers and Communities" - bge Exelon
"Exelon Corporation, Parent of BGE and Constellation, to Split Into Two Companies" - Baltimore Business Journal (2022)
"Seven former Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. workers, all of them Black, are suing the utility for allegedly perpetuating
a deep-seated culture of racism where African American employees regularly endured racial slurs, discrimination and at least
one instructor who tied nooses in front of them."
"Empowering Customers: Transportation electrification, efficiency, and conservation programs for our customers" [Page
"Baltimore Department of Transportation approached the mayor and City Administrator Christopher Shorter to say the agency
is not getting enough money from the conduit system. Former Mayor Bernard C. 'Jack' Young protested the contract. In 2020,
Young signed a bill putting the charter amendment prohibiting the sale or franchising of the conduit system on the ballot.
Scott was one of the bill's sponsors.
Young questioned the timing of the contract appearing before the board just before the election, calling it 'problematic.'
'I think the citizens have a right to vote up or down, the charter amendment, and if the citizens say 'No,' you go ahead and
sell it," he said. 'But my question is, "Who's interested in buying it?" That's the real question. It must be worth something.'"
"Could Baltimore's Underground Communications Network be Sold Before Voters Decide?" - The Baltimore Banner (October 5th,
"'In my view, the conduct rises to the level of conflict of interest,' says James Cabezas, retired chief investigator for
the Maryland State Prosecutor.
James Cabezas has filed a complaint with the Baltimore Board of Ethics about a campaign donation that Mayor Brandon Scott
recently accepted from J.P. Grant, the Columbia businessman who funneled $170,000 to former Mayor Catherine
Pugh as part of her 'Healthy Holly' children’s book scheme. {To buy a second house in Ashburton Neighborhood.}
James Cabezas, who spent three decades as the state’s chief public corruption investigator, says he was concerned about
Scott’s potential conflict of interest for accepting donations from Grant and two other people, which were first reported
by The Brew.
State campaign reports show Scott accepted a $5,000 contribution from Grant on October 31 {2022}.
Three days later, his campaign reported donations totaling $10,000 from two people affiliated with Commercial Utilities
LLC, a company that The Brew has reported has ties to Grant.
The contributions came just before the Board of Estimates approved a $12 million increase to a underground
conduit contract that Commercial Utilities co-manages with KCI Technologies.
Scott didn’t attend the November 16 BOE meeting, but his designee, Christopher Shorter, voting on the mayor’s
behalf, approved the hefty boost."
Miles of Gas Pipelines - Man and Service by Company - bge An Exelon Company (Year End 2022)
"Customer bills will increase effective with usage starting on Jan. 1, 2023 and as authorized by the Maryland Public
Service Commission. The average residential electric bill will increase by $2.97 per month and the average residential
natural gas bill will increase by $3.08 per month. See bge.com/myp for details."
On November 8th, 2022, The Citizens of Baltimore, in a landslide, voted "Yes" to Question E, Prohibiting Baltimore's Conduit
to be "Sold, Transferred or Franchised." Now State of Maryland Department of Transportation representatives and Mayor Scott
want to STEAL The WILL OF THE PEOPLE, dismantle the Baltimore Department of Transportation, and have Exelon have complete
control of Baltimore City's conduit.
7 Million dollars negative per year. Paltry 7 million dollars (this 7 million dollars has been debunked-denounced false).
This is the only reason this is happening. 7 Million dollars can be made up in tax revenue through streetcar implementation
easily. People do not ride buses, but they will ride streetcars. Developers LOVE streetcars because they are fixed transport,
and hence, eyeballs on their stores. Brick and Mortar tax revenue. [Seek "Transportation."]
ONE DOLLAR FINANCIAL LOSS OF CONDUIT. Lies were expounded especially for the November 8th, 2023 election, that the conduit
was losing 7 Million dollars a year, so we should sell it. Baltimore Citizens saw through that, and still, in landslide,
"YES" PROHIBIT SALE, TRANSFER, and FRANCHISE" which leaves only "Rent."
Commercial Utilities - Current Caretakers of Baltimore City's Conduit
"ComEd (An Exelon Company} Seeks Four-Year, $1.47 Billion Rate Increase to Bolster the Grid for EVs, Electrification, and
Climate Change" - The Chicago Tribune (January 17th, 2023)
Brandon Clint Russell said the attack should be on a day, 'When there is greatest strain on the grid,' like, 'when everyone
is using electricity to either heat or cool their homes.' Using open-source maps of infrastructure showing the locations
of substations, Russell said a small number of attacks on the substations would cause a, 'cascading failure' and that hitting
multiple substations at the same time would maximize the attack’s impact.
Clendaniel allegedly stated that if they hit a number of electrical substations all in the same day, they, 'Would completely
destroy this whole city,' and that a, 'Good four or five shots through the center of them . . . should make that happen.'
Clendaniel said the attacks, 'Would probably permanently completely lay this city to waste if we could do that successfully.'"
"The Federal Bureau of Investigation has notified Exelon and BGE that it has disrupted a plot to target several
BGE electric substations with gunfire. We are working closely with the FBI and state and local law enforcement as they
continue their investigation, and we are thankful for their vigilance and the precautions taken to protect the electric grid
for our customers and employees."
"Exelon-Backed Racial Equity Fund Chooses Baltimore Software Firm for first Investment" - Baltimore Business Journal (February
9th, 2023)
"Exelon urges Congress to fund LIHEAP at the highest levels possible to meet the energy needs of low-income
households and the most vulnerable" - Exelon Corporation Website (by their own writer/s) (February 16th, 2023)

MULTI-YEAR CASE - Whistleblower - firings, reported to Exelon NRC violations and demoted, additional nuclear safety concerns,
and reported to NRC Exelon violations...
"For the University of Maryland Medical System Board of Directors, Moore has nominated Faith Davis, who heads the climate
change venture capital fund at energy giant Exelon"
Confirmed - UMMS Board of Directors List
"Exelon Expects $173M Loss Related to ComEd Bribery Lawsuit as SEC Lobbying Investigation Continues" - Utility Dive (May 4,
SEC Charges Exelon Comed and Former Utility CEO Anne Pramaggiore in Michael Madigan Scandal" - Chicago Tribune (September
29, 2023)
Meanwhile, In Baltimore City and Suburbs:
"Part of Baltimore's Northern Parkway Closed Over Gas Work" - WJZ TV 13 (2023)
"Conduit Construction Guide: For the Installation of Conduit, Manholes, and Splice Boxes" - bge Exelon Corporation

"EXCLUSIVE: Mayor Scott Accepts Money From Businessman He Disavowed During Pugh's Healthy Holly Scandal {Commercial Utilities
L.L.C.}" - The Baltimore Brew (December 7th, 2022)

Energy - A New Conduit Line Being Installed UNDER Greenmount Avenue.Commercial Utilities - LLC |
"'The city loses. We would have no control. BGE would have total control. The whole thing stinks – there’s something
really rotten here. Especially concerning is that the changes are being proposed in spite of the passage of a charter amendment
that was explicitly written to keep the conduit system under public control.
Why would we do this when the people of Baltimore said they don’t want us to? Specifically, the voters said, the city
should not sell off its conduits." - Former Mayor Bernard Jack" Young
"On Friday, January 13, BGE {Exelon}, sent to city officials a draft document that would upend 120 years of governance
of Baltimore’s cable system that routes electric, fiber-optic and telephone lines under city streets. The municipal
system charges commercial users franchise fees for use of the 700-plus-mile underground network.
BGE, a subsidiary of Chicago-based Exelon, wants to terminate the $28 million it pays the city in yearly fees in return
for funding “up to” $124 million in conduit improvements over the next four years."
28 Million x 4 years = 112 Million UP TO = Could be one dollar, one cent, 100 Million but capped itself to only do 6 Million
in additional work, and all the work is completely self-interest. A gigantic gas pipeline can be made to have fracked gas
go quicker to other states, and Baltimore would have no control....
Seek link below:
Text of Exelon January 13th, 2023 Draft Amendment
"Unnecessary Gas Investments Set to Raise Rates; Maryland Regulator Must Intervene." - The Baltimore Sun (February 10th, 2023)
"Councilmembers point to language in the deal giving the {Exelon} company “sole discretion,” prompting
Scott officials to argue that it also mandates “monthly meetings. ....
The Scott administration would terminate the occupancy fee it charges BGE for use of the city-owned labyrinth of vaults
and underground pipes that carry electric lines to homes and businesses."
"Maryland Gas Companies Should Plan for an Electrified Future, Decrease Spending, Ratepayers' Advocate Warns" - The Baltimore
Sun (February 13th, 2023)
"Mayor Brandon Scott charged forward Wednesday with a management agreement for Baltimore's conduit system with BGE, reconvening
a city Board of Estimates meeting to approve the contract after two members sat out the meeting in protest."
"Baltimore Spending Board Approves BGE Conduit Deal Over Effort by Two Members to Delay Vote" - The Baltimore Banner (February
15th, 2023)
"Baltimore City Approves Controversial Conduit Deal, Two Voting Members Abstain - BGE Responds" - National Public Radio (February
15th, 2023)
"Scott Muscles Through BGE Conduit Contract as Fellow Elected Boycott Meeting" - Baltimore Brew (February 15th, 2023)
Mayor Scott Signs bge - An Exelon Company "Agreement" [No date is however included]
"Scott says the vote was legal, while State Senator Mary Washington denounces the mayor, saying today's 'antic display shows
a disdain for voters.'"
"Baltimore Leaders Feud Over BGE Deal, Delaying Major Police Corruption Settlement" - TV 13 WJZ Baltimore (February 15th,
"'The debacle over the BGE conduit deal is a brutal indictment of our strong mayor system,' the Baltimore councilman says."
"Baltimore City Senate Delegation Weighs in on Mayor Scott's Conduit Deal" - WYPR National Public Radio (NPR) (February 17th,
"Baltimore Comptroller Bill Henry Discusses City's Conduit Deal With BGE" - Interview - WBFF FOX45 Baltimore (February 19th,
"Mayor Scott’s Office told FOX45 News that “lawyers for the City and BGE” wrote the contract. When asked
if former City Solicitor Jim Shea was involved in writing the contract, Mayor Scott’s Office said Shea “'was involved
in all City legal business before his tenure ended.' Shea retired in January 2023.
Mayor Scott and the Law Department have said BGE needed the contract to be approved by the city before the utility company
submitted their 5% rate increase proposal to the Maryland Public Service Commission on Feb. 17, 2023.
Prior to joining the Scott Administration, Shea served as chairman of the law firm Venable; the same firm that worked
on the merger of BGE’s parent company, Exelon, with Pepco in 2016."
"One week {6 days} ago, Democratic Mayor Brandon Scott forced a vote of Baltimore's spending board to approve a $134 million
deal with Baltimore Gas and Electric Co. to maintain the city's conduit system. Or did he?"
February 23rd, 2023 Baltimore City Legislative Hearing Reveals that there is NO SEVEN MILLION YEARLY LOSS - NO LOSS AT ALL.
- Baltimore City Department of Transportation
"BGE Defends Deal with Baltimore City, Despite Opposition" - WBAL-TV 11 Baltimore
"Robocalls and Texts of Unclear Origin are the Latest Feature of Baltimore's Conduit Fight: Hidden Players, Murky Motives
as Petition Drive Targets Brandon Scott over BGE deal" - Baltimore Brew (February 21st, 2023)
"BGE tells City Council Conduit Deal Could Save Ratepayers $50 Million" - Baltimore Banner (February 23rd, 2023)
"Baltimore City Council Grills BGE Over Conduit Agreement" - WBFF FOX45 Baltimore (Feb 24, 2023)
"BGE's Proposed Rate Increase {5% each year for 3 years} Would be Difficult Burden for Many, Say Customers, Officials and
Advocates" - The Baltimore Sun (February 24th, 2023)
" Watch CBS News Baltimore CBS Baltimore App National News Share A News Tip Community MVP WJZ and the Baltimore Banner Links
& Numbers Meet The Team CBS+ Paramount+ NEWS WEATHER SPORTS VIDEO MORE 43° Live TV Watch CBS News "'Done Deal': Baltimore
Mayor Defends BGE Agreement Against Critics in WJZ Exclusive" - TV 13 WJZ Baltimore (February 28th, 2023)
Gas not meant for compact and historic neighborhoods:
"In Fells Point, 'cars routinely run into homes, especially on corner buildings, she said. People also ride scooters
and bikes on the narrow sidewalks, Bement said, and the protruding regulators have no surrounding box or apparatus to protect
them, making them vulnerable to vandalism or accidental crashes from the scooters and bikes.
The regulators also further narrow sidewalks that, in many areas are only three feet wide, Bement said. She argues this sets
up potential violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
This is a thinly disguised franchise - fret with exclusivity.
"BGE is focused on delivering reliable and safe energy to our customers. As part of this commitment, BGE entered into an
agreement with Baltimore City that allows BGE to invest more than $138 million in improvements to the City's conduit system
through 2026. The conduit carries segments of BGE electric distribution cables that serve customers in Baltimore
EXELON REPORTS FIRST QUARTER 2023 RESULTS - USA Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (May 3rd, 2023)
"BGE wants to raise delivery rates for their customers for each of the next three years. If approved, the rate hike will raise
the average customer’s monthly winter gas bill from $124 in 2020 to $189 in 2026, an increase of 52%. ....
Spending has doubled since 2010 and will continue to increase, BGE has told its investors. Based on these projections,
the office of People's Counsel's David S. Lapp has documented what could happen by 2050: BGE rates would increase by as much
as eight times from 2021 levels. ....
Children living in homes where people cook meals with gas-powered appliances have a 42% greater chance of experiencing asthma
symptoms. As the parent of a three-year-old with asthma, I feel switching our household off gas as soon as possible is not
a long-term goal, but an urgent necessity. A new study from Stanford University has found that cooking with gas stoves
can raise the indoor levels of benzene, a carcinogen, above those found in secondhand smoke. Gas infrastructure and appliances
are also prone to leaks and explosions, endangering communities."
"Request for State Action - Reject Baltimore Gas and Electric Companys Proposed Multi-Year Rate Plan" - 23-0183R Resolution
[For the purpose of calling on the Maryland Public Service Commission to reject the multi-year rate plan proposed by the Baltimore
Gas and Electric Company.] July 17, 2023
"BGE Gas and Electric Delivery Rates to Rise More Than 3% Each of the Next Three Years" - The Baltimore Sun (December 14th,
It is actually MORE than 3% a year, as 3% is placed on top of previous 3%.
"Customers of Baltimore Gas and Electric Co. will see their rates for delivery of both gas and electricity increase over the
next three years by an average of more than 3% a year under a plan approved late Thursday by state regulators. The rate increase
authorized by a unanimous decision by the Maryland Public Service Commission will boost the average customers monthly bill
by about $21.83 after three years. The rates take effect Jan. 1 {2024}.
BGE said late Thursday it is reviewing the details of the order. The decision “appears to represent a balanced and
reasonable outcome that will provide many benefits to our customers and the state,” said Nick Alexopulos, a BGE spokesman,
in an email. “The order ensures that BGE can continue to provide safe, reliable, and affordable services to our customers,
while laying the foundation for the grid of the future.”
The higher rates will translate into just under a $408 million increase over the three years in both electric and gas service
revenue for the utility’s capital expenses. For the first year of the three year plan, the commission approved use of
federal tax credits to partially offset rate increases to customers.
The utility, which serves 1.3 million residential electric customers and 700,000 natural gas customers in Baltimore and parts
of 10 adjacent counties, had applied for an increase of $602 million over three years, saying it needed that amount to invest
in its distribution systems and meet the state’s electrification goals. That would have resulted in the delivery portion
of customers bills increasing by an average of 5% a year, boosting the average customers’ monthly bill by about $31.07
after three years.
Under the approved plan, bills next year will increase an average of $4.08 a month for electric service and an average
of $10.43 a month for gas service. The average bill will go up {additional} another $1.22 a month for electric
and an $2.96 a month for gas in 2025, then another 34 cents for electric and {another} $2.80 for gas in
The commission found that ,
returns that are comparable to those investors expect to earn on investments of similar risk. Such returns are adequate,
the commission found, to maintain BGE’s credit and attract capital.
The commission also approved BGE’s proposed budget of $120 million associated with the utility’s controversial
conduit agreement with Baltimore city. But the commission said BGE must present an ongoing benefit cost analysis of the conduit
agreement for ratepayers in every rate case until the costs of the contract are fully recovered.
It is unclear, the commission said, whether the conduit agreement will benefit ratepayers or impose significant
burdens in the future. Both technical staff at the commission and the Maryland Office of People’s Counsel had questioned
the agreement considering that BGE entered into a contract that expires before the end of the decade but will recover costs
over the next 50 years.
The commission said it was concerned that customers may be required to pay back a significant debt that would be put
into the rate base. Although rates may be reduced in the short term because of the lower annual conduit fees that BGE will
pay the city, customer costs may rise long term as the utility makes improvements to the conduit.
In August, the commission had ordered BGE to remove a controversial $272 million electrification plan from its delivery
rates proposal. BGE's initial proposal would have allowed the utility to invest not only in improving the electric
grid and natural gas system but also in electrification programs to promote electric vehicle use and building efficiency.
Those programs would have included new incentives such as electrification rebates for home and water heating. The commission
had found that BGE's plan might conflict with a pending Maryland Department of the Environment plan to reduce statewide greenhouse
gas emissions.
This story will be updated."
"BGE has been awarded a $15.4 million grant made available through the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
(IIJA) for a middle-mile fiber infrastructure project that will enhance electric grid reliability and resiliency while leading
and advancing shared local, state, and national goals to increase broadband connectivity, redundancy, affordability, and equity.
The grant, from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Grant
Program, along with a 50.1 percent funding match from BGE, will amount to a $30.8 million investment over the next
four years in nearly 70 route-miles of underground middle-mile fiber infrastructure. Middle-mile infrastructure carries large
amounts of data over long distances, increases capacity to local networks, boosts network resiliency, lowers the cost of bringing
high-speed internet service to unconnected households, and helps connect unserved regions to the internet backbone. Since
the equipment will all be underground, there is the added reliability benefit that the network will be protected against potential
climate risks and severe weather."
"2023 Amended Baltimore City Conduit Agreement Accounting Summary" - bge, An Exelon Company (2023) [NO DISCLOSURE OF WHO WROTE
"BGE Seeks to Keep Document Regarding Conduit Agreement Confidential" - (November 14th, 2023)
"Memo Detailing Baltimore-BGE Conduit Deal Should Not Be Kept From the Public, Regulators Order" - The Baltimore Sun (November
28th, 2023)
ORDER NO. 90948: "Application of Baltimore Gas and Electric Company for an Electric and Gas Multiyear Plan" - Public Service
Commission of Maryland Case No. 9692 (December 14, 2023)
"Case No. 9692 | Baltimore Gas and Electric Company's Response to Order No. 90915" (November 30th, 2023)
"Abell Foundation analysis says the state’s current gas policy will create 'a completely unsustainable economic and
social situation for all Marylanders' after passage of a measure setting customers up for billions of dollars in future
charges, it turns out that there is no evidence that the Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement (STRIDE) Act
did anything to improve safety. ....
'There were no fatalities due to material-related causes, including aging pipelines, between 2005 and 2022,' a new report
released by the Abell Foundation says, concluding the system was safe both before and after the act was passed."
"Ten years ago, Maryland's legislature passed a bill to expedite utilities' replacement of their natural gas pipes in the
name of safety. Since then, Maryland has adopted ambitious climate goals that will require the near elimination of natural
gas use in homes by 2045. Yet the state continues to allow utilities to invest billions in replacing pipes, which consumers
will have to pay for -- with a profit for the utilities -- for decades to come."
"PSC Criticized for Approving BGE Rate Hikes and 'Aggressive Spending' on Fossil Fuel Infrastructure" - Baltimore Brew (December
16th, 2023)
In a unanimous decision, the Maryland Public Service
Commission has authorized a rate increase over three years of just under $408 million for Baltimore Gas and Electric Company’s
multi-year rate plan (MYP), inclusive of both gas and electric service. For the first year of the multi-year plan, the Commission
authorized the use of federal tax credits to partially offset the rate increases to customers in year one. ....
The Commission found that a return on equity (ROE) of 9.5% for BGE’s electric distribution service and 9.45% for
BGE’s gas distribution service was supported by the evidence presented in the case. Those ROEs are comparable to
returns that investors expect to earn on investments of similar risk, are sufficient to assure confidence in BGE’s
financial integrity, and are adequate to maintain and support BGE’s credit and attract any needed capital."
IMMEDIATE RELEASE: "Maryland PSC Sets New BGE Distribution Rates" - Maryland Public Service Commission (December 14th, 2023)
"Methane is a climate 'super pollutant' that is more potent in the short term than carbon dioxide and is responsible for about
one-third of greenhouse gas emissions. The oil and natural gas sector is the largest industrial source of methane emissions
in the United States, and advocates say reduction of methane emissions is an important way to slow climate change."
"The government's failure to 'control' gas utilities by replicating the forces of competition means that captive
customers are paying for infrastructure that would never be built in a competitive market. This amounts
to a massive state subsidy for fossil fuel infrastructure being foisted on state utility customers.
It's past time for the General Assembly to address these gas utility subsidies. Right or wrong, the PSC recently declared
that it has 'limited' options to curb the gas utility spending on gas infrastructure, 'Until the General Assembly enacts changes
to the STRIDE statute' — referring to the 2013 law that declares as its purpose the acceleration of gas infrastructure
replacement work. The gas utilities agree, with BGE recently telling the PSC that it, 'Should not move forward until the Maryland
General Assembly makes future state policy decisions related to natural gas service.' It is imperative that the legislature
act now. Each day results in additional spending and locks repayment plus utility profits into rates for many decades to come."
BGE PAC - to Mosby: "Cohen Outspends Mosby 4-to-1 in Baltimore Council President Race as Candidates Take Contest to TV" -
Baltimore Sun (May 9, 2024)
"Customers of most of Maryland’s largest utilities are facing staggering levels of cost increases for the delivery of
their electricity and gas,” said David S. Lapp, the head of the Office of People’s Counsel .... "Distribution
rates at Baltimore Gas and Electric, the state’s largest utility, have tripled since 2010." ....
"Maryland utilities have schemed and maneuvered to increase their profits, driving utility bills to unaffordable levels.
When you find yourself in a hole, you stop digging. We’re counting on regulators and policymakers to put the shovel
down, revise or repeal the STRIDE law, and exercise their authority to require utilities to serve the public interest by providing
safe, reliable, and affordable energy." - Emily Scarr, Maryland PIRG Foundation Director
STOCK RESULTS: "Exelon Reports Second Quarter 2024 Results" - Exelon Corporation (August 1, 2024)
Gas Explosion Kills Two, Homeowner, and BGE Worker
"Two People Killed After Home Explosion in Bel Air" WMAR-TV2 News (Aug 11th, 2024"
"Deadly Harford County Home Explosion Rattles Community" - WJZ TV 13 (August 12th, 2024)
