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"Baltimore Ecosystem Study" - Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies (MY)
"Baltimore Ecosystem Study" - <Was> National Science Foundation Long Term Ecological Research (LTER)
"Baltimore City’s 2024 Climate Action Plan updated is a guide to how Baltimore will meet its ambitious
and critical goal to reduce carbon emissions by 60% by 2030. Following requirements in Baltimore City Ordinance 22-131, this
CAP Update considers concerns beyond GHG reduction,
including key environmental justice and community benefits such as public health. The resulting plan is a roadmap for
the City in making decisions that reduce GHG emissions, address environmental injustice and compliments several citywide climate
plans including the 2019 Sustainability Plan, 2023 Disaster Preparedness Planning Project or DP3, Solid Waste Management Plan
and a Complete Streets Manual. These climate-focused plans in combination with CPRG funding provide a path toward a more sustainable,
equitable, and resilient future.
PREPARED FOR: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 3 (March 2024) Disclaimer: This project has been funded wholly
or in part by the United States Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) under assistance agreement <number> to the Baltimore Metropolitan Council. The contents of this document
do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the EPA, nor does the EPA endorse trade names or recommend the use of
commercial products mentioned in this document.