Earth Vocal Media |
"It's Not Nice To Fool Mother Nature!' - Chiffon Commercial (196?)
"It's Not Nice To Fool Mother Nature!' - Chiffon Commercial (1974)
"It's Not Nice To Fool Mother Nature!' - Chiffon Commercial (1977)
"It's Not Nice To Fool Mother Nature!' - Chiffon Commercial (1979)

Humans thought they knew better than Mother Nature, defying her natural landscape. So they drudged up land and built bridges
to appease population growth, live, and prosper upon too, and changed where mighty waters are streamed to go through stones
and cement pipes, and concrete dams. To chagrin London Bridge fell down, "My Fair Lady:, dams are being removed due to flooding
and toxic sentiment contamination, and dredged land and buildings upon - are not only sinking, but collapsing. Destroying
wetlands, killing beavers to near extinction and conveniently "relocating" them
"Gaia: Everything on Earth is Connected" - Greenpeace (October 25, 2019)
"'I recall the pollution that came over from Bethlehem Steel,' said Carl Treff, who grew up in Pasadena along the Patapsco
River. "'Things like tar balls and slag, and who knows what else, would wash up on the shore. I've seen what Bethlehem
Steel used to dump in this river.'"

Willow and Aider are their favorite foods! The original architect of the North American landscape: the beaver!
You may not recall, but you know islands, buildings, land masses, flood, lean, and collapse; never ever return to use. The
Leaning Tower of Pisa, recently,
Surfside Condominium Tower, and in Baltimore, a street, a house and many more. Now it is conclusive that Baltimore, an the
rest of the United States East and West Coasts must have a plan of weight loss. Buildings must go through a process: Complete
Moratorium on new and modifying buildings, Assessment of all buildings and other structures (stadiums, statues, towers, water
towers, incinerator water plants, dams..., weight, all manmade land (dredged up...) especially for homebuilding, moved and
manmade bodies of water streams, lakes, reservoirs, brooks... and landfill sinking leakage tests from below water requiring

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research |
The 9 Tipping Points:
1. Greenland Ice Sheet
2. Arctic Winter Sea Ice
3. Boreal Permafrost
4. West Antarctic Ice Sheet
5. East Antarctic Ice Sheet
6. East Antarctica Subglacial Basins
7. Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
8. Labrador-Irminger Seas Convection
9. Amazon rainforest
9 of 16 Climate Tipping Points Activated |

Globaļa - Stockholm Resilience Centre |
The 7 Regional Tipping Elements:
1. Barents Sea Ice
2. Boreal Permafrost (abrupt thaw)
3. Extrapolar Glaciers4.
4. Northern Forest (southern dieback)
5. Northern Forest (northern expansion)
6. Low Latitude Coral Reefs
7. Sahel Vegetation and West African Monsoon
"Remotely Sensing Potential Climate Change Tipping Points Across Scales" - Nature Communications (January 6, 2024)
"Tipping Elements - Big Risks in the Earth System" - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
"Can Positive Social Tipping Points Prevent Climate Collapse?" - Research Institute for Sustainability (September 29, 2022)-
MAP: "How 16 Tipping Points Could Push Our Entire Planet Into Crisis" - World Economic Forum
Because of the pace we are on, it will take 500 years to retrofit
28% Buildings
11% Building Materials
23% Transportation
32% Industry
- 7% Steel
6% Other
"A lot of people are aware of the need to electrify cars and vehicles, but there's a much smaller focus on buildings.
And there's been very slow adoption of existing technologies, that the current rate and pace that we're at, it will actually
take 500 years to retrofit every home in America. And that pace is way too slow."
"Global Emissions By Sector" - CNBC (2021)
Jack Meinzenbach
​​All your actions are tactical defense but do not address the root cause of the the climate change
impacts. You need to start to monitor the 16 climate change tipping points and develop a strategic plan.
The U.S. Climate Vulnerability Index
Inflation Reduction Act Tracker - EDF
National Coordination for Adaptation and Resilience Security Act (NCARS) - EDF
"Support for the National Climate Adaptation and Resilience Strategy Act (NCARS)"

"Last year, scientists reported that the United States Atlantic Coast is dropping by several millimeters annually,
with some areas, like Delaware, notching figures several times that rate. .... 74,000 square kilometers/29,000
square miles of the Atlantic Coast are exposed to subsidence of up to 2 millimeters (0.08 inches) a year, affecting up to
14 million people and 6 million properties. And over 3,700 square kilometers along the Atlantic Coast are sinking more than
5 millimeters annually. That's an even faster change than sea level rise, currently at 4 millimeters a year.
With each millimeter of subsidence, it gets easier for storm surges—essentially a wall of seawater, which hurricanes
are particularly good at pushing onshore—to creep farther inland, destroying more and more infrastructure. .... In
Jakarta, Indonesia... The city is planning a giant seawall to hold back the ocean, but it’ll be useless unless
subsidence is stopped.
“Levees are heavy, and when they're set on land that's already subsiding, they can accelerate that subsidence.
It definitely can impact the integrity of the protection system and lead to failures that can be catastrophic.' - Independent
coastal resilience scientist Natalie Snider.
In Baltimore, Maryland, it's 826,000 people and 335,000 properties, while in NYC; Queens, Bronx, and Nassau, that leaps
to 5 million people and 1.8 million properties. .... The time to act is now. Facing down subsidence is like treating a disease:
You spend less money by diagnosing and treating the problem now, saving money later by avoiding disaster. 'This kind
of data and the study could be an essential component of the health care system for infrastructure management. Like cancers—if
you diagnose it early on, it can be curable. But if you are late, you invest a lot of money, and the outcome is uncertain.'
- Manoochehr Shirzaei, Virginia Tech environmental security expert and PNAS article coauthor)."
Baltimore Man's Home is Sinking" - WBAL TV 11 (July 3, 2024)
Patrick Barnard Research Geologist Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center Email pbarnard@usgs.gov Phone 831-460-7556
"America's Sinking East Coast" - Earth Observatory, NASA
"Maryland is Sinking Due to Sea Level Rise" - The Washington Informer (March 6 2024)
"Homes Demolished as Sinkhole on North Avenue in Baltimore Grew Larger" - WBAL TV 11 (March 2022)
"I-Team: Homeowners Displaced by Sinkhole sue Baltimore Seeking Reimbursement" - WBAL TV 11 (December 15, 2022)
Bell receives $250,000 settlement: "Baltimore City Approves Settlement for Resident Impacted by Massive Sinkhole" - WBAL TV
11 (March 6, 2024)
"Shocking Video Shows How Baltimore Street Collapse Went Down" - NBC (May 1, 2014)