HOME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MISSION ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~ DEFINITIONS ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~1~~~~~~ REPARATIONS
~~~~~~3~~~~~~ HOUSES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOME FINANCING ~~~~~~~~
The Tenant: Rentals
~~~~~~4~~~~~~ WORK
~~~~~~5~~~~~~ TRANSPORTATION ~~~~~~~~~~
Tires Tyres Everywhere ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ World Circle Loop Lines & Baltimore Legend
~~~~~~~~ MDOT:MDTA~MTA ~~~~~~~~
Transport Overflow
~~~~~~6~~~~~~ POLLUTIONS = POISONS ~~~~~~~~
AT WHAT COST ~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~ 7 ~~~~ ENERGIES
~~~~~~~~~~ TRASH ALTERNATIVES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~8~~~~~~ NATURE RESTORATION ~~~~~~~~
Becoming a "SPONGE CITY"
Baltimore-Specific Studies
World Ecology Impact
~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE COMMONS ~~~~~~~~
HOMEWORK: What To Do Now

Baltimore Serenade: Ecosystem Guardians Embracing Impactful & Peaceful Climate Solutions



"Then I hear that beat ~ That rhythm of town
Starts calling me down
It's like a message from ~ High above
Oh, oh, oh ~ Pulling me out
To the smiles and the ~ Streets that I love

Good morning Baltimore
Every day's like an open door
Every night is a fantasy
Every sound's like a symphony

I love you Baltimore"

"Cities need 'Old Buildings' so badly it's probably 'Impossible' for vigorous streets and districts to grow without them."
- Jane Jacobs, The Death and Lie of Great American Cities

"Oh, if I could build my whole world around you, darling ~ First I'd put heaven by your side
Pretty flowers would grow wherever you walk, honey
And over your head would be the bluest sky
Then I'd take every drop of rain ~ And wash all your troubles away ....

If I could build my whole world around you
I'd make your eyes the morning sun
I'd put so much love where there is sorrow
I'd put joy where there's never been none
Then I'd give my love to you ~ For you to keep for the rest of your life
Oh, and happiness would surely be ours ~ And that would be alright, oh, yes it would"


"Man of Action" (1955)

"You can't build a great building on a weak foundation. You must have a solid foundation if you're going to have a strong superstructure." - Gordon B. Hinckley

Prepare for 3 Million to live in each city.

"The Surprising Way Small Towns Are Disappearing" - City Beautiful


"Black Homeownership Drops Dramatically in Baltimore, Report Finds" - Baltimore Business Journal (2020)

"Overcoming Barriers to Homeownership in Baltimore City" - Abell Foundation (July 2020)

"The report analyzes recent homeownership trends in Baltimore by neighborhood and race, reviews the current system for promoting homeownership, and identifies significant barriers to homeownership. We find that new incentives and more flexible loans alone would have an insufficient impact on homeownership rates in Baltimore, because they do not address the systemic racism and inequities that disadvantage Black households."

"Homebuyer education classes, but not one-on-one counseling, are required for many types of loans and incentives, including those provided by the State of Maryland. The City of Baltimore requires one-on-one counseling to access the incentives provided by the Baltimore Homeownership Incentive Program (BHIP). The key difference between education and counseling is that during counseling sessions, a housing counselor conducts a thorough and confidential review of a client’s budget, which does not happen in homebuyer education classes. With this information, the counselor helps a would-be homebuyer understand the financial obligations involved in buying and maintaining a home; find a loan appropriate to their situation; and access homebuyer incentives available through Baltimore City, the State of Maryland, local employers, and nonprofit organizations."

Homeownership Racial Segregation-and Policies for Racial Wealth Equity" - The Brookings Institution (2021)


"39 Million Properties are Significantly Overvalued Due to Artificially Suppressed Home Insurance Costs" - First Street Foundation (2023)

Baltimore Reparations Plan: Diagram for 15,000 Houses

General Washington - proponent of trees - and shade:
George Washington planted 13 trees between his mother's and his sister's house so they could have shade when they walked back and forth. 13 trees were intentionally place, one for each colony/state. The last tree to survive, representing Georgia, succumbed in 2004. The Horse Chestnut wood is used for United States Presidential door seal interiors.

Ownership of a house of which one dwells in is shelter. ~ Ownership of domicile(s) being rental(s)/leased is a business.

This page is about 15,000 houses becoming exclusively, and forever shelter. From generation to generation will these houses be owner-occupied, raising the dire need of homeowners versus renters, but more importantly, re-rooting families who were victimized through forced "selling" to Baltimore City, fake "Rent-to-own" schemes of late 1960's and 1970's that were not quelled immediately, and bank loan discrimination.

It is important to note that wealth should not be tied to "market value" as market value fluctuates to completely worthless. Baltimore City not making the correct decisions, or delays, due to climate change and global warming that confesses is more than costly, even suing oil companies can greatly alter real estate "market value." It is more important that people have a house - for shelter, and separate, money. Even in a mattress is the money always worth face value. Federal Government should give direct monies. Baltimore Reparations offers more: a house a career, and other needs that Baltimore needs to atone for (please seek page, "Baltimore Reparations") which in totality offers a great start or continuous stream to accumulate wealth - to accomplish any dream the homeowner has. The homeowner can pass down the house, creating another homeowner, and still purchase a different home if wants to. These houses must never go into disrepair, as they are a sacred gift Baltimore City - residents and government alike gives - with blood, sweat, and tears - of ancestors who fought for the Union, to the Renaissance Baltimore is about to embark upon - renovating homes to net-zero and net-positive - future now standards.

The reparations that Baltimore can financially do is, through partnering with Habitat for Humanity, who has the large staff, the "infrastructure" to handle such a humongous endeavor. Habitat for Humanity can receive tax-deductible donations, something Baltimore City cannot do. Baltimore City will need to pay for materials, as it will be simpler to keep monies completely separate from Habitat for Humanity. Labor costs the most. Labor includes Baltimore's workforce, which need to trained using net-zero and net-positive materials, geothermal, garnering additional licenses. There are those who can become teachers. Yes, for those who currently do remodeling, HVAC, Plumbing... it is a different way with Habitat for Humanity, but there will be a need for those already in the business. Simply has to be net-zero and net-positive.

Baltimore City atones for its entrenched history of hurting not only Baltimoreans, but people all over the country because of its infamous influential laws to what became called, red-lining, and more. With Baltimore Reparations, there is no need for a bank; no deals made - especially with those who continue to discriminate today (and keep getting caught, then settling). Baltimore Reparations has little risk: no money transferring, no loans defaulting, no evictions need to be made, countless pain and suffering, and some corporation always benefits (making other endeavor selfish, self-centered, and, in essence stealing lives) should making reparations is not allowed. Baltimore Reparations is calm, ethical, moral, and not only pivots, but transforms Baltimore into a World Class Future City that is the envy of cities and towns on Planet Earth.

Choose atonement. Choose correctly. Choose Peace.


What are the prospects of Baltimore City living? Surviving?

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HOMEWORK: What To Do Now

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Buy a House Now!

"Home Financing" is the page where every which way one can be educated as to how to purchase a house. Find how to contact one of the centers to attend workshop for grant/loan certificate, specific to Baltimore city home purchase. Learn the qualifications for incentives. Some are not income restricted. It includes innovative ways to purchase within which neighborhood you'd love to live, such as land purchase if no house (former house grounds) available. This page also lists grants and programs specific for Indigenous - Native Americans.

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The two main costs of renovating a house are labor and materials. Labor costs way more than materials. Partnering with not jut national, but international Habitat for Humanity offers a great reduction on labor cost.

1. The cost to homeowner(s)-to-be is drastically reduced. The homeowner(s)-to-be work on building their house (or other work if not physically able to). This creates home ownership pride.
2. Baltimore workforce numbers have sharply decreased, just like the entire United States.
3. Baltimore has McMechen High School, whose use as a school is ending this month, June 2022. Its new use can now be to establish a Vocational Trade and Guild. A World-Class center for net-zero and net-positive training. And training works for refurbishing the school. Guilds for various disciplines: including textiles and fine furniture - famous Baltimore goods.
4. Those who choose to be in a vocational training have the opportunity and needed work experience by working on the 15,000 houses.
5.This magnificent project of rehabilitating 15,000 houses serves as the hours needed to qualify for licenses. People are moved out of poverty for good - by good.

Habitat for Humanity has A LOT of not only fans, but "show-up-to-work" builder workers. President and Mrs. Jimmy Carter have been builders since 1984. There are many many celebrities like Garth Brooks and David Letterman, a self-confessed Habitat junkie, known to just, "show up!" "Put me to work!" Letterman calls building, "Complete Zen."

Reparations are a collective effort. At same time working - it simply is fun! You also may just make - lifelong friends!

Under Construction

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This page explains in detail net-zero and net-positive, the general pathway to renovating a house, and materials needed. It is important, especially with 15,000 houses, that each one is fully inspected, and allowing apprentices to go with the engineers is vital to Baltimore's Workforce thriving.

Under Construction

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History of materials used in houses to today's new materials our workforce needs to trained to use for our Net Zero - Zero - Net-Positive 15,000 homes.

"More Homes Using Heat Pumps as Cheaper, Greener Alternative to Fossil Fuels" - PBS Newshour (2023)

Under Construction

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"Allée" is pronounced like "ballet."

Baltimore is an Urban Heat Island. Baltimore is in dire need of more canopy from the sun. Baltimore needs more trees - for shade - and breathing. Baltimore has alleys behind houses; with each back acknowledging another back of house. Most town/rowhouses do not have garages, so the majority of alleys are not used for automobiles. In fact, allées will eradicate illegal parking. Regarding police needs; allées are easily accessible for them, as they ride bicycles and horses. Our firefighters will let us know where they need access to, but most alleys are too narrow for fire trucks in the first place. This page describes and depicts (especially seek tree map of Baltimore below) the challenges, the choices currently made, and what gloriously can be. With trees planted in front of houses, and allées, cooling from both sides creates immense comfort.] Allée rhymes with ballet. With the knowledge this page has, you will be putting on your ballet shoes and be dancing - in every Allée!

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All across Europe, people have the freedom to choose how much or how little trash they throw away, no matter the date or time via neighborhood receptacles.

Communal trash receptacles are available when people want to throw their trash away (and do anyways), no longer littering, blowing in wind, get wet, or animal rummaged through. There will be at least one of each type of receptacle, completely sorted: Compost/Yard, Glass, Paper, Plastic, and Other for each block to use around an intersection, so total of 2 intersections. Freedom. Your garbage day can be once, or multiple times, even one bottle or leaf if you would like. With art, the receptacles will fit in with an entire program of intersection repair, making them meeting places.
[Intersection Repair is one of many thing I learned, experienced, and bring from 9 years of living in Portland, Oregon (2002-2011.]

With garbage trucks no longer needed to go down especially small alleys, Baltimore City saves tons of gasoline, and can move people to other jobs - like planting trees! Growing trees in the backs of homes will allow many more trees - as vital to have tree canopy than what the diagram shows in 33rd Street Baltimore Fishbowl article. First, getting rid of more lanes makes the buses even slower due to still having to weave in (just like North Avenue, as painting red does not make them be able to go faster due to parked cars....) and out. Second, use less concrete. No longer need to build or designate bike paths, as the alleys become allée bicycle paths (seek pictures below). Instead of one bike path in the middle where one still has to confront traffic just to get to it (think kids) on either side, there are 2, yes TWO both way bike paths using allées are created!

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A lot will benefit every single resident and visitor to Baltimore. So I thought there should be a section for it.

Under Construction

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Under Construction

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Under Construction


Home is where the heart is. - S.S.






"I could smell and hear that northern thunder
Every pine has its time
To outgrow the rains of days a-younger
I'll be still at the cuttin' mill
Just makin' me a roof that you can hide under"

Passive House Building: "Tales from the Trenches: Passive House Ventilation Commissioning Roadblocks " - Passive House Accelerator (May 12, 2023)

"How Will the Streetcar Extension Impact Midtown Housing?"

"Ghost Stoops" - Bruce Willen

HOLCIM - global leader in innovative and sustainable building solutions [Including Carbon Prestressed Concrete]

"Use Sustainable Forestry Practices for CLT Wood - Built Airport, Community Center, Condo Skyscrapers...." - CBS News (June 22, 2024)

"How Some U.S. Businesses are Helping Reduce Greenhouse Gasses | Climate Watch: Protecting the Planet" - CBS News (June 22, 2024)

"AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF BALTIMORE / BUILD / GBC" - Mayor Scott, Baltimore City Government (December 11th, 2023)



In the 1950s, Baltimore was facing the prospect of municipal bankruptcy, and the Housing Act of 1949, which provided two-thirds federal funding




Bringing Embodied Carbon Upfront" - World Green Building Council

"A webinar for building professionals and everyone on embodied carbon in buildings, systems thinking, and climate justice with Jacob Deva Racusin and Ace McArleton of New Frameworks Design & Build."
"Most minority groups, especially African Americans and Indigenous people, experience homelessness at higher rates than Whites, largely due to long-standing historical and structural racism. The most striking disparity can be found among African Americans, who represent 13 percent of the general population but account for 37 percent of people experiencing homelessness and more than 50 percent of homeless families with children. This imbalance has not improved over time."

"9 Air Conditioner Myths You Really Need to Stop Believing" - The Family Handyman (2023)

CARPENTER DEAL: Cinema to Housing "Dragon's Den" (2023)

"Baltimore Slumlord Watch" - The Atlantic (Jane 8, 2014)

"The Destruction of Baltimore's Middle East Community - Marisela Gomez on RAI (2/4) - The Real News Network (Jane 9, 2014)

"Window Film for Reducing Bird Collisions" - UKGBC

"New Build Standards" - UKGBC

"Americas Last Affordable Housing Is Under Threat" - VICE News (August 15, 2022)

CANADA: "Doug Ford's 'More Homes Built Faster Act' is a Trojan Horse" - (November 2022)

mismarked keep on song d-train

"Our Homes Our Future," presented by Janet Sutherland - Future Lives | u3a UK

"Why They Matter: Land banks" - Habitat For Humanity

"You Don't Have To Move To Live In A Better Place" - Strong Towns (2024)

"We Are In A Housing Trap. Can We Escape?" - Strong Towns (April 23rd, 2024)

"The Link Between Gambling and Homelessness" - Council on Compulsive Gambling, New Jersey

"Mass timber building materials such as cross-laminated timber (CLT) have captured attention in mid- to high-rise building designs because of their potential environmental benefits. The recently updated multistory building code also enables greater utilization of these wood building materials. The cost-effectiveness of mass timber buildings is also undergoing substantial analysis. Given the relatively new presence of CLT in United States, high front-end construction costs are expected. This study presents the life-cycle cost (LCC) for a 12-story, 8,360-m2 mass timber building to be built in Portland, Oregon."

Architects are nature-inspired to build sustainable skylines. By 2050, two-thirds of us will be city dwellers.


"It May Be Hard to Believe, but People Actually Live in These Houses" - Mind Warehouse (2024)



"This Iridescent Coating Could Cool Your House Without Air-Conditioning: Researchers at the University of Cambridge have Developed a Plant-Based Film that Could Dramatically Cool Your House-and Make it Look Like a Seashell." - Fast Company (2023)

"A radiative vapor condenser sheds heat in the form of infrared radiation and cools itself to below the ambient air temperature to produce liquid water from vapor. This effect has been known for centuries, and is exploited by some insects {like beetles} to survive in dry deserts. Humans have also been using radiative condensation for dew collection. However, all existing radiative vapor condensers must operate during the nighttime. Here, we develop daytime radiative condensers that continue to operate 24 h a day. These daytime radiative condensers can produce water from vapor under direct sunlight, without active consumption of energy."

"A 2004 Harvard Medical School study has linked climate change to the childhood asthma epidemic among inner city youth.
As a result of this and other factors, cities are already promoting transit-oriented development, planning to reduce sprawl, and supporting mass transit and bicycle paths to reduce global warming pollution. These bold actions have occurred because leaders and residents of these cities realize the importance of these actions. ....

The report estimated that most of these cities will fail to meet the goals. The report also notes that many greenhouse gas reduction initiatives are funded from state and federal sources. If cities, counties, and states want to take efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, that's great. But residents of these local governments should not expect a free ride in the cost of making the reductions. After all, it is a lot easier to say you are reducing emissions than to actually pay for the reductions. ....

We are now witnessing for the first time in human history half the world's population living in cities. And the growth that is going to occur between now and 2050, two and a half billion people will be concentrated in these urbanized areas. And what we have here today are some examples of some leadership that has been exercised around the country that will help us understand how we cope with this.

"I am suggesting that livable, sustainable communities are built on the ability of people to walk, ride a bike, and take transit for many of their daily needs and that motorists and urban freight providers will benefit from having fewer cars on the road. Equally, I am not suggesting that everyone suddenly become a 60-mile round-trip Lycra-clad bicycle commuter. Our focus must be on the 40 percent of trips in this country that are just 2 miles or less. Ninety percent of those trips are today made by car. Those are the most polluting trips. These are the trips we must make easy and convenient to be made by bike {Streetcar....}. This is where the greatest potential lies to reduce climate emissions in the years ahead." - From Statement of Andy Clarke In 2002, when the EPA gave out the first award for smart growth, the first award for rural excellence was given to Arlington for the success in planning and implementing the Roslyn-Boston metro corridor, which has now become kind of a laboratory or something people are coming to study to see what you can do in what was not previously a real urban area but was kind of a declining suburb and has been revitalized as a result of the last generation and has now demonstrated that there is tremendous potential in a fairly high-income growing area to move people to alternative transportation, to reduce both car ownership and car usage and vehicle miles traveled to eliminate drive-only trips and single car occupancy at an impressive rate and to do that by choice because people are opting to live there. In fact, they have to pay a premium that has become actually our biggest concern. But we have also seen at a county-wide level not only in the areas where we have the tremendous investment represented by metro rail that it is possible to get more a transit-oriented, pedestrian-oriented lifestyle and that people want it." - From Statement of Mrs. Clarke

Cement is an energy-intensive material to manufacture. However, it only constitutes approximately 15 percent of concrete's volume. The first step in the manufacturing process of cement is heating the limestone at extremely high temperatures up to 2,000 degrees, which produces what we call clinker, and I am introducing a new term here. This is the energy-intensive part of manufacturing cement where 90 percent of our greenhouse gases are generated. In very general terms, there is a ton of CO2 emitted for nearly every ton of cement produced. However, 50 percent of those emissions are the result of a chemical reaction in the process which are commonly referred to as process emissions. Another 40 percent are the result of the fuel combustion to maintain those high temperatures, and the remaining 10 percent is attributed to electricity use and transport. ....

Holcim has identified three primary areas of opportunity to drive energy consumption reduction of greenhouse gases in cement production.
1. Capital investment, technology, and process innovation of our facilities.
2. Use of waste-derived fuels like scrap tires, like biomass, like plastics, can reduce the CO2 intensity by replacing fossil fuels like coal.
3. Use of other industries' byproducts as supplemental cementitious materials, second term, SCMs, can reduce the clinker content in cement." - Statement of Erika Guerra

"You know, on a personal note, Little Rock has over 60 miles of bicycle pedestrian trails starting at the Clinton Library and the centerpiece of it is the longest pedestrian bicycle bridge in the United States and, excuse me, but it is named the Big Dam Bridge. It goes over a dam.
Mr. Blumenauer. And Congressman Snyder is shamelessly promoting it, that along with your streetcar. We appreciate that. Thank you, Mr. Weaver."

Under Construction

"You Don't Love God If You Don't Love Your Neighbor" - Rhonda Vincent & The Rage (2016)

"To amend the Fair Housing Act, to prohibit discrimination based on use of section 8 vouchers, and for other purposes."

"Making It Happen": Cozy Townhouse Home Renovation [Approximately 646 Square Feet / 60 Square Meters] - Mad TV Philippines (2019)

"Making It Happen": Eleganza Townhouse Renovation (3 Floors) [Approximately 646 Square Feet / 60 Square Meters] - Mad TV Philippines (2019)

"TINY Homes in BIG Cities (Austin, Chicago, & MORE) Marathon | "Tiny House Hunting" - Home.Made.Nation

"Making It Happen": Cozy Townhouse Home Renovation [Approximately 646 Square Feet / 60 Square Meters] - Mad TV Philippines (2019)

"The fact that we're having smaller-size families naturally means that the demand for smaller-size housing would get greater interest than before."

"Generation Z Ahead Of Millennials - And Their Parents-In Owning Their Own Homes" - Forbes Magazine (2023)

"This Is What Generation Z and Millennials Are Looking For in Real Estate" - Yahoo Finance (2022)

"68% of Gen Zers viewed homeownership as a way to build wealth, compared with 60% of millennials. Another 2021 survey by online lender Rocket Mortgage found that 86% of Gen Z respondents want to buy a home, and 45% wanted to buy within the next 5 years."
"Millennials are attracted to cities, whether for work, creative stimulation, or because they grew up in one. In our survey, we found that six out of ten millennials currently reside in cities of at least half a million people, or in suburban towns close to big cities. But depending on different life stage priorities, there were some key differences. ....
Affordability is a key theme here. Seven out of ten millennials who live in big cities or their suburbs, across all ages and categories, say that their living situation is hard or extremely hard to afford. No matter where they lived, more than half of them (56 percent) found their area hard to afford. Among those millennials we surveyed, the ability to make the leap to home ownership is a problem for the vast majority—73 percent of the respondents who don’t own property are making the lifestyle choice to rent.
What about the rest? Sixteen percent live rent-free with family or friends. And one in 10 pay rent to live with friends or relatives. In their open comments, millennials often wrote of Covid-19 as merely the latest obstacle in a “raw deal” they’ve been getting on affordable housing since they entered the workforce. One wrote: 'We feel cheated because, no matter how hard we work and save, we can never get ahead—we're always three steps behind. This American dream is seeming more like a myth...' Nearly half of all the people we talked to are unhappy living in their current location {condition}."

"U.S. Millennials: Home Ownership And The Growing Chasm Between Aspiration And Reality" - Forbes Magazine (2021)

"I Bought an Abandoned Tiny House" - George Dunnett [United Kingdom]

"Spishak Easy Bake Oven" - "MAD TV" (2003)

"A new wind is blowing as young people turn away from excessive materialism and toward a more aware, minimalist lifestyle. .... From a business angle, minimalism as a consumption mode is creating a new segment of customers that are more likely to grow in future because of growing awareness towards sustainability."
"An emerging strategy to combat homelessness is the development of 'tiny homes.'"

"Interviewees were asked about lessons learned and advice for replicating a tiny home development that provides housing for the homeless. An CESC employee stressed the importance of flexibility. A county planner shared that they see tiny homes as a viable option for the homeless if there is sufficient support financially and regulatory compromises at the local level are considered. While Leon County has no tiny home ordinance (they are permitted in single family zoning districts), a planner acknowledged that some municipalities will need to alter their land development codes to permit tiny home communities. Considering the limitations placed on providing the homes at a lower cost, one member of the CESC suggested having a variety of price and size options that align with the range of circumstances experienced by those who are considered homeless or at the risk of becoming homeless. Further, The Dwellings staff shared their ideas around being funded entirely by the government or entirely by a non-profit. The CESC believes that it is essential to have a partnership between the two funding sources to be financially sustainable long-term. Another interviewee suggested the possibility of the project being replicated at the city, local, and state levels. Much else is still being evaluated as the project continues to be built out, but these observations align with our research findings."

406 South Bouldin Street 21224 [882 Square Feet]

Baltimore Row Home "House Hunters" - HGTV (2009)

"This is What it Takes to Rebuild Baltimore's Vacant Houses" - WBAL-TV 11 Baltimore (2022)

"Experimental and Numerical Simulation of a Radiant Floor System: The Impact of Different Screed Mortars and Floor Finishings" - Materials (2022)

"Managing Your Home's Comfort" - U.S. Department of Energy

"Home Cooling Systems" - U.S. Department of Energy

"Heat Pump Systems" - U.S. Department of Energy

"Radiant Cooling" - U.S. Department of Energy

"Dehumidifying Heat Pipes" - U.S. Department of Energy

"Consumer Guide to Home Ventilation" - U.S. Department of Energy

"Ventilation Systems for Cooling" - U.S. Department of Energy

"Natural Ventilation" - U.S. Department of Energy

"Fans for Cooling" - U.S. Department of Energy

"Whole-House Ventilation" - U.S. Department of Energy

"Energy-Efficient Landscaping" - U.S, Department of Energy

"Landscaping for Windbreaks" - U.S. Department of Energy

"Landscaping for Social Front Yards" - U.S. Department of Energy

"The Genius Of Hot Water Heat Pumps" - Undecided with Matt Ferrell (March 5, 2024) [Electric]

Furnace half of current size, it would run twice as long as current furnace, but burn half as much - energy(fuel).

Heat Pumps are essentially air conditioners with an added valve for heat. Size appropriately. Watch for price gouging.

"How We Solved The Home Wind Turbine Problem" - Undecided with Matt Ferrell (2024)

"Fair Housing Act: Federal Fair Lending Regulations and Statutes" - Compliance Handbook | Federal Reserve of the United States of America

Look at the Climate Envelope: "What If We Could Design Our Buildings In A Way That Was Healthy for Both People And The Planet?" - Arch Daily (2023)

"Generate a Personalized Electrification Plan" - Rewiring America

Baltimore Council to Consider Alternative to Demolishing Vacant Homes

Mission Abound

Homes * Any Street * Baltimore * USA * 01234

Any Street * Anytown * Baltimore * USA * 01234
