"The leap in temperatures over the past 13 months has exceeded the global heating forecasts – is this just a blip or
a systemic shift?"
"Analysis: Cities have to avoid a dangerous trap."
"This is not to doubt the underlying science of global heating, which more than 99.9% of climatologists agree is caused
by human burning of gas, oil, coal, and {deforestation} forests."
80+ DAYS FAHRENHEIT 2024 [26.7+ Celsius]: WINTER: March 14th had 1, SPRING: April had 4, May had 10, SPRING/SUMMER
June had 29 of 30, July 4+___ August ___ SUMMER/AUTUMN September ___ CURRENT 80+ DEGREES FAHRENHEIT DAYS TALLY: 20
90+ DAYS FAHRENHEIT 2024 [32.3+ Celsius]: SPRING: April had 3, May had 5, SPRING/SUMMER June had 17 with 1 - 102),
July 13+___ August ___ SUMMER/AUTUMN September ___ CURRENT 90+ DEGREES FAHRENHEIT TALLY: 25
100+ DAYS FAHRENHEIT 2024 [32.3+ Celsius]: SPRING: April had 3, May had 5, SPRING/SUMMER June had 17 with 1 - 102),
"Discussion: Beijing Plans 'Ventilation Corridors' to Combat Smog" - CGTN (February 24, 2016)
"The Yangtze River: Why China's 'Beating Heart' is Too Big to Fail" - South China Morning Post (July 29, 2020)
"Hot summer streets and the pavements are burning, I sit around
Trying to smile, but the air is so heavy and dry
Strange voices are saying (What did they say?)
Things I can't understand
It's too close for comfort, this heat has got right out of hand
It's a cruel (Cruel), cruel summer
Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel (It's a cruel), cruel summer
Now you're gone"
Documentary: "Running Dry A Nation on the Brink" AfriForum (June 24, 2024)
"Will the Chesapeake Become a Dead Zone?" - Scientific American (May 3, 2023)
"Chesapeake Bay Island Towns Disappearing to Sea Level Rise" - PBS August 1, 2022)
"Heavy Rains, Storms Flood Streets In Baltimore City" - WJZ TV 13 (August 6, 2019)
"Floodwaters Receding, but Debris Remains From Storm Along Baltimore City Waterfront" - WJZ (January 10, 2024)
A Town called, "GREENFIELD" in Iowa "Resembles a war zone" due to at least 26 tornados - ABC (May 23, 2024)
41 Celsius (105.8F): Urban Heat Island "The Hottest UK Day Ever" - "The Big Green Money Show" Deborah Meaden and Felicity
Hannah - BBC Radio 5 Live & BBC Sounds) (2023)
During January - December 31, 2023, a total of 119,605 Emergency Room "Heat-Related Illnesses (HRI) occurred. More men
than women.
Last summer (2023), more than 2,300 people died of excessive heat exhaustion in the United States, highest in 45
years (1979). Month of May broke heat records, so 2024 could be even deadlier.
"Dallas postal worker Eugene Gates Jr., loved working outdoors and at 7:30 a.m. June 20, the 66-year-old texted his wife that
it was close to 90 degrees. He kept working in the heat that felt like 119 degrees with the humidity factored in and finally
passed out in somebody's yard. He ran a fever of 104.6 degrees and died, with the medical examiner saying heat contributed
to his death. 'The way that my husband died, it could have been prevented,' said Carla Gates."
"There's just very low awareness that heat kills. It's the silent killer," - University of Washington public health scientist
Kristie Ebi..
"It's people that live the hot life. These are the ones who are dying. People who work outside, people that can't air-condition
their house. It's really quite, quite grim." -
"I just think in 20 years, you know, 2040 rolls around … we're going to look back at 2023 and say, man, that was cool.
The problem with climate change is if if it hasn’t pushed you over the edge yet, just wait." - Texas A&M climate scientist
Andrew Dessler
"Extreme Heat and Your Health" - CDC
"NBC2 Special Report: Florida's Insurance Crisis" - WBBH TV2 News (June 1, 2024)

Peril and Promise | PBS |
"The Ants & the Grasshopper" Television Series - Peril & Promise | PBS
"Smart Surfaces Baltimore Report" - Smart Surfaces Coalition (2022)
"There are neighborhoods in Baltimore in which we've had literal buses floating down the street because our infrastructure
can no longer handle some storms that we've been experiencing' Conway said.
Climate resilience authorities focus on financing climate resilience projects like flood barriers and stormwater infrastructure.
'We know we have to do something about it, but we only have so many dollars to pay for that. We have tight budgets,' Conway
said. 'So how do we find the funding? The hope is that with a resilience authority, we can still leverage the city's
bonding authority and still have an eligibility to apply for non-profit grants and otherwise."
"What Vermont's Historic Floods Tell Us About Climate Change" - PBS Terra (2023)
"Earth Has Shattered Global Heat Records For the 9th Straight Month" - PBS News Hour (2024)
"Texas is currently the state with the second highest number of properties that are vulnerable to wildfires, behind Florida,
according to analysis by the nonprofit research group First Street Foundation."
"As disaster costs keep rising nationwide, a troubling new debate has become urgent: If there's not enough money to protect
every coastal community from the effects of human-caused global warming, how should we decide which ones to save first?
After three years of brutal flooding and hurricanes in the United States, there is growing consensus among policymakers
and scientists that coastal areas will require significant spending to ride out future storms and rising
sea levels — not in decades, but now and in the very near future. There is also a growing realization
that some communities, even sizable ones, will be left behind.
"Ten thousand river commissions, with all the mines of the world at their back, cannot tame that lawless stream, cannot
curb it or confine it, cannot say to it, 'Go here' or 'Go there' and make it obey" - Mark Twain
"Why Engineers Can't Control Rivers" - Practical Engineering (2023)
"Researchers are finding that record hot seawater killed more than three-quarters of human-cultivated coral that scientists
had placed in the Florida Keys in recent years."
"Gulf Stream Current Could Collapse in 2025, Plunging Earth Into Climate Chaos: 'We Were Actually Bewildered'" - Live Science
Extreme Climate Impacts From Collapse of a Key Atlantic Ocean Current Could be Worse Than Expected, a New Study Warns" - Inside
Climate News (February 2024)
"Public Participation Guide: Citizen Advisory Boards | International Cooperation" - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
City-Heat Equity Adaptation Tool (City-HEAT): Multi-objective optimization of Environmental Modifications and Human Heat Exposure
Reductions for Urban Heat Adaptation Under Uncertainty" - Environmental Modelling & Software (2023)
" Major metropolitan communities with a high percentage area (>60%) exposed to subsidence rates >1 mm per year, such
as Hampton (VA), Portsmouth (VA), Norfolk (VA), Baltimore City (MD), Newark (NJ), and New York City (NY) are affected
yearly by persistent nuisance flooding events and nuisance flooding will increase dramatically (∼3- to 12-fold) by 2050.
Such flooding disrupts economic activities, resulting in fiscal losses worth billions of dollars from damaged properties,
flood insurance payout, and the loss of lives. In these communities, the presence of infrastructure may exacerbate the loss
associated with land subsidence-related hazards."
"Maryland’s climate will continue to get warmer, wetter, and wilder regardless of how this plan is implemented. Sea
levels will continue rising. Maryland's low-lying farms will be increasingly affected by saltwater intrusion. Islands throughout
the Chesapeake Bay and much of Dorchester County will be lost to the sea by the end of this century. Maryland’s climate
in 50 years could resemble Mississippi’s climate today. The impacts of climate change will be a defining feature of
the 21st century. This plan focuses on how to stop digging the hole we are in. Other efforts, including Maryland's forthcoming
Next Generation Adaptation Plan and State Resilience Strategy, will address how to climb out as the walls of the hole start
Maryland's Climate Pollution Reduction Plan - Final - Dec 28 2023
"Once-fertile soil has given way to wetlands plants and salt patches, imperiling a search for the exact location of the cabin
where Tubman’s father lived and taught her.
PETER’S NECK — On a patch of soggy ground in Dorchester County, Julie Schablitsky and her team of archaeologists
are digging, sifting and sorting. What they’re looking for is the exact location of Ben Ross’ cabin — and
they’re running out of time.
Almost 200 years after Harriet Tubman’s father settled on this hidden 10-acre patch near Indian Landing in the woodlands
around where Tubman’s extended family was enslaved, the once-fertile soil has given way to wetlands plants and salt
patches. Loblolly pines that once towered over these lands are now spindly sticks, barely alive as salt water moves in beneath
them. Sea-level rise, sinking land and saltwater intrusion are accelerating the landscape alterations so much that Schablitsky,
the chief archaeologist for the Maryland Department of Transportation, isn’t sure how much longer her team will be able
to dig here. As it is, they have to reach the site in an all-terrain vehicle that teeters in the mud despite its high tires.
'We have dug hundreds of holes down there, and we have not found where the landing is,' Levinthal said. 'You would expect
to find chains, horseshoes, industrial things, and we have not found any of that. With sea level rising and the land sinking,
it may be out in the river.'"
"The Fifth National Climate Assessment" - GlobalChange.gov | The United States Government (November 2023)
"We need to get to net zero by 2050, which will require transformation of the global economy at a size and scale that's
never occurred - in human history" - John Podesta, Center For American Progress, Presidential Adviser
"Not only is the U.S. the biggest historical emitter of greenhouse gases, but that when accounting for all such pollutants
(including methane and others in addition to CO2), the U.S. alone is responsible for 17% of current global warming."
"HOW TO SAVE A SINKING ISLAND: As the World Gets Hotter and Sea Levels Rise, One American Island is Fighting to Stay Alive"
- NBC (2017)
SPECIAL REPORT: Come High Water: Sea Level Rise and Chesapeake Bay" - Chesapeake Quarterly, Maryland Sea Grant College (2014)
"Find Your - Home Physical Climate Risks" - First Street Foundation

Well, the hives are gone,
I lost my bees
The chickens are sleepin'
In the willow trees
Cow's in water up past her knees,
Three feet high and risin'....
Hey, come look through the window pane,
The bus is comin', gonna take us to the train
Looks like we'll be blessed with a little more rain,
Four feet high and risin'
How high's the water, mama?
Five feet high and risin'
How high's the water, papa?
He said it's five feet high and risin'

Through song, hear Johnny share the tragic loss of how he and his family lost their home, farm, and fields.
"Five Feet High and Risin'" - John Cash - "Sesame Street"

Some Baltimore Flooding |
"Now if the sunshine hurts your eyes,
Then it's time for you to realize,
Beyond this moment there's a better day...
I'll show you skies, where gentle breezes blow
And I'll take you where peaceful waters flow"

NASA OBSERVATORY - August 1st, 2001 |

"It's getting hard to find a place to go,
Where peaceful waters flow"
Same title - two different songs.
"We fell right in way over our heads
But we didn't go near the water"
"The weather forecast for tonight - Dark." - George Carlin
Who will be one of the Super Heroes to save Baltimore? Will YOU?
"Ironically, it's the increasing heat after the sun goes down, that could be the most dangerous. At night, dense materials
release the heat they absorbed during the day, which is causing a dramatic increase in nighttime temperatures and stifling
our chance to cool down. As the nighttime lows that don't get below 85 degrees {Fahrenheit}, which is the average skin temperature
of humans, the body can't have a chance to cool back down."
"Too HOT and HUMID to Live: Extreme Wet Bulb Events Are on the Rise" - PBS Terra (2023)
Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, California, and Arizona may be in "war" - litigation for decades regarding water
of The Colorado River because of drought: and their dams and reservoirs.
Call for "a truly global consciousness," London 2001, "We have the means to make the 21st century the most peaceful and prosperous
in human history. The question is whether we have the will." - President Bill Clinton
.... If effective social and economic reform can be started now (2003), we could see a peaceful and productive transition
to a new society shaped by, and successfully adapted to, the oncoming adverse influences – the 2030 drivers. Beyond
that is a reasonable prospect of a world order better than the planet has ever seen.
Or the near future could be bad enough to kill tens of millions of people in a variety of terrible ways, even plunge us into
a global dark age, and damage the very foundations of life, which could take centuries to repair. The harbingers of these
disasters are already with us. .... The warnings of severe water shortages and ecological damage are becoming more urgent.
So there is a clear need to choose, to establish the courses of action that would contribute to one outcome or the other.
And those informed choices will have to be made quickly..."
"The 2030 Spike: Countdown to Global Catastrophe" - Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
"Air Trends in Ozone Adjusted for Weather Conditions" - EPA
"Overview: Working in Outdoor and Indoor Heat Environments" - Occupational Safety and Health Administration - The United States
of Labor
"The problem with buildings, no mater how you slice it, is that they are contributing to almost half of the
greenhouse pollution that's contributing to climate change. ... We can't address climate change if we don't address
- Cheddar News [Full quote and presentation link below - left side]
"The Water Cycle: Heating the Ocean" - Precipitation Education - NASA
"See What Three Degrees of Global Warming Looks Like" - The Economist (2021)
Just across the Atlantic Ocean from us is Portugal. Portuguese predominantly live near the coast. Our future is their present
life and livelihood - being forced to leave because it is not safe. Is the cost of oil to run the machines to keep beaches
worth it? View and use Portugal as a mirror for Eastern Shore - and Baltimore.
"Existing Fossil Fuel Extraction Would Warm the World Beyond 1.5 °C" - Environmental Research Papers - IOP Science - IOP Publishing
"The Cast Study of Masdar City, United Arab Emirates (UAE) : Creating Global Sustainable Smart Cities" - Journal of Physics:
Conference Series
Hurricane Nicole - Slideshow - 2022
"The number of days with temperatures exceeding 90°F is projected to double by the end of the century even under the low emissions
scenario and triple under the higher emissions scenario in which virtually all summer days would exceed 90°F"
"Development of a Climate Resilience Screening Index (CRSI): An Assessment of Resilience to Acute Meteorological Events and
Selected Natural Hazards - EPA (2020) [PDF Report Link Included]
"Observational Verification of the Cumulative Resilience Screening Index (CRSI) Using Hurricanes, Inland Floods, and Wildfires
From 2016 to 2019" - Geohealth (2022)
"World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is sounding the alarm that we will breach the 1.5°C level on a temporary basis
with increasing frequency. A warming El Niño is expected to develop in the coming months and this will combine with human-induced
climate change to push global temperatures into uncharted territory. This will >U>have far-reaching repercussions
for health, food security, water management, and the environment. We need to be prepared." - WMO Secretary-General
Professor Petteri Taalas
"Global mean temperatures are predicted to continue increasing, moving us away - further and further away from the climate
we are used to." - Dr Leon Hermanson, lead expert scientist at Met Office WMO lead predicting centre (UK)
"When Aaron Bernstein became a pediatrician 15 years ago, it didn't occur to him that the climate crisis would grow into
a critical health problem for his young patients. But over the years he started to notice more children visiting emergency
rooms for heat-related illnesses, and some even suffered from climate-induced mental health issues."
"Heat Illness Prevention" - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) - United States Department of Labor
NOAA National Centers For Environmental Information: Maryland State Climate Summaries 2022
"The Macroeconomic Effects of Adapting to High-End Sea-Level Rise Via Protection and Migration" - Nature Communications (2022)
"Greenhouse Effect" - Hosting: U.S. Senate (December 10th, 1985)
"I think, what is essential to this problem is ~ a global Consciousness."
"I think, what is essential to this problem is ~ a global Consciousness."
Astronomer, Planetary Scientist, Cosmologist, Astrophysicist and Astrobiologist Carl Sagan U.S. Congressional Testimony on
The Greenhouse Effect - (December 10th, 1985) If only we acted in 1985.
"There are many neighborhoods that don't have the trees and grass and parks that keep the temperature down, and people who
live there often don't have air conditioning, or reliable air conditioning, or they worry about being able to pay their electric
bills. A heat wave can be really scary for people with asthma and COPD who can't escape into a cool, indoor environment."
- McCormack, an associate professor of medicine and medical director of the Pulmonary Function Laboratory at the Johns Hopkins
School of Medicine.
This harmful scenario is called the "urban heat Island effect," and it happens when building materials such as
concrete and asphalt absorb heat during the day and radiate it back at night. It causes temperatures to rise more
dramatically compared to rural and suburban locations, or city areas with ample green spaces, trees, and
parks. A recent report by the nonprofit Climate Central ranked Baltimore as the ninth hottest urban hot zone
in America. Heat waves are more than uncomfortable-they kill, causing more deaths
in the United States than any other severe weather event, according to a recent study in Nature Communications."
"URBAN HEAT ISLAND" - Climate Central (2021)
"Grover Sells Weather" - "Sesame Street"
"Lisa Became - The Queen of Bees" - "The Simpsons"
"People, this hurt I feel inside
Words - they, could never explain
I just wish it would rain
(Oh, how I wish that it would rain)
Oh let it rain, rain, rain, rain
(Oh, how I wish that it would rain)
Oo, baby
Let it rain (rain, rain)
Oh yeah, let it rain"
"The Law of the River" - "60 Minutes" (2022)
"What Happens When a Reservoir Goes Dry?" - Practical Engineering
U.S. Farms Waste A Lot Of Water - But This Technique Could Help" - CNBC (2022)
"Baltimore Droughts: A Brief History" - "Water and Me"
"Heat and Drought: Linkages in the Hazards, and in Information Systems to Manage Risk" - NOAA
"Maryland Drought Information and Current Status" - Maryland Department of the Environment
U.S. Drought Monitor Conditions for Maryland - Drought.gov - NOAA
Check Drought Status - Maryland State Climatologist Office
U.S. Drought Monitor Maryland - National Drought Mitigation Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
"Maryland Drought is Worst in 70 Years; No Relief Seen; Water Use Restricted; Livestock, Crops Suffer" - The Baltimore Sun
"The hard, sunbaked soil left by the heatwave increases the risk of natural disasters when it rains."
"Can Beavers Help Build a Better Chesapeake Bay?" - Chesapeake Bay Journal
"Water's Way: Thinking Like a Watershed" - Chesapeake Bay Journal (2021)
Yuma, Arizona depends on water, unfortunately evaporating, of the Colorado River. Share in the beauty of the farmers of Yuma.
"Want to Solve Wildfires and Drought? Leave it to BEAVERS!" - PBS Terra
"Creating Miracles in the Desert: Restoring Dixie Creek" - Intermountain West Joint Venture
New Technology Making Water From Air: Thomas Kostigen Writes About Zero Mass Water and its Technology That Needs Only Sunlight
and Air to Make Drinking Water.
"From Waves to Water: Securing our Future Through Wave-Powered Desalination" - The U.S. Department of Energy: Water Power
Technologies Office (WPTO) (2023)
"Reclamation: Managing Water in the West Quality of Water Colorado River Basin" - U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of
Reclamation (2017)
No one fights over plentiful resources, unless don't have. Dwindling water, lack of rainfall, higher temperatures lead to
rapid evaporation. With country boundaries being mostly waterways, the tension of not being able to have successful crops
and feed cattle, and roots of hatred - whether political or religious, .
"UN Water Conference 2023: UN Seeks Solution to Global Water Crisis" - WION Climate Tracker (2023)
"The Indus Water Treaty"
"Six rivers divided between India and Pakistan are fed by glaciers in the Himalayas and the Hindu Kush.
ALAM: And those glaciers are under severe threat of climate change.
HADID: That's Rafay Alam, the environmental lawyer. Those glaciers are melting - around a third of them are expected to disappear
at 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit of warming. But the U.N.'s latest climate change report says warming is expected to exceed 5 degrees
by the end of the century.
ALAM: And that means no water in the rivers. Actually, what will happen is first you'll have lots of flooding, and then there
won't be any water. That doesn't really threaten the treaty as much as it threatens the region."
"India and Pakistan Are Playing a Dangerous Game in the Indus Basin: What is behind the Rivals Latest Spat Over Water Rights
Along Their Shared Rivers?" - United States Institute of Peace (2023)
"Water Scarcity Root of Darfur Conflict" - VOA (2011)
"Since competition over resources has contributed to conflict in the first place, worsening the natural environment
so many depend on is neither sustainable nor supportive of recovery and peace."
"The World's Worst Humanitarian Crisis': Understanding the Darfur Conflict" - Ohio State University [Needs updating. Lists
general break up of causes.]
"Inside the Forgotten War in Darfur, Where the Killing Never Stopped" - VICE News (2020)
"In Remote Sudan, the Darfur War Remains Present - PBS NewsHour (2021)
"A Drought is Rapidly Developing Across Maryland, Stressing Farmers at Harvest Time" USGS - US Department of the Interior
"Climate Change's Impact on Youth Mental Health Examined in OHA Report" - JGQ TV 8 [With video report] (June 14th, 2022)
REPORT: "Climate Change Disasters Affecting Youth Mental Health: Extreme Weather, Wildfires, Drought Amongst Climate-Related
Stressors" - The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and Department of Human Services (June 14th, 2022)

Gates explains why we need to work toward net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases, and how we can achieve this goal.
$35 Billion Worth of Real Estate Could Be Underwater by 2050: Local Governments in Coastal States Will Lose Billions of Dollars
in Local Tax Revenue as Rising Seas Claim Developed Land - The Scientific American
"What Do Chief Heat Officers Mean for Climate Change - And Why Does This New Role Matter?" - World Economic Forum (2021)
Lightning will occur even more so with higher temperature of Planet Earth. Lightning strikes from ground and then upward.
"The Science and Art of Lightning" - "CBS Sunday Morning" (2023)
"What Causes Lightning and Thunder?" - NOAA
SEVERE WEATHER 101 "Frequently Asked Questions About Lightning" - NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory
"Lightning and Trees" - Journal of Arboriculture (1983)
Copper Rods Provide Tree Protection from Damage
"Real Time": Track Lightning around the World - Lightning Maps
"And it's going to be focused on key climate goals, including modernizing our aging electric grid to withstand extreme
weather, which is causing these forest fires. When those towers come down and the lines snap, they catch fire. The forest
catches fire."
"Citing rising costs from raging wildfires and skyrocketing repairs, two insurance companies say they are no longer offering
home or business property insurance for new customers in California. The move could strain government-run insurance."
"To frame reparations, we group the top twenty-one fossil fuel companies into the categories “high requirement”
(HR), “low requirement” (LR), and “exempted’ (Ex). This grouping and the consequent reparations owed
are based on companies’ violation of the no-harm principle, which entails disgorgements proportional to their historical
emissions understood as the measure of their contribution for climate harm and by the application of the moral principle of
need, which requires that people with greater need should receive more benefits. .... The largest twenty-one companies analyzed
would disburse $5,444 billion over the period 2025–2050."
"Greenpeace Calls for Climate Reparations as Typhoon Mawar Moves Towards the Philippines" - Greenpeace (2023)
"Extreme weather, climate and water-related events caused 11 778 reported disasters between 1970 and 2021, with just
over 2 million deaths and US$ 4.3 trillion in economic losses."
1 - "Salt Water Intrusion Already affecting Plaquemines Parish has St. Bernard Officials Concerned" - WVUE FOX 8 New Orleans
2 Saltwater Intrusion May Stick Around for a While" -WVUE TV 8 New Orleans (2023)
A team of scientists describe a large-scale experiment, known as SaltEx, that examines the effects of saltwater intrusion
on fresh-water marshes along the rivers of Georgia.
Real Estate informational site