Free Book Download
Baltimore Town - Map of 1792
Baltimore Town - Map of 1822
Baltimore Heritage: 512 Stories [And Find More Yourself!]
The City of Baltimore: Baltimore Declares Independence from Baltimore County, and becomes largest Independent City in the
United States - Map of 1851
Click part of map you are interested in to zoom in.
Historic Districts in Baltimore - Baltimore Heritage
Baltimore Map Gallery - Baltimore City Department of Planning
Baltimore Neighborhood Research Guide: A guide to Baltimore neighborhoods, their history, neighborhood organizations, and
statistics. - Enoch Pratt Free Library
"Strange & Obsolete: Home Features From the Past - Life in America" [Except steam heaters] - Recollection Road
"I Want to Buy a Home" - U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Buying a Home
HomeView Homeownership- Fannie Mae
Glossary of Terms
Tools & Resources - Freddie Mac
Credit Smart - Freddie Mac
Homebuyer Education - The State of Maryland
Founded in 1951, NFCC is the largest and oldest non-profit financial counseling organization financial counseling services
for consumers in the United States.
Baltimore City
Your home buying experience benefits greatly by learning housing laws beforehand. For example, in Baltimore City, a seller
is forbidden to discriminate against anyone using any grant, or income source. You are protected in your home purchase in
Baltimore City than anywhere else in the state of Maryland.
Baltimore City Historic Districts and National Register of Historic Places
"Housing Resource Guide" - Baltimore City Office of Equity and Civil Rights
"Fair Housing for Owner Occupied Homes"- Baltimore Metropolitan Council
By connecting with one of the following Homeownership Counseling Centers, you can take a workshop that qualifies you to receive
a Certificate for a vast amount of grants that you can use towards your home purchase. Some centers charge for their services,
and there are various levels of housing counseling experience, so shop around.
Belair - Edison - Buy a Home
Open to anyone who meets requirements.
Comprehensive Housing Assistance Incorporated (CHAI) - Homeownership
Consumer Credit Counseling Services - Homeownership
Druid Heights - Housing Counseling
Garwyn Oaks (GO) Northwest Housing Resource Center - Home Buying
HARBEL - Housing Partnership
Latino Economic Development Center - Housing
Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS)
Operation Hope - Homeownership
Park Heights Renaissance - Homeownership
Southeast Community Development Corporation -Housing Counseling
St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center - Housing Counseling

Provides mortgage insurance on loans made by FHA-approved lenders.
NEW: 40-year mortgage modification option - Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
Fannie Mae
Desktop Underwriter: Reduce eligibility barriers with positive rent payment history - Fannie Mae
Affordable Mortgage Options - Fannie Mae
Home Ready Mortgage: 3% Down - Fannie Mae [1st Time & Repeat Buyers]
3% Down Payment Mortgage for First-Time Homebuyers - Fannie Mae
HFA Preferred Mortgage - 3% Down, Cancellable mortgage Insurance - Fannie Mae [1st Time & Repeat Buyer]
HomeStyle Energy Mortgage - Use up to 15% to make Energy Efficient upgrades. Cancellable mortgage insurance and 3% Down payment.
- Fannie Mae
HomeStyle Renovation Mortgage - Fannie Mae
Often run by government or non-profit organizations to provide low-to-moderate-income first-time buyers access to below market
Freddie Mac
CHOICEReno eXPress Mortgage - Small scale renovation money within mortgage - Freddie Mac
Home Free USA - Part of Freddie Mac serving Mid-Atlantic
"PACE" - "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" (2021)
State of Maryland
Maryland Mortgage Programs
1st Time Advantage Loans: For First Time Homebuyers
Maryland Mortgage Program Flex
1. Employers: Investment in the long-term sustainability of their workforce,
2. Home Builders and Real Estate Developers: who give financial and other incentives to encourage purchase of their properties,
3. Community Organizations: Encourage homeownership as a way of building sustainable neighborhoods.
4. Local Governments - Baltimore City: Attracting new residents.
Home Ability: Financing homebuyers with disabilities
Maryland Smart Buy Program: For those who have student debt
Eliminates up to $50,000 in student loan debt.
Adds new down payment and closing cost loan option.
Program also helps current student debt borrowers.
Maryland SmartBuy Program 3.0
Baltimore City
Healthy Neighborhoods

Grants are monies that have various requirements; whether location, income, employee, or first-time homebuyer based. A grant's
life begins as a mo-interest loan. Grants usually have a 5 year requirement, with 20% forgivable each year. The grant or
grants show up as a lien on house purchased, and if pre-maturely sold, monies must be returned immediately.
Baltimore City Employee Homeownership Program: $5,000 for employees of City and quasi-City agencies who have been employed
for at least six months. Call Marilyn Hinton-Brown at 410-396-4104, or email marilyn.hinton-brown@baltimorecity.gov.
NEW: First-Time Homebuyers Incentive Program [Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)] Now $10,000
Vacants to Value Booster - $10,000 incentive for properties that were subject to a City-issued Vacant Building Notice for
at least one year prior to (a) rehabilitation of the property by a developer, or (b) sale of the property to a homebuyer who
intends to renovate the property using an acquisition/rehabilitation loan. Call Michael Guye at 410-396-4160, or email michael.guye@baltimorecity.gov
For: Law Enforcement Officers, Pre-school through 12th Grade Teachers, Firefighters, and Emergency Medical Technicians. Receive
discount of 50% from the list price of a home.
Federal Tax Credits: Roofs - Energy Star
State of Maryland
Independent Living Tax Credit
Residential Incentives - The Maryland Energy Administration
Maryland Energy Storage Income Tax Credit
Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
Community Services Block Grant Program
Baltimore City
Affordable Housing Trust Fund - Baltimore City Charter
Affordable Housing Trust Fund - Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development
"Buying Into Baltimore" Grant
Balto Grants
What Is A Historic District?
City Historical and Architectural Preservation (CHAP): Baltimore City Historic Tax Credit for Historic Rehabilitations and
Restorations (CHAP Tax Credit)
Maryland Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programs- DSIRE
Public Justice Center - Human Right to Housing
Where Can I find a Below Market Priced House?
Build it Yourself
While it may not save you money, purchasing a lot can be a viable choice if you decide you must live in a certain neighborhood.
Walk around your chosen neighborhood(s) and see where there is open land. The land usually behind a group of houses is usually
a square, meant for open space for those houses and others back-facing, and is not for sale. Check with Baltimore City to
find out whether there are any houses that are scheduled for demolition. However, a shell is the best way, as the foundation
and exterior walls are already there. You can't get better than brick, even formstone over brick in exterior wall construction.
New Mexico Earthships - America's Off-Grid Desert Community - Off The Cuff
"How Putting the Arch Back in Architecture Could Save the Environment - Matthias Rippmann - TED Talks Basel
"How History, Architecture and Design Collide in One (Amazing) House" - Jeff Speck - TED Talks Mid-Atlantic
"First Look" mark via Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and HUD Home Store real estate gives homebuyers 21 days to purchase
before on open market. There are many more real estate search sites, and auctioneers, but the ones below are the most commonly
Habitat for Humanity - Homeownership Program
"Orioles Announce Media Access for Habitat for Humanity Build with Orioles Wives" - Baltimore Orioles, Major League Baseball
How the Orioles Gives Back to Baltimore Year-Round" - WJZ
Francine's New Home in Pigtown/Washington Square "Orioles Partner and Habitat for Humanity Build Homes Near Camden Yards"
WBAL-TV 11 Baltimore (2023)
Homepath: Fannie Mae's Homes
Homesteps - Fannie Mac Real Estate for Sale - Maryland
Baltimore City - "Open Bid"
BUY INTO BMORE - Find the, "Open Bid" Houses
St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center House Sales
One House At A Time - Immediate Sales and Auctions
Ashland Auction, Pre-purchase Auction, and Purchase Now
A.J. Billig Co. Auctioneers
Alex Cooper Real Estate and Auctioneers
Search, "Foreclosures" on these sites or simply choose your price range and see what is available, including foreclosures
that way. Usually, if a house is on the market for a long time, either there is a physical reason, or the owner does not
live locally, or simply is stuck on a price. Make a reasonable offer anyways. One never knows the moment a seller becomes
The Baltimore Sun - Real Estate
Housing and Building Code - Baltimore Department of Housing and Community Development
Green Building Standards - Baltimore Department of Housing and Community Development
Baltimore City Charter & Codes
"The Real Estate Marketplace Glossary: How to Talk the Talk" - United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
"Introduction to U.S. Economy: Housing Market" - Congressional Research Service (2021)
There are, "pocket listings," listings that owners prefer to not place on the market, but which hires a realtor to find a
buyer. There are large businesses that focus on purchasing single family houses in order to rent them out. Baltimore unfortunately
remains in their purview, and continue to buy due to relatively low property values compared to other cities. There is also
a black market of house buying and selling. There is no law that states that one has to use a realtor. This is however very
risky, and apt to be more scammed (being sold a house that really isn't the "seller" you met)....
The Golden Rule: "Whatsoever ye would that others should do to you, do ye even so to them."
"Houses are Getting Scooped up Before They're Listed. Its Shutting People Out of Homeownership" - Public Broadcasting System
"Blackstone Single-Family Landlord to Halt Home Purchases in 38 Cities" - Bloomberg News (August 25th, 2022)
Guidelines for the Use of Unlicensed Employees and Online Chat Providers - Real Estate Commission, State of Maryland Department
of Labor
"5 Tips for Selling Your Home Without an Agent" - Consumer Reports
"American Real Estate Was a Money Launderer's Dream. That's Changing." - The New York Times (2022)
State of Maryland
Maryland Homeowner Assistance Fund
Emergency Home Repairs: Maryland Homeowner Assistance Fund WholeHome Grant
Weatherization Assistance Program
Loan and Grant Programs for Home Repair and Improvements
Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP)
EmPOWER Maryland Limited Income Energy Efficiency Program
Customer Investment Fund Multifamily Housing Energy Efficiency Retrofit Program
Maryland Homeowner Assistance Fund Loan
Fuel Fund of Maryland
The Office of People's Counsel - Represents Maryland residential customers before the Public Service Commission and federal
agencies, providing assistance with utility issues, including affordable and reliable service.
Baltimore City
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Office of Equity and Civil Rights
Fair Housing Act - File a Complaint - Baltimore Community Relations Commission
LIGHT Intake & Assessment Unit - Baltimore City Department of Housing & Community Development
Weatherization Assistance Program - Maryland Department of Community Development
Civic Works
Green & Healthy Homes Initiative
Rebuilding Together Baltimore
"The Associated Transforms Baltimore Neighborhoods" - The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore