HOME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MISSION ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~ DEFINITIONS ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~1~~~~~~ REPARATIONS
~~~~~~3~~~~~~ HOUSES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOME FINANCING ~~~~~~~~
The Tenant: Rentals
~~~~~~4~~~~~~ WORK
~~~~~~5~~~~~~ TRANSPORTATION ~~~~~~~~~~
Tires Tyres Everywhere ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ World Circle Loop Lines & Baltimore Legend
~~~~~~~~ MDOT:MDTA~MTA ~~~~~~~~
Transport Overflow
~~~~~~6~~~~~~ POLLUTIONS = POISONS ~~~~~~~~
AT WHAT COST ~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~ 7 ~~~~ ENERGIES
~~~~~~~~~~ TRASH ALTERNATIVES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~8~~~~~~ NATURE RESTORATION ~~~~~~~~
Becoming a "SPONGE CITY"
Baltimore-Specific Studies
World Ecology Impact
~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE COMMONS ~~~~~~~~
HOMEWORK: What To Do Now

Baltimore Serenade: Ecosystem Guardians Embracing Impactful & Peaceful Climate Solutions


"Why Paris Tore Down A Highway To Build A Tram" - Sensato (2024)

"Mister Rogers - the Anti-NIMBY" - twin city sidewalks (March 7, 2016)

"Should Cities be Circles?" - City Beautiful (February 28, 2024)

Elizabeth Street Garden [Save!!!!!]

"The Big Dig Transformed Boston,; So Why do the Controversies Define the Project?" - GBH News (November 15, 2023)

"Why We Need Solarpunk, Ecosocialist, and Degrowth-Oriented Cities" - Our Changing Climate (June 28, 2024)

Why Our Buildings Suck, and How to Change Them" - DW Planet A (2022)

"Kmart in the 70s & 80s - Why We LOVED IT" The History Lounge (2024)

"Plans Show New Walkways Over Busy Midtown Streets" - Mayor of Omaha, Jean Stothert (May 31, 2024)

"What's the Point of Pocket Parks?" - City Cast DC (Jun 13, 2024)

"The Problem With New York's Skyscrapers" - Tomorrow's Build (2023)

Newly Built: "Are housing Developers Creating Future Slums by Converting Old Offices?" - Evan Edinger May 12, 2024)

"Are the Suburbs Getting Worse?" - City Beautiful (May 31, 2024)

"These Are the NIMBY-est Cities In the U.S." - City Nerd (June 5, 2024)

"Amtrak's BRAND NEW Interiors: Overnight on the California Zephyr!" -Lonestar Trip Reports (May 11, 2024)

"Paris, the City of Love, is reclaiming its streets from cars to create a more livable, eco-friendly environment. With the world watching during the Olympic Games, Mayor Anne Hidalgo is driving radical changes, reducing air pollution, and giving more space to people and nature. But not everyone agrees. Can Paris become a model for sustainable urban living, or will the resistance be too strong?"

"How Central Park Was Created Entirely By Design and Not By Nature' - Architectural Digest (November 14, 2023)

"What Makes a Successful Place?" - Project for Public Places

Great Public Space is: ST. CHARLES AVENUE STREETCAR LINE, NEW ORLEANS, LA, USA - Project for Public Spaces

Italy proves that towers/skysrapers are signs of division:

"How Urban Design Keeps South Africa Segregated" - Bloomberg Originals (May 27, 2024)

"Why Did we make Front Yard Businesses Illegal?" - About Here (2021)

"How to Bring Back Front Yard Businesses" - About Here (2022)

"Could this be a Solution to Gentrification?" - About Here (October 2023)

STAIRS: "Why North America Can't Build Nice Apartments (because of one rule)- About Here (Dec 11, 2023)

"How a 23-Year-Old Solved Urban Sprawl" - The B1M (May 17, 2023)

Phoenix: "Redesigning America's Hottest City Before It Melts" - Tomorrow's Build (October 2022)

'Cool Pavement' Being Used To Combat Hot Temps In Urban Heat Islands - FOX Weather (July 2023)

"Heat Diaries: What it's Like Living Through Phoenix's Historic Heat Wave" PBS NewsHour (July 2023)

"How Warsaw Improves its City Center (with Michal Lejk) - City for All (May 2024)

CITY DESIGN: "Why These Streets Are So Good (Portland)" HINT: Because of Streetcars - City Nerd (April 24th, 2024)

South Bend, Indiana: "Can American Cities Save Themselves? This One Thinks So. - Strong Towns (2023)

Proximity to major roadways has been associated with an increased risk of wheeze illness, asthma and atopy. Previously, most measures of proximity to major roadways have focused on the spatial heterogeneity associated with the horizontal gradients of ambient pollutants such as black carbon (BC), particulate matter <2.5 μm (PM2.5), ultrafine particles (UFP), and carbon monoxide (CO) near highways. ....

Consideration of the relationship between residential floor level and concentration of traffic-related airborne pollutants may predict individual residential exposure among inner city dwellers more accurately. Our objective was to characterize the vertical gradient of residential levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH; dichotomized into Σ8PAHsemivolatile (MW 178–206), and Σ8PAHnonvolatile (MW 228–278), black carbon (BC), PM2.5 (particulate matter) by floor level (FL), season and building type.
Inner city children living in apartment buildings may be exposed to different levels of air pollutants, depending on FL, season and building type. Consideration of vertical heterogeneity associated with exposure to air pollution may lead to a more accurate assessment of exposure in cohort research. These results may have substantial implications for diseases known to be influenced or triggered by exposure to air pollution, such as asthma."

"Climate Change and Social Vulnerability in the United States: A Focus on Six Impacts" - Environmental Protection Agency (2021)

"Why Jakarta is Sinking {for Decades} - Vox (2021)

"Jakarta is sinking! - Equator from the Air" - BBC (2020)

Bangkok, Jakarta, Manila: "Southeast Asian Cities Face Existential Crisis as They Sink While Sea Levels Rise" - "PBS News Hour" (2023)

"Why North America Can't Build Nice Apartments (Because of One Rule)" - About Here | Urbanarium (2023)

"Convention Centers, March Madness Style" - City Nerd (2024)

London 1.6 billion people exposed to hearing hazards 55+ decibels

Stroke; even cardiovascular disease rose by 8% for every 10 decibels o noise exposure. - World Health Organization
Helmholtz Resonators in Ceramic Bricks absorb Low Frequency Traffic Noise. [Altering Soundscapes in Exterior Environments.]

"Cleanup Efforts Continue in Baltimore Following Street Collapse" - WMAR-2 News (2014)

POST WAR MODERN: "Why People Thought Steel Houses Were a Good idea" -Vox


'Only seven out of 50 cities — Charlotte, Cleveland, Jacksonville, Miami, New Orleans, New York, and Philadelphia — ranked within the 8-10 range.

'Many cities that have strong plans are coastal cities that have experienced strong hurricanes in the past,' Renne said. 'This study lends support to the theory that cities do not develop strong evacuation plans, ones that accommodate the needs of all people, unless they have already experienced a major disaster or are under a threat.'

In the study, 20 cities achieved a moderate ranking, with six cities earning a 'weak' score between 0 and 4. According to the study, 17 cities — including such major metropolises as Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Las Vegas — either did not have publicly available evacuation plans for carless and vulnerable residents, or emergency managers declined to provide them. This is especially concerning, the researchers write, as the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency urges cities to make evacuation plans publicly available before a disaster occurs so citizens can prepare accordingly."
It is the type of trees, which must be native, and part of entire ecosystem canopy restoration.

More focus on "Regional" (monthly meetings) than local - for Baltimore City. Links bring you to federal Homeland Security. No plan for those who do not have automobiles. Even if every single person had a car, where would people be guided to go? NO PLAN OF MOVING PEOPLE, & HAVING RESOURCES.

"Citywide Planning'

This group meets on a monthly basis and engages in sustained regional planning to ensure that response and recovery are coordinated across jurisdictional boundaries. Since its establishment in 2003, the UAWG has developed innovative, interoperable security and response systems through the work of its functional subcommittees"

"Resources for Residents & Businesses" - Office of Emergency Management

"Emergency Preparedness 101" - Baltimore City Office of Emergency Department




President Joe Biden speaks in Baltimore about Replacing B&P Tunnel: Replacing 150-year-old Baltimore and Potomac Tunnel to Help Relieve Train Bottleneck" - WBAL TV 11 (2023) [Residents Against the Tunnels]

Residents Against the Tunnels

"The trough of disillusionment"
"From high-speed rails to electric planes, why is the U.S. so behind on transportation?"



Goose Chase: "Why You Can't Walk to America's Newest Train Station" - Alex Davis (2022) [Wawa, PA]

"Cincinnati's Terrible Billion Dollar Sale of its Railroad - Alan Fisher (2023)


Pictured and mentions "H Street" in Washington D.C. as model - which has - a streetcar route!


"Designing Open Streets & Plaza Blocks: The Transformation of NYC's 34th Avenue" - Street Films (2023)

Philadelphia: "How to Kill a Stroad" - Alex Davis (2022)

"Why Detroit Is Tearing Down A Highway" - CNBC (2022)

Roundabout Installed: "Second Street in Harrisburg to Transition to Two Ways Next Week" - WGAL TV 8 (2022)

Groningen, The Netherlands
Merwede neighborhood of Utrecht

Toronto Islands: "The Only* Car-Free Neighbourhood in Canada (and why you can't live there) - Not Just Bikes (2022)


"Chicago Doesn't Own Its Own Streets" Climate Town (2023) [Since 2008]

Under Construction

"Six Baltimore Towers to Love" - Art Blog (2022)

"Developer Incentive (NOFA) 2023 DRAFT"

"Los Angeles Just Proved How Spongy a City Can Be" - Wired (2024)

"You must break the pattern today, or else..." Is freedom truly from a car, or a burden?
Quaker William Fell, an English carpenter and shipbuilder, purchased Lloyd Harris' "Copus Harbor", a 100 acre parcel on the Patapsco River. He renamed it "Fell's Prospect" (now Fells Point). The Fell Family Cemetery is located at 1607 Shakespeare Street.

Reader Commentaries: "Baltimore Inner Harbor Proposal Will Change Landscape for Generations to Come" - The Baltimore Sun (February 2024)

"Designing a dream city is easy; rebuilding a living one takes imagination" - Jacobs, 1958

"A 'Ghost River' Is Unearthed in Baltimore" - Bloomberg News (2023)

"Commentary: GBC Must Recognize That Disadvantaged Black Neighborhoods Matter" (2024)

"State Center Market and Conceptual Pre-Development Study RFP August-21st-2023"

"Cities need 'Old Buildings' so badly it's probably 'Impossible' for vigorous streets and districts to grow without them."
- Jane Jacobs, The Death and Lie of Great American Cities

"It used to look like this - a parking lot with 75 cars parked here. The City Council wanted this to be a nice entrance to the city center. So the City Council proposed to take away 60; so 15 left. And then the merchants here {points on map} said, 'No! We want them all gone because we're right off the pedestrianized zone where sales are better.'"

How do we share?

"People, take your children to the playground
people, drink the water from the fountain
and use me ~ use me

I'm not yours anymore
than the sparrow owns the tree
I'm not yours anymore
I'm public property

I'm not yours anymore
I belong to everyone ~ everywhere"

Photo: GEF

"Wherever the title of streets and parks may rest, they have immemorially been held in trust for the use of the public and, time out of mind, have been used for purposes of assembly, communicating thoughts between citizens, and discussing public questions. Such use of the streets and public places has, from ancient times, been a part of the privileges, immunities, rights, and liberties of citizens." - - Justice Owen J. Roberts’s opinion in Hague v. Committee for Industrial Organization (1939)

"Claiming Mother Earth -- what none of us has created yet all of us need -- has been a source of debate and a cause of violence that has never left us. Earth is the source of all material wealth; and good earth (safe and well-located places for building of cities or fertile soil for growing crops, or mineral-laden lands) are limited in supply. Fertile soil, lovely vistas, rich mineral deposits, downtown intersections -- these things cannot be relocated or reproduced."
This tired city was somebody’s dream ~ Billboard horizons as black as they seem
A four-level highway across the land ~ We’re building a home for the family of man

Prices are rising, the devil’s to pay ~ Moving the mountain that got in the way
Prayer books and meetings to find a plan ~ Deciding the fate of the family of man

So hard
Whatever are we coming to?
Yes, it’s so hard ~ With so little time and so much to do

Memories replacing the loves that we lost
Burning our bridges as soon as they’re crossed
Factories built where the rivers ran
Time’s running out for the family of man

"The Show You See With Your Heart"

First presented in 1955, this post-war humanist photograph exhibit, curated by Edward Steichen, consists of 503 photographs by 273 photographers from 68 different countries. It continues to strive, to be a manifesto for peace and fundamental equality of all people. [Permanent exhibit is housed in Luxembourg.]

- Fred Turner - Associate Professor of Communication and Director, Program in Science, Technology, and Society at Stanford University (2014)


This page offers the challenges and solutions regarding all land use. Too much has been taken and sold, with little thought for most of us. Humans walk. Read the evidence found in column below regarding speed bumps/humps versus "Continuous Sidewalks," and please visit page, "Walk N' Roll" for pictures and links showcasing just a few of a multitude of continuous sidewalks around the world. Peace and serenity abound when walkways and school crossings are saving pedestrian lives through forced intervention.

Droit à la Ville ~ THE RIGHT TO THE CITY

"If you look at what was happening in cities in the past; the spaces weren't specialized. For example, the market square was also a gathering place and the place where the people came to express their opinions and political decisions; when they were consulted for example, which happened quite often because there was an intense urban life. These spaces were multifunctional, but we have functionalized everything, all the spaces are specialized: the sports area is specialized, which is a considerable mistake....

Yes, the automobile has killed cities, killed urban life, and it still kills much more than that. It is an extraordinarily effective instrument of deculturation, of anti-civilization. It is the type of object that is presented as an object of sustainable consumption and whose obsolescence is arranged in such a way that it deteriorates as quickly as possible." - Henri Lefebvre

"Right To The City" Philosophy - Henri Lefebvre

RIGHT TO THE CITY - Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C)

Sim City video game maker wanted to replicate U.S. cities, but realized that they were too ugly; so made less roads, and shrunk parking lots.

"Looking for Space" - John Denver

οἰκιστικός ~ EKISTICS

Konstantinos Apostolou Doxiades, 1947 [Click for Slideshow]

Konstantinos Apostolou Doxiades [Click for Slideshow]

Konstantinos Apostolou Doxiades [Illustration by Mint Wallace] Click Picture!

Kōnstantinos Apostolou Doxiadēs, Architect and Urban Planner

οἰκιστικός ~ EKISTICS is the science of human settlements. Kōnstantinos Apostolou Doxiadēs (Constantinos) coined the Greek term derived from Greek adjective, οἰκιστικός, in 1942.

Konstantinos Apostolou Doxiades

Ekistics: An Introduction to the Science of Human Settlements - Konstantinos Apostolou Doxiades (1968) [Book]

Summary of book, EKISTICS - An Introduction to the science of Human Settlements - Constantinos A. Doxiadis

"Drinking water, beaches, a livable climate, clean air, forests, fisheries, and parks are all commons, shared by many users with diffuse and overlapping interests. These public natural resources are susceptible to depletion, overuse, erosion, and extinction; and they are under increasing pressures to become privatized. The Public Trust Doctrine provides a legal basis to guard against privatizing important public resources or commons. As such, it is a critical doctrine to counter the ever-increasing enclosure and privatization of the commons as well as ensure government trustees protect current and future generations."

HOSTLE ARCHITECTURE---------------------

"NYC is Building Anti-Homeless Streets" - Cash Jordan (2023)

"NYC is Full of Fake Buildings; Why?" - Cash Jordan (2023)

"The Big Dig Began with Activists who Hated Highways" - GBH News

"Drivers Say Street Safety Redesign has Made it More Dangerous for Them to Use Their Parking Lot" - WLNY TV 10 (2023)

"Transform Lives and Landscapes" - Purpose on the Planet

"Transform Lives and Landscapes" - Purpose on the Planet

"Architects and Planners in the Middle of a Road War: The Urban Design Concept Team in Baltimore, 1966-71" - Journal of Planning History

"Arthur J. Altmeyer - A Building is Dedicated" - Social Security History

"A Steady Stream of Pee is Eroding Baltimore's Historic Buildings" - The Baltimore Banner (2023)

"America's Oldest Neighborhood is Problematic" - Alan Fisher (November 25th, 2023)


PRIORITIES: * 90 percent of Gen Z and Millennials say they would pay more for a walkable community
* Entire population - one-third saying they would pay a lot more
* Majority say that they drive because they do not have other options [Page 6]
* 79 percent of residents like walking
* About half like riding a bike
* 44 percent like taking public transit - a rising trend, especially from Millennials (into their 30-40's) and Generation Z (Silent Generation)
* Six-in-ten residents say that they drive because they have no other options
* Older residents are less likely to walk because of traffic safety concerns or health issues.
Lots of tables, charts, and graphs.
"The majority of Americans, 53 percent, would prefer to live in communities containing
houses with small yards but within easy walking distance of the community’s amenities, as opposed to living in
communities with houses that have large yards but they have to drive to all amenities. This up from 48 percent in 2015."

Baltimore #103 with 100% Pedestrian Increase "Deadliest Cities for Pedestrians" - Moneygeek (2023)

"It's Time To Rethink How We Measure Cities. We Cannot Afford Not To." - Strong Towns (2023) [Entire]

Water Decision: "It's Time To Rethink How We Measure Cities. We Cannot Afford Not To." - Strong Towns (2023)

Ashville, North Carolina Reparations: "It's Time To Rethink How We Measure Cities. We Cannot Afford Not To" - Strong Towns (2023)

Baltimore streets were designed for people-centric use for horses, carriages, wagons, bicycles, and - streetcars. Baltimore streets must return to "People/Street-Centric" life; meaning tactile footpaths (visually impaired) and continuous sidewalks, dedicated-laned streetcars (library and delivery use cars) allee bicycle routes, and redesigned emergency vehicle prominence, parking and motor vehicle access.

Baltimore must have its own independent public transportation system.

Does not fore fill intended goal. Does absolutely nothing to reduce the amount of cars that drivers continue to drive. So automobile congestion is worse. Nothing to move drivers to public transportation. Dedicated Lane Streetcars for the lanes that are now closed are the answer. Most of their rails are underneath the concrete, while others are beaming shiny new.
[Introduction]: Features Baltimore

"Transformative Placemaking: Expanding Opportunities for People and Places" [Introduction (1) & 2] - Anne-T. and Robert M. Bass Center for Transformative Placemaking, The Brookings Institution

"Baltimore Students Take Part In Global Climate March" - WJZ TV 13 (2019)

"City Seeks to Create a Climate Change Authority - WBAL TV 11 (June 28, 2023)

"Baltimore City Council Takes Step Toward Combating Climate Change, Requests Report" - WJZ TV 13 (July 2023) [Where is the report?]

Today: Right of Way Services Division - Baltimore City Department of Transportation

"Mayors Join Coalition to Combat Urban Heat, Other Climate Risks" - (July 2023)


Enoch Pratt Free Library - Inventor of the Branch Library System

"The Paradox of Value" Adam Smith - - Akshita Agarwal - TED Education (2016)

"The Paradox at the Heart of Mathematics: Kurt Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem - TED Education - Marcus du Sautoy (2021)

"How Friendship Affects Your Brain" - Shannon Odell - TED Education (2022)

"What are Commons?" - Utrecht University (2018)

"Tragedy Of The Commons" - John Stossel (2014)

"What is a Co-op?" - National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA)

Public Dedication Meaning - Law Insider

"Active-Friendly Transportation" - Center for Disease Control (CDC)

Physical Activity Definitions - Center for Disease Control (CDC)

International Cooperative Alliance

N Street Cohousing - Davis, California

It is the type of trees, which must be native, and part of entire ecosystem canopy restoration.

California recommends 3 acres or 1.2 hectares per 1,000 people for planning parks.

Saint Louis Obispo: 10 acres or 4 hectares per 1,000 people= 3 acres of Community Parks, 4 Acres of Neighborhood Parks, and 2 acres of recreation facilities

"Does Your City Have Enough Parks?" - City Beautiful (2023) [Park Quotient Formula]

"Why Rails to Trails are Problematic - Alan Fisher (2023)

"It is our belief that there is much need for actual shopping centers-market places that are also centers of community and cultural activity. We are convinced that the real shopping center will be the most profitable type of chain store location yet developed for the simple reason that it will include features to induce people to drive considerable distances to enjoy its advantages." - Victor Gruen, 1948

Late 1960's and 1970 Founded Victor Gruen Foundation for Environmental Planning and strut a much different walk:
"The ugliness and discomfort of the land-wasting seas of parking, scarred the landscape."

"Nature will die, and man, realizing too late that he is himself part of nature, will suffocate in the stench of the corpse. To save the environment, Americans have to plan the urban environment. Only by stopping suburban sprawl, and remaking the city, can an environmental catastrophe be avoided." - Victor Gruen

"It is our belief that there is much need for actual shopping centers-market places that are also centers of community and cultural activity. We are convinced that the real shopping center will be the most profitable type of chain store location yet developed for the simple reason that it will include features to induce people to drive considerable distances to enjoy its advantages." - Victor Gruen, 1948

Late 1960's and 1970 Founded Victor Gruen Foundation for Environmental Planning and strut a much different walk:
"The ugliness and discomfort of the land-wasting seas of parking, scarred the landscape."

"Nature will die, and man, realizing too late that he is himself part of nature, will suffocate in the stench of the corpse. To save the environment, Americans have to plan the urban environment. Only by stopping suburban sprawl, and remaking the city, can an environmental catastrophe be avoided." - Victor Gruen

"'Researchers found increased reports of hypertension, arthritis, headaches, and breathing difficulties, among other chronic health conditions. Sedentary, car-dominated lifestyles and air pollution appeared to be contributing factors,' Sturm said.

The findings suggest that an adult who lives in a more sprawling urban area will have a health profile similar to someone four years older who lives in a more compact city."

Victor Gruen warned America, the land where he spent so many of his years, "In the long run, it cannot afford the wastage of land, of time, and of energy which its system of dispersed development creates."

"The Problem With Shopping Malls" - WB Productions (2022)

Victor Gruen Timeline "A Register of His Papers in the Library of Congress"

"The Gruen Effect" - 99% Invisible

"A City Reborn" - Victor Gruen Associates {1968)

Consumerism and Ecology: "Victor Gruen: the environmental Heart" - TU Delft University of Technology (2017)

"Malls Weren't Supposed to be Like This" - Yet Another Urbanist (2023)

"Car Centric - Car Dependent Sprawl: "'Cars' Suck. Here's Why" - ERYNGO URBANISM (2022)

"Each decade, millions of acres of rural land are converted into urbanized areas with separated residential, shopping and business areas, limited street connections, and lower population density. Sprawling developments increase our dependence upon automobiles for transportation, fuel consumption and commuting distances, a trend observed in Europe just as much as in the USA. While empirical evidence to support the popular assumption that suburban sprawl is bad for one's health remains limited, plausible pathways exist through which suburban sprawl can affect health. Pathways that have been documented include increased traffic fatalities, increased air pollution from motor vehicles, decreased walking trips, and a higher body mass index."

"What Makes POWER CENTERS Bad for Cities: Investigating Heinous Land Uses" [1] - City Nerd (2022)

"What Makes Fast Food Drive-Thrus Bad for Cities: Investigating Heinous Land Uses" [2] - City Nerd (2022)

"What Makes Lifestyle Centers Bad for Cities: Investigating Heinous Land Uses" [3] - City Nerd (2022)

"How Free Parking Destroys Urban Wealth - Yet Another Urbanist (2022)

"How Self Storage Thrives Off The American Dream" - Modern MBA (2023)

"Specifically, urban sprawl is detrimental to the physical health of males and females, but only has negative impact on the mental health of females. Younger groups are more vulnerable to physical and mental health damage from urban sprawl relative to middle-aged and older groups. In addition, urban sprawl has a significant negative impact on the health of the low-education group but a very limited impact on the health of the high-education counterpart. From an income perspective, however, the preference for suburban housing among middle- and high-income groups makes their health more vulnerable to the negative effects of urban sprawl than low-income groups living in urban centers."


Mel purchases a nursery school next door for the pleasure to destroy it by leveling it for a parking lot.

Tulsa, Oklahoma: "The REAL Downtown Parking Problem..." - EYNGO Urbanism (2022)

"Why Amsterdam is Removing 10,000 Parking Spaces" - Not Just Bikes (2022)

"Parking Garages Represent Lazy and Terrible Planning" - Alan Fisher (2022)

"Enormous Parking Lots of the US: The 10 Most Sprawling Car Parks and Why They Exist" - City Nerd (2022)

"Why American Cities Have So Much Parking" - Cheddar (2021)

"The High Cost of Free Parking" - Vox (2017)

"Should Cities Get Rid of On-Street Parking? - City Beautiful (2022)

"This Croatian Farmer Was Sick Of People Parking On His Land So He Set Up The Perfect Revenge" - Did You Know ? (2020)

The Current Hurdles to Putting More Electric Vehicles on the Road - PBS News Hour (2023)

Car-First Streets - or....

"How To Design A Great Street" - City Beautiful (2020)

Boulevards: "The Street Type that Breaks the Hierarchy" - City Beautiful (2022)

"The Suburban Traffic Contradiction" - Oh The Urbanity(2021)

"Every Neighborhood Should Have a Corner Store - But Can't - City Beautiful (2021)

"How Does Permeable Pavement Work?" - Practical Engineering (2020)

* All cars are mostly idle - and parked somewhere. Some government people decided that 1.3 parking spaces with the excess spaces accounting for "sharing" parking spaces and inefficiencies in "distribution" (the egotistical belief that there is always supposed to be storage for one's car - for free). This is an astronomical number of parking spaces.
* Drivers looking for parking, circling around and around generate greenhouse gases. Inside a parking facility, a kilometer driven is much more inefficient than at roadway speeds. and produces much more greenhouse gas than driving a kilometer at regular, roadway speeds.
* Parking facilities require sizeable amounts of electricity; indoor and outdoor lighting, elevators, and large fans for ventilation..
* Large, impermeable areas, like conventional parking garages and parking lots contribute to stormwater runoff challenges by preventing the natural absorption of water into the ground. This increases the deposition of pollutants and sediment into sensitive creeks, streams, rivers, and bays.

"A vehicle exploded at a parking garage in the Fells Point area on Wednesday, injuring two people, according to authorities."

~ Easy to park
~ Easy to exit
~ Requires less turning radius
~ Least likely to get blocked in
~ More spaces per square per foot than straight parking
~ Lowest risk of collisions with other vehicles
~ Lowest risk of door collisions
~ Makes one-way street parking simple

"Vandal Paints Makeshift {Vertical} Parking Spaces in Downtown Meridian" - KTVB TV 7 Boise


TWU International President John Samuelsen: There is a Need to Reduce Congestion in New York City" - (August 15th, 2023)

Opinion: "Modified or Not, Toll Lane Plan Will Cement Inequity and Worsen Traffic for Most" - Maryland Matters (2023)


"An Introduction to Neighbourhood Watch" - Arleston Neighbourhood Watch (U.K) (2021)

Television show sarcasm

"Neighborhood Watch Presentation" - Evergreen Neighborhood, San Hose, California (2019)

"Design of Roads and Streets Guide" - Movement and Place NSW Government



Kirribilli and Milsons Point High Pedestrian Activity Area 40km/h Plan - North Sydney, Australia - YOUR SAY

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY: Kirribilli and Milsons Point - High Pedestrian Activity Area 40km/h (2020)

"Boston Complete Streets Design Guidelines" | APA Awards 2015 - American Planning Association (2015)

"Why Philadelphia's Streets Are Better Than Other North American Cities" - Alan Fisher (2022)

Carmel Indiana: "The Best Designed Suburb in America" - Shortcut Documentaries (2023)

"Highway Engineering Madness: 10 Waterfront Freeways That Need to Go (North America Edition)" - City Nerd (2022)

Seek, "WALK N' ROLL" [here] for expanded specifics.

"Cuius est solum, eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferos"
Latin phrase: "Whoever owns the soil, it is theirs up to Heaven and down to Hell."
- Accursius, 13th-century glossator, Medieval Roman law

AIR RIGHTS = Ownership of air - today, and always. Granted, or sold "space" above land/the ground and/or water extending up infinity above particular ground, building, or park.... that the owner can do as he/she pleases, such as building unlimited floors, build a steeple, place radio, television, or telephone towers, have a helicopter or other vehicle pad (allowing anyone - foreign or domestic) to hover over entire property and park on top of. Real Estate term, having value, and so, is transferable and sellable. Complete domain over, no interference, dominance of who can be above their property. A state, or country security concern regarding domestic or foreign harm because of intimate access. Can even interrupt and override police and military search and seizure. Of "National security" nature.


"Vertically inclined cities could make a lot of money allowing private developers to build high-rise apartments or business spaces above libraries, city halls, and schools."
Since 1992: "“Open Skies” air transport agreements, which eliminate government interference in commercial airline decisions about routes"

"Air Rights" - Wikipedia

"What Are The Freedoms Of The Air?" - Forbes Magazine (2024)

BALTIMORE CITY "Sale of Property - Air Rights over a Portion of the Public Right of Way of the 200 Block of North Broadway" - City Council President (Administration) [Only 3 council members present to be able to vote]

GIVING AWAY AIR RIGHTS FOR FREE: "The parking lot is currently in the C-5-DE zoning district, which has a height limit of 125 feet or about 12 stories. The pending legislation, introduced by council member Zeke Cohen, would rezone the parcel to put it in the C-5-DC zoning district, a category with no height limit."



It’s a tall order. Every year, 25-35 square miles of land off the coast of Louisiana—an area larger than Manhattan–disappears into the water. In Southeast Louisiana, relative sea level is rising at a rate of three feet every one hundred years, according to sixty years of tidal gauge records from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Relative sea level refers to the change in sea level compared to the elevation of the land, which can be due to a combination of global sea level rise and subsidence—the settling and sinking of soil over time. Since the 1930s, Louisiana’s coast has lost 1,900 square miles of land, primarily marshes.

Then, of course, there is the inevitability of tropical storms and hurricanes. Storm surge—the water from the ocean that is pushed toward the shore by the force of storm winds—takes advantage of the problems caused by subsidence and global sea level rise. Because much of the Louisiana coast is very low in elevation and gradually converting to open water, entire neighborhoods, roads, and other structures are vulnerable to even small storm events. ....
'If you live in a really nice place, you don't leave,' Curole says. 'You really treasure the people around you and the community and the ecosystem. You have to compare the sacrifice of leaving to the sacrifice of staying, and only when it becomes too hard or too risky to stay, you leave.'

'And that has happened,' he says, calling to mind the sunken crypts hidden in the marshland near Leeville, the remainders of a community where neighbors also hosted crab boils on their porches once upon time. 'And it could very well happen in the future. If we lose all of this, it is a part of the world that will never exist again.'"


"The Leaning Tower of Pisa" - Florence Museum


"Long-term extraction of groundwater has caused significant land subsidence and associated aquifer-system compaction, which has damaged colonial-era buildings, buckled highways, and disrupted water supply and waste-water drainage."


"Strong Winds Collapse Historic Building, Halting Traffic in Riverside" - KTLA 5 Los Angeles (November 2023)


The Millennium Tower: "The Nightmare of San Francisco's Sinking Tower, Explained - Architecture with Ashley (2023)



"Heat diffusion into the ground creates high underground temperatures, which makes the ground swell, causing buildings to sink and crack, leading to tremendous upkeep and retrofitting costs."


"The Jersey Storm: Sandy in Monmouth County" - Monmouth County Clerk's Office


“We can’t sit around and wait for a critical threshold of sea level rise to occur, because waiting could mean we would be missing out on taking anticipatory action and preparedness measures,” said Andrew Kruczkiewicz, a senior researcher at Columbia University’s Climate School.

161 Maiden Lane "Why Nobody Can Fix This New York Skyscraper" [On landfill: Layers of sand and soil] (20140

"The Race to Save New York's Crumbling Infrastructure" -The B1M (December 2023)

"New York's Plan To Defend Itself From Rising Seas" -Cheddar News (2022)

"Sinking Cities: New York" - PBS (2018)

"Flooding Derails Public Transportation" - FOX 5 New York (September 2023)

"NYC is Under Water" - Casey Neistat (September 2023)

"Will New York Be Underwater by 2050?" - Real Engineering (2020)

"Raw: Sandy Leaves NYC Subways Flooded" - Associated Press (October 2012)

"Northern Hurricanes - are catastrophic."

Flood Terms: "The Late Show With David Letterman" [Hurricane Sandy] (2012)

"I saw this with my own eyes. I just realized I had witnessed 6 people die. R.I.P."

"Sandy - Anatomy of a Superstorm" - BBC | New York Sea Grant (2012)

"10 Years Since Superstorm Sandy" - WCAU TV 10 Philadelphia

"Sandy: A CBS News New York Documentary" CBS New York (2022) [10 Years Later]

"127-Year-Old Water Main Under Times Square Floods Streets, Subway System" - CBS New York (2023)

"MTA Prepared to Prevent Flooding at Subway Stations" - CBS New York (2023)

"Tunnel Rehabilitation" - MDOT Policy Manual [No mention of "Flooding" for Baltimore Subway Tunnel

"Flood-Proofing New York's Subways: Future Flooding is a Given for New York City. Can the City Protect its Subway System?" - Architect Magazine (2016)

"Can We Make Our Subways Flood-Proof Or What?: What Companies are Doing to Prevent Future L Train Shutdowns" - Popular Science (2016)

"Is it Possible to Flood-Proof the Subways?: Can Subway Tunnels be Made Flood-Proof as Climate Change and Coastal Sea-Level Rise Promise to Overtake the System?" (2021)

"In the eastern Chinese city of Zhengzhou, subway flooding reached a nightmarish worst-case scenario: hundreds of riders were trapped in cars as waters rose around them. Fourteen people drowned."

"Yes, The MTA Completely Flooded This Subway Entrance For A Reason" - Gothamist (2019)

"Flexible Buildings: The Future of Architecture Documentary (2021)

Architects are nature-inspired to build sustainable skylines. By 2050, two-thirds of us will be city dwellers.

History of Skyscrapers - Squalid Suburbs (2023)


The Building Collapse Prevention Act
"The Building Collapse Prevention Act would require the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to establish a program with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to inspect federally assisted rental housing, including public housing, buildings that accept Section 8 funds, and any other building that accepts federal housing funding. NIST must inspect a building if HUD, a member of the House of Representatives or Senate requests an inspection of a building or a building collapse. A member of the House may only request an inspection of a building that is within the Congressional district that they represent, and a Senator may only request an inspection of a building that is within their state. This request can only be made if there has been a violation of local construction or building safety codes or an inspection report that finds structural issues with a building and therefore could lead to a building collapse."

The LIHTC Landlord Accountability Act
"The LIHTC Landlord Accountability Act would require all Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) buildings, both new and existing, to prove complete architectural safety to receive the affordable housing tax credit. It would mandate that landlords submit an annual report to the U.S. Department of Treasury detailing their eligibility and structural soundness that must be proved through a thorough architectural analysis. It would require that the Department of Treasury fine LIHTC landlords $500,000 for noncompliance in these annual reports. Lastly, it would require the Department of Treasury, in consultation with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, to publish a report on best practices for LIHTC landlords to employ to ensure safety and integrity in our nation’s largest affordable housing program."







Under Construction


RESOURCES [Enough evidence to prove....]:

"Traffic Calming to Slow Vehicle Speeds"
"The Institute of Transportation Engineers defines traffic calming as the combination of measures that reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behavior, and improve conditions for non-motorized street users."

"Identifying Speed Hump, a Traffic Calming Device, as a Hotspot for Environmental Contamination in Traffic-Affected Urban Roads" September 30th, 2017 ACS Omega
"In the present study, the relation between the concentrations of Cu and Zn (marker heavy metals for traffic sources) at speed humps were nearly thrice to that in intersections, while for another marker heavy metal Pb, it was found nearly twice in comparison. Pollution load index >3 was observed up to 7.5–8.8 m distances of speed humps, and these were identified as hotspot zones for traffic-generated pollution. Furthermore, this heavy-metal-laden speed hump soil can pose a threat to living beings by virtue of resuspension produced by vehicular movements. Therefore, it is necessary to manage this emerging environmental issue....
Concentrations of vehicular emitted heavy metals in roadside soils result in long-term environmental damage.20−22 It was reported that Cu, Zn, and Pb could indicate traffic pollution and could continue to accumulate in urban environment due to their non-biodegradability and long residence time; thus, they are also known as 'chemical time bombs.'"

"Chemical Forms of Pb, Zn and Cu in the Sediment Profiles of the Pearl River Estuary" - Marine Pollution Bulletin (2001)

Method to Quantify Road Dust Particulate Matter Emissions (PM10 and/or PM2.5) from Vehicular Travel on Paved & Unpaved Roads August 2020 Page 13

"This method was submitted by the Center for the Study of Open Source Emissions (CSOSE) and Desert Research Institute (DRI) to EPA’s Office of Air Quality, Planning and Standards – Air Quality Assessment Division – Measurement Technology Group (MTG) for inclusion into the Other Test Method (OTM) category on EPA’s Emission Monitoring Center (EMC)."

5.2. Speed Bumps, Road Debris, and Other Hazards
A specific test vehicle may have undergone some modifications to enable mobile measurement of road dust emissions. These may include the installation of a sampling line behind a tire, the deployment of equipment on a trailer, or the placement of equipment on a platform mounted on the front or rear of the test vehicle. It is important to remember that when designing vehicle clearances, the manufacturer generally does not account for these types of modifications. For example, a sampling line behind a tire may not clear a speed bump or a large piece of road debris, resulting in a potentially hazardous situation. As another example, a piece of equipment mounted on a trailer may come loose during operation and fall off and cause a potential hazard to other vehicles. It is important that the operator be aware of the conditions that can result in a safety hazard for the specific configuration of the test vehicle being used."

IDLING "Compilation of State, County, and Local Anti=idling Regulations - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

CALVERT COUNTY, MARYLAND - Speed Bump only at last resort. Citizens Pass Resolution


"In 1994, several neighborhood associations encouraged the City Council to fund a speed hump program. The City Council responded by funding the program in 1994-95. Funding for this traffic calming program continued for four years. In the spring of 1997, the speed hump program was suspended due to concerns about possible impacts to emergency response times and the potential shifting of traffic from one neighborhood street to another."

"Many complain that they deliver a greater jolt than typical speed humps. At a Public Safety Commission hearing Monday, two advocates for the disabled said that the speed cushions were extremely painful for those with musculoskeletal disorders.

Karen Sironi, who has serious spinal issues due to a car crash a decade ago, told the commission that Transportation Director Robert Spillar stated that he didn't care if the (speed cushions) hurt people, a claim that an ATD spokeswoman vociferously rejected."





"Why Municipalities are Moving Away from Speed Humps as a Traffic Calming Solution"

"Can Speed Bumps Ruin Your Car?" - Jiffy Lube (2020) (Scroll down)

"UK-Based Startup Tevva Launches Hydrogen-Electric Truck with 310-Mile Range" - CNBC (2022)

"CAR CYCLE OF DEPENDENCY" ~ Illustrator: Kasia Babis

"Induced Demand: the great intellectual black hole in city planning, the one professional certainty that every thoughtful person seems to acknowledge, yet almost no one is willing to act upon." - City Planner Jeff Speck

INDUCED DEMAND = The economic phenomenon whereby an increase in supply results in a decline in price, therefore most likely bringing an increase in purchase or use - consumption. Forcing an outcome of economic worth. The main economic theory of "Supply and Demand."

Please seek, "INDUCED TRAFFIC" as transportation: road and rail usage in regards to vehicles is a specific type of, "Induced Demand." The worst kind is in regards to tired-vehicles on roads due to more and more single drivers, and further increase of trucks due to reduction of train use for product transport into cities directly (which adds costs to products we purchase, especially at the grocery store).

Related to, "Latent Demand" and "Generated Demand"

INDUCED TRAFFIC = The consumption of road capacity. Theory that relieving slow to no tired-vehicle movement is due to congestion, so solve it is to add new lanes. This theory always fails: that expanding streets, stroads, especially highways at first makes traffic go quicker, only for more drivers to fill in, making them go slower again, making the problem only worse. This also increases the amount and opportunity of enraged drivers, car crashes, into each other and killing of pedestrians, for the sake of wanting to speed (individual choice, yet no punishment for murder). Urban sprawl, with little to no public transportation pre-thought, or on purpose avoidance of "developers" force people to even get high interest loans to purchase automobiles, and attempt to afford repairs, insurance, parts, tickets.... This in turn, there are uninsured drivers, as well as other people who should not be driving (losing sight often as age...) Dependable and frequent public transportation, like streetcars, entice people to take it, knowing they will get to where they need, because a Transportation System - governing body offers everyone a Universal system, offering the same opportunity to go everywhere, without an automobile. The main thing, the most ironic thing is, those who fight public transportation to exist are the ones who complain about traffic. They do not understand that they just may have, "smooth sailing" if it was built. Heck, they may just take it themselves, as long as it is not a bus.

Creation and expansion of transportation systems immediately curbs all the space cars take up, thereby eliminating vastly traffic capacity as a cure for congestion. Often, when done correctly, one may realize that there are too many lanes, and having that streetcar alongside on its dedicated lanes, was after all, a blessing.

Please also seek, "INDUCED DEMAND"

Some places, exits misspelled. Catonsville, not Cantonsville.

Both Directions of Interstate 695 Videotaped - Roadrunner 99 (2022)

Under Construction

Downtown Baltimore Vacancies

Downtown Baltimore Vacancies

Downtown Baltimore Vacancy

Downtown Baltimore Vacancies





Under Construction

Lessons For Avoiding the Hype Cycle

There are several lessons you should learn from the hype cycle. Here are a few of them:

* Adopt When it is a Bit too Boring

Do not adopt technology because of societal Fascination due to Marketing and Promotion

Wait until excitement of a technological innovation dies down in news cycles. If it is genuinely making a difference, positive reviews and referrals will be reported by various governmental bodies and companies. This ends "present disillusionment" phase.

* Focus on achievement goals

Focus on intended goals to achieve then if needed, buy Solutions not Technologies that every else does

As a business, your needs will differ based on what you intend to achieve. You should focus on finding solutions for your unique needs and not just having certain technologies because everyone else does.

* Look for Incremental Gains

Don’t always go for the grand slam. Focus on making incremental changes, and often, these changes, although they seem small, can have a ripple effect. For instance, instead of changing all the technologies hospitals use, focus on improving medical facilities’ reliance on, for example, faxes. That small change in communication is already a million-dollar market

Bolster Internal Capacities

Never go in for new technologies at the expense of your internal team. While you may need to outsource some of your tech needs, make sure that your in-house tech team is given all the resources and support they need to innovate. Here’s why: your organization deals with your customers, and they understand the best how to create solutions to serve them.

* Look for a Tech Partner

Often, in the world of tech, you’ll hear the word “asymmetry of knowledge,” this simply refers to areas where you are deficient of information, insights, and experience. And that’s what a tech partner resolves. Their skill, expertise, and understanding of the industry can help you make better choices to increase your productivity. That’s why you should go for a tech partner with a proven track record and the right mindset to help your business scale while avoiding the hype cycle pitfall.

* Why F12 May Just Be for You

While many companies offer IT solutions, F12 does more than helping you with your IT needs for healthcare. We are a productivity provider assisting companies in functioning at their best. From IT strategy, cloud services, disaster recovery planning, simplified employee onboarding, and enhanced cyber threat protection, F12 helps your business thrive. And you wouldn’t have to worry about getting caught in the hype cycle trap because F12 takes care of all that. All you need to do is to get in touch.

* Last Words

Marketers would always do what they do best: creating a hype train with a product even if it isn’t a proven solution. That’s why you should be wary of any product that over promises. Instead, focus on solutions and not on technologies while bolstering your internal team. Partnerships with companies like F12 can help you escape the hype train and make better decisions for your business’ productivity.

"Currency Unions: Pro and Con" - Finance & Development, International Monetary Fund. External Relations Department (1966)

"Gartner Hype Cycles - Explained" - Gartner



Speed bumps, or humps, are not calming, but stressful when one comes upon one a driver is forced to drive over. For many it causes great stress. One must understand, most drivers in residential areas do not outrageously speed. And one must remember, a driver is only one person, when they may have multiple people with various physical health issues that up and down causes great pain, from continuous uterine fibroid suffering, to coming home from any surgery.

Residents who are car owners and homeowners or renters on their street do not want to have challenges with their cars. The matter is that when one does not know the implications of what is "popular" and have not thought through the consequences due to not be given another choice, whether from a government official or themselves (doing research), the worst option, humps and bumps are a forever reality "dealing with" - not for the occasional speeder, but daily for you.

1. CREATES NO BEHAVIOR CHANGE Speed Bumps do not change the driver's behavior. Driver attempts to go around, and can get too close to parked cars, even crashing into them. Damage = "Hit and Run."

2. RESPONSE TIME: Emergency Vehicles challenged - arrive at least 10 seconds later, making a person succumb to death with those missing 10 seconds.

3. USA TREND: REMOVING & BANNING HUMPS AND BUMPS Cities all over the U.S.A. not only not adding new speed bumps, but are getting rid of speed bumps due to all the reasons below. Some even prohibit - ban. The trend is to no longer use this archaic procedure. Those that continue have not done the research, and are not following EPA standards. Often a contractor is selected that makes and installs especially heavy metal speed bumps due to political contributions.

4. DANGEROUS: Harder to clean streets. Trash, Ice and Snow Removal. Bump and surrounding are never cleaned.

5. ACTUALLY - CREATES TRAFFIC INCREASE Bicyclists, motorcycles, and dirt bike riders will drastically increase due to the fun of speed bumps. No other street has them around here.

6. NOISE POLLUTION Increases noise levels: Scraping cars, especially low-riders, and engines reving over the bumps

7. LOSS OF TIME DUE TO MORE CAR REPAIRS Increases wear and tear on tires, brakes, suspension systems, shock absorbers and rattle dashboards

8. COSTS EVERY DRIVER $$$$$$$$ Expensive to place and repair/renovate

9. HEAVY METALS ARE USED FOR HUMPS AND BUMPS: INCREASES AIR AND WATER POLLUTION: Carbon Monoxide emissions increase by 82%. Carbon Monoxide fumes double, and nitrogen increases 37%

10. USING COAL-TAR, ASPHALT... WHICH CONTAIN POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS (PAHS) LEACHING INTO DRINKING WATER, WATERWAYS The PAHS family is not regulated, though is well verified that along with human beings, creatures all over the world have brain and other types of tumors. Seek PAGE ON MENU, "THE FOREVER CHEMICALS"

11. CARBON EMISSIONS INCREASES AND USES MORE GASOLINE Reduces fuel efficiency and increases gas consumption

12. LAWSUITS - SUING BALTIMORE CITY GOVERNMENT: Car owners will sue Baltimore City one way or another due to speed bumps that become quickly weathered, uneven...... Ill care; like potholes, are suable, and automobile owners do win. Why clog the already clogged court system?

13. REAL ESTATE: Home resale value goes down

14. THE PEOPLE WHO SUFFER AND HAVE MOST COST ARE THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE ON THE BUMPED STREET: People who live on the street most impacted - counter intuitive to the mission - foreign drivers - people who do not live on the street.

15. SOCIAL VIABILITY LOSS: Friends deterred to visit due to now lack of a place to park due to the speed bumps and fear of having their car sideswiped due to a driver who attempts to go around the speed bump.

16. FORCES TRAFFIC TO OTHER STREETS: Causes vehicles to divert onto other local streets to avoid the humps/bumps

17. CAUSES AGGRAVATION AND INCREASES HEALTH CONDITIONS: Speed humps/bumps also cause aggravation to motorists, lengthening pain for people with various health conditions, even if can drive around the speed bump or speed cushion (wider and higher the worst)

18. NEEDLESSLY CAUSES HARM: Going over speed humps and bumps is extremely painful for those who have ongoing pain, to coming home after any surgery.

"City's Speed Humps Hit a Bump with Disability Advocates" - The Windsor Star (2023)

"Stop Sign" - The Rainy Daze

19. STOP SIGNS DO NOT WORK FORCES TRAFFIC TO OTHER STREETS: Causes vehicles to divert onto other local streets to avoid the humps/bumps




1. A PRETTY NEIGHBORHOOD SIGN: Signifying that people live here, not just a thoroughway for you

2. ONE WAY SIGN: Having this vital sign where applicable naturally slows people down, as there has to be a reason for this distinction, yet the driver does not know the reason. Streets designated "One Way" need to have, on each end of the block, a clearly visible sign. Perhaps, more streets need to be "One Way," eliminating half of traffic due to only one way.

3. "SLOW WILDLIFE and PEDESTRIAN CROSSING 10 MPH": ALONG RESIDENTIAL PARK AREA SIGNS Pictures of animals: frogs, snakes, raccoons, squirrels. woodpeckers, cardinals, blue jays .... various birds}





6. "SLOW - CHILDREN PLAYING" Sign [Day Care at a home on the street?.] CHILDREN AT PLAY, SPEEDING KILLS" Sign




8. Chicanes


9. Chokers

10. Curb Extensions

11. RAISED INTERSECTIONS: Reduces speeders
For example, good for main streets: Liberty Heights, Reisterstown Road, Park Heights, Cold Spring, Northern Parkway, Harford Road, Bel Air Road....

12. CONTINUOUS SIDEWALKS: Platforms placed to height of sidewalks on either side of street, road... that has a small ramp on either end, which forces vehicles, especially cars to slow, changing driver behaviors because there is no escaping the slow of their vehicle, as there is no way around. IT is THE method of eliminating pedestrian deaths.

"Continuous Sidewalks" (flat platform with small ramps on either end on road turning onto that forces automobiles to slow down) so ending automobiles killing pedestrians and cyclists.

Continuous Sidewalks, as a major bonus, ends collection of waters at corners of intersections. It allows people to keep their feet and shoes dry. Standing water not only does not immediately get returned to water movement cycle, but increases breeding of mosquitoes.



WOMBAT CROSSING BLUEPRINt - Country of Australia

"Safety of Raised Platforms on Urban Roads" - Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety (2017) [Page 20]

"Key Findings:
• Raised platforms at pedestrian crossings (wombat crossings) lead to a casualty crash reductions of 63%;
• Platforms at mid-blocks reduce casualty crashes by 47%;
• Raised priority controlled intersections reduce casualty crashes by 55% (p = 0.1),
• Raised platforms also lead to speed reductions; 85th percentile speed reductions ranged between 5 km/h and 8 km/h for all platform types.


14. MEDIANS WITH FOLIAGE: Trees, Bushes - Topiary Medians

15. RADAR SIGN OF SPEED with CAMERA(S): Tickets where drivers who speed during turns onto streets.


16. NEIGHBORHOOD SIGNS: It is important that every neighborhood have a sign, even multiple signs signifying their neighborhood. This makes people and drivers familiar with each neighborhood, and recognition that people live there, and it is simply not your throughway. Where applicable, integrate "Wildlife Crossing" into the sign, with pictures of animals.


Under Construction

Other Water 1

Sail Boats

"Why Americans Are Obsessed With Big Cars" - CNBC (2022)

"Problems with Pickup Trucks: Why the Growing Share of Large Vehicles is Bad for Everyone - City Nerd (2022)

"It's Not You. Bad Doors Are Everywhere." - Vox (2016)

Congestion Reducer in Carmel, Indiana: "Roundabouts Are Safer. So Why Does The U.S. Have So Few Of Them? - CNBC (2023)

Defensive Design: "Why Cities are Full of Uncomfortable Benches" - Vox (2017)

"The 10 Surprising (?) US Cities Where People Drive the Least" - City Nerd (2023)

"Making a Walking Paradise Out of a Car-Centric City" [Madrid] - City Nerd (2023)

"Pedestrianized Streets Are Good, So What Are We Even Doing?" - City Nerd (2023)

"Why I Live Car-free" - The Money Breakdown - City Nerd (2022)

"Live Car-Free In the Sun Belt Challenge: Accepted // Successes, Failures, and Utter Travesties" - City Nerd (2022)


"Dancin' In The Aisles" - Barry Manilow

Notice the "aisle" is the front walkway of land-efficient homes.

"Dancin' In The Aisles" (7th Heaven Club Mix) - Barry Manilow


Mission Abound

Homes * Any Street * Baltimore * USA * 01234

Any Street * Anytown * Baltimore * USA * 01234
