"Hands off the Democratic Republic of the Congo! Hands off Africa! Stop choking Africa, it is not a mine to be stripped
or a terrain to be plundered! - Pope Francis, January 31st, 2023
Speech in Democratic Republic of Congo
"The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) went ahead on Thursday with auctioning off tracts of land to international oil companies
despite promises to UN and the EU to protect the rainforest in the fight against climate change.
As previously reported, the auction covers 27 oil and three gas fields and encompasses an area more than 240,000 km2, including
rainforest and peat lands that is storing vast amounts of carbon. The drilling fields are close to or inside protected
areas, including a gorilla sanctuary." - The Brussels Times - July 29th, 2022
"Miners toil with little protection, and the work is hazardous. According to media reports, in 2019, 43 informal miners were
killed in the DRC when a copper and cobalt mine collapsed; in 2020, 50 were killed after a gold mine shaft collapsed; in 2021,
12 died in a landslide at an informal gold mine; and in March 2023, two miners died in a collapse at one mine, while nearby,
nine others were rescued after two days underground when the mine they were working in collapsed after heavy rain. Spoils
from mining can also be toxic. In 2021, 12 people were killed and 4,500 sickened when toxic metals from a diamond mine in
Angola spilled into the Kasai River and flowed into DRC."
"Deep-Sea Mining" - "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver"
This page will convey specifically the choices we make, and the consequences of those choices.
One of the pressing choices that automobile drivers, whose cars use gasoline as fuel demand, not only refined oil, but cheap
refined oil. Now, the only place where Gorillas live free with their habitat intact is being auctioned off in the Democratic
Republic of Congo on July 28th, 2022. There is actually not much chance that there is oil, but a small chance of "bomanza."
But wild Gorillas will cease, At best, go to sanctuaries and zoos around the world. What if your house, neighborhood, city,
and state was gone/ This is where we start. At what cost.
"The water is warm, but it's sending me shivers
A baby is born
Crying out for attention
The memories fade like looking through a fogged mirror
Decision to decisions are made and not bought
But I thought this wouldn't hurt a lot, I guess not
Control yourself
Take only what you need from it"
Not what you WANT from it.
"Material Girl" - Madonna
"Barbie Girl" - Aqua
"Curtis Bay Residents Sue CSX, Charging Negligence Caused Health-Harming Explosion in 2021" - The Baltimore Brew (October
19th, 2022)
"Low-Income City Residents Disproportionately Impacted by Weak Stormwater Permit, Environmentalists Say: Bay Foundation and
Blue Water Baltimore Plan Appeal After a Judge Rejects Their Petition Challenging Baltimore's 'ineffective' Permit" (September
14th, 2022)

"There are those who will patronise and compromise your position
They can't feel the forceful hand of
predetermined destination
There are those who move clouds
Those who move clouds
Heard it murmured in a far off crowd
Those who move clouds"
"Many manatees have recognizable scars on their backs from being hit by boat propellers, almost like fingerprints when it
comes to identifying them. That's how they knew they'd found Chessie.
His symptoms were the same as those being seen in a number of severely malnourished manatees in the Indian River Lagoon and
portions of waterways in southeast Florida. Chessie was rushed to critical care at SeaWorld Orlando. The prognosis wasn't
good. ....
If you go back to 2011, there was 77,000 acres (of sea grass) within a reasonable proximity of that power plant," Rose said.
Now the area is largely barren. The sea grass has been killed off by algae blooms fueled by nutrients, particularly nitrogen
and phosphorus, from over fertilized lawns, faulty sewage treatment infrastructure and leaching septic tanks, according to
the St. Johns River Water Management District.
A dead, emaciated manatee was found near the power plant this week, and Rose and other experts fear a repeat of last winter's
mass die-off. 'Now that it's getting cold again, many of them are going to start returning to that power plant and there
will not be sufficient forage for them in that area,' said Rose. The manatees face a choice: Stay in the warm water, or venture
out in the also-dangerous cold water.
'So many of them are going to stay there in that emaciated condition until they either die or would be rescued,' said Rose.
The federal government is weighing whether to approve a permit that would allow the state to feed the manatees at the power
plant, and efforts are underway to expand rescue and treatment facilities like the one at SeaWorld.
As for Chessie, books have been written about him: Chessie the Travelin' Manatee and Chessie the Meandering Manatee."