"Humans Are Disrupting Natural 'Salt Cycle' on Global Scale: UMD Geologist Leads Research Finding That Influx of Salt in Streams,
Rivers Poses 'Existential Threat'" - Maryland Today (2023)
"Climate Change Making Atlantic Hurricanes Twice as Likely to Strengthen from Weak to Major Intensity in 24 Hours" - ABC News
"Unavoidable Future Increase in West Antarctic Ice-Shelf Melting Over the Twenty-First Century" - Nature Climate Change, The
Nature Journal (2023)f
"How Road Salt Melts Ice and Snow" - NBC4 Washington (2024)
HYDROTHERMAL "Snowmelt: A Snow-Free Holland ~ The Largest Municipal Snowmelt System in North America"
"Grand Haven Seeks New Source for Snow Melt System" - WOOD TV 8 (2009)
"Ice ice baby ~ Ice ice baby
All right stop.
Collaborate and listen
Ice is back with a brand new invention"
"Sandman, I'm so alone {bum, bum, bum, bum}
Don't have nobody to call my own {bum, bum, bum, bum}
Please turn on your magic beam
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream"
"Walking in the sand ~ (Remember) walking hand-in-hand"

"It's like walking on snow, without leaving a trace
You're not gonna see, gonna see this heart break
You huff, and you puff, but I'm not blown away
When are you gonna get it, I'm so unaffected"
"Winter Wonderland" - Bing Croby
"Truth: it lives in a distant land of snow and ice and burning sand"
This page focuses on all aspects of seasonal and intentional cooling, such as refrigeration, as well as intentional removal
of cold air and stages of freezing water, and what better choices we can make regarding chemical usage killing all animals,
including human beings.
[For choices regarding how to cool and heat buildings, including houses, seek, "Geothermal" for all "Thermal"
energies in the "Energies" section.]
"The spreading of a ton of salt per mile of freeway whenever icing conditions exist is found to exacerbate this problem.
The hydrocarbon and lead residues associated with water rub-off have not even been evaluated."
[Easy to get out of drinking water. Salt and often unknown derivatives Are Not.]
Baltimore City Snow Center
There is no information on "Baltimore City Snow Center," even via videos, disclosing as to what product(s) - and its ingredients
- chemicals Baltimore City is choosing to purchase. Salt spread on streets and even being giving out to public to hand handle
through boxes, creates dissolvent pollution due to impurities (filler ingredients) dangerous health harm. Water drain into
our drinking water system, and out to creeks, rivers, and Chesapeake Bay. There are no health warnings, especially for all
wild and tamed (pets) animals, including human beings.
Salt corrodes automobiles, especially their bottoms and doors. Salt is bad all around, as not only it makes water salty,
the bonds that salt makes with other chemicals from PAHS and PFAS families are detrimental, making animals slowly suffer with
illnesses, and only future is death. Salt does not even work to melt at and below 10 Degrees Fahrenheit. Salt and other chemicals
deteriorates tires, evidenced well by causing snow and ice to become black. Intentionally putting its citizens and residents
due to salt and other chemicals is more than neglectful, but sets up for many lawsuits. It is also a violation of the Peace
Resolution, passed unanimously on April 3rd, 2001, which states;
"A city that does not use or promote anyone or product hurting any of its citizens, chooses to concentrate its energy
on mentoring, works with the vision that opportunity and prosperity is indeed unlimited for all, integrates efficient land
allocation and conservation"



Geothermal has the capacity to heat sidewalks, bridges, and streets... along with heating our homes and all other buildings
in the winter, and cool sidewalks, bridges, tunnels, and streets... along with cooling our homes and all other buildings in
the summer. One reliable system that does not depend on electricity. No more chemicals. No more plows. No more power losses.
No more well-meaning people using their ovens, space heaters, and candles to be warm, and start fires.
"Pavement snow melting using geothermal hot water and steam has been demonstrated in several countries, including Argentina,
Japan and the United States. These installations include sidewalks, roadways, bridges and runways."

More Pictures coming! |
"Your walk or driveway may not cause much harm individually, but think about all the deicing compounds applied throughout
the area. All that runoff adds up to large amounts of salt and nutrients entering local waterways.
Freshwater ponds, lakes, streams and rivers are especially vulnerable. Salt is often toxic to animals living
in fresh water and can also harm plants in your yard and along the roads.
Deicers come in serveral forms. Consider the best choice:
☸ Rock salt (sodium chloride) is the most commonly used but contains cyanide, as an anti-caking agent that can be toxic
to underwater life, and is the most harmful for plants.
☸ Calcium chloride is considered a better choice than rock salt, because it does not contain cyanide, however, it can
also harm plants. Calcium chloride costs about three times more than rock salt, but you only need to use about one-third as
☸ Magnesium chloride is considered the least toxic deicing salt because it contains less chloride than either rock
salt or calcium chloride, making it safer for plants and animals.
☸ Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA) is considered the best overall choice for safely melting ice. It is
less toxic than deicers containing chloride, but can cost considerably more than rock salt.
☸ ☸ ☸ ☸ Never use fertilizer as a deicer. Nutrients in fertilizer and urea-containing
deicers can run off your property, polluting local waterways."
Italians call salt, "Cancer" because it eats away at mosaic tiles, cobblestones, building foundations, pylons, and
piers. Just like Baltimore.
"Icy Temperatures Cut Electric Vehicle Range Nearly in Half: AAA Research Finds HVAC Use in Frigid Temperatures Causes Substantial
Drop in Electric vehicle range" - AAA (2019)
