HOME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MISSION ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~ DEFINITIONS ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~1~~~~~~ REPARATIONS
~~~~~~3~~~~~~ HOUSES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOME FINANCING ~~~~~~~~
The Tenant: Rentals
~~~~~~4~~~~~~ WORK
~~~~~~5~~~~~~ TRANSPORTATION ~~~~~~~~~~
Tires Tyres Everywhere ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ World Circle Loop Lines & Baltimore Legend
~~~~~~~~ MDOT:MDTA~MTA ~~~~~~~~
Transport Overflow
~~~~~~6~~~~~~ POLLUTIONS = POISONS ~~~~~~~~
AT WHAT COST ~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~ 7 ~~~~ ENERGIES
~~~~~~~~~~ TRASH ALTERNATIVES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~8~~~~~~ NATURE RESTORATION ~~~~~~~~
Becoming a "SPONGE CITY"
Baltimore-Specific Studies
World Ecology Impact
~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE COMMONS ~~~~~~~~
HOMEWORK: What To Do Now

Baltimore Serenade: Ecosystem Guardians Embracing Impactful & Peaceful Climate Solutions

Efficient Structures & Materials

USE: For thermal energy storage (TES)

"Net Zero Homes: Why It's Easy to Build One Now!" - Colorado Renewable Energy Society (2018)

Wood Pulp!!!! Quick build!

"340. Net-Zero 101 - A Guide to Building Your Future-Proofed Dream Home" - Green Energy Futures (2023)

"How to Improve Ventilation Naturally in Your Home - Home Tube (2022)

Featuring Solar Chimney: "Passive Design Technique for House" - Home Tube (2022)

"The first comprehensive standard for the design, construction, inspection, and testing of boilers and pressure vessels, greatly influencing public safety."

The Maryland Healthy Air Act - State of Maryland

2023: "Air & Radiation Regulations in Development" - State of Maryland

Radiological Health Program - State of Maryland

"Eco India: How the Pattern of a Beehive Inspired the Design for an Affordable, Natural Air Cooler - Scroll.in (2019)

Ceramic refrigerator is 8 degrees cooler

"Can I Make an A/C Out of Clay???" - Pottery to the People (2023)

Badgir: "Can I make an A/C out of clay???" - Pottery to the People (2023)

"How to Cool Our Homes (Even Without ACs)" - DW Planet A (2023)

Wind Catcher Tower: "How This ANCIENT Wind Catcher Make Building Cool" - Home Tube (2023)

"These Bricks Can Absorb Traffic Noise - Thesis Presentation on Helmholtz Resonators" - Joe Makes (2023)

"I Thought This Rotating House was Impossible." - Tom Scott (2023)

"Wood is living. Steel and concrete are dead."

- "The World's Biggest Wooden Skyscraper Stands In Wooden House: Brumunddal, Norway, Rising 85 Meters Into The Sky" - DW Euromaxx (2019)

Mjøstårnet is the Symbol of the “green shift.” Standing at 85.4 meters tall, it is officially the world’s tallest timber building.

"Why All Buildings Should Be Timber" - Tomorrow's Build (2021)

Michael Green: "Why We Should Build Wooden Skyscrapers" - TED Talks (2013)

"Natural gas plant failures were the main factor behind electricity shortfalls and outages during major winter storms in the US since 2011 - that risk remains as the US faces more extreme cold weather"





"Builder and Contractor Resource for Radon-Resistant New Construction (RRNC)" - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

GEOTHERMAL HOUSE (Single Use Vertical Loop) - Presenter Media

"Sand" · Lee Hazlewood and Nancy Sinatra

"The only thing which recently that caused any alarm ~ is a little man Sam who appears every day
Peddling up on a bike ~ with a bag in his arms"

In recent times, there is no one at all
Who can approach Antonio Gaudi
He started {to build} a new cathedral, in Barcelona
It is called, "La Sagrada Familia" or, "The Holy Family"
The sad thing is they could try to finish it
But I don't think they will do it
Antoni Gaudí, a universal figure of Catalan culture and international architecture, devoted more than 40 years to create the Temple of the Sagrada Família.

Under Construction
More links coming!

This page shares pertinent information regarding architecture, celebrates innovative architects, and what materials are needed in order to renovate to net-zero and net positive standards.

"Rethinking Building Design for the Health of People and the Planet" - Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

"This 94-Year-Old Home May Be The Key To Revolutionizing Green Tech" - Forbes Magazine (2019)


"Earth-Sheltered Homes" - Energy Saver - U.S. Department of Energy

"Top 5 BIGGEST Architecture Fails in the World" - Disaster Projects

"Maryland Building Decarburization Study" Energy + Environmental Economics - State of Maryland (2021 - using 2017 data)

Focus is biased; as it is about continuing to use gas and electricity, without any information as to how the electricity is made. Biased also, as it is about what is cheapest rather than the best, and providing a scale of all choices. Advocates for heat pumps. No mention of geothermal use, or geothermal heat pumps, which also cool. No mention of natural window cooling, or any type of fans, even attic fans. States materials are expensive, but no mention of what materials to use, or for new houses. Methane gas leakage is concern to the author, but not alarming - as it should be. Methane gas should no longer be used, as evidenced that all new building is to use electric only. Convoluted, but point is made that utility costs cannot be, at all, assessed, but will be vastly expensive.

"All scenarios demonstrate technologically feasible pathways to achieve zero direct building emissions by 2045, but require extensive technology deployment and commercialization efforts.
 The Electrification with Fuel Backup pathway shows lowest overall costs while also reducing reliance on technologies that have not yet been widely commercialized or that are uncertain in their scalability.
 The High Decarbonized Methane pathway requires high demand for zero-carbon fuels, resulting in high incremental fuel costs with significant cost uncertainty
 The High Electrification pathway results in a shift from a summer peak to a winter peak, mainly as a result of space heating loads in winter.
 Consumers in retrofit buildings can save costs by employing a dual-fuel heating system with heat pumps providing majority of the heating need and fuel system providing backup during the coldest hours
• All-electric new construction is found to be less expensive considering both equipment and fuel costs than those connecting to gas grid and using fuels for heating"
 Achieving the Electrification with Fuel Backup pathway would require careful policy design that incentivizes consumers to employ dual-fuel heating systems
• For example, the current ratemaking model likely needs to be revisited, so that the right price signals are reflected in gas and electric rates and incentive consumers to switch to fuel backups during cold hours
 Each scenario presents its own equity and affordability challenges
• The average costs of the gas service are likely to increase in an electrification scenario as customers leave the system and infrastructure costs are spread over a smaller customer base.
• Emphasis on mitigating the energy burden with customers ‘staying behind’ is important.
 The single building shell measure considered in this study is expensive. The perfect mix of shell measures will vary by building type and customer preference in terms of cost effectiveness, the comfort level it brings and other factors
 Other factors including but not limited to: health impact, job impact and methane leakage, which are beyond the scope of this study, need further investigation to provide a more complete evaluation of impact of the different pathways



Buildingized computer


"Architect's Hands: How Can We Design Better Streets" - Evelina Ozola - TEDx Riga, Latvia

"Net Zero Homes: Why it's easy to build one now!"

Four Ways Architects Can Fight Climate Change - The American Institute of Architects (AIA) (2018)


Hieroglyhpic Background 2

"How Putting the Arch Back in Architecture Could Save the Environment - Matthias Rippmann - TED Talks Basel

"Why I'm an Architect That Designs Opportunities fpr Impact, Not Buildings - Liz Ogbu - TED Talks Mid-Atlantic ["Expert Citizen"]

"Green Buildings are More Than Brick and Mortar" - Bryn Davidson - TED Talks - Renfrew Collingwood


"NEOM, Saudi Arabia's Megacity How Will This Look Like in 2040" - The Future Planet


The use of plants as a material to make something, not planting plants.

Michael Green: "The Natural Building Blocks of Sustainable Architecture" - TED Talks (2023) TED

"Cool-Roofs" - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Plants, especially on buildings, are ornamentation. It does little to tend to 70% urban global C)2 emissions.

"Compared to all of the Earth's land built up areas really only take up around 1% of the space. And yet - our urban areas are responsible for about 70% of global CO2 emissions. Skyscrapers and cars are among the main culprits."


Kitchen faucet


"Why Salt Farmers Risk Their Lives To Harvest Desert Salt For $4 A Ton - India - Business Insider


Michael Green: "Why We Should Build Wooden Skyscrapers" - TED Talks (2013)

American Wood Council


"A simple and inexpensive new process can transform ANY type of wood into a material stronger than steel; and even some high-tech titanium alloys. Besides taking a star turn in buildings and vehicles, the substance could even be used to make bullet-resistant armor plates.

Wood is abundant and relatively low-cost—it literally grows on trees. And although it has been used for millennia to build everything from furniture to homes and larger structures, untreated wood is rarely as strong as metals used in construction. Researchers have long tried to enhance its strength, especially by compressing and 'densifying' it, says Liangbing Hu, a materials scientist at the University of Maryland, College Park. But densified wood tends to weaken and spring back toward its original size and shape, especially in humid conditions."

"Wood Pulp Extract Stronger Than Carbon Fiber or Kevlar" - New Atlas (2012)

"Freight Rail & Construction, Pulp & Paper" - Association of American Railroads (2023)


"Introduction to Cross Laminated Timber" (CLT) - American Wood Council (2021)

"Using Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) in Residential Construction (Webinar) - Wood Solutions (2020)

Michael Green: "The Natural Building Blocks of Sustainable Architecture" - TED Talks (2023) TED

Building Small Houses to Skyscrapers

"Wooden Skyscrapers Could be the Future for Cities" - The Economist (2018)

Architects are nature-inspired to build sustainable skylines. By 2050, two-thirds of us will be city dwellers.

"Wooden Skyscrapers: Sustainable Homes of the Future?" - Cambridge University (2019)

"How to Build a Wood Skyscraper" Vox (2022)



"The 'Sand Battery' that Heats your Home, NOT the Planet!" - Just Have a Think - Dave Borlace

District Heating THERMAL SAND ENERGY Flexible Energy Solutions Scandinavia provides answers - Finland

Sand Stories


"The World Is Slowly Running Out Of Sand" - Tom Scott (2017)

"We Are Running Out of Sand. Yes. SAND." - The Good Stuff

WATCH: State of Sand

"How Sand Mining Destroys One Home to Build Another" - National Geographic

"How Sand Mining Is Quietly Creating A Major Global Environmental Crisis" - Forbes

"A Striking Growth of CO2 Emissions From the Global Cement Industry Driven by New Facilities in Emerging countries" - Environmental Research Papers - IOP Science & Publishing

"A Potential Solution to the Sand Crisis - FINITE


PERFECT GLASS ~ Glass Nanolattice

"This high-strength, lightweight, nano-architected silica is now the strongest known material for its given density. It comes in at five times lighter and four times stronger than steel. .... The researchers, which include scientists from the University of Connecticut, Columbia University, and Brookhaven National Lab, say glass—when flawless, that is—actually provides an ideal avenue toward crafting a new type of material. ....

Glass’s reputation for shattering easily is actually a result of any flaws present in the material—flawlessness is what brings lightweight strength. And to create flawless glass, the team used a sample less than a micrometer thick. At that thickness, glass is almost always flawless, and is much less dense than other metals and ceramics. The team then built a DNA lattice and coated it with a glass-like material only a few hundred atoms thick. Coating the DNA strands left empty space in portions of the material volume. This DNA skeleton reinforced the thin, flawless coating of glass for strength, and the voids made it lighter."
The makers of famous Pink Panther's fiberglass insulation, Owens Corning, are now touting their "glass and sand" insulation!:


"New Breakthrough Claims 90% Reduction in Steelmaking Emissions" - Just Have a Think (February 26th, 2023)

FABRIC ~ Hydrogels

"Researchers from Hokkaido University in Japan developed the fabric, called fibre-reinforced soft composite(or FRSC), by combining hydrogels containing high levels of water with glass fibre fabric. 'The material has multiple potential applications because of its reliability, durability and flexibility,' says one of the researchers, Jian Ping Gong.

Putting two natural materials together to combine their properties is a trick people have been pulling off for a very long time – straw and mud go together to make bricks, and paper and glue gives you papier-mâché. The idea is you end up with a new super-material that combines the best parts of both your source materials.

The scientists set out to create a substance that could bear heavy loads and was also very fracture-resistant, taking the best characteristics of hydrogels, but adding extra durability and toughness through the glass fibre fabric. The team says the incredible strength of the composite material comes from dynamic ionic bonds – atoms attracted to each other as electrons get swapped – acting between the fibre and the hydrogels, and within the hydrogels themselves. ....

The end result is a material that's 25 times tougher than glass fibre fabric; 100 times tougher than hydrogels; and five times as strong as carbon steel, in terms of the energy required to break them.

"Energy-Dissipative Matrices Enable Synergistic Toughening in Fiber Reinforced Soft Composites" - Advanced Functional Materials (2017)


"Combining steel and cement recycling in a single process powered by renewable electricity, could secure the supply of the basic materials of construction to support the infrastructure of a zero emissions world and to enable economic development where it is most needed." - Professor Allwood, University of Cambridge

"Cambridge Engineers Invent World's First Zero Emissions Cement" - Department of Engineering - University of Cambridge

"How Does Permeable Pavement Work?" - Practical Engineering (2020)

"How Graphene Could Solve Our Concrete Problem" Undecided with Matt Ferrell (2022)


"It can penetrate through most common building materials."

"Muons are subatomic particles that are similar to electrons but around 200 times heavier. At high energy, they can easily travel through hundreds of yards of solid rock."


"Cool-Roofs" - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


Corrosion Engineering: "What's the Difference Between Paint and Coatings?" - Practical Engineering (2022)


"Attic Fan: What Are the Pros and Cons of Installing One?" - The Spruce (2023) [Solar paneled attic fan]


"Concentrating solar power with storage" - Professor Marc Jacobson Stanford University


HEAT PUMPS: "An Examination of Redundancy, Ventilation, and Codes on Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems in Institutional Settings" - Engineered Systems Magazine (2019)

"How to Add a Heat Pump to a Water Heater" - "This Old House" (2016)


Cone Leaning Left

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Mission Abound

Homes * Any Street * Baltimore * USA * 01234

Any Street * Anytown * Baltimore * USA * 01234
