Australia to Singapore solar energy? Not likely - DW Planet A (August 9, 2024)
The Weird Science Behind Living Solar Panels" - Undecided with Matt Ferrell (Aug 13, 2024)
"Ghana University Launches Solar Powered 4x4" - Auto Parts Africa
15% more efficient and works on cloudy days and snow reflection
Subject areas: Thermal engineering, Materials science, Energy materials
V-Shaped Design: "Radiative cooling presents a method for reducing the operational temperature of solar panels without
additional energy consumption. However, its applicability to PV modules has been limited by the thermal properties of
existing materials. To overcome these challenges, we introduce a V-shaped design that enhances cooling in vertical PV modules
by effectively harnessing thermal radiation from both the front and rear sides, resulting in a substantial temperature reduction
of 10.6°C under 1 sun illumination in controlled laboratory conditions. Field tests conducted in warm and humid conditions,
specifically in Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, demonstrate a remarkable 15% increase in efficiency while maintaining an operating temperature
0.2°C lower than that of conventional horizontal PV modules, corresponding to a significant 16.8% increase in power output.
Our innovative V-shaped design offers a promising thermal strategy suitable for diverse climates, contributing to improved
performance and reduced module temperatures, thereby supporting the global pursuit of carbon neutrality."
"Researchers at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences claim that mounting bifacial solar panels with one side facing east
and the other facing west would produce more renewable electricity and reduce one of the side effects of traditional solar
energy farms — an abundance of electricity at midday and not enough in the morning or afternoon."
"A vertical panel stands at 90 degrees and maximizes energy capture throughout the day rather than at one peak time.
<U>This continuous energy capture is particularly useful because it reduces the storage burden</U>."
"There have been sustained interest in bifacial solar cell technology since 1980s, with prospects of 30–50%
increase in the output power from a stand-alone panel. Moreover, a vertical bifacial panel reduces dust accumulation and
provides two output peaks during the day, with the second peak aligned to the peak electricity demand. Recent commercialization
and anticipated growth of bifacial panel market have encouraged a closer scrutiny of the integrated power-output and economic
viability of bifacial solar farms, where mutual shading will erode some of the anticipated energy gain associated with an
isolated, single panel. Towards that goal, in this paper we focus on geography-specific optimization of ground-mounted vertical
bifacial solar farms for the entire world. For local irradiance, we combine the measured meteorological data with the clear-sky
model. In addition, we consider the effects of direct, diffuse, and albedo light. We assume the panel is configured into sub-strings
with bypass-diodes. Based on calculated light collection and panel output, we analyze the optimum farm design for maximum
yearly output at any given location in the world. Our results predict that, regardless of the geographical location, a vertical
bifacial farm will yield 10–20% more energy than a traditional monofacial farm for a practical row-spacing of 2 m (corresponding
to 1.2 m high panels). With the prospect of additional 5–20% energy gain from reduced soiling and tilt optimization,
bifacial solar farm do offer a viable technology option for large-scale solar energy generation."
"Ground Sculpting to Enhance Energy Yield of Vertical Bifacial Solar Farms" - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh 2Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Purdue University | U.S. Department
of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information (2019)
Bifacial vertical Solar Panels: "Have We Been Doing Solar Wrong All Along? - Undecided with Matt Ferrell (2024)
"Thin Film Solar Panels: What You Need To Know" - CHINT Group [COMPANY]
"Solar Photovoltaic Cell Basics" - Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
Thin-Film cells can be made from other materials than hard solar panels; monocrystalline and polycrystalline. 2 of 3 of them
are abundant, and do not use cadimum, a toxic chemical. The 2 thin-films to use are; Amorphous Silicon (a-Si) thin-film
and Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS).
"If you are looking for a more budget-friendly solar module, then Thin-Film solar panels are specially made for you. Thin-Film
is the future of the solar industry. They are very economical, require less material, contain no toxic components, generate
less waste, and very easy to manufacture. ....
Amorphous Silicon (a-Si) thin-film
This type of Thin-Film is made from amorphous silicon (a-Si), which is a non-crystalline silicon making them much easier to
produce than mono or polycrystalline solar cells.
Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS)
Finally, the last type of thin-film cells is the CIGS solar panels. These cells are made by placing layers of Copper, Indium,
Gallium, and Selenide on top of each other to create a powerful semiconductor that can efficiently convert sunlight into energy."
"Photovoltaic Research" - National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy
"Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide Solar Cells" - National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of
"Manufacturing PowerFilm Solar Panels" - PowerFilm Solar (2017) [Video]
"Materials and Devices: NREL Develops Photovoltaic (PV) Materials and Devices to Achieve Higher Performance and Reliability
at Lower Cost." - National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy
"Share Your Earth" - Jestamang
"The Photovoltaic Heat Island Effect: Larger solar power plants increase local temperatures"
What is the true cost of solar?

Baltimore Resident Aryeh Isaac Wolf - Baltimore Jewish Living (2022)

"I'll dreams of her arms
And though they're not real
Just like she's still there
The way that I feel
My love's like the warmth of the sun
(Warmth of the sun)"
Passive solar is renewable. Passive use of solar energy using solar panels and any other method of which degrade over time,
especially using chemicals - are NOT renewable.
"Solar Power to the People" - "Schoolhouse Rock - Earth" (2009)
ENTIRE SPEECH: "President Jimmy Carter Installs Solar Panels on White House Roof" (1979)
TRANSCRIPT: "President Jimmy Carter's Remarks at White House Solar Panel Dedication Ceremony in 1979."
"Jimmy Carter Now Powers Half of His Hometown With Solar Panels" - Global Citizen (2017)
The star we call, "Sun" is a constant source of radiant heat, until, of course, it burns out. Using the sun for energy has
been used since time began. Water warming led to curiosity as to how to heat other items. Thermal energy was born.
Passive solar has been used since pre-humanity. Passive solar is traveling to, placing or directing an object, or building
where sun rays will shine, in order to heat something. There is nothing but the ingenuity of the person that has a goal,
whether for warmth, cooking, or bathing. Watching the Earth's movements in relation to the sun, helps to innately know directions
(Sun "rises" in East "sets in West), use of compass, to achieve best results.
Solar collection works only during daylight hours. Solar collection works best when in the daylight hours there is no cloud
cover. Solar rays are interrupted during rain and all types of storms. Maximum ability for solar collection to convert to
electricity is approximately 1/4th to 1/3rd of a year, depending on weather. Another concern is if snow is covering the solar
panels, as snow-covered solar panels while sun rays may melt the snow, will not collect and hence, not convert into electricity.
The most effective solar use are thermal-based solar panels; heating water for immediate or nightly use. This works well
in climates that are primarily warm, hot, and dry, especially living in and near deserts.
Solar panels are made to capture sun rays. The sun rays themselves are completely natural, although dangerous due to ultra
violet levels within them. Solar panels are not sustainable, nor their manufacturing process.
"Passive Solar Design" - Williams College
Photovoltaic Type: "How Solar Panels Are Made" - Tech Vision (2021)
"How Green is Solar Energy Really?" - DW Planet A (2021)
"Exploring Solar Panel Efficiency Breakthroughs in 2022" - Matt Ferrell, UI/UX designer (2022)
Concentrated Photovoltaic = Optical system that concentrates sunlight onto a small high efficiency conversion solar cell to
obtain higher electrical power [Like a laser pointing sunlight down]
Bifacial Solar Panels Performance [NEW]
Toxic chemicals to make solar panels include: cadmium telluride, copper indium selenide, cadmium gallium (di)selenide, copper
indium gallium (di)selenide, hexafluoroethane, lead, and polyvinyl fluoride. Byproduct, Silicon tetrachloride, produces crystalline
silicon, also highly toxic.
"The Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act"
"Chemicals Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)" - U.S. EPA
"Hazardous Waste: Solar Panel Frequent Questions" - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
"Solar Explained" - U.S. Energy Information Administration
Solar Explained: "Solar Energy and the Environment" - U.S. Energy Information Administration
"Solar Explained: Solar Thermal Collectors" & Solar Heating Systems - U.S. Energy Information Administration
"Solar Explained: Solar Thermal Power Plants" & Solar Dishes - U.S. Energy Information Administration
"Solar Pyrolysis: Parabolic-Dish Solar Concentrator"- Hybrid Energy System Models (2021 & 2022)
"Best Practices for Operation and Maintenance of Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Systems; 3rd Edition" - NREL, U.S. Department
of Energy (2018) Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
"Overheating of Solar Panels" [Source - a News portion of a solar installer] Chosen because most indepth.
"Why Don't Solar Panels Work as Well in Heat Waves? - World Economic Forum (2022)
"Solar Panels Overheating Protection" - Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2023)
"SOLAR" ARTICLES - Energy News Network
EMERGING THERMAL SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES: Unglazed Solar Collectors, Transpired Solar Air Collectors, Flat-Plate Solar Collectors,
Evacuated Tube Solar Collectors, and Concentrating Solar Systems
"Solar Heating and Cooling Technologies" - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
"Canada leads the world in solar air collector development and commercialization.:
70% of the energy used in the residential and commercial/institutional buildings sector is used for heating. Canada also has
a very large potential for solar energy use and it has excellent solar resources. Since 2007, there are an estimated 544,000
m2 of solar collectors operating in Canada. They are primarily unglazed plastic collectors for pool heating (71%) and unglazed
perforated solar air collectors for commercial building air heating (26%), delivering about 627,000 GJ of energy and displacing
38,000 tonnes of CO2 annually."
There are four basic types of solar cooking vessels: Box Oven, Parabolic Reflector, and Panel Cookers, and Evacuated Tube
Cookers and many other hybrid types! You can invent one yourself! There are no chemicals / liquids / or lighting a fire
involved, so the safety lies in using tools and choice(s) of materials (such as metal), to make your oven cooker!
"Direct Method of Utilizing Solar Energy ~ Solar Cooker ~ Solar Cells" - Prep On Go (2018)
"Solar Cookers" - FSEC Florida's Premier Energy Research Center at the University of Central Florida
"Grantee Research Project Results- Final Report: Solsource 3-In-1: Providing Clean Energy to the Poorest 2.5 Billion at a
Price They Can Afford" - Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA) (2012)
User-Friendly Solar Ovens for Outdoor and Indoor Use - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
"Evaluation of Performance of Household Solar Cookers" - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
"Five Years of Progress in Household Energy Research and Future Directions" - Environmental Protection Agency (2020)
"Jatropha Oil and Solar" - Health & Environmental Research Online (HERO) - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
"Solar Cooking" - National Geographic (2009)
"The Science of Cooking: How to Build a Solar Oven" - Sci Show Kids (2021)
WIND & SOLAR MODULAR ROOFTOPS: "The Smartest Renewable Rooftop System in the World?" - Just Have a Think (2023)
French Legislation: To Mandate Solar Panels Over 80 Parking Lot Spaces - Yale Environment 360 (November 2022)




"The Problem with Solar Energy in Africa" - Real Engineering (2021) [one of many issues; Needs fossil fuel]
"Building a solar farm is a lot like building any other kind of farm; you have to clear the whole area of wildlife.
.... One of the biggest solar farms in California is called, 'Ivanpah." In order to build Ivanpah, they had to clear
the whole area of Desert Tortoises, literally pulling Desert Tortoises and their babies out of their burrows,
putting them on the back of pickup trucks, and transporting them to captivity, where many of them were dying
{killed}. And the current estimates are that 6,000 birds are killed each year, actually catching on fire
above the solar farm, and plunging to their deaths.
Over time, it actually struck me that there was really no amount of technological innovation that was going to make
the sun shine more regularly, or wind blow more reliably. In fact, you could make solar panels cheaper, and you
can make wind turbines bigger, but sunlight and wind are just really dilute fuels, and in order to produce significant amounts
of electricity, you just have to cover a very large land mass with them. In other words, all of the major problems with
renewables aren't technical, they're natural.
"Building factories dependent on obsolete production>/U> equipment, or that are dependent on obsolete or soon to be
obsolete technology (efficiency and automation are key to producing cost-effective and quality products)." [Page
Insanely Expensive, But California has a lot of Desert
"Energy 101: Concentrating Solar Power" - U.S. Department of Energy (2010)
"7.4. Parabolic Dish CSP Technology" - University of Pennsylvania - Utility Solar Power and Concentration - College of Earth
and Mineral Sciences
"Develop a Concentrated Solar Power-Based Thermal Cooling System Via Simulation and Experimental Studies {Using Parabolic
Trough}" - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
"Dish/Engine System Concentrating Solar-Thermal Power Basics" - Solar Energy Technologies Office - U.S. Department of Energy
"Life Cycle Assessment of a Parabolic Trough Concentrating Solar Power Plant and the Impacts of Key Design Alternatives" -
Environmental Science and Technology - ACS Publications (2011)
There are MANY benefits to solar shingles: they are light, especially great for old homes of any size, rejecting pressure
of heavy solar panels on house structure, there are no holes to drill into the roof as solar panels need in order to
stay in place, are easier to install, especially along with a new roof, saves labor costs due to ease of the shingles,
easy to handle as the shingles are flexible, blend/look - esthetics, have little materials to separate for
recycling, and as solar shingles take over the rigid solar panel market in the next few years, the price will come
down with education, demand, and, "Keeping up with the Jones."
"New Solar Shingles Get Rid of the Ugly, Complex Hassle That Can Be Part of Rooftop Solar" - CNET (2022)
"As U.S. Moves Toward Solar Energy, This Roofing Company Hopes 'Solar Shingles' will Get Homeowners to Buy in: One of the
Largest Roofing Companies in the U.S. Will Offer a New Solar Roofing Product, with the Aim of Driving Installation Costs Down
and Solar Adoption Up" - The Washington Post (2022)
"Roofers React to Timberline Solar" - GAF Roofing
"GAF Timberline Solar Roof - The Installation Process" (2022)
PRINTING SOLAR PANELS: "As Simple as Rolling out a carpet." - Coming Soon: Flexible Solar Cells printed on glass,
plastic, and fabric
"How To Avoid Solar Panel Scams" - "Ask This Old House" (2022)
"Future House: Solar Reflective Roof Shingles - "Ask This Old House" (2020)
"How This Roofing Company Is Taking On Tesla's Solar Roof" - CNBC (2022) [GAF]
Solar Panel salespeople are good in selling compared to other forms of energy making companies, because it is a physical product.
Often, the focus to sell, the case is made to help, "Poor People," and use visuals to reflect who they are, "Helping." For
and Non-Profit are mere middlemen and women who want to make money, instead of, for instance, a city government go and purchase
the solar panels themselves, getting a wholesale product. This leaves room for those businesses to fail, as weather can cost
those companies millions of dollars in damages. These leads to a multitude of lawsuits, of which no money at the end can
be collected, especially for private victimed citizens and residents. This by no means mean that it is the best.
At best, depending on type, a solar panel's life is 25-30 years, with constant degradation of capture-volume.
The lies are so vast and pervasive, that the United States Government has had to issue the truth about Geothermal, dispelling
especially solar panel makers and installers.
"5 Common Geothermal Energy Myths Debunked" - Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, United States Department of
"DC Solar Owner Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison for Billion Dollar Ponzi Scheme: Biggest Criminal Fraud Scheme in the History
of the Eastern District of California - The United States Attorney's Office, Eastern District of California (2021)
"Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has sued four Utah-based solar companies, alleging they violated consumer protection
laws and used deceitful business practices to push Minnesotans into expensive solar panel contracts without
delivering on promised bonuses or tax incentives." - American Experiment (2022)
"Attorney General Sues Solar Companies Over Deceptive Business Practices" - American Experiment (2022)
"That Deal on Solar Panels Could be a Scam, Warns Idaho Attorney General: Social Media Advertisements and Door-to-Door Sales
Not Always What They Seem" - Idaho Capital Sun (2022)
"Campaign of Accountability: Violations of Florida's Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act" (2017)
"BBB Warns Offers for Free Solar Panels are Likely a Scam" - TV 15 WMTV (2022)
"...He noticed that his electric bill actually went up after having the panels installed. He was then told that he
could not get out of the 20-year contract unless he paid $48,000 for the panels. The consumer also discovered a leak in the
roof that his roofer said was due to damage caused by the solar panel installation. In this case, the consumer had to file
a lawsuit to resolve his claims." ....
"Consumers sometimes complain that they never saw the savings on their utility bills that they were promised. Be aware that
any savings claims are just estimates; no one can guarantee what the savings will be. Before signing up."
"Copper and the Dark Side of the Energy Transition" - DW Documentary (2023) [Wind, Solar, and Electric Batteries need lots
of copper]
Footprint: A geothermal plant uses 88% LESS space than a solar farm to produce 1GWh of electricity.
- Think GeoEnergy Research, U.S. Department of Energy National Geographic, International Renewable Energy Agency (2022)
"Newly-Built Solar Farm Damaged in Currituck County" - TV 13 (2019)
"The complaint, filed today in the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, alleges that {Pennsylvania
based} Dynamic Energy Solutions, L.L.C. (Dynamic) disregarded fundamental pollution control requirements for construction
sites under federal and state law when it constructed an 18.5-acre solar array {solar farm} on a steep hillside
above the West Branch Mill River in Williamsburg. As a result, Dynamic allegedly caused sediment-laden stormwater to discharge
in extreme amounts from the array site, eroding the hillside, scouring out perennial and intermittent streams,
uprooting trees, destroying streambeds, filling in wetlands with sediment, and causing the river
to become brown, in violation of federal and state laws protecting water and wetland resources."
"This careless disregard of federal and state requirements to control stormwater pollution caused irreparable harm
to the West Branch Mill River and nearby wetland. Solar developers {solar farmers} who are helping to build
our clean energy economy must follow all legal requirements. We will enforce our laws that protect precious
natural resources." - Attorney General Maura Healey
"This project would never be proposed in a wealthier community."
"Swain and other residents have raised concerns that the solar and battery project will harm the environment, tourism,
property values, future growth in the village of Cambridge, and lead to the loss of prime farmland.
Residents like Tara Vasby say the town’s lawsuit may be the first of several legal challenges. 'For this specific
project, it's too big for this community. It's too close to the community. It's too close to the schools. It's not the right
size for this community and this area.'"

"Here's Why Restoring Power in Puerto Rico is Taking so Long" - PBS News Hour (2018)
"Puerto Rico could produce over four times the amount of energy it needs from rooftop solar power thanks to how much
sunlight the island is exposed to."
Four years later, the private companies are taking advantage, even with solar, and price gauging because they fully can,
especially during Hurricane Fiona.
"What If We Covered the Sahara With Solar Panels?" - Real Life Lore (2021)
Please watch to end. Solar reflects and heats the earth....