HOME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MISSION ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~ DEFINITIONS ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~1~~~~~~ REPARATIONS
~~~~~~3~~~~~~ HOUSES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOME FINANCING ~~~~~~~~
The Tenant: Rentals
~~~~~~4~~~~~~ WORK
~~~~~~5~~~~~~ TRANSPORTATION ~~~~~~~~~~
Tires Tyres Everywhere ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ World Circle Loop Lines & Baltimore Legend
~~~~~~~~ MDOT:MDTA~MTA ~~~~~~~~
Transport Overflow
~~~~~~6~~~~~~ POLLUTIONS = POISONS ~~~~~~~~
AT WHAT COST ~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~ 7 ~~~~ ENERGIES
~~~~~~~~~~ TRASH ALTERNATIVES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~8~~~~~~ NATURE RESTORATION ~~~~~~~~
Becoming a "SPONGE CITY"
Baltimore-Specific Studies
World Ecology Impact
~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE COMMONS ~~~~~~~~
HOMEWORK: What To Do Now

Baltimore Serenade: Ecosystem Guardians Embracing Impactful & Peaceful Climate Solutions


Tree Canopies for Baltimore: For Air, For Beauty, For Birds and Bats and all Creatures, For Bicycle Paths, For Privacy,
For A Chance - of Future.

"Back in the day we had trees, rose bushes, and my husband used to plant okra and tomatoes. Neighborhood kids rode their bikes and played basketball in the alley. You'd go out in your back and you'd have your barbeque and the kids enjoyed the alleys - and it was beautiful." - Paula Ellerbe of McElderry Park

"Then, about ten years ago, Ellerbe's alley became a dumping ground. She blames it on more renters with absentee landlords moving onto the block."

"Indeed, the most common way people experience nature is through a window. This everyday contact with nearby nature - either through a window view at the home, or on the street - has been shown to be beneficial for mental health and wellbeing. During the COVID-19 pandemic when people were encouraged to stay-at-home, those who had views of trees and greenspace from the home reported lower rates of depression and anxiety."

"Why Alleys Are the Most Important Spaces in a City" - Stewart Hicks (2022)

Baltimore is an Urban Heat Island. Baltimore is in dire need of more canopy from the sun. Baltimore needs more trees - for shade - and breathing. Baltimore has alleys behind houses; with each back acknowledging another back of house. Most town/rowhouses do not have garages, so the majority of alleys are not used for automobiles. In fact, allées will eradicate illegal parking. Regarding police needs; allées are easily accessible for them, as they ride bicycles and horses. Our firefighters will let us know where they need access to, but most alleys are too narrow for fire trucks in the first place. This page describes and depicts (especially seek tree map of Baltimore below) the challenges, the choices currently made, and what gloriously can be. With trees planted in front of houses, and allées, cooling from both sides creates immense comfort.] Allée rhymes with ballet. With the knowledge this page has, you will be putting on your ballet shoes and be dancing in every Allée!

"We Let Kids Design our City -- Here's What Happened" - Mara Mintzer - Ted Talks Mile High

"Autumn Leaves" - Vince Guaraldi

The Value of Baltimore's Trees


Are you ready for Baltimore's metamorphosis? Watch:

"No More Garbage Day! No More Trash Cans!"

Communal trash receptacles are available when people want to throw their trash away (and do anyways), no longer littering, blowing in wind, get wet, or animal rummaged through. There will be at least one of each type of receptacle, completely sorted: Compost/Yard, Glass, Paper, Plastic, and Other for each block to use around an intersection, so total of 2 intersections. Freedom. Your garbage day can be once, or multiple times, even one bottle or leaf if you would like. With art, the receptacles will fit in with entire program of intersection repair, making them meeting places.
[Intersection Repair is one of many thing I learned, experienced, and bring from 9 years of living in Portland, Oregon (2002-2011.]

With garbage trucks no longer needed to go down especially small alleys, Baltimore City saves tons of gasoline, and can move people to other jobs - like planting trees! Growing trees in the backs of homes will allow many more trees - as vital to have tree canopy than what the diagram shows in 33rd Street Baltimore Fishbowl article. First, getting rid of more lanes makes the buses even slower due to still having to weave in (just like North Avenue, as painting red does not make them be able to go faster due to parked cars....) and out. Second, use less concrete. No longer need to build or designate bike paths, as the alleys become allee bicycle paths (seek pictures below). Instead of one bike path in the middle where one still has to confront traffic just to get to it (think kids( on either side, there are 2, yes TWO both way bike paths using allees are created!

"City Beautiful": $25.00 Fines for Orlando Residents for Leaving Garbage Can Too Long - WESH TV2

"A Bike Plan Revived: Adding a Path to the Olmsted-Designed 33rd Street Greenspace" - Baltimore Fishbowl (February 28th, 2022)

Cool mountain bike

What's Your Pleasure? Your choice: Walking or bicycling in scorching hot sun as today's bike paths are designated/built, OR travel underneath tree and flower canopy-lined alleys? View the 154 pictures plus several on this page. It is okay now - dream humongously! Be on way. There is an even better way than thought, being given. Transform Alleys to Allées.


WALKABILITY = The degree to which a built environment facilitates walking, and motivates people to walk in the first place. With sidewalks and ramp-oriented corners when come to a street intersection, it commonly also means for wheelchair-bound persons.

"So of course the health benefits are well known. And there is growing recognition of the potential mental health benefits too. Every journey to public transport starts and finishes with a walk. So greater willingness to walk might lead to more use of public transport. That in turn, could reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases, improve air quality, reduce road congestion, and help reduce road injuries.... Frees up space for car parking...."

Connectivity ~ Permeability ~ Public Transit Linkage ~ Safety ~ Path Quality ~ Dense Variety of Land Uses by the Path "20 Minute Neighborhood" of Products & Services ~ Path Context

"Reclaiming the Walkable City" - Michael Southworth Ph.D., FAIA, AICP

"Active-Friendly Transportation" - Center for Disease Control (CDC)

Physical Activity Definitions - Center for Disease Control (CDC)

Regarding repair in video: Allées to the rescue! Walking to a grocery store currently can be quite treacherous to one's life. Multi-lane with multiple streets (like 8 lanes to get across from Auchentoroly Terrace to Conservatory & Druid Hill Park) is so treacherous and hence, forbidden. Often shopping centers take absolutely no consideration, building in a block, and place their trucks in the back, forbidding quick access, forcing people to walk all the way around. By placing the parking in the back instead of the front, with entrance directly on the street, walkability from both directions becomes simple and easy. Feeling good where one lives is important to our well-being.

"How to Design a Great Street" - City Beautiful

"How Does Permeable Pavement Work?" - Practical Engineering (2020)

Yokocho (both single and plural) is a Japanese word meaning, "Alleyways" or, "Alleyways off the side of a main street." Narrow and often short small side streets are parallel to major roads. They are used for mass movement of people walking. Many various types of eateries, bars, and stores are packed on each side of them.

Japan have many yokocho (single or plural). Their yokocho never had to "prevent traffic congestion," because there never was any. So learn from yokocho! "The single biggest thing a city can do to reduce traffic congestion is to decrease the distance between where people live and the places they need to go on a daily basis."

[No More Cans!] Statesboro, Georgia
"Farmers get support for planting tree crops"
Statesboro, Georgia

"Create an Allée for Any Size Garden" - Horticulture Magazine

"Farmers Get Support for Planting Tree Crops" - The Savanna Institute (2020)

Savanna Institute

"Poor neighborhoods in Baltimore have far less tree canopy than wealthier neighborhoods."
- National Institute of Health (NIH) (2020)

Teak Wood Beating Heart

"Green Health: a Tree-Filled Street Can Positively Influence Depression, Study Finds" - The Guardian

"Around the World, the Soothing Sounds of Birdsong Are Used as Therapy: The Natural Tunes Decrease Stress While Possibly Invigorating the Mind." National Audubon Society

"It's only a bus fare to get to a hiking trail outside the city with Trailhead Direct, a pilot public transport service that ferries people to wild areas that aren't easy to access. There's an East African community in the city of Tukwila that has a station. I led a group to go experience this wonderful nature on the Sky Country trail at Cougar Mountain. And I could see in their eyes, they were just taken aback. The kids were like: 'What? In America, you can walk around in nature?'"

This study studies the German study, as well as others to conclude that yes, there is a direct correlation between lack of nature and being so depressed that medication is prescribed.

It is the type of trees, which must be native, and part of entire ecosystem canopy restoration.

"Valuing Plants in Devalued Spaces: Caring for Baltimore's Street Trees" - Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space (2019)

"The Role of Trees: Poor neighborhoods in Baltimore have far less tree canopy than wealthier neighborhoods. [No trees, no shade, no relief as climate heats up]" - University of Maryland's Howard Center for Investigative Journalism and Capital News Service, NPR, Baltimore Wide Angle Youth Media, and WMAR TV 2 ABC Television. (2019)

"Preservation, Regulations, and Policy to Protect and Grow Baltimore's Forests" - Cities and the Environment(CATE) - The Science and Practice of Managing Forests in Cities (2020)

"Maryland’s Forest Conservation Act, first passed in 1991, requires developers to spare large “specimen” trees and those bordering streams and wetlands. They're also obligated to replace at least some of what they cut down.

But the law only applies when about an acre or more is to be cleared, and it allows developers to pay to preserve trees elsewhere rather than plant replacements."

Baltimore Street Tree Species List - 2018

"A Guide to Transit-Friendly Streets" - Project for Public Spaces

Project for Public Spaces ["Intersection Repair, Placemaking"....]

[Seek "Growing Trees" in last section of this page]

ALLEES DE MUNICH in BORDEAUX, FRANCE - Photographer Wieslaw Jarek
A Baltimore "Paper Alley"
A "Paper" alley is a small road behind detached homes with Telephone Poles. Where pick up papers.
An Allee at: 111 WELCOME ALLEY BALTIMORE 21201!!!

Consulat de Monte Cristo 1&1/2 blocks - City Hall
Allee du Barrage Bellingham, Washington - Photographer Tom Cochran

Under Construction
More links coming!

Northwood Elementary School - Winner of 2019 "Wires Down: Do Not Touch"

What about the telephone poles?
The need for live trees supersedes any utility that simply does not want to put the telephone lines and cables underground. First of all, it is a benefit to Baltimore, Gas, and Electric - owned by Excelon, as customers will no longer lose service due to storms and other issues, especially in winter and hot spring and summer. Second, it will cut the emergency calls and need to fix telephone poles. Third, it will cut the amount of danger - injuries to their workers, as going up telephone poles (as cannot always use a cherry-picker-type of vehicle) is dangerous.
The ability to get rid of the concrete, grow trees, and make the allées of alternative materials proven to last for not just hundreds but thousands of years such as cobblestone. The ability for Baltimoreans to learn the stone trade helps cut the cost of labor. The current cobblestone still in use in Baltimore is evidence that there is that no maintenance needed once properly placed. Future maintenance costs WAY out price the initial cost of cobblestone. No cement will keep us cool. There is a practical reason cobblestone was used, and not brick. Certain heavy gravels, glass, even rubber (but rubber will need to be replaced) can also be used. Water needs to be able to drain through to earth directly rather than be diverted carried away, thereby adding to flood-prone areas. No "policy" can stand in the way of addressing Baltimore being an "Urban Island" a flooding sea-level plain, and the need of restoring trees, as we cut too many hundreds of years ago, and it has indeed affected our citizens health: physically (dire respiratory issues - simply breathing: asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia), mentally (depression), emotionally (physical beauty - feeling good about oneself), and spiritual (connection to nature - the web of life).

BG&E - Exelon Intentionally Puts People in Harm's way: Power lines continue to fall - They even say so!

Promotes archaic telephone pole power lines mainly found in "less desirable" neighborhoods

"Undergrounding Policies" - Exelon (BGE)

If gas and electricity weren't so dangerous, there would be no, "Safety Central Scoop" - a dedicated website specifically for elementary school children.

A McElderry Park Alley
A McElderry Park Alley, Baltimore


Philadelphia: Washington Square West

Quill, Writing with Ink Well

Allée in Philadelphia


"Why Philadelphia's Streets Are Better Than Other North American Cities" - Alan Fisher (2022)

"A Stroll Along the Allées Paul Riquet in Béziers, Southern France" (2023)

Newton, Massachusetts


"Dancin' In The Aisles" - Barry Manilow

Notice the "aisle" is the front walkway of land-efficient homes.

"Dancin' In The Aisles" (7th Heaven Club Mix) - Barry Manilow


Growing Trees

American Conifer Society

"The American Conifer Society makes conservation grants to individuals, research institutions, and public gardens who are actively working to preserve endangered conifer species. If you or someone you know is involved in conifer conservation, check out our award requirements."
2022 ACS National Meeting: September 15 - 18, 2022 in West Conshohocken, PA (10 miles northwest of downtown Philadelphia) at Marriott Philadelphia West

Carefully consider what types of fruit trees to plant, as some will be better at adapting to the region's changing climate. For instance, climate change shifts fruit trees to earlier bloom dates. Such a shift could increase damage from early spring cold temperatures, as well as create a potential mismatch between emergence times of flowers and key pollinators. In addition to selecting tree cultivars (varieties) that are resistant to frost and drought, choose the placement of plantings and use coverings and/or windbreaks to maximize frost protection.

International Society of Arboriculture

Tree Baltimore [Baltimore City Program]

"Forest Conservation" - Baltimore Office of Sustainability

"Lightning and Trees" - International Society of Arboriculture

Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) - The International Society of Arboriculture's bimonthly, peer-reviewed Journal

"Hummingbirds Love This Fast-Growing Tree And All Of Its Benefits"



A 2018 survey conducted by Georgia Tech researchers found the city's canopy had declined by roughly 1.5 percentage points from where it stood in 2008, with close to half an acre of trees lost each day over that time. Scientists say tree cover is vital to public health. Climate change-fueled heat waves and floods are increasing in intensity and frequency, and trees are among the best ways to build resilience in urban environments. But data from the city's arborist division analyzed by The Atlanta Journal Constitution shows tree removals — both legal and illegal — along with those classified as dead, dying or hazardous, have exceeded the number of trees replaced each year since mid-2013, coinciding with a post-Great Recession development boom. ....

The 2018 assessment by Georgia Tech researchers found that around 84% of the city’s canopy is on land zoned for single or multi-family residences, making it vulnerable to development. ...

Kathryn Kolb, a conservationist who leads one of several groups pushing to modernize the ordinance, says those concerns are overblown, and that the city can protect trees and keep the cost of living down if it focuses on density. 'If you tear down a small house and put up a much larger house and clear that whole lot, we haven’t gained any density,” Kolb said. “We’ve eliminated half-an-acre of trees, but we are not housing any more citizens.' Like many other urban areas, Atlanta is getting hotter due to human-caused climate change. Annual average temperatures in the city have risen about 3 degrees since 1930, according to National Weather Service data. Heat waves — a stretch of two or more days with abnormally warm temperatures — are also becoming more frequent and intense. Federal data shows Atlanta experiences around six more heat waves each year today than it did in the 1960s. Extreme heat is not just uncomfortable — it can also be lethal. Heat waves are among the world’s deadliest natural disasters. ....

'Tree canopy is really the principal variable that governs how rapidly the city {Urban Heat Island} is heating up,' Georgia Tech’s Stone said."

Tap handles
Tap handles
Tap handles


Under Construction
More information coming!

1. SOLUTION TO TRASH: All Single Garbage Receptacles (including compost & recycling) -->BECOMES--> Intersection Neighborhood Receptacles [Lifted out - scroll up to seek video]
2. ENERGY & PEOPLEPOWER SAVINGS: With garbage trucks no longer needed to go down especially small alleys, Baltimore City saves tons of gasoline, and can move people to other jobs - like planting trees! Growing trees in the backs of homes will allow many more trees - as vital to have tree canopy than what the diagram shows in 33rd Street Baltimore Fishbowl article. First, getting rid of more lanes makes the buses even slower due to still having to weave in (just like North Avenue, as painting red does not make them be able to go faster due to parked cars....) and out. Second, use less concrete. No longer need to build or designate bike paths, as the alleys become allee bicycle paths (seek pictures below). Instead of one bike path in the middle where one still has to confront traffic just to get to it (think kids( on either side, there are 2, yes TWO both way bike paths using allees are created!

Communal trash receptacles are available when people want to throw their trash away, no longer littering, blowing in wind, get wet, or animal rummaged through. There will be at least one of each type of receptacle, completely sorted: Compost/Yard, Glass, Paper, Plastic, and Other for each block to use around an intersection, so total of 2 intersections. Freedom. Your garbage day can be once, or multiple times, even one bottle or leaf if you would like. With art, the receptacles will fit in with entire program of intersection repair, making them places to meet. Intersection Repair is something I bring from Portland, Oregon, where I lived for 9 years

Mission Abound

Homes * Any Street * Baltimore * USA * 01234

Any Street * Anytown * Baltimore * USA * 01234
