HOME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MISSION ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~ DEFINITIONS ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~1~~~~~~ REPARATIONS
~~~~~~3~~~~~~ HOUSES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOME FINANCING ~~~~~~~~
The Tenant: Rentals
~~~~~~4~~~~~~ WORK
~~~~~~5~~~~~~ TRANSPORTATION ~~~~~~~~~~
Tires Tyres Everywhere ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ World Circle Loop Lines & Baltimore Legend
~~~~~~~~ MDOT:MDTA~MTA ~~~~~~~~
Transport Overflow
~~~~~~6~~~~~~ POLLUTIONS = POISONS ~~~~~~~~
AT WHAT COST ~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~ 7 ~~~~ ENERGIES
~~~~~~~~~~ TRASH ALTERNATIVES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~8~~~~~~ NATURE RESTORATION ~~~~~~~~
Becoming a "SPONGE CITY"
Baltimore-Specific Studies
World Ecology Impact
~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE COMMONS ~~~~~~~~
HOMEWORK: What To Do Now

Baltimore Serenade: Ecosystem Guardians Embracing Impactful & Peaceful Climate Solutions


Baltimore dubbed 'Dirtiest City in America' based on sanitation complaints data" - WBFF TV 45 (2023)

"Despite pressure from advocacy groups, the city’s 10-year waste plan anticipates landfill and incineration assets will continue to serve a key role as the city works to increase recycling. .... 'Ninety-five percent of the students in those schools that are surrounded by the incinerator that lives in those communities are affected by asthma,' Hayes said. 'We must have infrastructure here to be able to separate those materials and deal with them in a sustainable way, where it’s not causing health damages to people.' ....
In 2021, Baltimore managed 414,000 tons of waste, sending 136,000 tons to the incinerator and 210,000 tons directly to the Quarantine Road Landfill. WIN Waste’s ash also goes to the landfill thanks to a contract with the city.

It is estimated that there are over 5 Trillion pieces of plastic in our oceans.


Oscar's, "Oh, I Love Trash" - "Sesame Street"

Take out the papers and the trash
Or you don't get no spendin' cash
If you don't scrub that kitchen floor
You ain't gonna rock and roll no more...

Just finish cleanin' up your room
Let's see that dust fly with that broom
Get all that garbage out of sight
Or you don't go out Friday night
Yakety yak [Don't talk back]

"Well, if you're going to the market to buy some juice
You've got to bring your own bags, and you learn to reduce your waste
We gotta learn to reduce
And if your brother or your sister's got some cool clothes
You could try them on before you buy some more of those
Reuse, we've got to learn to reuse"

"Unless we go to 'Circular' it's game over for the planet. It's game over for society."

"Our current rate of consumption is unsustainable. The production and consumption of goods is a root cause of two of the greatest challenges the world faces: climate change and biodiversity loss. Nearly half (45%) of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from the way we make and use products and food, and more than 90% of biodiversity loss is due to the extraction and processing of natural resources. Transitioning to a circular economy can help turn this around."

Ah, trash. Yesterday's dreams. Imagine a trash dispose system that can be used at anytime each person wants to, instead of collecting and waiting for that one sacred day to let go of those dreams. Imagine no more trash spills, no more animals getting into bags, canisters, and cans, and no more blowing trash. Imagine that more recycling is done. For instance, all you have is a bottle to dispose of that day. Instead of it going into a kitchen trash can in your house, getting filled with other stuff, it goes immediately into recycle glass collector, and you receive money for it. Imagine recycling being a celebrated event, rather than for some consider an arduous chore. Imagine everyone doing it. There is no wait - simply decide that our health is more important than continuing to poison with incinerators, no matter how, "technology advanced." Imagine reducing what we purchase, reusing in same manner used, repurpose what do have, and only at last resort recycle. Below are solutions: trash systems that are already in high use for many years. But first there is a quite serious issue that needs to be ended. No burning of anything is "Green " or "Sustainable." Burning of anything is pollution. And Baltimoreans are dying because of our incinerators combined with our automobiles exhaust, making us next to Allentown, Pennsylvania, the biggest polluter and "F" for Ozone in our troposphere. Incineration must end.

"Baltimore City Council Mounts Filibuster in Protest of Biweekly Recycling Collection During 6-Hour Hearing" - The Baltimore Sun (2022)


"Baltimore & D.C. Make List of Dirtiest Cities" - TV 4 (2012)

Baltimore Dubbed 'Dirtiest City in America' Based on Sanitation Complaints Data" - WBFF TV 45 (August 23rd, 2023)

Some Cuss Language
Baltimore, seek inspiration from these cities....

World's Most Polluted Cities in 2022 - PM2.5 Ranking - IQ Air (2022)


"BRESCO CLOSED" 2020 INCINERATOR PROTEST - Curtis Bay Louis Strauss ?

"Study Finds Just 2.2% of Baltimore's Trashed Plastic is Recycled, While 47% of Collected {Recycling} is Burned" - Baltimore Brew

"Baltimore's asthma hospitalization rates are three times higher than the national average.... The incinerator produced on average more than 33 times more mercury per unit of energy in 2018 than the average amount produced by the state's four largest coal plants. It also produced higher levels of nitrogen oxides, which can aggravate respiratory illnesses and lead to the development of asthma."

"The Garbage Report" & "Weather" - "Beakman's World"

"Wheelabrator is Baltimore's single-largest standing source of air pollution, a major source of sulfur oxides and was also the single-biggest nitrogen oxide emitter in the city. Ash from the incinerator makes up over 40 percent of the waste dumped in Baltimore's Quarantine Road Landfill, which is also located near Curtis Bay.

Baltimore's asthma hospitalization rates are three times higher than the national average. While the high rates are primarily linked to traffic pollution and poor housing conditions, facilities like Wheelabrator Baltimore can exacerbate the problem, according to the Environmental Integrity Project, a nonprofit environmental watchdog organization."

"But a few key recommendations emerged. Namely that — unlike the university's report — the final report should recommend Maryland stop classifying trash incineration and the burning of biomass as renewable energy. It's a categorization many environmental groups battled in the legislature for years because of air pollution concerns. ....
'On incineration, the plan also falls short,' said Greg Sawtell of advocacy group South Baltimore Community Land Trust, which has dedicated years of effort to protesting the trash incinerator near Westport.

The University of Maryland report notes negative health effects of incineration, but does not expressly recommend its exclusion from the state's renewable energy program — which incentivizes the practice — nor suggest phasing it out.

Though leaders in Baltimore {City} and Montgomery County, the site of the state's other waste incinerator, have stated hopes to close the facilities in future years the report does not model the impact of their closure on air pollution coming from the waste sector, which Climate Partners called, 'surprising.' Baltimore City's current contract to continue sending trash to its incinerator lasts until 2031. 'The report could have simply acknowledged the issue and been straightforward about it — and not doing that is a huge missed opportunity,' said Sawtell, who is Zero Waste Just Transition director at the Land Trust, which is not a Climate Partners member.

In discussions about Maryland's waste management, the report points to a need to increase the composting of organic materials, but didn't include incineration on a list of potential obstacles, Sawtell said. Since incinerators like the WIN Waste plant in South Baltimore have contracts with localities such as Baltimore, they must continue to receive and burn a certain amount of waste, potentially limiting the amount that could be diverted to composting."

"Baltimore's Burning Question: What To Do With Its Trash Incinerator" - WBUR NPR (2019)

Baltimore is Burning Trash, so We're Starving the Fire - America's Dirty Divide" - The Guardian (2021) [See inside BRESCO]

LETTER: Maryland Emissions 2017 Report - Air & Radiation Management Administration Maryland Department of the Environment - Environmental Integrity Project

"Although motor vehicle exhaust is probably a greater source of pollution in South Baltimore than Wheelabrator, the incinerator’s smokestacks still account for 36 percent of the entire city’s industrial air pollution, according to the climate change advocacy organization Chesapeake Climate Action Fund Action Network. Its emissions include mercury, lead, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides....
Ninety percent of the waste burned at Wheelabrator comes from the city and Baltimore County."

"Incineration generates dioxins and furans, which are known to cause cancer. All of this is going into the local air, wherever people are burning waste. Women are more impacted, as they are often responsible for disposing of household waste... Fly ash, which is everything caught by the filters. It needs to be disposed of in a hazardous waste facility... They also emit a lot of Carbon Dioxide (CO2). In the European Union (EU), around 52 million tons per year. That's like 420,000 cars each driving a million kilometers {621,371.192 miles each car Total: 260,975,900,640 billion miles}... Policymakers and industries put incineration in the same type of energy group as renewables; like wind, or solar, or even nuclear... But when you look at the greenhouse gas emissions of incineration, they're actually pretty close to coal and gas, and way far from solar, wind, and nuclear. A study commissioned by Client Earth found that controlled incineration generates between 59% and 73% of the emissions that coal would. Classifying this energy a renewable can divert funding from more sustainable waste management technologies."

"More than half of incinerated plastic is either 'readily recyclable' or 'potentially recyclable', according to analysis of waste.

Some companies deceive children and teachers by supplying teaching material and hosting school trips in which misleading environmental claims are made about incineration.

The amount of waste incinerated in the United Kingdom has more than doubled in less than a decade, up from 6.7 million tonnes in 2014 to 15.3 million tonnes last year. Recycling has flatlined over the same period, with the amount of incinerated household waste in England exceeding the amount recycled since 2019.

"Exclusive: Waste firms and councils accused of 'greenwashing' with false claims over burning rubbish for energy."



MARCH 2023 REPORT: 10-Year Solid Waste Management Plan - City of Baltimore:

"Permit and construct lateral expansion onto Millennium Landfill" [Page 191]
"The expanded facility will be 128 acres in size" [Page 192]
• CAPEX: $99.5 million
• OPEX: Not expected to change

"Construct a large Rail Transfer Station" (RTS) Also to install a rail spur. [Page 180]
• CAPEX: $18.6 million
• OPEX: $14.4 million per year

"The City proposes to construct the Eastside Transfer Station (ETS) at the Bowleys Lane Drop-off Center ... Land requirements: at least 10 acres [Page 177 - 179]
• CAPEX: $70.5 million
• OPEX: $30.7 million per year
• Cost offsets: $20.3 million per year

Composting Facilities
Land requirements: at least four acres [Page 186 - 188]
• CAPEX: $3.5 million per facility
• OPEX: $1.3 million per facility

Land requirements: at least ½ acre
• CAPEX: $1.3 million per facility = "mini-MRF"
• OPEX: $750,000 per facility per year

AT LEAST 42 ACRES! and COST IN EXCESS OF 99.5 + Land requirements: at least four acres!
• CAPEX: $3.5 million per facility
• OPEX: $1.3 million per facility

"Anticipated Land and Permit Requirements
Construction of the lateral expansion of QRL onto the Millennium Landfill will increase the facility’s footprint area to 128 acres and will require the diversion of Quarantine Road and all utilities that run along the road right of way (including a water main, gas lines, and underground and overhead electrical lines).
The expected permit requirements and approvals required for the lateral expansion of QRL are summarized below:
• Refuse Disposal Permit: Issued by MDE; major modification of existing permit
• Erosion and Sediment Control Plan: Reviewed and approved by DPW
• Stormwater Management Plan: Reviewed and approved by DPW
• Building Permit: Issued DHCD
• NPDES Permit: Issued by MDE
Potential Costs
The estimated costs for the lateral expansion and improvement of QRL are summarized below:
• CAPEX: estimated to be $99.5M for design and permitting, relocation of stockpiles at Millennium Landfill, relocation of Quarantine Road, facility improvements, and construction of the new landfill cells.
• OPEX: OPEX is not expected to change"

5.7.2 WIN Waste {Wheelabrator, BRESCO /RESCO incinerator}
The City's current contract with WIN Waste expires in 2031. Baltimore City has adopted plans committed to maximizing waste reduction and diversion to achieve zero waste goals and Mayor Scott has included decommissioning the use of waste incineration in the next decade as goal 1.1 of the Mayor's Action Plan. DPW is committed to expanding options for waste diversion over the course of the planning period. With this investment in recycling and reuse programs, the use of the WIN Waste facility for residential municipal waste processing is expected to decline over the course of the planning period. However, a large portion of waste disposed at WIN Waste is generated in the private sector or outside the City. Until there is universal, coordinated adoption of waste diversion practices across public and private sectors, it is likely that the facility will continue to operate at or near its current throughput.

"'Why is there no end game for this highly toxic incinerator?' asked Sir James Weaver, environmental justice coordinator for Progressive Maryland. 'This is appalling. The incinerator is many times as dirty as coal. It has to go.'
Mikel Rashid, said he was recently diagnosed with asthma. 'I've been living in Cherry Hill for the last four years, and the doctor says the only thing he can think of is the incinerator. Why don’t we have a concrete plan to get us off of Wheelabrator? I'm agitated, and so is the community.' ....

Scott subsequently signed a 10-year extension with Wheelabrator {WIN Waste Innovations} to burn municipal trash, while vowing in his December 2021 Action Plan to 'reduce chronic health disparities across racial and ethics groups by decommissioning the use of waste incineration within the next decade.'"

Sorry Mayor Rawlings-Blake. Mr. Trash is great to clean up the Patapsco River and the Harbor. But the next step - burning trash - continues to create toxic ash, and people with respiratory issues: asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia continue to suffer and die from air pollution complications. Known to cause cancer too. The first to formally and collectively burn trash? Hardly. Try 141 years ago. The first incinerators were built in 1874 in Nottingham, United Kingdom, known fondly as, "The Destructors." The first incinerator in the United States was built in 1885 on Governor's Island, New York. The third place was Brno, Czechoslovakia in 1905. Everything back in those days was reusable or recyclable without most toxins - chemicals our products leach these days. Would be nice that some Baltimore homes actually got that electricity, but it sadly those soda bottles that could of been recycled into sneakers went instead for a millisecond of a blip - to the electric grid.
Mayor Pugh conceivably could of closed BRESCO due to environmental regulations. Subsequent Mayors, Young and Scott, changed their tune of support once each becoming mayor.

"Inside WIN Wastes $45M Upgrades to its Baltimore Waste-to-Energy Facility" - Wastedive (2023)

Covanta Incinerator, the Montgomery County "Resource Recovery Facility" in Dickerson, Maryland


"My God, There is Just So Much Garbage" - "Family Guy"

"Baltimore Residents Struggle With Illegal Sumping" - WBAL TV11 NBC

"'Neighbors Against Predatory Dumping Act' Aims To Cut Down Illegal Dumping In Baltimore" - WJZ TV13 CBS

"Baltimore's Black Communities get More Environmental Citations - but no Support, say Activists" - Baltimore Banner for TV 13 WJZ CBS Baltimore (2023)

"These chemicals are approved for their use, they have the ability to leach out of these products into the food, they're ending up in our food in our bodies and are leading to serious and irreversible health effects. That can affect the basics of human condition - like our ability to learn, our ability to have safe and healthy families. And marginalized communities are disproportionately being burdened."
- Associate Professor Ami Zota, George Washington University's Milken Institute School of Public Health (member of Project TENDR)

"What You Can Do About Trash Pollution" - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

"Trash" - Baltimore Office of Sustainability

"Trash" - "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" (2022)

"Taking out the Trash Rules" - "The Simpsons"

"Here's Why Baltimore County's Glass Hasn't Been Recycled For Years" - WJZ TV 13 (2020)

Are you ready for Baltimore's metamorphosis? Watch:

"No More Garbage Day! No More Trash Cans!"

Communal trash receptacles are available when people want to throw their trash away (and do anyways), no longer littering, blowing in wind, get wet, or animal rummaged through. There will be at least one of each type of receptacle, completely sorted: Compost/Yard, Glass, Paper, Plastic, and Other for each block to use around an intersection, so total of 2 intersections. Freedom. Your garbage day can be once, or multiple times, even one bottle or leaf if you would like. With art, the receptacles will fit in with entire program of intersection repair, making them meeting places.
[Intersection Repair is one of many thing I learned, experienced, and bring from 9 years of living in Portland, Oregon (2002-2011.]

With garbage trucks no longer needed to go down especially small alleys, Baltimore City saves tons of gasoline, and can move people to other jobs - like planting trees! Growing trees in the backs of homes will allow many more trees - as vital to have tree canopy than what the diagram shows in 33rd Street Baltimore Fishbowl article. First, getting rid of more lanes makes the buses even slower due to still having to weave in (just like North Avenue, as painting red does not make them be able to go faster due to parked cars....) and out. Second, use less concrete. No longer need to build or designate bike paths, as the alleys become allee bicycle paths (seek pictures below). Instead of one bike path in the middle where one still has to confront traffic just to get to it (think kids( on either side, there are 2, yes TWO both way bike paths using allees are created!

"City Beautiful": $25.00 Fines for Orlando Residents for Leaving Garbage Can Too Long - WESH TV2

More at:


ALLEYS TO ALLEES: Tree Canopy ~ Garbage Free ~ Bike Paths

"Why Alleys Are the Most Important Spaces in a City" - Stewart Hicks (2022)

"How to Design a Great Street" - City Beautiful

Is a Skimmer Boat - Old Technology at its Best

"How Gasification Turns Waste Into Energy" - CNBC (2020)

"5.1. GASIFICATION INTRODUCTION" - National Energy Technology Laboratory - U.S. Department of Energy

Gwynns Falls - Leakin Park (1983)

"Los Angeles Sanitation" - Periscope Films (1958)

"Garbage Day" - Burbank Department of Public Works

Under Construction




"Why Billionaires are Buying Up U.S. Farmland" - NBC


Food Waste is Easiest Problem to Solve - Vox

"How Food Waste Is Turned Into Plastic, Hair Extensions, And More" -World Wide Waste - Business Insider

Some Cuss Language

"No Garbage Day in Amsterdam" = Not Just Bikes

Walkability Difference With Trash Part 2 - Not Just Bikes

"What if We Burned All of Our Trash?" - ASAP Science

"How Singapore Fixed its Big Trash Problem" - CNBC International

"One of the Dirtiest Jobs In San Francisco Is Dealing With Food Waste" - "World Wide Waste"

"San Francisco's Zero Waste Goal Has Made it Americas Leading Recycling City" - Rolling Stone

"How Waste Is Dealt With On The World's Largest Cruise Ship" - Business Insider

"Collecte Et Valorisation Des Déchets Organiques - Tri-Vallées [Albertville, Canada]

"Store Your Summer Harvest in a DIY Backyard Root Cellar" - INHABITIT

Uses for Orange Peels: "They Threw 12,000 Tons Of Orange Peels In A Forest. 16 Years Later They Returned to See The Results.." - Be Amazed


Is eating everything the answer? "Homer at the Buffet" - "The Simpsons"


MANDATORY COMPOSTING STARTS JULY 1ST, 2025: "Get ready for it. The Mayor and City Council have approved an ordinance that will make it mandatory for residents to separate their organic waste from the trash. Organic waste is defined as food scraps, food waste, food-soiled paper, and compostable plastic. You'll also have to separate out green waste too. That’s your leaves, grass clippings, and other landscape debris. The City of Laurel is the first municipality in the state of Maryland to introduce legislation that makes residential composting mandatory."


"Wine Corks: Saving Endangered Birds" - Engineer Guy [REAL CORK ONLY]

"The Wicket World of Packaging" - Renourish

"The Environmental Impact of Food Packaging" - Food Print

"Challenges in packaging waste management : a case study in the fast food industry" - Business - Semantic Scholar

"Making products last longer and be more resistant to heat, oil, stains, grease, and water, comes with a long-lasting price. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a family of 5,000 chemicals used for those purposes, but they are also known as “forever chemicals,” essentially because they are designed to be extremely durable, and difficult to destroy even at high temperatures, which means that these chemicals will not readily deteriorate. PFAS contain strong carbon–fluorine bonds, which is why these chemicals are non-biodegradable, and their use raises serious concerns regarding persistence in the environment and bioaccumulation."

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said Thursday that it will not impose a total ban on a set of dangerous

"FDA - limit the use of compounds called phthalates, which are known to disrupt hormone function and have been linked to birth defects, infertility, learning disabilities and neurological disorders." Food and Drug Administration said, "No."
Phthalates are chemicals commonly found in fast-food packaging. The arduous fight continues: angry scientists and environmental groups pressing for ban.

"Pressure Growing to Remove 'Forever Chemicals' From Fast-Food Wrappers" - Los Angeles Times (June 1st, 2022)

"Regulating PFAS and Other Chemicals in Packaging" - Packaging Digest

"FDA Announcements on PFAS and Other U.S. Government Information" - U.S. Food and Drug Administration

"Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (PBT) Chemicals under TSCA Section 6(h)" - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

"Fair Packaging and Labeling Act: Regulations Under Section 4 of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act" - Federal Trade Commission USA

"Why Grocery Shopping is Better in Amsterdam: - Not Just Bikes

"How Plates Made From Sugarcane {Bagasse} Could Help India's Plastic Problem" - World Wide Waste

"Governor Newsom Signs Legislation to Tackle Plastic Pollution, Promote a More Sustainable & Renewable Economy and Protect Californians from Toxic Chemicals"

"What action is being taken on chemicals of concern in food contact packaging?" - Packaging Europe

Green Chemistry - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

"Chemicals Packaging Market Share, Size 2022 Global Industry Key Strategies, Historical Analysis, Segmentation, Application, Technology, Trends and Growth Opportunities Forecasts to 2028" - Market Watch (June 2022)


Female figure
Necklace and handbag

Shirt and yellow tie

Sun Glasses, Large

Red high heels

"How did the land of Jefferson, how did the land of King
become the land of hamburgers and raisins that can sing?"

"He's got a whirly-birdy and a twelve-foot yacht
Ah, but that's-a not all he's got
He's got tan shoes with pink shoelaces
A polka dot vest and man, oh, man
He wears tan shoes with pink shoelaces
And a big Panama with a purple hat band"

"Magic Shoes" - The Playmates

Kevin O'Leary: "Don't Buy All That Crap You Don't Need" - CNBC

"How Cotton is Processed in Factories" - "How It's Made"

"The Life Cycle of a T-Shirt - Angel Chang - Ted Talks

1,800 gallons of water - to grow cotton for one pair of blue jeans.
400 gallons of water - to grow cotton for one t-shirt.
55 gallons of water - to make 1 pound of synthetic rubber for shoe soles.
2,257 gallons of water - to make one pair of shoes.
[Does not include clothing and shoe construction footprint, and other unaccounted factors.]

"The Myth of Sustainable Fashion" - Harvard Business Review

"Fast Fashion: The Shady World of Cheap Clothing" - Doc Film - DW Documentary

The Truth Behind Fast Fashion: Are Fashion Retailers Honest With Their Customers? - DW Documentary

"How Amazon, American Airlines, Subaru and More Burn Waste To Make Energy" - CNBC

"Where Online Returns Really End Up And What Amazon Does"

"Fast Fashion Getting Faster: A Look at the Unethical Labor Practices Sustaining a Growing Industry"- The George Washington University Law School - International Law and Policy Brief (2021)

"The True Cost:Secrets Behind Fashion Industry - Exploitation - Documentary

"The Environmental Disaster that is Fuelled by Used Clothes and Fast Fashion" - Foreign Correspondent

"Fast Fashion Is Hot Garbage" - Climate Town (2021)

"Fashion Industry: How Amancio Ortega Created the Zara Empire - ENDEVR Documentary

"The Next Black - A Film About the Future of Clothing" (2014) ["Still Fast"]

Some Cuss Language

"Tales Of Men's Shirts" - The Goon Show [Radio]


"The Insider: A Week in Ghana, World's Largest Toxic Waste Dumps - Reggie Yates - Free Documentary

"The Collection of Waste Textiles Went From An Experiment to a Continuous Service" - Helsinki, Finland Region's Environmental Services HSY

"Recycled Denim Process" - TEJIDOS ROYO

"How Adidas Turns Plastic Bottles Into Shoes" - Tech Insider

"Recycling Fashion: The Town Turning Waste Into Clothes" - BBC News

"3 Creative Ways to Fix Fashion's Waste Problem" - Amit Kalra - Ted Talks

"Recycling Revolutionary Veena Sahajwalla turns Old Clothes into Kitchen Tiles" - "Australian Story"

"Exposing The Inhumane Conditions Of Burkina Faso's Gold Mines" - Journeyman Pictures


How Climate Change Will Affect What We Wear" - Pacific Standard (2008)



"U.S. {purchase} returns generate 16 million metric tons of carbon emissions during their complicated reverse journey and up to 5.8 billion pounds of landfill waste each year, according to returns solution provider, Optoro.

Amazon has told CNBC it sends no items to landfills but relies on 'energy recovery' as a last resort.

'We’re talking about billions, billions, and billions of (dollars of) waste that’s a byproduct of consumerism run amok.
The reverse logistics are always going to be nasty because the merchandise, in most cases, cannot be resold as it was originally. The most expedient pathway is into a dumpster, into a landfill. 'Energy recovery means you burn something to produce heat, to produce energy; and you rationalize the disposal of goods as a conversion from one form of matter to another. To the degree they're doing that I don't think they fully reveal.'" - Mark Cohen, director of retail studies at Columbia Business School and former CEO of Sears Canada.



"Plastic Wars" - FRONTLINE (2020)

"Why Plastic Recycling Isnt Working" - Faultline (2023)




"'Burning plastic in a climate emergency; that's insane,' said Georgia Elliott-Smith, an environmental engineer and Extinction Rebellion activist who is suing the British government over its decision to exclude incinerators from its new emissions trading system. Plastic, hard to recycle and ubiquitous in garbage, is made from fossil fuel derivatives and emits carbon dioxide when burned, accounting for a substantial chunk of incineration's climate damage."

"It's As If They're Poisoning Us: The Health Impacts of Plastic Recycling in Turkey" - Human Rights Watch (2022)

"Half of global plastic production is for single-use and only 14% of plastic packaging is collected for recycling; reliance on recycling alone will not solve the waste problem. ....

Research shows that reusing just 10% of plastic products would reduce the amount of plastic waste reaching the ocean by 50%."

"Why We Need to Stop Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans FOR GOOD" - Oceana (2019)

"Greenhouse Gas and Air Quality Impacts of Incineration and Landfill" - Eunomia Report


"The world generates 2.01 billion tons of municipal solid waste annually, with at least 33 percent of that - extremely conservatively - not managed in an environmentally safe manner. Worldwide, waste generated per person per day averages 0.74 kilogram but ranges widely, from 0.11 to 4.54 kilograms. Though they only account for 16 percent of the world's population, high-income countries generate about 34 percent, or 683 million tons, of the world's waste. Global waste is expected to grow to 3.40 billion tons by 2050; more than double population growth over the same period.

It is a frequent misconception that technology is the solution to the problem of unmanaged and increasing waste. Technology is not a panacea and is usually only one factor to consider when managing solid waste."

"How NYC Lights Up More Than 1,000,000 Buildings" - Cheddar News

"How Waste Is Dealt With On The World's Largest Cruise Ship" - Business Insider

Stacks of cargo containers




Christmas bows kaleidoscope pattern

"Plastic is Accelerating the Climate Crisis" - Center for International Environmental Law

"Plastic Wars" - "Frontline" - PBS

"The Plastic Problem" - A "PBS NewsHour" Documentary

"How Plastic is Destroying our Environment and What to Do About It" - Interesting Engineering

"El Mito del Reciclaje" - Stopplastico [Spanish]

"Do Shampoo Bars Really Reduce Trash?" - "World Wide Waste"

The Cornell Waste Management Institute (CWMI)

"Trash Goes To School" - The Cornell Waste Management Institute (CWMI)

"Trash for Education: Inspiring a Collective Love for Recycling Through Education." - The Green Institute

"When was the last time you were able to purchase a soft drink in a reusable glass bottle? When was the last time you even saw a soft drink in a glass packaging? Today, single-use plastic packaging is still omnipresent, despite our increasing environmental awareness. According to a World Wide Fund for Nature study, an average person consumes 1,769 tiny plastic particles and fibers every week just from drinking water. That accumulates to around a half-pound of plastic every year!"

"It's Time for Glass Again Can We End Beverage Industry's Use of Plastic?" - Waste Advantage Magazine (2019)

"A Taste of Glass" - Friends of Glass

"Glass Is Life: Geir Skeie (English)" (2011)

"The Waste the Planet Cannot Digest: How Long it Takes to Decay" - Active Sustainability (2018)


"The Unknown Master of Restoration" - NHK WORLD PRIME


"No More Plastic Clamshells, and Other Changes to Iowa City's Recycling Program" - Little Village

"Inside Elon Musk's Child Slave Labor Mining Deals" - Deep Web


"How One Town Keeps India's 500-year-old Papermaking Industry Alive" - Business Insider

Building A Legacy! - "Tower Power" - "Sanford and Son"

"Tower Power" - "Sanford and Son" [Part 2]

Junk or Antique? - "Sanford and Son"

Lamp - "Sanford and Son"


"Briquettes Made From Coconut Waste Could Reduce Deforestation" - "World Wide Waste"

"How To Make Paint From Pollution" - "World Wide Waste"

"How Sacred Flowers Are Turned Into Incense Sticks" - "World Wide Waste"


Prior to the 1960's, the word, "recycle" was not used because one purchased only what one needed, and things that had less purpose, use, or need, always held value to give to someone else. "Waste not want not." It was about collecting resources to help out various causes. Materials had value, such as paper. It is a wonder how this practical practice in all but a handful of states that still have bottle and can deposits disappeared.

Recycling bin

"A Brief Timeline of the History of Recycling" - Busch Systems Resource Center

"When Did Americans Start Recycling?" - The History Channel

"The Secret History of Recycling" - The Berkeley Revolution

"Recycle Like Everyone's Watching - Keep America Beautiful" PSA - Keep America Beautiful

Adam Carolla on Recycling: "Glass is Better!" - [Go to Part 1 and start at 20:00]

Romania Recycles In House - A LOT

"Estonia Leading the Way in Plastic Recycling and Cutting Waste" - ITV News

"What Happens to Your Rubbish and Recycling?" - Matamata-Piako District Council

"Recycling Plastics in Germany: Resource Efficiency With an Optimized Sorting Method" - VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz

"The Ingenious Design of the Aluminum Beverage Can" - Engineer Guy

"How Are Aluminium or Aluminum Cans Recycled? | How Do They Do It?" - DCODE by Discovery

"Aluminum Recycling: How Is Aluminum Recycled?" - Norsk Hydro

"We Recycle More Steel Than Plastic. Why Does It Still Pollute So Much?" - World Wide Waste

"Oil filter recycling by Lucas Lane Inc.

"Battery Recycling With G&P RTP Dolav Pallet Boxes" Dolav Plastic Products

"E-Waste in Nepal: Challenges and Solutions" - Doko Recyclers

"How 6 Million Pounds Of Electronic Waste Gets Recycled A Month" - Big Business

"Zero Waste is A Local Solution TO Climate Change" - EcoCycle Systems

Electronics Recycling (eCycling) in Maryland - Maryland Department of the Environment

"Electronics Donation and Recycling" - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Maryland State, Baltimore City, and Counties Recycling

Clean Up Type of Grants and Other Financial Assistance Opportunities - Maryland Department of the Environment

METAL & PAPER: "Norma Rae Bunker" - "Archie Bunker's Place" (1981)


You probably notice on bottles and cans state insignias as to where you can redeem for coins: each for a Nickel, or even a Dime. Maryland used to too. There are a multitude of great reasons to do so.
1. Lessens trash, especially on the street. People will at least think twice before throwing that can out the window [I've seen many times.]
2. Kids LOVE collecting them, as it is money in their pockets. Collecting cans and bottles are much more lucrative than squeeging windshields.
3. Recycling will truly be recycled, rather than incinerated. Incinerators offer money for bringing trash.

Container Recycling Institute

Bottle Bill Resource Guide

Norway Consumers Recycling Deposit Return 96% is - Sky Ocean Rescue


Television Circa 1950

"Dennis' Paper Drive" - "Dennis the Menace"

"Inmates Teach About Recycling" - "MAD TV"

"The Bottle Deposit" - "Seinfeld" / "The Seinfeld Chronicles"

"Wally's Job" - "Leave it to Beaver" [Season 1 Episode 33]

"Dean Martin Pizza Record & Dee Dee's "Dehydrificated" Mason Dixon Fried Chicken Dinner" - "Green Acres"

"MacDumpster's Way" - "MAD TV"

"Dennis' Paper Drive" - "Dennis the Menace"

"Inmates Teach About Recycling" - "MAD TV"

"The Bottle Deposit" - "Seinfeld" / "The Seinfeld Chronicles"



"In response to the widespread mobilization against garbage incineration in the city, coordinated by United Workers, the Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority has issued an RFP that essentially projects the incinerator as part of Baltimore City’s waste management plan through 2040. The incinerator is the leading source of air pollution from city industry. ....
The city spends $73 million on solid waste and recycling, and has hundreds of workers and equipment."
Energy Justice Network Press Release: Describes current solid waste and recycling landscape. - May 15, 2018:
"Just over a year ago, the city seemingly agreed to move in the direction of Zero Waste. The Zero Waste resolution, Paris Climate Accord resolution and a resolution to reduce the Wheelabrator Baltimore trash incinerator’s Nitrogen Oxide pollution limit all passed unanimously with the support of city agencies including the Department of Public Works. Despite this, the 11 page consulting scope of work document included directives for the unknown consultants to study the continued use of the 33 year old incinerator until 2040 and beyond, among many other disturbing requests. Some of the directives included:
. Studying just the positive benefits of incineration.
. Studying the use of new incineration technologies including gasification, and turning trash into pellets to be burned (Similar to the Energy Answers proposal).
. Privatizing the city’s landfill and intentionally filling it up as soon as possible. ....
Disappointingly the end result was that the RFP was issued without any changes and has accepted proposals from a pre-selected list of consultants with little experience in Zero Waste planning. 'It was shocking after all the buy-in on zero waste,' said Greg Sawtell, an organizer for United Workers. 'And after fighting against Energy Answers for years to see it brought back again is aggravating.'"
Obviously her plan did not work. Ascended due to Mayor O'Malley becoming Governor.

"Meet 8 Young Founders Turning Trash Into Cash" | World Wide Waste | Insider Business (2022)

"Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR): An Urgent Threat To Life As We Know It" - UN Environment Programme (2023)

"To Reduce Superbugs, World Must Cut Down Pollution"- UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

"Water, Air and Soil Pollution is Spawning Deadly Superbugs" - Mail & Guardian (2023)

"Bracing for Superbugs: Strengthening Environmental Action in the One Health Response to Antimicrobial Resistance" - UN Environment Programme (2023)

"Bogus Carbon Offsets Drive 'Carbon Neutral' Claims" - Bloomberg Originals (2023)

Although nrg is a fossil-based American energy company, this film is accurate.

"Plastic Pollution Investigation into to Coca Cola's 'Recycling'" - Premieres Lignes Production (2023)

"Globally, an estimated 20 million informal waste pickers {trash scavengers} are responsible for more than half of all plastic waste collected. Now, a 30-year fight for fair wages and legal protection has culminated in these workers' first international union." This documentary film in Indonesia explores their essential role in how the world handles trash.

"Environmental Racism" - "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" (2022)

"Carbon Offsets" - "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" (2022)

"Lead" - "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" (2016)

"Lead" - "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" (2016)




Public trash system(s) - Not Applicable



"Garbage Truck Loads Hidden Street Underground Containers in Israel" (2021)


"Smart Trash Cans Turn Recyclables Into Credit"




Austria: Recycling Collection


"La Collecte Des Conteneurs Enterrés" - Biloba Environnement [FRANCE]


London, England, Great Britain Trash/Rubbish Collection


Reggia Emilia, Italy "Smart Waste Management System for Capital Smart City"


"Dutch Trash Collection"

Some ESE Choices. Any underground can be used for recycling. Also can design own.

UWS G5 Tömning - PWS - Part of ESE World

For United States, seek left hand column on this page.





Agronomic Undergrounds Receptacles for Wheelchair Users - ESE





Lisbon Municipality: Smart Waste Collection - Future Compta

Lisbon, Portugal: Trash and Recycling


Marbella, Spain Trash Collection - Because Culture

Valencia, Spain Trash Collection Versus New York City, U.S.A.: "Density Matters, So Let's Make Every City a 5-Minute City (Not 15)" [Less than 2 minutes] - City Nerd (2023)


Stockholm, Sweden - Shoot Design - "Smart Waste Solutions - "Grow Smarter"


"This Swiss Company Figured Out How to Keep Garbage Underground" [Various ways - suggestions]




City of Antwerp - "Trash Tunes"


Controlling pollution is a major environmental issue.


"My God, There's Just So Much Garbage" - "Family Guy"

"Garbage Island" - "Family Guy"

"Anniversary or House?" - "Roc"

The Trashman - "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"

"Readers Recommend: Songs About Trash" - The Guardian

"World Environment Day - Paani Ka Ghar" - United Nations in India

"This World Environment Day - Ka Ghar" - United Nations in India


Baltimore City Public Works Telephone Directory [Scroll Down]

Above are several hazardous smokestacks.

"How Amazon, American Airlines, Subaru and More Burn Waste To Make Energy" - CNBC

Television Circa 1950

"The Garbage Report" & "Weather" - "Beakman's World"

Here's another picture of supporters of our cause.


"In the wind, the ashes fly
The poison crown, the charcoal ground

All around, an eerie sound
Their dreams a cloud, their world in shrouds
In the wind, the ashes fly
Not much time, but time to try

I want to be here at the, I have to be here at the end We must be here at the end"

Nuclear Reactor/Power Plant in Australia


Geothermal System, but if another place, A MUCH smaller version of below for sewer. Highway to Nowhere is dug down anyways.

"Megaproject: Singapore's Deep Tunnel Sewerage System" - "Tomorrow City [Part 1/3]

Campaign Headquarters * Any Street * Anytown * US * 01234

Mission Abound

Homes * Any Street * Baltimore * USA * 01234

Any Street * Anytown * Baltimore * USA * 01234
