"The Draft FY 2023-2028 CTP is nearly $2.2 billion more than the $17.7 billion Final FY 2022-2027 CTP released in January.
That increase is the result of factors including $1.3 billion in additional federal formula funds from the bipartisan Infrastructure
Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) passed by Congress last fall, as well as improved post-pandemic revenue estimates and an increased
share of state corporate income tax revenue allocated to MDOT."
I hope that the information, and more that I intend to place, will expand to the enth degree of what is on the horizon regarding
transportation, and then dream ever bigger. It costs nothing to do so.
The essence of future transportation, no matter the shape, underwater or on its own bridge, it runs on rails. I ask that
you allow 2 months - September's meeting, before voting on $28 million for what will be an outdated report in 4 to 5 years
to allow me to find you engineers that can offer a concrete proposal for connecting current rail tracks on both sides of the
Chesapeake Bay that will also be used for passenger streetcar, light-rail, and trains. There are multiple continents of engineers,
and their innovations to choose from.
A whole business has come from the Chesapeake Bay Memorial Bridge - people who specialize in driving people over it.
MDTA Testimony: On June 23rd, 2022, I testified in front of MDTA regarding not including Baltimore in its Bay bridge decisions,
against Tier 2 - spending additional 28,000,000 to Tier 1's 5 million, how rail is not included in Tier 2 (Secretary of Transportation
lies. I read Tier 1 and Governor Hogan said so. I was moved to come because there was supposed to be a "Vote" as Governor
Hogan said, but was told, "Oh, we don't need to vote." When the illegally almost non-diverse board are your friends, anything
June 23rd, 2022 My MDTA testimony is at: 56:00
SS - Culmination for June 23rd, 2022 MDTA Board Meeting [Choose differently regarding 28 Million - Use for Bridge now for
Walk, Roll, Bicycle and Streetcar Rail line replacing commuter busses]
Race with the moon to the edge of the water
Down in Mary's land
Down in Mary's land
East of Virginia where the bay meets a river
Down in Mary's land
The wind pulls your sleeve like a long lost lover
Whose heart can't understand
How you ever could leave
The view you behold
Ain't it fine and ain't life grand
"Down in Mary's Land" - Mary Chapin Carpenter
"Maryland" - Vonda Shepard
"I am the tracks of steel
That built this railroad town
Vision for the dream of the hammer drove my tresses down
I pulled your harvest from field and sea
My engines drove your economy"
They come and they go ~ on these tracks of steel
If bridges and trains could talk... Songs of the Eastern Shore and Chesapeake Bay - Thelma Peterson


People in Baltimore fought for so long to keep their neighborhoods and parks, slated for state highways, in other words, "By-Pass"
"Throughways" highways. All about getting from one side of Baltimore County to other side of Baltimore County, without having
to stop or see Baltimore City at all. Promises to Baltimore City of prosperity for these routes, just like today's "pass-through"
drive to public transit: lightrail and subway. Some were built anyways. The 400 block was obliterated on the west side,
especially the neighborhood of Harlem Park, an upscale white neighborhood, and then changing into upscale black neighborhood.
Now what? First, what and who were the players that thought that highways? What can the "Highway to No Where" become now?
Chesapeake Bay Map (1778)
Map of Maryland: Baltimore City and the Counties
Maryland Maps - Suncatcher Studio
The National Transit Database (NTD) - Federal Transit Administration
Chesapeake Bay Memorial Bridge Related Nature Information for MDTA (MDTA - Chesapeake Bay)
The international message is clear. After World War II, the United States chose the automobile, and the rest of the world
chose to expand streetcars, trains, and aerial cable cars. The move is to tire-free modes of transportation. States: Oklahoma,
Oregon and Kansas to name a few know the economic power even one streetcar route offers. The vision is for all passenger
streetcar travel to replace all buses commuter and local. People, especially in Somerset, Wicomico, Dorcester, Queen Anne's,
and Kent county the freedom, finally, to travel when they want on any day they want rather than segregated business hours.
Dedicated lanes with stops where people actually live, is on-time, fast, clean, quiet, always get a seat. room for your shopping
needs cart to roll right in and out (no stairs), wheelchair bound patrons' dignity and independence, and go to places, especially
to connect with nature, like state parks and beaches - anywhere. The freedom and independence to go from ones' dwelling to
activity and if want more activities and home again. Where you always get a seat. A pleasure to travel - equally.
"Are Car-Free Bridges the Future?" - Governing
Future of USA and World Transit Information for MDTA