BAT USING ECHOLOCATION - British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) |
Conservation Status and Threats to North American Bats (APRIL 17TH, 2023) - The North American Bat Conservation Alliance (NABCA)
"De Bat - Fly in my Face" - Carly Simon
Neal Hefti's Batman Album
"Bats and Mosquito Control" - Bat Conservation & Management
"Studying Diversification in Insect-Eating Bats" - Burke Museum
"A Day With Insect Bats" - Bat World
Bat World Sanctuary - A Tour (With other animals) [Weatherford, Texas]
Bat Species in Maryland - The Backyard Naturalist
Baltimore & Bats - Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
"Investigating Baltimore's Bat Populations" - Dr. Ela-Sita Carpenter
"Guide to Maryland's Bats" - Maryland Department of Natural Resources
"Bats" - "Science Trek" - Public Broadcasting System PBS [OUR SAVIOURS. OUR POLLINATORS - GOING EXTINCT]
"Bats in Houses" - Maryland Department of Natural Resources
"An extraordinary partnership with the Bat Conservation International has resulted and BHP has learned how to institute
a more sensitive approach to mine closure to benefit wildlife, while protecting human safety."
Please Respects Our Best Friends: Let Bats' echolocation find and fly out open windows and doors naturally.
Nocturnal, Diurnal, or/and Crepuscular
NOCTURNAL = Active at night, sleeping usually only during daylight Examples: Owls, Aardvarks, Hyenas, Grey Foxes, Bats (some
crepuscular), Raccoons (also crepuscular) Lightning Bugs/Fireflies, Cats (also crepuscular), Mice (also crepuscular), Rats
(also crepuscular)
"Forced Climate Adapters"
Some desert animals are adapting, becoming nocturnal, to escape scorching heat like the kangaroo rat. Due to severe cold,
nocturnal aardvarks may venture during day to seek food, termites, or at night, die trying with less energy to stay warm.
"Opportunists" is a slang fourth category, meaning animals, like wolves. who will hunt whenever due to food scarcity. Climate
crisis only shines spotlight on these adaptable animals, but only to the point of extinction due to lack of home - habitat
and food - extinguishment of ecosystem due to man, whether for cattle for meat, or clear-cutting forests for mining, homes....
"Meet the Animals that Survive Extreme Desert Conditions" - National Geographic (2019)
"Increased Diurnal Activity Is Indicative of Energy Deficit in a Nocturnal Mammal, the Aardvark" - Environmental, Aviation
and Space Physiology (2020)
DIURNAL = Active during daylight, sleeping at night - in darkness [Until candles, with later gas and then electric lighting,
humans continue to mess up their diurnal sense - their Circadian Rhythm.]
CREPUSCULAR = Active during dawn and dusk.
Examples: Deer, Skunks, Bats (species mostly nocturnal), Cats, Raccoons, Rabbits, Gerbils, Black Bears
"Nocturnal, Diurnal, or Crepuscular?" Project - Mammal Web
Sensory Pollution is the excess and introduction of materials and methods thwarting the natural operating of 5 senses in living
organisms: taste, smell, touch, hear, and see. All animals, yes, including humans, are not immune of any of these pollutions,
yet to varying degrees. Nocturnal animals are most effected, as they get disoriented, especially Baltimore Owls and Bats.
We need these precious animals to be able to get back to their nests and caves, and continue to feed their young and procreate.
If only for selfish human reasons, all there would be left are insects, destroying ecosystems. There area already far too
many mosquitoes. There were few, even as little as 2 decades ago. Even Baltimore Raccoons and Foxes are important, as they
chase off rats and squirrels from making holes and entering our houses.
"Our Blinding, Blaring World": "Ed Yong Explores How Human-Made Light and Sound are Confounding Animal Senses With Potentially
Catastrophic Results." - The Atlantic [2022 Multi=Story Synopsis]
"The Sensory Ecology of Animal Behaviors and Distributions Stories of Bats, Birds, and Bugs" - Louisiana Tech University (2021)
"The Hidden Sensory World of Animals" - Ed Yong - Big Think Series (2022)
"To truly make a dent in sensory pollution, bigger steps are needed. Lights can be dimmed or switched off when buildings
and streets are not in use. They can be shielded so that they stop shining above the horizon. LEDs can be changed from blue
or white to red. Quiet pavements with porous surfaces can absorb the noise from passing vehicles. Sound-absorbing barriers,
including berms on land and air-bubble curtains in the water, can soften the din of traffic and industry. Vehicles can be
diverted from important areas of wilderness, or they can be forced to slow down: In 2007, when commercial ships in the Mediterranean
began slowing down by just 12 percent, which saves fuel and reduces emissions, they produced half as much noise. Such vessels
can also be fitted with quieter hulls and propellers, which are already used to muffle military ships (and would make commercial
ones more fuel-efficient)."
"Sensory pollutants - including anthropogenic noise, artificial light at night and chemical contaminants - disrupt the sensory
processes of wildlife across the evolutionary spectrum. Anthropogenic noise impairs hearing and acoustic communication in
groups as diverse as insects, fish, frogs, birds and mammals, impacting behaviour, reproductive success and the detection
of predators and prey. Artificial light at night disrupts natural photoperiods and changes the spectral properties of nocturnal
light, with far-reaching impacts on the physiology, behaviour, ecology and evolution of animals and plants. Globally,
its effects are expected to increase further with the move from sodium lamps to cool-white light-emitting diode (LED)
lamps for roadway lighting.
Chemical pollutants disrupt olfaction (smell), including chemical communication between individuals of the same species and
the olfactory detection of predators. Many chemical pollutants also act as endocrine disrupters, affecting invertebrates
and vertebrates alike with significant consequences for development, behaviour and fitness."
"'Sensory Danger Zones': How Sensory Pollution Impacts Animal Survival" - University of Michigan (2020)
"How to Minimize the Impacts of Sensory Pollution on Animals" - Purdue University (2020)
"Sensory Pollution Sources in Buildings" - Indoor Air - NIH (2004)
"Light and sound pollution can dramatically alter how wildlife behave and jeopardize animal conservation. Bright lights
can confuse sea turtles heading to the coastline. Noisy roads can interfere with mating songbirds."
Samarkand, 12 February 2024 – The first-ever State of the World’s Migratory Species report was launched today
by the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of
Wild Animals (CMS), a UN biodiversity treaty, at the opening of a major UN wildlife conservation conference (CMS COP14). The
landmark report reveals:
• While some migratory species listed under CMS are improving, nearly half (44 percent) are showing population declines.
• More than one-in-five (22 per cent) of CMS-listed species are threatened with extinction.
• Nearly all (97 per cent) of CMS-listed fish are threatened with extinction.
• The extinction risk is growing for migratory species globally, including those not listed under CMS.
• Half (51 per cent) of Key Biodiversity Areas identified as important for CMS-listed migratory animals do not have
protected status, and 58 per cent of the monitored
sites recognized as being important for CMS-listed species are experiencing unsustainable levels of human-caused pressure.
• The two greatest threats to both CMS-listed and all migratory species are overexploitation and habitat loss due to
human activity. Three out of four CMS-listed species are impacted by habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation, and seven
out of ten CMS-listed species are impacted by overexploitation (including intentional taking as well as incidental capture).
• Climate change, pollution and invasive species are also having profound impacts on migratory species.
• Globally, 399 migratory species that are threatened or near threatened with extinction are not currently listed under
Until now, no such comprehensive assessment on migratory species has been carried out."
"Illegal Shooting is Now a Leading Cause of Death of Birds Along Power Lines in the Western USA" - U.S. Geological Survey
(USGS), U.S. Department of the Interior
"Make Your Windows Bird-Safe: You Can Stop Birds From Flying Into Windows" - The Humane Society of the United States
"Bird Strikes and Windows" - Tufts Wildlife Clinic, Tufts University
"Maryland Zoo's Onsite Farm Featured on MPT" - Morning Ag (2024)
"Evolutionary Novelties Underlie Sound Production in Baleen Whales" - Nature (February 21st, 2024)
Interested especially in finding endangered species (not just birds) to end destruction of non-human habitat - their homes.....
Baltimore Bird Club
Baltimore Bird Club - Facebook
Pauline Horn Photography - Baltimore
Baltimore City Monarch September 15th, 2014 - Photograph by Pauline Horn - Maryland Biodiversity
Monarch Butterfly - Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Monarch Migration - Maryland Department of Natural Resources
"Harford County Woman Makes Saving Monarch Butterfly Her Life's Mission: Woman Grows Thousands of 'Hairy Balls Milkweed' Plants
to Feed Butterflies" - WBAL TV 11 Baltimore (2022)
Baltimore's Light Pollution: Part of Baltimore's Sensory Pollution

This is Baltimore - from space. THIS IS LIGHT POLLUTION |
Baltimore Light Pollution Map - Up close.
"Under The Milky Way" - The Church
"Hat Full of Stars" - Cyndi Lauper
"We’ve got whole generations of people in the United States who have never seen the Milky Way. It's a big part
of our connection to the cosmos—and it’s been lost." - Chris Elvidge, NOAA’s National Centers
for Environmental Information scientist
"Where people never experience conditions resembling a true night; because it is masked by an artificial twilight."
Worldwide Light Pollution Scale [Enlarge screen and play video] - Baltimore is Red; THE worst
Baltimoreans have never seen a true night in over 100 years. I could barely see the lightening last night. Baltimore can
make money other ways - mega money - with cisterns and tanks for East Coast and beyond - geothermal to heat and cool horizontally....
Pittsburgh is going "Dark Sky"; they and their children will be able to see all star constellations, but what about Baltimoreans?
What about our quality of life? It is easier to save money through proper warm-colored lights than getting polluted money
from electronic billboard makers and sellers. To quote film, "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles," "You're going the wrong
"{Councilman} Stokes isn't concerned about light pollution, 'Downtown apartment dwellers will not directly face the
billboards and arrangements will be made to dim the lights during certain hours of the night, the future of digital billboards
is no certainty.' ....
The unrivaled amount of information that can be gleaned about a user makes a mobile device the ultimate ad-targeting tool.
Knowledge of a user’s movements, for example, can create a perfectly timed inducement, such as a discount
at a restaurant or store as a user enters a certain location.
The interactive nature of a mobile phone removes the barriers that currently separate a consumer from an
ad that’s rotating on a building in the next block, such as the capability to respond immediately with a
click to call, click to SMS, and click to purchase."
"Multiple studies have found that Black, Hispanic, and other individuals of color tend to reside in areas where they are
exposed to approximately twice as much ambient light at night as white people.
'Exposure to artificial light from the street and commercial buildings has been found to suppress melatonin; a hormone
that helps initiate sleep. That causes people to fall asleep later at night, resulting in poorer sleep overall.'"
"Night owls vs. Early Birds: Who Lives Longer?" - Experimental Physiology Journal - Researchers from Rutgers University (2022)
END SKYGLOW LIGHT POLLUTION! Digital billboards are precisely THE WRONG way to raise revenue. Baltimore City IS
one of the most extreme contributors to artificial light creating pollution - on Earth. Cancel the deals. No
approving more. Our health care costs cost more than the money from those deals.
"Six Digital Billboards Approved for Downtown Baltimore; Discussion to Continue on Five Others" - The Baltimore Sun (2022)
"(I) [(h)] Electronic sign.
27 (1) In general.
28 "Electronic sign' means a sign or portion of a sign that uses changing light to form a message or messages in text, digital
graphics, or digital animation, where the sequence of messages and the rate of change is electronically programmed and can
be modified by electronic processes.
(2) Inclusion of 'electronic display screen'.
2 (i) 'Electronic sign' includes an electronic display screen.
3 (ii) For purposes of this definition, 'electronic display screen'
(A) Means the portion of an electronic sign that displays digital art or an electronic graphic, image, or video, which may
or may not include text; and
(B) Includes any television screen, plasma screen, digital screen, flat screen, LED screen, video boards holographic display,
projected video sign, and exterior wall integrated technology."
Dark Sky: How to address ~ END LIGHT POLLUTION



Please click above picture. More pictures soon.

Light Pollution - Floodlight Liberty Square, Baltimore February 6th, 2023. |

Light Pollution - Floodlight 1st Floor Front Door Interior February 7th, 2023 |

Light Pollution - Floodlight1st Floor Porch February7th, 2023.jpg |

Light Pollution - Floodlight 2ndfloor February 7th, 2023 |

Light Pollution - Floodlight 2nd Floor February 7th, 2023 |

Light Pollution - Floodlight 2nd Floor February 7th, 2023 |

Light Pollution - Floodlight 2nd Floor February 7th, 2023 |

Light Pollution - Floodlight 3rd Floor February 7th, 2023 |

Light Pollution - Floodlight 3rd Floor February 7th, 2023 |
Maryland Dark Sky Parks
"The U.S. Tried Permanent Daylight Saving Time in the '70s. People Hated It" - The Washingtonian
"What Happened the Last Time the U.S. Tried to Make Daylight Saving Time Permanent?: A 1974 Switch to Year-Round DST Proved
Unpopular, with Americans Expressing 'Distaste' for the Long, Dark Winter Mornings" - Smithsonian Magazine
"Van Stomm's Rule One" - Phineas and Ferb
See the future below via schools - Winter 2023-2024: UNLESS REVERSED
NO to H.R. 5906, DAYLIGHT ACT and H.R. 5826 OR ANY OTHERS - "To allow States to elect to observe year-round Daylight Saving
time, and for other purposes."
1. U.S.A. Congress already tried year round Daylight Saving Experiment: in 1973, winter 1973 and 1974, ending in children
injuries and deaths, eight alone in Florida, forcing schools to start later, and swiftly repealed due to Americans outraged
by President Ford.
2. All life: plants and animals including humans are no exception, have circadian rhythms especially connected to sunrise.
3. U.S.A. workforce is greatly affected, forcing outdoor jobs to start later, throwing off schedules and creating wasteful
hours governments need to pay people because they can't start to work yet. Weather and tempertatures in darkness is most
4. The majority of kids in the United States walk to school or take public transportation - buses, subways, and trolleys,
braving crossing busy streets and watching the best they can all the automobiles - and their drivers. Darkness disturbs acuteness
to seeing, especially when speeding with what becomes a l and a half to 2 ton moving weapon.
5. Americans already have hefty sleep disorders. Waking up in darkness only worsens challenge.
6. Few kids want to go to sleep while light outside, and even worse want to get up in darkness.
7. No new sunlight is created just because a hand on a clock is moved.
8. Turning off lights, no matter what time it is saves energy and has nothing to do with time.
9. Get up an hour earlier, and enjoy all the sunlight you want - the same amount as DST.
10. Ask your representative to changing clocks with writing BILL: STANDARD TIME ALL YEAR ROUND - FOREVER.
"Daylight Saving Time - How Is This Still A Thing? - "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver"

"Ohlone People Rejoice After City of Berkeley Votes to Return Sacred Land" - KQED, PBS (March 13, 2024)
"It is, therefore, the position of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine that these seasonal time changes should be abolished
a fixed, national, year-round standard time."
DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME = Manmade passage of life in order to benefit leisure. The human disruption invention of time versus
Star Sun and Planet Earth's rotation around it. Defying sundial. An occurrence that only human beings observe and suffer
physical and emotional effects by this "out of kilter" experience due to reducing "losing" one hour between 2:00 A.M. and
3:00 A.M. The thought is that a country can save energy by changing a clock. There is no actual "light" added or "darkness"
subtracted. Many countries have stopped this phenomenon; most countries in Europe, and China ending in 1991.
Please seek: "Standard Time," "Circadian" and Circadian Misalignment"
STANDARD TIME = The natural passage of life. The continuum of sun dial technology that follows Star Sun to let humans know
how much later it is, and the ability to share at what point, whether sun dial, or use of numbers: sand, clock, or watch,
they want to recongregate.
Please seek: "Circadian"
CIRCADIAN MISALIGNMENT = Being out of kilter due to not having 24 hour periods or cycles of biological activity or function.
Stopping, inducing (such as medically or noise, light... pollutions, or government forcing to disallow life to occur biologically,
physically, emotionally, and spiritually natural.
Seek: "Daylight Saving Time"
"Chronic Circadian Misalignment Accelerates Immune Senescence and Abbreviates Lifespan in Mice" - Scientific Reports (2020)
"Circadian Misalignment and Health" - International Review of Psychiatry (2014)
Circadian Misalignment and Energy Balance (CM) - Clinical Trials.gov [TRIAL IN PROGRSS January 1st, 2019 - March 30th, 2024]