FIGHT THE BITE!:"Maryland Department of Agriculture Asks Residents to Act Now to Help Control Mosquito Populations" - Maryland
Department of Agriculture
"How Moldy Bread Can Change Your Brain" - PBS Terra (July 1, 2024)
"10 Behaviors of Deeply Unhappy People" - MSN (May 28, 2024)
"Burnout - When 0oes Work Start Feeling Pointless?" - DW Documentary (April 27, 2024)
Target did not close stores due to crime (December 19, 2023)
"Baltimore's Enoch Pratt Free Library Workers Move to Unionize" - The Real News Network (September 23, 2022)
"A Dying Breed: 20 Life Skills People Under Age 40 No Longer Possess" -
"Barbara Corcoran Says Your Happiness and Success in Life Come Down to 4 Simple Rules" - (July 19th, 2024)
"Governor Moore Proposes $148M in Budget Cuts, to Shift Money for Health and Child Care" - WBFF FOX45 Baltimore (July 10th,
"In Baltimore, Changing Minds, and Saving Lives" - "CBS Sunday Morning" (February 26, 2023)
"Educating Black Boys" - Al Jazeera (October 26, 2012) [Baltimore - Tony Harris]
Has cuss lamguage
"Rewind: Baltimore: Anatomy Of An American City"- Al Jazeera (June 23, 2018)
"Baltimore Legends Explain the Code of the Streets to Jon Bernthal" - REAL ONES with Jon Bernthal (November 10, 2022)
"Women And Retirement Savings" - United States Department of Labor (September 2023)
"2024 Pulse of the American Retiree Retiree Survey: Midlife Retirement 'Crisis' or a 10-Year Opportunity?" - Prudential (June
24, 2024)
"How Does Gender Equality Affect Women in Retirement?" - The Brookings Institution (July 2020)
"Women More Likely Than Men to Have No Retirement Savings" - United States Bureau of the Census (January 2022)
"Why is Baltimore in Poorer Health Than Urban Nigeria?" - PBS NewsHour (May 2, 2015)
"State Seeks to Raise Awareness About Free Medical Equipment Program" - WMAR TV 2 (June 14, 2024)
Dangerous by Design 2024 - Smart Growth America
"Europe: European Court of Human Rights Sets Vital Precedent with Ruling in Landmark Climate Case" - Amnesty International
(April 9, 2024)
THE PAHS LIST: Who Belongs to the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Family? - NCHI | NLM | NIH
Baltimore Service Line Partnership
"The Lead Industry and Lead Water Pipes 'A MODEST CAMPAIGN' - American Journal of Public Health (September 2008):
[2022] What Baltimore City Department of Works does test for in its water:
* Lead
* Copper
* Arsenic
* Barium
* Chlorine
* Fluoride
* Nitrate
* Atrazine
* Di (ethylhexyl) phthalate
* Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) - A PFAS "Forever chemical"
* Phosphorus (PFOS)
* Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS) - A PFAS "Forever Chemical" compound
* Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) - A PFAS "Forever Chemical" compound
* Perfluorononanoic Acid (PFNA) - A PFAS "Forever Chemical"
* Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid (HFPO - DA - A PFAS "Forever Chemical"
* PFBS) + PFHxS) + PFNA + HFPO-DA - Bonded Combination of 4 PFAS "Forever Chemicals"
* Radionuclides Rule: Combined Radium 226/228
* Trihalomethanes (Total THMs)
* Haloacetic acids (HAA (5) HAA5 The five haloacetic acids are: dibromoacetic acid, dichloroacetic acid, monobromoacetic
acid, monochloroacetic acid, and trichloroacetic acid.
* Haloacetic acids.
* Turbidity = Visibility - Cloudy
* Chlorine
* E. coli
REPORT: "Health - United States 1979" - CDC
More than 200 chemical plants nationwide will be required to reduce toxic emissions linked to cancer under a new rule from
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The new regulation advances the Biden administration’s commitment to environmental
justice by implementing protections for vulnerable communities burdened by toxic air pollution from petrochemical plants.
The new standards are also part of President Joe Biden’s initiative to lower cancer rates in the United States.
According to EPA assessments, about, '104,000 people within about 6 miles of the facilities currently have cancer risks
greater than 1 in 10,000.' The EPA, the assessment adds, generally considers this as an 'elevated' risk level. ... Ethylene
oxide and chloroprene are mostly produced by facilities in Texas and Louisiana, where minority communities have elevated rates
of cancer and other health problems. According to the EPA, long-term exposure to these two chemicals can increase the risks
of certain types of cancer, such as lymphoma, leukemia, breast cancer and liver cancer." ["Cancer Alley" is Mississippi River
Chemical Corridor, 85-mile industrial region between New Orleans and Baton Rouge and because region of its high number of
petrochemical plants. "40% of population living in the Alley are Black, compared to twelve percent nationwide" - Keele University]
"Yes" - Musiq Soulchild
Stay at home Mothers are the largest unpaid workforce in America
The Price of Motherhood: Why the Most Important Job in the World is Still the Least Valued
The Feminine Mistake
Critteron? Ann Crittedon New York Times
Amy Simon "Cultural Herstorian' - Nicole Sandler
"Race, Racism, and Baltimore's Future: A Focus on Structural and Institutional Racism" - Social determinants of health, Johns
Hopkins University
"Most minority groups, especially African Americans and Indigenous people, experience homelessness at higher rates than Whites,
largely due to long-standing historical and structural racism. The most striking disparity can be found among African
Americans, who represent 13 percent of the general population but account for 37 percent of people experiencing homelessness
and more than 50 percent of homeless families with children. This imbalance has not improved over time."
"World Happiness Report 2024" - World Happiness Report (WHR)
PREPARED FOR: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 3
REPORT: "Cooling Cities, Slowing Climate Change and Enhancing Equity: Costs and Benefits of Smart Surfaces Adoption for Baltimore"
- Smart Surfaces Coalition (2022)
"Smart Surfaces Baltimore Report" - Smart Surfaces Coalition (2022)
"All schools have been ordered to close in South Sudan, as it prepares for a heatwave in which temperatures could reach an
exceptional 45C (113F). Authorities said children should stay indoors and that the extreme weather could last for at least
two weeks. Deaths 'related to excessive heat' have already been reported, officials said on Saturday. Residents in parts
of the capital Juba sweltered without electric fans on Monday as the heat sparked power cuts.
It is exceptionally early for South Sudan to experience such heat - temperatures often exceed 43C (109F) but only in the summer
months, according to the World Bank's Climate Change portal. Children in uniform could be seen walking back to their homes,
having been turned away from school on Monday."
"Our Obsession With Black Excellence Is Harming Black People" - Forbes Magazine (2021)
State of various topics and Ideas for Baltimore to contemplate.....
A Vision for Baltimore Childhood:
"If the land of make believe
Is inside your heart, it will never leave
There's a golden gate, where the fairies all wait
And dancing moons ~ for you
Close your eyes and you'll be there
Where the mermaids sing as they comb their hair
Like a fountain of gold, you can never grow old
Where dreams are made ~ your love parade"
"Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams ~ come true"
"Sometimes I get the feelin'
I was back in the old days long ago
When we were kids, when we were young
Things seemed so perfect - you know
The days were endless: we were crazy ~ we were young ....
I'd like to go back one time on a roller coaster ride
When life was just a game
No use in sitting and thinkin' on what you did
When you can lay back and enjoy it through your kids"
"I believe that children are our future;
Teach them well and let them lead the way.
Show them all the beauty they possess inside.
Give them a sense of pride, to make it easier;
Let the children's laughter remind us how we use to be."

Baltimore City has expansive health programs for children; from birth to even young adults.
"The Baltimore Infants and Toddlers Program (BITP) is an interagency program for families with young children who may be experiencing
a delay in development or who have been diagnosed with a condition that is likely to affect development."
"Large Scientific Review Confirms the Benefits of Physical Touch: Premature Babies Especially Benefited From Skin-to-Skin
Contact, and Women Tended to Respond More Strongly Than Men did." - The New York Times (April 8, 2024)
Charlie's Kids [Combating Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)]
"Teen Pregnancy and Risk of Premature Mortality" - JAMA Network Open (March 14, 2024)
"Pandemic May Have Caused U.S. Spike in SIDS Deaths in Black Families" - U.S. News & World Report (2023)
"Lead" - "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" (2016)
Victim Services - Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services
"'In the past five years, 208 children died in Baltimore City,' said Shantay Jackson, director of the Mayor's Office
of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement. 'In our close work together on child fatality reviews, we have found that 91% of these
deaths were preventable.'"
Child Abuse or Neglect Data Brief: Maryland Child Fatality Review, 2010-2019 - State of Maryland
STATE STATISTICS: "How Many Children are Victims of Abuse or Neglect in the US?: Children Younger Than 1 Year Old Have the
Highest Rates of Victimization."
"Why More children are Being Diagnosed with Autism and What it Means for Their Families" - PBS News Hour (2023)
"Pollution from Fossil-Fuel Combustion is the Leading Environmental Threat to Global Pediatric Health and Equity: Solutions
Exist" - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - NIH (2017)
"Research, Stats, and Data" - Baltimore City Health Department [Most sections woefully outdated and require more topics]
"Here Are 7 Signs You've Raised A Spoiled Child (And What To Do About It)" - MSN (2024)
The Magical Child - Book by Joseph Chilton Pearce [Preview]
The Magical Child Matures - Book by Joseph Chilton Pearce [Complete Book to read online for free]
Provides Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)
The Secret to Upward Mobility is ~ Friends ~ Of Different Ages
Friends ~ How many of us have them?
Friends ~ Ones we can depend on
Friends ~ How many of us have them?
Friends ~ Before we go any further,
Let's be Friends
"18 Traits of People Who Weren't Loved As Children" - MSN (March 20th, 2024)
"Turns Out It is Not Who You Know That Determines Economic Success" - The Harvard Gazette (2022)
"Signs Your Family Doesn't Care About You"
"How the Body Keeps the Score on Trauma" - Psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk for Big Think+ (2023)
How We Learn: "'How I Rewired my Brain in Six Weeks" - BBC News (2023)
"Improving our Neuroplasticity" - Dr. Kelly Lambert | TEDxBermuda (2020)
"It Doesn't Matter If You Fail. It Matters *How* You Fail. - Amy Edmondson for Big Think + (2023)
"I have never seen a program change a life. Only relationships change a life."
"How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen" - David Brooks | Author Events (2023)
"The Road to Depth: Impact of Choosing Depth" - David Brooks | The Aspen Institute [Atom 1 & Atom 2] (2002)
"18 Things Introverts Don't Like Doing (so Don't Make Them)" - March 30th, 2024
How to Make Friends as an Adult - and Keep Them
Hunter in a Farmers World - Thom Hartmann
REPORT: "Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation" - The U.S. Surgeon General's Advisory on the Healing Effects of Social
Connection and Community (2023)
"Either you're sick or you're healthy
If you're healthy, there is nothing to worry about
But if you're sick, and feeling blue
There's only 2 things to worry you ....
Either you recover, or you turn for worse"
Please seek, "Baltimore Reparations" regarding solutions where applicable to the following states:
"It's getting hard to wake up in the morning
My head is spinning - constantly ....
[Children beg:]
'Won't you come out and play with me?'"
"I look out the window but I can't see the sky
The air pollution is a-fogging eyes
I want to get out of this city - alive"
Lorax Truth - Or Bubble Existence?
"The Baltimore area {Region} has an abundance of air pollution sources due to industry, power plants, and greater
population density in and around Baltimore City. This region may be impacted by its own pollution during
atmospheric stagnation, and from polluted 'Bay Breezes'." [Monitors Baltimore Region in: Essex, Lake Montebello, and Glen
"Poor air quality typically stems from long range transport from out of state and transport of the Baltimore pollution plume."
- Northern Baltimore Region monitoring in Padonia
"Air Quality Forecast" - State of Maryland Department of the Environment
"Using Light Detection Technology to Examine Air Quality" - State of Maryland Department of the Environment
"Measuring Air Pollution Using Balloons" - State of Maryland Department of the Environment
Ambient Air Monitoring Network - State of Maryland Department of the Environment
[Report releases every March of current year (2021-2022)]
Baltimore's 2023 {GROUND} OZONE GRADE = C - American Lung Association
[March 2023 report (2022-2023) Surface ozone grade better due to unusual Cool spring, summer, and fall]
United States of America Cleanest Cities - American Lung Association (2023)
World's Most Polluted Cities in 2022 - PM2.5 Ranking - IQ Air (2022)
Baltimoreans, please seek inspiration from these United States Cities.
[A "Forever Chemical" Carcinogen] YET - STILL NOT RATED
- Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) (2021)
"On average, 11 people in the U.S. die from asthma each day. In 2020, 4,145 people died from asthma. Nearly all of
these deaths are avoidable with the right treatment and care. In 2020, deaths due to asthma rose for the first time in
20 years."
"In Baltimore City, 20% of children have an asthma diagnosis, which is more than double the national prevalence
of 9%."
MAPS: Baltimore Asthma Study - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Visualization by Zip Code
"Due to climate change, children with asthma are going to get worse {weather conditions}." - Asthma specialist,
Dr. Ankoor Y. Shah
"Baltimore's Asthma Hot Spots are Poor African-American Neighborhoods with Lots of Empty Houses"
Dying from Asthma is considered by Baltimore City unexpected "natural" death. At least 15 of the 20 children may of died
from unhealthy home: smoke cessation, (perhaps mold(s)?) and not accidental, but neglect, whether health insurance or not,
unfulfilled prescriptions for asthmatic medicines. "The youth's ages ranged from birth to 17, with 14 (70%) of the children
age 5 or younger. Eleven (55%) of the children were boys, and nine (45%) were girls. Nineteen (95%) of the children were non-Hispanic
Black, and one (5%) was non-Hispanic white." [Pages 44-45]
"5 Takeaways From AP's Series on Health Disparities Impacting Black Americans" - Associated Press (May 2023)
"Baltimore Clean Air Act" - Limbo
Clean Air Baltimore: A Movement to Replace Waste Incineration with Zero-Waste Jobs
"White Paper: State of Health in Baltimore" (2018) - Baltimore City Health Department (2018) [Latest one listed.]
MARYLAND HAS WORST EMERGENCY WAITS: "'We Can So Better": What's behind Maryland's Long ER Wait Times?" - The Baltimore Sun
"Most states have plans for a staggered redetermination of eligibility of beneficiaries over a period of 14 months. This
so-called unwinding could lead to some people losing health insurance coverage; however, the degree of this loss is an open
question for researchers and policymakers."

Marion County Public Health Department Indoor Air Quality Program - Indiana |
"Asthma steals vitality and well-being both from its victims and from their families. And asthma rates are increasing
in the United States. Environmental efforts, good therapy, and careful management can turn around the assault of this
disease on our health."
- Richard J. Jackson, MD, MPH Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2002)
Volatile Organic Compounds and Nitrogen Oxides |

United States of America Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) |
"Air pollution from roadway vehicles appears to be disproportionately affecting some areas of Baltimore City that have the
highest asthma hospitalization and emergency room visit rates. Increasing opportunities for Baltimore residents and commuters
to take public transit will likely reduce the pollution burden on these communities. Baltimore's public transit system
is notoriously outdated and inadequate; especially for a city that wishes to attract new residents and new businesses."
MAYOR SCOTT - THIS IS A PLAN????: "Mayor and Sustainability Office Release Carbon-Neutral Goals for Baltimore City" (2022)
Anti-Microbial Superbugs and Pollutions
"Over Half of Known Human Pathogenic Diseases Can Be Aggravated by Climate Change" - Nature Climate Change (2022)
"Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR): An Urgent Threat To Life As We Know It" - UN Environment Programme (2023)
"To Reduce Superbugs, World Must Cut Down Pollution"- UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
"Water, Air and Soil Pollution is Spawning Deadly Superbugs" - Mail & Guardian (2023)
"Bracing for Superbugs: Strengthening Environmental Action in the One Health Response to Antimicrobial Resistance" - UN Environment
Programme (2023)
City-Heat Equity Adaptation Tool (City-HEAT): Multi-objective optimization of Environmental Modifications and Human Heat Exposure
Reductions for Urban Heat Adaptation Under Uncertainty" - Environmental Modelling & Software (2023)
"Maryland’s climate will continue to get warmer, wetter, and wilder regardless of how this plan is implemented. Sea
levels will continue rising. Maryland's low-lying farms will be increasingly affected by saltwater intrusion. Islands throughout
the Chesapeake Bay and much of Dorchester County will be lost to the sea by the end of this century. Maryland’s climate
in 50 years could resemble Mississippi’s climate today. The impacts of climate change will be a defining feature of
the 21st century. This plan focuses on how to stop digging the hole we are in. Other efforts, including Maryland's forthcoming
Next Generation Adaptation Plan and State Resilience Strategy, will address how to climb out as the walls of the hole start
"Revisions in the {Clean Air Act of 1990} act gave the EPA more authority to implement and enforce regulations aimed at cleaning
the air and led to improvements in health quality measures such as otitis media, which is one of the most common illnesses
among children, with direct and indirect costs in the $3 billion to $5 billion range annually. 'Otitis media is
a major cause of morbidity in children and is one of the most common reasons for
children to undergo medical care.'"
Maryland has 59 species of mosquitoes --> Make that 60 with Tiger Mosquito.
VECTOR-BORNE FLAVIVIRUSES: FOR INFECTION: Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) & VIRUSES: West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever Virus,
Chikungunya, Dengue Fever, and Zika amongst 20.
The Asian Tiger Mosquito in Maryland - Maryland Department of Agriculture
Mosquitoes - The Four Seasons - Maryland Department of Agriculture
"Mosquito Control Program Description" - Maryland Department of Agriculture
FIGHT THE BITE!:"Maryland Department of Agriculture Asks Residents to Act Now to Help Control Mosquito Populations" - Maryland
Department of Agriculture
"Aedes albopictus - Factsheet for experts" - European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
"Where in Europe are Tiger Mosquitoes? Dengue Cases are Rising as the World Heats Up" - Euronews (June 132, 2024)
"On Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023, DPW announced that during a routine test of the Druid Lake Reservoir low levels of the microscopic
parasite Cryptosporidium were discovered. Cryptosporidium is a microorganism commonly found in lakes and rivers, which
can potentially cause gastrointestinal problems, particularly, in those who are immunocompromised.
This advisory remains in effect until further notice. ...."
"EPA ISSUES Safe Drinking Water Act Order To City Of Baltimore" - Environmental Protection Agency May 17, 2023
There are many articles, many papers, many studies, but still no understanding that it is actually not about automobile-focused
physical stores, as much as bringing the food to the neighborhoods - like it always been for several centuries in Baltimore.
Arabbers continue the way people bought food in Baltimore even before it became a city, by horse and wagon. The solution
is to have a published citywide schedule, with the Arabbers further expand types of food and other products, like cleaning
products they currently sell.... There are also food trucks, who can also carry produce, or offer ready-made cold meals so
SNAP can be used.
"Food Deserts" connect with public transportation, as those who do have markets near their homes and walk, ride bicycle, don't
have to pay for transportation. Also those who are lucky to live on City Circular bus routes also do not have to pay passage
to get to a grocery store. So not living near one makes people even financially poorer. The process of going grocery shopping
is tedious (bringing cart, walking through large parking lots to get to the store), heavy (produce is heavy), long wait times
for bus to an fro (and no fun in cold or heat). food melting, may have many stairs to go up to dwelling....
Public Transportation in Baltimore City for over 52 years is held hostage in the name of "Regionalism," dictating where city-folk
can and cannot travel to, and when. Other pages on this site deal with the details, but in regards to food access
Reparations for its segregationist, racist, and classist choices, subway and light rail serving few who can walk to the stops,
and instead serving those who have a mode of transportation, automobiles and trucks with cutting down acres of forest canopy
lungs for free parking. The opposite; pay for parking, and transportation is free. The entire cost of MTA's Money Department,
combined with broken fare boxes and machines. all the maintenance and repairs, stealing... no wonder more and more, like Washington
D.C. in December 2022 are going, "Fareless." However, the least of Reparations is free transit. It now needs to be World
Class. needs to not only be free, but Long term focus on having streetcar stores - movabe Continuing to deliver food to
separate houses on various days though same neighborhood makes no sense, and adds costly fuel, and manteneinece costs.
"Office of the Mayor's Baltimore Food Desert Retail Strategy" - AmeriCorps (Still same) (2022)
"Baltimore City Food Desert Retail Strategy" - Baltimore Office of Sustainability (Year Unknown)
"Mapping the Food Environment" - Baltimore City Department of Health
"Food Environment Maps" - Baltimore City Department of Planning
"Understanding Food Deserts in Baltimore" Sophie Waterman (2020)
"In this US adult population, certain <U>PAHs are significantly associated with higher body fat contents among
non-Hispanic Blacks and Hispanics</U> but not non-Hispanic Whites, suggesting that minority groups might be particularly
susceptible to PAH’s obesogenic effects or the effects of other factors that determine the PAH exposure levels.
Alternatively, differences in body composition may contribute to differential PAH metabolism in minority groups. Future studies
are warranted to explore the racial/ethnic disparity in PAH exposures, drivers of these exposure differences, and mechanisms
through which PAHs may influence body composition by races/ethnicities."
Spending Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Benefits - State of Maryland
Obesity in Maryland - America's Health Rankings - United Health Foundation (2022)
Baltimore City Food Box Delivery (info. the same)
Supplements and Safety: "Hidden Dangers of Vitamins & Supplements" - "Frontline" | PBS(2016)
"Multivitamin/Mineral Supplements" - National Institutes of Health (NIH)
"By 2060, according to the Alzheimer’s Association, nearly one in four Americans will be in an age bracket at elevated
risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease unless interventions can help preserve cognitive function before deficits
begin. The COcoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study (COSMOS) is a large-scale, nationwide, randomized trial rigorously
testing cocoa extract and multivitamin supplements directed by researchers at Mass General Brigham. Two previously published
studies of cognition in COSMOS suggested a positive effect for a daily multivitamin. COSMOS researchers now report the results
of a third study of cognition in COSMOS, which focused on participants who underwent in-person assessments, together with
the results of a combined analysis from the three separate studies. The results from this latest report confirm consistent
and statistically significant benefits of a daily multivitamin versus placebo for both memory and global cognition. Results
are published today in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition."
- STUDY: "Effect of Multivitamin-Mineral Supplementation Versus placebo on cognitive function: results from the clinic subcohort
of the COcoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study (COSMOS) randomized clinical trial and meta-analysis of 3 cognitive
studies within COSMOS" - The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (January 2024)
"Well, you roll on roads
Over fresh green grass
For your lorry loads
Pumping petrol gas
And you make them long
And you make them tough
But they just go on and on ....
I know we've come a long way
We're changing day to day
But tell me, where do the children play?"
"Report Finds Mental Health Services in Maryland Lacking for Immigrant Children and Non-English Speakers" - Maryland Matters
"(Remember the Days of the) Old Schoolyard" - Yusuf / Cat Stevens Performance
"Oh Father you never wanted to live that way
You never wanted to hurt me
Why am I running away
Maybe someday,
When I look back I'll be able to say
You didn't mean to be cruel -
Somebody hurt you too"
"Forced sterilization happens to people with intellectual disabilities more than anyone else. And people with intellectual
disabilities have important things to say about forced sterilization. .... this report will talk about times when judges,
doctors, family members, and other people hurt disabled people. This will include talking about sexual violence. Sexual violence
is when someone gets hurt in a sexual way." - Forced Sterilization of Disabled People in the United States - National
Women's Law Center (2021) [Click on Map.]

NATIONAL WOMEN'S LAW CENTER (2021) Map on page 20 |
"Wentzel Versus Montgomery General Hospital, 447 A.2d 1244 (Md. 1982)
"Forced Sterilization Laws in Each State and Territory" - National Women's Law Center (2022)
"The Human Rights of Women with Intellectual Disability" - Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine (2012)
"Access, Autonomy, and Dignity: Abortion Care for People with Disabilities" - National Partnership for Women and Families
& Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN) (2021)
"Sterilization Physician-Related Services" - Washington State Legislature
"Forced Sterilization Policies in the U.S.A. Targeted Minorities and Those with Disabilities and Lasted into the 21st Century"
- Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation (2020)
"How can you just leave me standing?
Alone in a world that's so cold
Maybe I'm just too demanding
Maybe I'm just like my father, too bold
Maybe you're just like my mother
She's never satisfied
Why do we scream at each other
This is what it sounds like when doves cry."
"If you hear something late at night
Some kind of trouble, some kind of fight
Just don't ask me what it was
Just don't ask me what it was
Just don't ask me what it was"
"Some people
Can't forgive the kid who grows up hurt
That kid was you. my friend
And that kid was me"
[Last 2 verses autobiographical]
"These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real
There's just too much - that time cannot erase"
"Violent domestic crime has risen 31% year over year in the city, from 354 incidents in the first three months of 2020 to
462 in the first three months of this year, according to Baltimore Police Department data. Among those incidents, domestic
aggravated assaults have risen 35%, from 266 to 359 during that period."
"Infant Mortality Statistics and Research" - Baltimore For Healthy Babies
Baltimore Child Abuse Center - The Daily Record (2019)
Baltimore, Maryland: Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention - CDC
"CHILD FATALITIES IN BALTIMORE CITY: "2016-2020: Recommendations For Prevention: A Report of the Baltimore City Child Fatality
Review Team (2021)
"Maryland Vital Statistics: Infant Mortality in Maryland, 2020 - State of Maryland Department of Health (2021)
"Data and Statistics" - Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Baltimore City: "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Condition Basics: What is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome?" - Behavioral
Health System (Insurance Network)
"Prenatal acetaminophen {Tylenol} was reported to be associated with asthma, lower performance intelligence quotient
(IQ), shorter male infant anogenital distance (predicting poor male reproductive potential), autism spectrum disorder, neurodevelopmental
problems (gross motor development, communication), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, poorer attention and executive
function, and behavioral problems in childhood."
"Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy and Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Systematic
Review of Observational Studies and Methodological Considerations" - BMC Medicine - National Institute of Health (NIH) (2018)
Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy - Maryland Department of Health - Maternal and Child Health
"Fostering Tragedy: Experts Say System Designed to Protect Children Can Break Up Families" - CBS Sunday Morning (2022)
"Boys to Men: Fathers Family and Opportunity" - Brookings (2015) [Baltimore]
Some Cuss Language
Some Cuss Language
"No. 1 Crisis in America': Mayors Warn Congress of a Crisis 'In Every Neighborhood'" - USA Today (2023)
"Is Climate Change Making Menopause Symptoms More Severe in India?" - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (February
Shalene Gupta tells the story of her diagnosis with PMDD
"Permanent DST could therefore, a condition that can also lead to a perpetual discrepancy between the innate biological
clock and the extrinsic environmental clock, as well as chronic sleep loss due to early morning social demands that
truncate the opportunity to sleep. The chronic misalignment between the timing of demands of work, school, or other
obligations against the innate circadian rhythm is called, 'social jet lag.' Studies show that social jet lag is associated
with an increased risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and depression. One study found that in the
fall, during the shift from DST back to standard time, there was a reduction in the rate of cardiovascular events,
suggesting that the risk of myocardial infarction may be elevated because of chronic effects of DST. Social jet lag
associated with DST may be in the western-most areas within a given time zone, where sunset occurs at a later
clock time. Adopting permanent DST also would undo the benefits of delaying start times for middle schools and high schools."
"Sleep Deprivation, Sleep Disorders, and Chronic Disease" - CDC, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Various Articles: Journal SLEEP Magazine - Sleep Research Society Volume 42 (April 10, 2019)
Sleep Research Society: Advancing Sleep & Circadian Science
"Decreased sleep efficiency and sleep quality are also aspects that can characterize chronic sleep restriction. ....
We analyzed a gait task of subjects with different sleep routines. The participants that had a one-night (acute) sleep deprivation
had a worse performance in a gait sensorimotor task. Moreover, a control group (CG) of participants that compensated in their
free days a sleep deficit accumulated in the workdays also showed better motor performance than the acute group. The results
showed: (1) subliminal rhythmic compensation in gait is affected by sleep restriction and (2) sleep compensation results in
a better motor performance."
"Sleep Loss Heightens Pain Sensitivity, Dulls Brains Painkilling Response: Neural Glitches in the Sleep-Deprived Brain Intensify
and Prolong the Agony of Sickness and Injury" - Berkeley News (2019)
REPORT: "National Sleep Foundation's 2023 Sleep in America Poll: The Nation's Sleep Health is Strongly Associated With the
Nations Mental Health" (March 2023)
"The survey showed that while 95% of Americans believe drowsy driving is risky, more than 37 million motorists are
estimated to drive drowsy once a year or more."
"A majority – 57% – now say they could use more sleep, which is a big jump from a decade ago. It's an acceleration
of an ongoing trend, according to the survey. In 1942, 59% of Americans said that they slept 8 hours or more; today, that
applies to only 26% of Americans. One in five people, also an all-time high, now sleep fewer than 5 hours a day."
"'Zombies' on Campus: Sleep-Deprived Students Face Mental Health Challenges" - The Baltimore Watchdog (2019)
"Associations of Cumulative Violence and Structural Vulnerability with Restless Sleep among Female Sex Workers in Baltimore,
Maryland" - Sleep Health | NIH (2021)
SLEEP Not Addressed - NO Report for nearly 6 years "White Paper: State of Health in Baltimore" (2018) - Baltimore City Health
"The Best & Worst U.S. Cities for Sleep" The Best & Worst U.S. Cities for Sleep Updated January 23, 2024
"'Sleep Disparity' in the Population: Poor Sleep Quality is Strongly Associated With Poverty and Ethnicity" - BMC Public Health
| NIH (2010)
"Sleep and Work" - CDC, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
National Sleep Foundation
"The Effects of Sleep Deprivation" - Johns Hopkins Medicine
"It's hard to sleep in a shelter. You never know if you're going to be robbed or if the person beside you will be robbed."
There are 4 types of homelessness people face in the United States. Homelessness is mostly not a chronic condition:
- Transitional Homelessness
- Episodic Homelessness
- Chronic Homelessness
- Hidden Homelessness
"Health precedes safety, whether you're sleeping outside or in a shelter."
Outlawing Sleep: "HOUSING NOT HANDCUFFS: Ending the Criminalization of Homelessness in U.S. Cities" (2019) [Page 41]
"I must have looked perplexed because before I could respond, he answered for me: 'A locked door and a bed where you can lie
down knowing that no one is going to hurt you.' He was right, of course. I, like many others, naively assumed temporary accommodation
was providing shelter and so helping homeless people get a better night’s sleep. 'There are lots of people who try to
steal your stuff in them, or take drugs, so although you’re under a roof, you don’t sleep very well. It’s
not just about being inside – that doesn’t mean you’ll have a good night’s sleep,' he said."
"Most minority groups, especially African Americans and Indigenous people, experience homelessness at higher rates than
Whites, largely due to long-standing historical and structural racism.
The most striking disparity can be found among African Americans, who represent 13 percent of the general population but
account for 37 percent of people experiencing homelessness and more than 50 percent of homeless families with children. This
imbalance has not improved over time."
"Over 80% of Students Experiencing Homelessness Are Not Considered Eligible for All Homeless Services" - Institute for Children,
Poverty, & Homelessness (2020)
"7 Ways to Help Homeless Folks Sleep Safe" - National Coalition for the Homeless
"State Representative Sean Brennan, D-Parma, a former teacher, agreed that creating an incentive to allow teachers to have
their impact on students in the classrooms only serves to help where truancy enforcement – or lack thereof – doesn’t.
'The truancy laws and attendance laws we have an Ohio quite frankly just don’t have a whole lot of teeth,' Brennan
The state could benefit as well if the program works, since students who are chronically absent and those who fail to graduate
not only hurt their financial potential but also the state’s, sponsors said. 'They have lower lifetime earnings, therefore
they’re paying lower taxes, they have higher rates of incarceration and interactions with the criminal justice system,
higher utilization of public benefits,' Isaacsohn said. 'So this is a situation of let’s pay now, so we don’t
have to pay later.'"
Why separate classes for boys and girls?
Adolescent hormones naturally become expressed, taking a liking for someone for physical reasons rather than intellectual
Boys tend to be more aggressive, overpowering, and demand more attention. Girls don't encourage the behavior, but also tend
not to assert themselves.
How Implement:
No disruption - everyone able to go to same school.
How someone identifies is where they will be placed.
Female teachers teach females, male teachers teach male.
All outside group projects and field trips are co-ed.
Student body elections will be dual, with body becoming parliamentarian.
All plays, extracurricular activities, assemblies, and graduations are co-ed.
"Single-gender schools have a long history in the U.S. In fact, until the 1960s and 70s, it was common for boys and girls
to be separated for at least some of their classes."
"Single-sex schools can remove many of the distractions that confined spaces and teenage hormones combine to create.
If we think that girls and boys develop at different rates and yet still enroll them in age-graded classrooms, separating
them by sex could help each learn at their appropriate level."
"Netherlands to Ban Mobile Telephones in Classrooms" - Deutsche Welle (DW) (2023) [Ban starts January 1st, 2024]
"Netherlands Bans Mobile Phones in Primary Schools: A Step Towards Focused Education" - BNN (2023)
"The FCC limit for public exposure from cellular telephones is an SAR level of 1.6 watts per kilogram (1.6 W/kg)."
"Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC sets a safety limit for a localised SAR of 2 W/kg, averaged over any 10 g of body
tissue in a person's head and trunk, and of 4 W/kg in a person's limbs.1 In practice, standards for limiting the exposure
of the public to electromagnetic waves are based on the guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP)"
"Cell Phones and Cancer Risk" - National Cancer Institute | National Institutes of Health
Students who have earned a high school diploma from a Baltimore City public high school can attend Coppin State University
for third and fourth years to complete and graduate with degree(s).
"Finish 4 Free" - Coppin State University
"'Zombies' on Campus: Sleep-Deprived Students Face Mental Health Challenges" - The Baltimore Watchdog (2019)
"With looks that kill and a mind that's twisted (twisted)
I don't know why I can't resist it (resist it)
You know you're already my obsession
Stop, (stop), using sex as a weapon
Love is more than a one way reflection"
"She's taking a dive from an emotional high and coming down hard.
She's determined to try, but she'll still give in when he gives her a call.
She'll ask herself why, but in the end it won't matter at all.
Sure, she could sit at home, stay inside and sleep alone with her pride
And as she walks out that door, she feels as weak as before with nothing to hide.
She says she feels like she's addicted to a real bad thing,
Always sitting, waiting, wondering if the phone will ring,
She knows she bounces like a yo-yo when he pulls her string,
It hurts to feel like such a fool."
"Domestic Violence Monthly Reports Archive" - Maryland Courts
Dr. Bandy Lee Newsletters [Forensic psychiatrist, violence expert, and author]
Victim and Witness - The Baltimore State's Attorney's Office
"Only 29% now say they read a newspaper yesterday – with just 23% reading a print newspaper. Over the
past decade, the percentage reading a print newspaper the previous day has fallen by 18 points (from 41% to 23%). Somewhat
more (38%) say they regularly read a daily newspaper, although this percentage also has declined, from 54% in 2004."
[Does not include reading newspapers at libraries, community living (senior homes), hotels, too....]
"More than eight-in-ten U.S. adults (86%) say they get news from a smartphone, computer or tablet “often” or
“sometimes,” including 60% who say they do so often. This is higher than the portion who get news from television,
though 68% get news from TV at least sometimes and 40% do so often. Americans turn to radio and print publications for news
far less frequently, with half saying they turn to radio at least sometimes (16% do so often) and about a third (32%) saying
the same of print (10% get news from print publications often)."
"Separate forecasts from PwC call for print circulation revenues to fall by 2.1% per annum from 2022 through 2026, while digital
circulation revenues – such as through subscriptions – show promise at a forecast 6.73% compound annual growth
rate during that period."
"A survey held in February 2022 revealed that most consumers never use newspapers as a source of news, and only
21 percent of adults aged 65 or above (those who engage with newspapers the most) reported reading newspapers every day.
Newspapers are less popular as a news source than radio, and are also among the least used daily news sources among
adults aged 18 years or older."
Based upon her book, The Totally Unscientific Study of the Search for Human Happiness
"Frontal Lobes and Human Memory: Insights From Functional Neuroimaging" - Oxford Academic (2001)
"Gray Matters: Too Much Screen Time Damages the Brain: Neuroimaging Research Shows Excessive Screen Time Damages the Brain."
- Psychology Today (2014)
"Research hows Lower Test Scores For Fourth Graders Who Use Tablets in Schools: Reboot Foundation Questions the Use of Technology
in Education" - The Hechinger Report (2019)
"Math Scores Stink in America. Other Countries Teach It Differently - and See Higher Achievement." - USA Today (2020)
"Reading on a Smartphone May Lead to Poorer Reading Comprehension" - Very Well Mind (2022)
2022 Mathematics Baltimore City Public Schools 4th Grade Report Card - National Center for Education Statistics - (NAEP)
2022 Reading Trial Urban District: Baltimore City Public Schools Reading Snapshot - National Center for Education Statistics
- (NAEP)
Reading Readiness and Elementary Literacy - Baltimore City Schools
Baltimore City - Directory of Maryland Adult Education Programs/Classes - Adult Education and Literacy Services
State of Maryland Literacy Association
Reading Partners: Baltimore
"Gifted Hands" Synopsis - Dr. Ben Carson's story
"Recent research suggests the literacy rates for visually impaired students have decreased considerably in recent years, while
the visually impaired population has grown (Braille Institute, 2010). Estimates by the National Braille Press suggest that
only 12% of legally blind individuals can read braille, which is a substantial decline from the 50% of reported braille readers
in the 1960s (Brittain, 2007). The braille code is one means of developing literacy for blind individuals in which each letter
and number of the English alphabet is represented by a unique tactile symbol. Each symbol is composed of the presence or absence
of a raised dot in up to six locations in a cell comprised of two columns and three rows. Each dot is approximately 1 mm in
diameter, and there is approximately 1.5 mm between the midpoints of each dot location within a standard cell. Each word of
the English language can be transcribed into braille with a point-to-point correspondence between the text letter and the
braille symbol.
Along with the decline in literacy rates, classroom-based braille instruction has decreased over the past several decades.
In 1968, 40% of students with visual impairment enrolled in elementary and secondary education were reported to be reading
braille, but in more recent years these estimated levels dropped to between 9% and 22% (Braille Institute, 2010; Department
of Field Services of the American Printing House for the Blind, 2009; National Federation of the Blind, 2009). Some have suggested
that individuals with visual impairment may be less reliant on braille due to the increased availability of large-print books
and advances in technology that make auditory media more available and accessible (Johnson, 1996). Although technology may
replace the need for braille literacy under some circumstances, the complete omission of braille literacy may limit individuals'
opportunities for independence throughout life (e.g., braille is often available in public places such as elevators and ATMs,
and much of the current technology is not transportable). Ryles (1996) reported that adults who were congenitally legally
blind and were taught braille as their first means of literacy had higher employment rates, higher educational levels, and
better financial stability, on average, than adults with similar disabilities but who were first taught as large-print readers."
"Share Braille": American Action Fund for Blind Children and Adults
Veterans: "Foundations of Braille Literacy" - City of Baltimore
"Reinventing Education: Tackling the Global Braille Literacy Crisis" - The Canadian Science Fair Journal (2023)
"The reduction in Braille literacy has been mollified by the fact that there are now more ways than ever for the blind to
acquire information. Much of the world is moving away from words on a page and toward electronic/digital information. The
proliferation of books on tape means blind people no longer have to wait to read the latest bestseller. Talking computers
have brought the blind to the world and the world to the blind. These advances have placed a generation of blind young
adults and children in an information paradox: they have more knowledge at their disposal, while their ability to read and
write declines.
But proponents of Braille always fall back on the same argument: if reading and writing are important to the sighted, they
are important to the blind. 'If the literacy rate for sighted people was 10 percent, that would be a huge issue,' Silverman
said. 'I think kids aren't being taught Braille, and they aren't being given enough time to practice.'"
- "Proponents Say the Decline in Braille Instruction Is Leading to Illiteracy" -
"Nearly 90 percent of America's blind children are not learning to read and write because they are not being taught Braille
or given access to it."
"Why is Braille Literacy So Critical?" - Braille Works (2022)
"Braille Education" - National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled | Library of Congress
"The Braille Literacy Campaign: You Can Help" - National Federation of the Blind
Baltimore currently has no book bans. Important to know about signs and movements....:
"In Win for Free Expression-Judge Rules Lawsuit Challenging Escambia County Florida Book Bans Can Move Forward" - Pen America
(January 10th, 2024)
"Book ban lawsuit moves forward as Florida district removes over 1,000 titles" - ABC News (January 11th, 2023) [Watch and
then watch next more personal piece.]
"Even Dictionaries Aren't Safe from Censorship in This Florida School District: Escambia County's School District Was Already
Facing a Lawsuit Over Banned Books..." The 19th News (January 12th, 2024)
"The way they do my life
This ain't living, this ain't living
No, no baby, this ain't living
No, no, no, no"
"And still the raven remains in my room
No matter how much I implore
No words can soothe him
No prayer remove him
And I must hear for evermore"
"The Donkey Story" - Joyce Meyer [Never Too Old]
"The Donkey in the Pit: A Parable on Pain and Gain" - Chabad
"The Color of Wealth in Baltimore" Report - A Publication of the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity at Duke University
"An efficiency-minded person behaves more generously when helping someone else doesn't cost her much —
for example, when she's told she needs to give up only 10 tokens for the other participant to get 20. But an equality-minded
person is just as willing to share even if it costs her more. ....
The psychologists Kraus and Keltner have found that people who rank themselves at the top of the social scale are significantly
more likely to endorse essentialism, the notion that group characteristics are immutable and biologically determined—precisely
the sort of beliefs used to justify the mistreatment of low-status groups such as immigrants and ethnic minorities."
"When ability meets passion." .... "I got off my but and said, 'How can I help?'" — Coach Bill
An Army of Normal Folks
Sometimes. we need to go, "Over the Pond":
"The forerunner of the Defend Free Speech campaign was called “Reform Section 5”. This speech by Rowan Atkinson
at the launch event in Parliament in 2012 should be heard by every politician, journalist and campaigner before they start
calling for laws to silence those they regard as ‘extremists’.
"Defend Free Speech" Campaign Speech - Rowan Atkinson (2018)
"Elementary Dating" - Rowan Atkinson Live
Features David Simon - The Baltimore Sun
Some cuss language
[Headquarters is in Hunt Valley]
"Topography of a News Ecosystem: A First-of-its-Kind Study Diagnoses the Local News Crisis in a Single State" - Poynter (April
19th, 2024)
The counting of Baltimore City with only 5 "outlets" is erroneous. All television stations and WBAL AM Radio except WMAR
are located at TV Hill, Woodberry neighborhood of Baltimore. Writer(s) not familiar that Baltimore Region is not only Baltimore
City and Baltimore County, but also includes Anne Arundel, Carroll, Cecil, Harford, and Howard Counties (with even Queen Anne
and Kent sometimes included). Mentions Sinclair owner David Smith, but does not point out all the television stations he
owns, such as WBFF Fox 45, and especially WJLA, the Washington D.C. ABC affiliate. Montgomery County crosses over with Washington
D.C. media, and is not accurate. There is no mention of the Baltimore Sun package included several local newspapers,
such as the Capital Gazette. It is important to share more of type of newspaper. Box newspapers are quite limited
in reach, and most have never seen newspapers like The Baltimore Times and The Baltimore Beat.
A global nonprofit that strengthens democracy by improving the relevance, ethical practice, and value of journalism. Through
teaching, publishing, convening, fact-checking, and media literacy, Poynter creates a crossroads where communities come together
to use journalism to confront society's complex problems.
Empowers diverse communities with skills to identify misinformation through engaging innovative media literacy education.
Goal is to inspire savvy digital citizens who know that when facts prevail, democracy wins.
"All day long he was fighting for you
And he didn't even know your name
Young men come and young men go
But life goes on just the same ....
You see the dying, you feel the pain
What have you got to say
If we agree that we can disagree
We could stop all of this today
It's been your life for as long as you can remember
But you cannot fight no more
You must want to look your son in the eyes
When he asks you what you did it for"
Some Cuss Language
Some Cuss Language
"Public Participation Guide: Citizen Advisory Boards | International Cooperation" - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
"Nine-Year-Old Girl's 'Postbox to Heaven' is Installed at Crematorium so People Can Send Letters to Loved Ones Who Have Passed
Away" - Daily Mail (2023)
"Grow old along with me
The best is yet to be
When our time has come
We will be as one
God bless our love
God bless our love"
"Cats in the Cradle" - Harry Chapin - "Soundstage" PBS
"She used to have a carefree mind of her own
With a devilish look in her eye
Saying, 'You can call me anything you like
But my name is Veronica'"
"She used to have a carefree mind of her own
With a devilish look in her eye
Saying, 'You can call me anything you like
But my name is Veronica'"
"Veronica" - Elvis Costello
"Where've You Been?" - Kathy Mattea
"100 Years" - Five for Fighting
Baltimore City Health Department - Aging Services
Provides continuous education, information, resources, tools, inspiration and leadership to the active-aging industry without
constraints of geography, demographics, culture, politics or status of society or class system.
"Life Satisfaction Shows Terminal Decline in Old Age: Longitudinal Evidence from the German Socioeconomic Panel Study" - Developmental
Psychology (2008)
"Historical and Cross-Country Differences in Life Satisfaction Across Retirement in Germany and Switzerland From 2000 to 2019"
- The Journals of Gerontology (2023)
"The Secret Lives of Seniors" - "Our America With Lisa Ling" | OWN (2012)
"Don't laugh at me, don't call me names ~ Don't get your pleasure from my pain
'Cause in God's eyes we're all the same
Someday we'll all have perfect wings
Don't laugh at me
I'm the cripple on the corner ~ You pass me on the street
And I wouldn't be out here beggin'
If I had enough to eat
And don't think I don't notice
That our eyes never meet
"Starting a conversation about mental health does not need to be uncomfortable, and it can make all the difference. Check
out these resources to learn how to support a friend – or get help for yourself."
"Inner Child" - Sammy Hagar [Dan Rather Interview] (2016)
"Disability doesn't make you exceptional, but questioning what you think you know about it does." - Stella Young
"Disability doesn't make you exceptional, but questioning what you think you know about it does." She coined
the term, "Inspirational Pornography" to challenge society in its pursuit to continue to believe that the physical
disability itself is the "Bad Thing," when it is the labeling and solitude society exclaims, rewarding the disability,
rather than personal achievement.
"I'm Not Your Inspiration, Thank You Very Much" -Stella Young TEDx Sydney (April 2014)
"Hunter in a Farmers World: Succeeding With ADHD" - Website by Thom Hartmann
"4 Lawmakers Share Their Mental Health Struggles: It's a Form of Public Service': In an Emotional Sit-Down, They Talk Stigma
and Solutions."
Mentor-mentee relationships serving 7 - -18 male youth. [Southern Baltimore focused]
"Increasingly, anxious and depressed teens are using multiple, powerful psychiatric drugs, many of them untested in adolescents
or for use in tandem."
"More Kids, Teens May Be Taking Multiple Psychiatric Meds" - U.S. News and World Report (2024)
"More Young People Are on Multiple Psychiatric Drugs, Study Finds" - The New York Times (2024)
"Psychotropic Polypharmacy Among Youths Enrolled in Medicaid" - Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) (February
"I watched the needle take another man ~ Gone, gone, the damage done
I sing the song because I love the man
I know that some of you don't understand
Milk blood to keep from running out
I've seen the needle and the damage done ~ A little part of it in everyone
But every junkie's like a settin' sun
"Dr. Feelgood" - Motley Crue
"Here Comes the Pain" - Melissa Etheridge Performance
Baltimore City has the highest overdose death rate in areas with over 500,000 people in the entire United States.
"The San Francisco Chronicle developed this tracker using mortality data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), which bases its estimates on reports from coroners and medical examiners around the country. This data
is the best known tally for gauging the extent of the overdose disaster across the U.S., though it is not without limitations.
When possible, this tracker provides data down to the county level, the smallest geography for which the CDC provides data.
The data updates monthly. The most recent data is from about eight months ago because investigations into fatal overdoses
are often lengthy."
"Responding to the Opioid Crisis in North America and Beyond: Recommendations of the Stanford-Lancet Commission" - The Lancet
"Opioid Peptides" - Alcohol Health and Research World - NIH (1997)
To combat alcoholism, opioids were prescribed to stop "medicating" with alcohol, but in reality, only offered a
much more seductive and potent addiction.
"Design of a Stable Cyclic Peptide Analgesic Derived from Sunflower Seeds that Targets the K-Opioid Receptor for the Treatment
of Chronic Abdominal Pain" - Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2021)
"Polypeptides: A Promising Treatment for Intractable Pain" - Pain News Network (2023)
Paul Nestadt Testimony, Psychiatrist and Suicide Researcher at Johns Hopkins (2022)
"Statistical and Prevention Brief on Suicide" - Baltimore City Government (1999 - 2015) [Last available Statistics from BC
Black Mental Health Alliance
"Lifting the Veil: A Landmark Depression-Awareness Program Hopes to Curb the Rise in Youth Suicide Rates" - Baltimore Magazine
"Maryland's State Suicide Prevention Plan" - Governors Commission on Suicide Prevention (2020)
"Suicides Among Black People May Be Vastly Undercounted: Lack of Data Explains Why" - Scientific American (2022)

2022 |
"Battling Black and Brown Youth Suicide Rates" - Afro News (2022)
"Why More Americans are Putting off Going to the Doctor" - PBS News Hour (2023)
"Research shows that all too often, Americans are taking medications that may not work or may be inappropriate for their
mental health problems."
"If You Feel Different" - USDOT NHTSA
"What We Know About Toxic 'Forever Chemicals' and How to Reduce our Exposure - "PBS News Hour" (March 26th, 2023)
"Listen Up: All About Ear Conditions" - Web MD (keep scrolling)
Immediate free access for article(s) through e-mail sign-up. No mention of coal-tar, PAHS chemicals, known carcinogens, being
in shampoos.
"Is it Possible to Lose Weight Fast?" - Hei Man Chan - TED Education (2022)
Many pesticides cause or worsen health challenges, can lead to acute reactions and are linked to cancer, heart disease, psychiatric
disorders, as well as neurological, developmental, immunological and respiratory issues, such as asthma and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease. the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency show that the notorious “forever chemicals” known
as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) have been found in pesticides. Worse, these PFAS-containing pesticides are being
promoted for use in health care facilities.
Testicular and kidney cancer are linked to PFAS, as are breast and liver cancer, kidney and liver disease, high cholesterol,
reduced fertility and low birth weight, immune and cardiovascular issues, and other serious health conditions.
Truth be told, PFAS-containing pesticides are uncharted territory — little is known about the chemical interactions
or synergistic effects. So why are they being used in health care facilities??"
#1 Sleep Deprivation - "NIOSH Training for Nurses on Shift Work and Long Work Hours" - National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
"Maryland ER Wait Times Continue to Disappoint in New Data Drop" - WYPR, National Public Radio (2023)
"Maryland has some of the longest hospital emergency department wait times in the nation."
"Here's How Fix E.R. Wait Times in Maryland.: Cut Hospital Executive Salaries, A Lot" - The Baltimore Sun (February 12, 2024)
It says EVERYTHING that an auto insurance company cares about people getting to the Emergency Room - as car crashes are so
prevalent: "The longest emergency room wait times by state are in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Rhode Island, with
local patients waiting over three hours. National ER wait times average 2.5 hours, but D.C. is more than double with a 5.5-hour
average ER waiting time. Compare that to the fastest ER in North Dakota at 108 minutes."
2022 Annual Report: Maryland Health Care Commission for 2023-2-26 - State of Maryland
PFAS: "Commentary: First, Do No Harm? Pesticides and Forever Chemicals in Health Facilities" - Baltimore Banner (December
11th, 2023)

AUGUST 20TH, 1897: Sir Ronald Ross female Anopheles mosquitoes transmit malaria between humans. |
"In Maryland, West Nile Virus first appeared in 1999 in a crow in Baltimore City. The first human West Nile cases were
reported in 2001 and since that time WNV activity has been found in humans, birds, mosquitoes, horses and/or other mammals
throughout all jurisdictions."
"Malaria in Maryland: How health Officials Say You Can Protect Yourself from Mosquitoes" - Maryland Matters (2023)
Emergence of locally acquired malaria:
Climate Change causes a shift in weather patterns and higher average surface temperature, therefore leading to higher migration
of Anopheles Mosquitoes
Higher temperatures enhances growth rate and transmissibility of parasites, including Plasmodium parasite variants such as
vivax, knowlesi and falciparum, responsible for malaria.
Higher rainfall and sea level rise results in more stagnant water which serve as effective breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
"Immunologically naïve" to malaria may disappear in populations that have never been exposed to it, as their immune systems
are ill-equipped to fight it.
Greater possibility to be infected and bring infected blood back to the United States when people travel to countries or areas
where climate-driven malaria cases are rising.
Antimicrobial resistance is increasing the severity of the mosquito parasitic poison illness and larger outbreaks due to misuse
and overuse of common antimalarial medications, such as artemisinin, driving up number of drug-resistant cases.
"How Eggs of the Zika-Carrying Mosquito Survive Desiccation" -Public Library of Science (October 24th, 2023)
CDC Yellow Book: Health Information for International Travel
"Wall Street's Barons are Causing Homelessness: Can We Stop Them?" - Thom Hartmann Report (2021)
Baltimore #16: "Ranking of the Most Dangerous Cities in the World in 2023, by Murder Rate Per 100,000 Inhabitants" - Statista
British Perspective: "Can This US City go 72 hours Without a Murder?" - British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC0 (2017)
"Public Participation Guide: Citizen Advisory Boards | International Cooperation" - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
"Citizen Advisory Boards in Contemporary Practice: A Practical Approach in Policing" - Police Chief Magazine
"How to Successfully Create and Run a Citizens Advisory Board: Unlike a Citizens Review Board, a Citizens Advisory Board is
a Group of People Who Meet on a Regular Basis to Provide the Chief of Police With Advice on a Wide Range of Issues and Exchange
Ideas" - Police 1 (2016)
"CUB Help Center" - Citizens Utility Board - Illinois
"How Cops are Sharing Intelligence to Combat Street Takeovers in Metro Atlanta" - Atlanta Journal Constitution
LOUD SOUND & NOISE [Above recommended 55 Decibels] |

"Noise, or unwanted sound, is one of the most common environmental exposures in the United States. In
1981, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimated that nearly 100 million people in the United States
(about 50% of the {adult} population) had annual exposures to traffic noise that were high enough to be harmful to health.
However, despite the widespread prevalence of exposure, noise has historically been treated differently than pollutants
of a chemical or radiological nature, and especially air pollution. Congress has not seriously discussed
environmental noise in > 30 {39} years, although noise exposure is a large public concern."
"Chronic environmental noise causes a wide variety of adverse health effects, including sleep disturbance,
annoyance, noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), cardiovascular disease, endocrine effects, and increased
incidence of diabetes." .... "Children in noisy environments have poor school performance, which leads to stress
and misbehavior. They also have decreased learning, lower reading comprehension, and concentration
"We know now you don't want to live underneath a smokestack where carcinogens are coming out of it." - President
WATCH: Arresting Short Trip inside the RESCO Wheelabrator Operation
"How Gasification Turns Waste Into Energy" - CNBC
To U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Petition for Objection to Wheelabrator Baltimore L.P. Title V Permit Number 224-510-01886,
for Operation of a Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Located at 1801 Annapolis, Baltimore, MD 21230 - Environmental Integrity
Project (2009)
Wheelabrator Tour (2014)
"Baltimore Incinerator Linked To Health Problems For Nearby Residents" - Wheelabator RESCO - WJZ TV13
Pure recyclables and trash (trash bags). Ash is toxic waste. Incinerators are NOT sustainable.
"Residents in South Baltimore are fighting to 'starve' their nearby Bresco incinerator due to health concerns
over the amount of pollution it creates."
"Concludes that living near the Wheelabrator trash incinerator in Baltimore is similar to living with a smoker,
at least for some children, senior citizens, and others with sensitive lungs. But the harm caused by the plant stretches
into other states as well, causing $55 million annually in health problems." At least 2 die every year due to
the fine particle matter NOx Carbon Emissions from the Smoke you see....
"Nearly one-third of the city’s high school students have been diagnosed with asthma, compared to 26 percent
statewide, according to state health data. [Adults in Baltimore also suffer from asthma at higher rates than state and
national averages.] A 2017 report by the Environmental Integrity Project found “strong spatial correlation”
between asthma-related hospitalization (or emergency room visits) and demographic measures of poverty."
Zero Waste Solution Plan for Baltimore County:
Keep sending our trash for Incineration to Baltimore City
"The Olszewski administration is offering to extend its relationship with Wheelabrator through September 30, 2026."
"Epidemiological Studies Demonstrated that Exposure to Ambient Levels of Air Pollutants are Associated with Low Birth
Weight, Intrauterine Growth Retardation, Prematurity, Neonatal Death, and Decreased Fertility in Males." - Toxicology
Environmental Health
"BRESCO Waste Incinerator" - Clean Air Baltimore Coalition
"Although pollen allergies can be bothersome, asthmatic responses to pollutants can be life threatening.
"Although pollen allergies can be bothersome, asthmatic responses to pollutants can be life threatening. Asthma is
a chronic disease of the airways that causes recurrent and distressing episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness,
and coughing. Asthma can be broken down into two groups based on the causes of an attack: extrinsic (allergic) and intrinsic
(non-allergic). Most people with asthma do not fall neatly into either type, but somewhere in between, displaying characteristics
of both classifications. Extrinsic asthma has a known cause, such as allergies to dust mites, various pollens, grass or weeds,
or pet dander. Individuals with extrinsic asthma produce an excess amount of antibodies when exposed to triggers. Intrinsic
asthma has a known cause, but the connection between the cause and the symptoms is not clearly understood. There is no antibody
hypersensitivity in intrinsic asthma. Intrinsic asthma usually starts in adulthood without a strong family history
of asthma. Some of the known triggers of intrinsic asthma are infections, such as cold and flu viruses, exercise and cold
air, industrial and occupational pollutants, food additives and preservatives, drugs, such as aspirin, and emotional
stress. Asthma is more common in children than in adults, with nearly 1 of every 13 school-age children having asthma.
Low-income African-Americans and certain Hispanic populations suffer disproportionately, with urban inner cities having
particularly severe problems. The impact on neighborhoods, school systems, and health care facilities from asthma is severe
because one-third of all pediatric emergency room visits are due to asthma, and it is the fourth most prominent
cause of physician office visits. Additionally, it is the leading cause of school absenteeism; 14 million school
days lost each year from chronic illness."
"The impact on neighborhoods, school systems, and health care facilities from asthma is severe because one-third of all
pediatric emergency room visits are due to asthma, and it is the fourth most prominent cause of physician office visits.
Additionally, it is the leading cause of school absenteeism; 14 million school days lost each year from chronic

2020 Portland, Oregon |
"'We Don't Have To Live This Way': Doctors Call For Climate Action" - National Public Radio (NPR) (2020)
"Allergy Season Hits Baltimore Hard Even As Pollen Counts Drop" WJZ TV 13
"How Humans Caused Our Own Allergies" - Cheddar News
The Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Program - Baltimore City Government
1-800-QUIT NOW Smoking Stops Here - Baltimore City
"Baltimore Files, 'First of Its Kind' Lawsuit Against Tobacco Companies for Cigarette Filter Waste" - The Baltimore Sun (2022)
"This ordinance comes after years of advocacy from various community-based organizations who noted the strong uptake
in underage usage of flavored tobacco products due to the creation of vape pens. The ordinance passed unanimously." -
Los Angeles City Council Government
The Maryland State Clean Indoor Air Act: A Guide for Hotels and Motels
Some Cuss Language
"Aerosolized compounds emitted from e-cigarettes contain numerous toxic substances, including nicotine, formaldehyde, acrolein,
and heavy metals, which can pose significant health threats to users. Research indicates chronic exposure to these chemicals
can lead to respiratory problems, cardiovascular disorders, and compromised lung function.
E-cigarette companies have come under scrutiny for their marketing tactics that target young audiences, resulting in a concerning
rise in vaping among adolescents. E-cigarettes and vaping pens have been found to contain numerous compounds that may cause
harm, including glycerol, nicotine, propylene glycol, ethanol, and triacetin. Studies have shown that e-cigarette use acts
as a gateway to traditional tobacco smoking, further perpetuating the nicotine addiction cycle. The alarming prevalence of
vaping among youth has raised public health concerns, as it threatens to reverse decades of progress in curbing tobacco use
and addiction rates. Emerging evidence suggests that vaping may be harmful to the cardiovascular system. The inhalation of
toxic compounds found in e-cigarette aerosols can contribute to inflammation and oxidative stress, potentially leading to
endothelial dysfunction and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Additionally, the use of vaping devices has been
linked to severe lung injuries, with cases of e-cigarette- or vaping-use-associated lung injury (EVALI) reported in the United
States. While the use of e-cigarette use on pulmonary function has been well documented, its contribution towards heart failure
is less well understood. We present the case of a young, previously healthy adult male who developed EVALI and newly onset
heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction after an increase in vaping pen use."
"Outbreak of Lung Injury Associated with the Use of E-Cigarette, or Vaping Products" - C.D.C., U.S. Department of Health &
Human Services | U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Cannabis / Marijuana Drug Facts - National Institute on Drug Abuse
"Cannabis and Psychosis" - Child Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America - NIH (2022)
"Marijuana and Public Health" - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Marijuana / Cannabis Research Report: "Is There a Link Between Marijuana Use and Psychiatric Disorders?" - NIH (2020)
"US Trends in the Association of Suicide Ideation/Behaviors with Marijuana use Among Adolescents Ages 12 to 17 and Differences
by Gender and Race/Ethnicity" - Frontier Psychiatry (2023)
"Responding to the Opioid Crisis in North America and Beyond: Recommendations of the Stanford-Lancet Commission" - The Lancet
Commissions (2022)
Some Cuss Language
Some Cuss Language
Some Cuss Language
Baltimore 703-996-2200, Ext.1 ~ Easton, Elkton 609-261-6600 ~ Washington Metro 703-996-2200, Ext.1
Check Air Quality Index
Daily Baltimore Health & Activity Qualities - Accuweather
"Climate Shift Index" (CSI) - Climate Central's Realtime Fingerprints
"The Effect of Jet Streams on Climate" - PBS Learning Media
Virtual Recreation Center - Baltimore Department of Recreation and Parks
Perfluorooactanoic acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) amongst other chemicals.
- The Baltimore Sun (2022)
"Well-known threats such as bacteria, algae, pesticides, fertilizers, lead, and road salt are challenging enough to mitigate,
but emerging threats like microplastics and pharmaceuticals present new dangers to Baltimore's water. These pollutants can
form what scientists call 'chemical cocktails,' interacting in ways that are only beginning to be understood."
Some Cuss Language
Book: Silent_Spring - Rachel Carson
FACT SHEET: "Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Action to Protect Communities from Lead Exposure" - The White House
"California Regulations Related to Drinking Water" - California State Board of Drinking Water (2017)
"58.01.08 Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems" - Drinking Water Protection and Finance Division | IDAPA 58 Department
of Environmental Quality
"Public Drinking Water" (Chapter 290) - Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (2019)
"It was the morning after a long, pounding rainstorm and all the signs – and smells – made it clear: the 3900
Belair Road “volcano,” as some call it, had erupted again.
Used condoms, surgical gloves, baby wipes, toilet paper, old Covid masks, rags and a bag of syringe caps were found scattered
around the manhole cover cracked open from the force of the up-welling sewer water. Nearby, bushes were festooned with miscellaneous
bits of plastic. A purple sock lay in the streambed. The odor of human waste was strong.
In the wake of the January 9 storm that swept the mid-Atlantic region, an overflow had occurred once again at this notorious
sewer stack owned by the city just a few feet from the Belair Road Bridge crossing of Herring Run, a tributary of Back River
that dumps into Chesapeake Bay. This one was nearly 1 million (975,240 gallons) of untreated sewage, which beat last year’s
record holder of 647,130 million gallons that erupted on September 12, the day flooding elsewhere destroyed several businesses,
including a dry cleaner, in North Baltimore and swamped basements and parked cars.
'It’s a poopy stream – it’s been this way for years, just disgusting,” sighed Patty Mackin Dowd, a
former coordinator of the Friends of Herring Run. 'It's so sad Herring Run has been allowed to remain this way.' Along with
degrading the environment, Dowd said, the multi-million-gallon sewage releases endangers public health."
"The drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
The grocery store's --> the super-mart, uh-huh"
"The Supermarket - A Great American Invention" (1980)
"How Supermarkets Took Over" - Get factual (2023)
"The Baltimore Urban Food Distribution (BUD) App: Study Protocol to Assess the Feasibility of a Food Systems Intervention"
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (August 2022)

Some Cuss Language
Some Cuss Language
Some Cuss Language
CHARMCARE: Food Access
You Are What You Eat" - Beyond Documentary (2022)
"The Asheville Nuttery and its partners see untapped potential in wild tree crops like acorn and black walnut, often
considered a nuisance to the uninitiated."
"Food insecurity for Black elders is an escalating crisis with untold costs to individuals and society at large. It's
time to demand a more dignified path for this often invisible group."
"A TED Talk Put Ron Finley on the Map. 10 Years Later, the 'Gangsta Gardener' Is Going Strong: Finley has Grown Comfortable
With His Role as Spokesperson for Gardening as a Solution to Food Apartheid." - Civil Eats (2024)
"Family Farms" - Search
Quotes of Wisdom of Mark Twain
"Education and hard work lift people from the inner city out of poverty only in exceptional cases. The vast majority
born poor are almost certain to stay that way." - Sociologist Karl Alexander
City Schools at a Glance: - Baltimore City Public Schools
Data ~ Statistics - Baltimore City Public Schools
"Baltimore City's K-12 Education Crisis" - The Maryland Public Policy Institute (2022)
"The Higher Education of Thurgood Marshall" - The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (1998)
"The Write Stuff?" ChatGPT: Grading Artificial Intelligence's Writing - CBS Sunday Morning (2023)
"120 Years of American Education: A Statistical Portrait" - National Center for Education Statistics
Rowan Atkinson Free Speech - Speech
Enoch Pratt Free Library Branch Location History
Current Enoch Pratt Free Library Branch Locations
"Maryland School for the Blind Hosts Braille Challenge for Visually Impaired Students" - WJZ TV 13 (2024)
"Celebrities Use Their God-Like Power to Destroy Others" - Bowling Green Daily News (2021)
Some Cuss Language
"Facebook" - "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver"(2018)
Some Cuss Language
"Online Harassment" - "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" (2015)
Some Cuss Language
Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott launches first phase of free public Wi-Fi
Major imbalance of industrial and retail tax-based compared to tax-free religious buildings and non-profits. Imbalance of
employees (many) versus entrepreneurs (few).
The opportunity that many cities across the United States are and continue to choose are streetcars, which not only drastically
lessens air pollution as it is the original zero carbon emissions transportation, but developers love immovable transit, which
ensures eyeballs on their businesses. Streetcars are so cherished that Tampa, Milwaukee, and Los Angeles are dedicated to
making their entire up-ground transit system streetcars only. [Please seek Transportation section]
"The Lifecycle of Inventors" (2016)
"Improving Opportunities for Economic Mobility: New Evidence and Policy Lessons" - Raj Chetty, Stanford University (2016)
"How Does Declining Unionism Affect the American Middle Class and Intergenerational Mobility" - Raj Chetty, Stanford University
(2016) [Partial]
President Lyndon Baines Johnson "State of Union War on Poverty" - State of the Union (1965)
"What causes poverty? Not a lack of money, but a lack of social relationships" - Big Think
"Less Than: The Secret To Ending Poverty In America" - The Citizen (2018)
"Why Does the South Have Such Ugly Credit Scores?" - The Washington Post (2023)
"Where Your Home is Your Retirement Home: In Inner-City Baltimore, Love (and Family) is All Around" - AARP Bulletin (2016)
Baltimore Livability Index - AARP
Maryland Livability Index - AARP
The State of Maryland is the 7th highest cost of living state (8th including Washington D.C.). Yet, like many states that
have lower cost of living, does not contribute one cent to financial poverty income.
"Do You Have a Money Disorder? Just About Everyone has a Complicated Relationship With Money." - Psychology Today (2010)
"Wealth & Poverty Class 1: What's Happened to Income & Wealth - by UC Berkeley Professor Reich (2022)
"Wealth & Poverty Class 2: The Investor's View - by UC Berkeley Professor Reich (2022)
"How Wealth Inequality Spiraled Out of Control" - Robert Reich"
"Why The U.S. Can't End Poverty" - CNBC (March 7th, 2023)
"Why Being Poor Is So Expensive" - Some More News (2023)
#6. Baltimore
- Percent of individuals living below the poverty line: 21.2%
--- Total individuals living below the poverty line: 124,436
--- Total employed individuals living below the poverty line: 18,548
- Percent of individuals under 18 living below the poverty line: 31.0%
--- Total individuals under 18 years old living below the poverty line: 38,339
- Median household income: $50,379
"Why West Virginia is so Poor" - Wendover Productions (2023)
2022: MARYLAND IS 44TH WORST STATE TO RETIRE [Similar criteria]
2023: MARYLAND IS RATED 42ND. Neighbor Virginia is rated best - "#1 Best Place to Retire." [Similar criteria]
Shop Maryland Tax-Free Energy Weekend Energy Efficient Appliances - State of Maryland
"Taxable" and "Exempt" During annual August "Tax Free" Week - State of Maryland
"We'll create good jobs for millions of Americans…and we'll do it all to withstand the devastating effects of climate
change and promote environmental justice.” - President Joseph Biden, 2022 State of the Union
"For the first time in our nation's history, the Federal Government has made it a goal that 40 percent of the overall benefits
of certain Federal investments flow to disadvantaged communities that are marginalized, underserved, and overburdened by pollution.
President Biden made this historic commitment when he signed Executive Order 14008 within days of taking office."
Shop Maryland Tax-Free Energy Weekend Energy Efficient Appliances - State of Maryland
"Taxable" and "Exempt" During annual August "Tax Free" Week - State of Maryland
"The Credit Card Game" - "Frontline" | PBS (2009)
The Bank Roles Program: "Financial Literacy Courses to be Offered at Former West Baltimore School that Thurgood Marshall Once
Attended" - The Baltimore Sun (April 24th, 2024)
"American Dream, American Grift": Renters In America Are Running Out Of Options - Vice News (2022) VICE News
"What Broke the Rental Market - and Can It Be Fixed?" - ABC News Australia (2023)
"How to Create a Zero-Based Budget" - Dave Ramsey Solutions (January 2024)
"16 Things Warren Buffet Says Are a Waste of Money" NEW CARS! - MSN (2024)
"The circular economy offers increased competitiveness of production through the implementation of circular practices in production
processes, circular business models and extended producer responsibility.
+ Smart Manufacturing and Sustainable Resource Management
+ Circular Products and Materials
+ Green Public Procurement as an Enabler of the Circular Materials and Products and Services
+ Secondary Raw Material and Secondary Products Platforms"
"America, the Beautiful?" - George Carlin
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