HOME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MISSION ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~ DEFINITIONS ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~1~~~~~~ REPARATIONS
~~~~~~3~~~~~~ HOUSES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOME FINANCING ~~~~~~~~
The Tenant: Rentals
~~~~~~4~~~~~~ WORK
~~~~~~5~~~~~~ TRANSPORTATION ~~~~~~~~~~
Tires Tyres Everywhere ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ World Circle Loop Lines & Baltimore Legend
~~~~~~~~ MDOT:MDTA~MTA ~~~~~~~~
Transport Overflow
~~~~~~6~~~~~~ POLLUTIONS = POISONS ~~~~~~~~
AT WHAT COST ~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~ 7 ~~~~ ENERGIES
~~~~~~~~~~ TRASH ALTERNATIVES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~8~~~~~~ NATURE RESTORATION ~~~~~~~~
Becoming a "SPONGE CITY"
Baltimore-Specific Studies
World Ecology Impact
~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE COMMONS ~~~~~~~~
HOMEWORK: What To Do Now

Baltimore Serenade: Ecosystem Guardians Embracing Impactful & Peaceful Climate Solutions

Transportation for All

"All over the country, I'm seeing the same
Nobody's winning, at this type of game
We gotta do better, it's time to begin
You know all the answers
Must come from within

Come on and take a free ride
Free ride
Come on and take it by my side
Come on and take a free ride!"

"Free Ride" - Edgar Winter

"If you live in a place where buying a car and spending $10,000 a year on car-related payments is your only way to get around, then your leaders have failed you and your children. Using streets to simply move and store cars is not optimizing that space. We just got blinded by the car industry and this belief that we should put an SUV in every garage."
- Transit Alternatives, Danny Harris

Guess what? Baltimore, where the invention of the "third rail" railway "Streetcar" occurred, had a public transit system that ran exclusively on electricity. Trolleys, Streetcars, and Cablecars, as well as Lightrails run on electricity. In 1920, 1 in 10 Americans owned an automobile. 1947 vision of auto manufacturers, tire companies, and oil barons forced streetcars to become eliminated, thereby forcing buses onto the public. They even burned the trolleys, cablecars, and streetcars to insure they would never return to the streets. Europe and the rest of the world went the other way after WWII: rebuilt their streetcars and new trains. Year after year, Europeans that have such amenities, even free transit countrywide, are ranked, "HAPPY."

Bus service is sold as, "so good, so dependable." So why do we have a subway and light rail? Both subway and light rail have limited stops; forcing considerable more time and another mode of transportation to get to a stop in order to use. Baltimore Region suburbanites move into specific Baltimore locations, segregated from the densely populated, shorter-distanced riding people who YEARN to move fast - and only wish within the city. FREE Dedicated Lane Streetcars reconnect neighborhood to neighborhood and being able to anywhere one wants to again. End Baltimore City being an afterthought. Segregated transportation must stop. And how it is done is replacing all buses in Baltimore City with its own streetcars.

Vehicle Race: "The Stig, Hammond, May and Clarkson Cross-London Race" - Top Gear

"NYC Wants to Take 25% of its Street Space Away From Cars in Favor of a Walkable / Bikeable City" (2022)

"NYC 25x25: A Challenge to New York City's Leaders to Give Streets Back to People" - Transportation Alternatives

"The Failure and Success of Great American Transit: Metros" - Big MoodEnergy

Seek below regarding Worldwide free transit systems.

"Building roads to reduce congestion is like trying to bail out a boat with a bucket that knocks a bigger hole in the bottom each time you use it." - B. Bond, Movement Against Destruction (MAD)

"I don't think many young blacks in Baltimore now feel their time will ever come. The cancelation of the light-rail line was a symbol of something deeper; they are now physically and psychologically cut off from the rest of the world."

"Development of the interstate highway system, as it carved its way through central cities, tended to disrupt largely black areas, displacing families, and disrupting communities.


Air pollution from roadway vehicles appears to be disproportionately affecting some areas of Baltimore City that have the highest asthma hospitalization and emergency room visit rates. Increasing opportunities for Baltimore residents and commuters to take public transit will likely reduce the pollution burden on these communities. Baltimore's public transit system is notoriously outdated and inadequate; especially for a city that wishes to attract new residents and new businesses.


"In Baltimore City, 20% of children have an asthma diagnosis, which is more than double the national prevalence of 9%."

United States of America Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

"Extreme Weather Is Only Getting Worse. Can Cities Protect Public Transit?: Climate-Resilient Public Transportation is Crucial to Meeting Climate Goals and Ensuring Mobility for Vulnerable Communities." (2022)

I know all these depressing facts are painful. So take a little respite. Tell me how this feels: take a trip with Chris DeBurgh on a Ship and a Tram - an Aerial Cablecar!

"Transportation systems that maximize people’s access to good transit are necessarily inclusive, without barriers linked to race, income, age, or ability. And because transit is resource-efficient and supports low-emissions neighborhoods, it’s also an indispensable tool to prevent climate change, clean our air, and protect public health.” - National Campaign for Transit Justice

"You can't understand a city without using its public transportation system." - Erol Ozan

"Anybody, who is lucky enough, on the face of the planet of 7 and a half billion people, to have more money than you can ever spend in your life, have more chicks run after you that you don't deserve, 'cause you are not that good looking; I'm talking about myself. Glory, fame, all that stuff; I don't have to do a GD thing, and people will give me free stuff. Where were they when I couldn't afford to get on a bus? That you wouldn't see how blessed you are is - delusional - it's criminal." - Gene Simmons, Musician, KISS

"'I'm not sure he's wrong about automobiles,' he said. 'With all their speed forward they may be a step backward in civilization -- that is, in spiritual civilization. It may be that they will not add to the beauty of the world, nor to the life of men's souls.' - Booth Tarkington, The Magnificent Ambersons

"Why do you enjoy watching traffic?" - Bill Maher

"LA Traffic" - "MAD TV"

"Homer Simpson - Lousy Traffic Jams!" - "The Simpsons"

And driving has consequences:

"The Driving Boom is over."
"Many young people would rather bike or walk than pollute their planet. .... The share of licensed drivers ages 20-24 dipped from 87 percent in 1995 to 81 percent in 2021. In the 25-29 age group, the share of licensed drivers slipped from 95 percent to 88 percent.

"Increasingly, this country is moving more and more into urban areas where it's perfectly easy to get around without a car," said Robert Foss, director emeritus of the Center for the Study of Young Drivers at the University of North Carolina."

"Americans Driving Less. The Question Why Is Still Unsettled" - Bacon's Rebellion (2013)

"Gen Z Isn't Interested in Driving. Will that Last?" - The Washington Post (2023)


"National City Lines" - Canadian Public Transit Discussion Board Documentation (CPTDB)

LETTER: Martin Luther King Jr. and Uriah J. Fields, Uriah J. (Montgomery Improvement Association) - "To The National City Lines, Incorporated"

Transit Agencies and Service Development in the Baltimore Region

Highway to Know-Where

In order to understand what system we must have again, as Baltimore already had a complete electric transportation system, we first must learn how we fell in love with the automobile.

"Rock-A-Charleston ~ Flapper Flip" - Annette Funicello


"Public Transportation May Be Better Than Driving: The Heart-Healthy Benefits Of Taking A Train Or Bus"

"Active Transportation: Creating Spaces That Promote Active Living: - The American Heart Association (AHA)

WALK A LITTLE "Walking your way to better health? Remember the acronym, 'FIT'" - American Heart Association

"Sidewalk" - Celia Bullwinkel

Urban gridlock

"Planning = The professional practice and academic study of the future of built and natural environments - from the smallest towns to the largest cities and everything in between." - Planetizen

STREET = A passage of destination designed mainly for pedestrians, creating neighborhoods, and offering highest value of space allotted. Transit and automobiles can travel, and sometimes park. There are sidewalks on both sides where residential, and commercial buildings and mix-use (the oldest form of use) are found. There are many cross streets, usually of same width. They give the sense of space - like an out-door living room that is accessible. Some examples; to play board games, eat outdoors, and even dance. Offers a complete neighborhood - community place. It is a complex environment, at human scale, where life in a city or town happens.

THOROUGHFARE = A passage that is only to get to another part of a city or town, or a completely different city or town. Also called: Arterials, Arteries, Carriageway [British], Expressway, Freeway, High Road, Highway, Interstate, Pass, Pike, Route, row, Thruway, trace, Turnpike, Way. Depending on city or town: Avenue, Boulevard, Heights, and Parkway are also used, but more often for Stroads. No pedestrians or transit stops allowed. Only express buses allowed. Thoroughfares, Highways.... destroyed many neighborhoods; forcing people to soullessly sell their houses to the city or town, for the concrete way, and if any neighborhood left over, visually dividing them in half, often with no access, no pathway to get across.

ROAD = A high speed connection between two places. For safety, wide and forgiving lanes disrupt cars from bumping into each other. Attention is made to make them as straight as possible, with wide curves to make driving gentle. Large signs, often above, are so fast speed drivers can read. Entrances and exits are few to keep automobiles at fast speeds - minimizing travel time. Rare to find a sidewalk.

CLEAR ZONE = the small lane next to a road, obstacle-free in case of emergencies.

STROAD = A hybrid street and road. It is a street that is designed as a road, failing to be good at either one, and massively expensive. Many entrances and exits to houses, especially businesses, found far in distance due to highway-sized lanes and long driveways. Common are stroads that used to be streets in nature, but name of size and stature has not been changed by local government: Drive, Way, Avenue, Boulevard, Way, and even, "Street." Stroads, especially converted streets create many dangerous points of conflict, missed turns to where you wanted to go, cars coming out of their driveways, and especially bicycle riders signaling, only to be crashed into. The commercial property is set back, prominently showcasing its automobile parking capacity. Their business signs are huge, out of kilter with even the wide stroad. Little green space and essentially treeless for shade, little esthetic beauty, in other word; ugly, and no one wants to spend time at the stroad. They often have clear zones, but rarely a sidewalk, and so, with high speeds and lack of pedestrian walkways, stroad place-destroying makes entire environment hostile to pedestrians, often risking lives to get to places, even to a rare bus stop.

EUCLIDEAN ZONING = Separating use of land by purpose: residential, commercial, retail, industrial, recreational.... Frequently associated with development patterns of suburbia. Most common form of controlling interests zoning code - a local legal tool for controlling the uses and development of land, in the United States.


Daniel D'Oca Illustration: "The Arsenal of Exclusion"


Shopping Cart

"Valetine Lupez: Get to Know One of San Francisco's Cable Car Gripman" - NBC Bay Area


Three Main Principles of Sustainable Safety:

1. Humans make errors in traffic. It's the way humans are.

2. The government is responsible for making sure that the design of the street minimizes impact from those errors; and the design of the street should reflect this - safety.

3. Safety of street is for government to design the streets to that affect. [Throughout the Netherlands, you can feel what kind of street you are on, by the feel of it, and its characteristics.]

4 Types of Streets:

1. Residential Roads

2. Neighborhood Arterial Roads

3. Higher Arterial Roads

4. Highways

"Traffic vs. Transportation Engineer: What's the Difference?" - Byron Tang, Traffic Engineer (2022)

"Traffic Engineers Gone Wild: Why Interchanges and Intersections are Getting Worse, Not Better" - City Nerd (2022)


"Baltimore City has much higher asthma rates than other counties in Maryland and that asthma is a severe health problem in Baltimore."
- "Asthma and Air Pollution in Baltimore City" - Environmental Integrity Project

"One hundred years ago, the public transportation system in the United States was envied by much of the world. Many cities had robust electric tram lines, while steam locomotives and boats transported goods and people around the country. Today, however, effective transit systems are hard to find outside of major cities, and even urban areas struggle to provide reliable, connected services. ....

While city planners across Europe began working to preserve existing transit systems and expand them into developing suburbs, the United States did not take the same approach. In fact, some cities chose to destroy existing transit systems—ripping out streetcar lines and building highways to speed up commutes from the suburbs."

Under Construction

How The Auto Industry Made Their American Dream Yours - Climate Town

"Why The American Car Fleet Is Getting So Old" - NBC

"Building the American Dream" (1956) - United States Gypsum Company and the National Association of Home Builders [AUTOMOBILE GO TO 12:25 CAREERS: 15:30 HOUSE-CAR 23:00]

How Americans are lucky, and rest of world is inferior, if they conform to purchase a house and automobile.

"The Symbol of Better Living" - Medallion Home (1960)

"The Lightbulb Moment: How The Interstate Connected And Divided America" - Cheddar News -


"The World I Know" depicts disconnection to nature, as bus no longer goes there...."

Guess what? We already had a public transit that ran exclusively on electricity. Trolleys, Streetcars, and Cablecars. In 1920 1 in 10 Americans owned an automobile. 1947 vision of auto manufacturers, tire companies, and oil barons forced streetcars to become eliminated, thereby forcing buses onto the public. They even burned the trolleys, cablecars, and streetcars to insure they would never return to the streets. Europe and the rest of the world went the other way after WWII: rebuilt their streetcars and new trains.

"Divided Highways" - Documentary Film - PBS 1997

Baltimore Trains and Streetcars

How to drive a Baltimore Steetcar! - Baltimore Trolley Museum

Watch ONLY for visual and interviews. Factually wrong. All of the statistics are wrong. 23% of Baltimoreans are poverty-challenged. Hagerstown continues to have the highest poverty rates. That does not mean we can't poverty down to 5%.

MTA Subway Opening - 1987

Was Just ONE BUS - "Maryland Governor's New Baltimore Bus System is Confusing and Slow"

"Why American Public Transit is so Bad" - Vox

"Is Public Transportation the Answer?" - Ellen Emeric TED Talks - University of Tulsa

'Bus Stop" - "Sesame Street"

New York City Taxis


"Will making transit free make people want to ride more?" - Metro Magazine

"Best and Worst Cities for Commuting on Public Transportation" - Metro Magazine


Baltimore Brew - "Why Baltimore Should Develop a Modern Streetcar System" - "The Baltimore Brew argues that resurrecting this city's streetcar system would go a long way for "urban-friendly infrastructure."

The Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition (BTEC)

Baltimore Streetcar Campaign

Baltimore Transit Campaign Incorporated

The Baltimore Trolley Museum

"Baltimore - A Streetcar Named Conspire" - Urbanite Magazine, June 2009

Urban Land Institute (ULI) - Baltimore

Baltimore Collegetown

Charles Street Development Corporation

"How Cars & Greed Turned the Inner Suburbs Gray & What Can be Done to Green Them Again" - Neighbor Space of Baltimore County, Inc.


Green Streets Initiative

National Association of City Transportation Officials

"Urban life in America is making a strong resurgence. This has led to a revival of interest not only in the preservation of historic districts and urban neighborhoods, but also in a classic technology - the urban streetcar - that can serve as a major catalyst for urban revival. As traditional neighborhoods in older cities become the location of choice for more American - singles, young couples, families, and empty-nesters alike - there is an emerging a need to provide good and attractive transit service to these areas. The APTA Streetcar Subcommittee (of the APTA Rail Committee) was formed to promote the development of vintage/heritage trolley lines and modern streetcar lines in urban centers, to foster information exchange among those planning or operating such lines, and to encourage reasonable technical and safety standards."

The Community Streetcar Coalition

Modern Streetcar Advocates - Omaha, Nebraska

Strong Towns

Urban Three

Shopping Cart, filling with Grocery Bags


Food Desert = An area where at least one third of the population lives greater than one mile away from a supermarket

"Why Grocery Stores Are Avoiding Black Neighborhoods" - NBC

North End Grocery Shuttle: a free shuttle service to Winnipeg, Canada - Canadian Broadcast Company (CBC)

Special Public Bus Routes for Food Shopping in Flint, Michigan - The New Yorker




"Transportation: The Overlooked Poverty Problem" - Shared Justice

"Viewpoint: Real Equity in Baltimore Means Having a Reliable, Efficient Transit System" - Baltimore Business Journal

"US: Transportation Equity Will Mean Reducing Overall Costs" - Government Technology (TNS)

"What If The United States Had A National High Speed Rail Network?" (2021) - What If Geography

Clearly dispels the thought that "one hour" flight is length of travel. It is clearly not. Regarding the comparison, it is not a fair assessment. Needs to be from same place to destination. Has to be real scenario - must be from someone's home. Taking local public transit from one's home and how accessible it is to train station versus airport. Can also be via taxi, but test needs both ways. Train stations tend to be much closer. So from a few different people's homes.


Baltimore Trains and Street Cars - And others

"History of the Bus" - Great Britain

First there were horses - "Blazing Saddles"

"The Railway Carriage" - Marty Feldman

"Lightening Coach Tours" - "Marty" - Marty Feldman

"The Travel Agency" - "Marty" - Marty Feldman

"The Wheel" - Marty Feldman Comedy Machine (1971)


"Let's Ban Cars! - Seriously!" - Brit Monkey

"Car-Free Streets are Amazing (and we Need More of Them)" - Not Just Bikes

"The Wrong Way to Set Speed Limits" - Not Just Bikes

"Why The US Has No High-Speed Rail" - NBC

Mr. City Nerd does not share what data he uses, and admits that using 4 year old data does not work well. What he does not understand is, the streetcar infrastructure as well as renovating for new business buildings takes time, and ridership does go is up exponentially, especially for Portland (4 Billion revenue) and Kansas City streetcars. Brick and mortar businesses brings in massive tax revenue for every city that understands that you start with one, but must make a streetcar system. The cities that are going streetcar know future is by rail. Going tireless. And going tireless - shhhh - means 0 Emissions = lowering climate change.


"Census Bureau Reports 207,000 Workers Commute Into Baltimore City, Md., Each Day (2013)" - Bureau of the Census USA

Washington D.C. - Baltimore... - Boston route Bullet High Speed Train was supposed to be completed and open in 2000. A 3 hour trip. - Amtrak



"The Truth about American Cities" - Strong Towns [ST01] - Not Just Bikes

"How Suburban Development Makes American Cities Poorer" [ST02] - Strong Towns - Not Just Bikes

"Why American Cities Are Broke - The Growth Ponzi Scheme" [ST03] - Strong Towns - Not Just Bikes

"How Bankrupt American Cities Stay Alive - Debt" [ST04] - Strong Towns - Not Just Bikes

"The Ugly, Dangerous, and Inefficient Stroads found all over the US & Canada [ST05] - Strong Towns - Not Just Bikes

"The Wrong Way to Set Speed Limits" [ST06] - Strong Towns - Not Just Bikes

Suburbia is Subsidized: Here's the Math [ST07] - Strong Towns - Not Just Bikes

"The Trains that Subsidize Suburbia - GO Transit Commuter Rail" - Canada - Not Just Bikes [Start at 0:40]

"How Carpool Lanes Make Traffic Worse" - Cheddar News

"The Ugly, Dangerous, and Inefficient Stroads Found All Over the United States"- Not Just Bikes

"The Lively & Liveable Neighbourhoods that are Illegal in Most of North America"

"Why London Is Terribly Designed"

"Why Los Angeles Destroyed Its World-Class Transit System" - Cheddar News

"Baltimore Judge Sides With Westport Developer Over Maglev Rail System in Land Dispute" - Maryland Matters

"High-Speed Rail Plan Causes Uproar" - Maglev Train -The Washington Post (2002)

"Most Useless Megaprojects in the World" - Top Luxury

[1] "New Sri Lanka Prime Minister Says Country Down to Last Day of Petrol" - DW News

[2] Fuel Shortage: Every Day has Become a Battle for Survival in Sri Lanka - DW News

"Transport in Sri Lanka" - Wikipedia

Sri Lanka Travel & Tourism [Trains were built by British when part of Empire]

"Public Transport in Sri Lanka: A Guide to Getting Around on a Budget" - "GREAT TRAIN SYSTEM" - Spin the Windrose

"Getting Around the Las Vegas Strip: Monorails, Trams, Buses, Planning Fails & the Future of Travel" - City Nerd

"Key to Designing Seamless Transportation' - Geoff Wardle - TEDx



"Metra Exemplifies Everything Wrong with American Passenger Rail" - The Armchair Urbanist


"Why Congestion Pricing Is So Difficult: the Equity Problem of a Slam Dunk Urban Policy"

Congestion Pricing - Reclaiming Space: "The Traffic Solution Most Cities Haven't Tried" - Vox

It started in Singapore


"Congestion Tax Stockholm" - Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP)

"Stockholm LOVES the charges" ~ "Charges a Success" ~ "Thumbs up for the charges!"

"Congestion Pricing in London" - CitiesX - Harvard

"How Congestion Pricing has Impacted London Ahead of New York City Plan" - TV7 NY ABC

"Los Angeles: The Great American Transit Experiment" - Streetfilms


"Are Electric Cars Actually Good for the Environment?" - The Gravel Institute

Driving Downtown Annapolis - Classic Colonial Town - USA


"The Trains that Subsidize Suburbia - GO Transit Commuter Rail" - Not Just Bikes

United Kingdom: "Should Green Belt Policy Change?"


"Baltimore's Top Transit Missed Opportunities" - Baltimore Skyline

"US Railroads should be Nationalized" - The Armchair Urbanist

"Increasing the Availability of Public Transport in MN" OR: WHY MINNESOTANS HATE BEING FORCED TO TAKE BUSES - Anagha Manoj


"Throwing Good Money After Bad Car Infrastructure - Wonderland Road" - Not Just Bikes

Paris Improvements - Quickly - Not Just Bikes

"Why The Netherlands Is Insanely Well Designed" - OBF [Notice Streetcars - Trams]

Transit Riders Want Respect - Not Just Bikes

Netherlands Mission: To Move As Many People Quickly

Traffic Movement in United States versus The Netherlands - Not Just Bikes & BeyondTheAutomobile.ca

"Dutch Streets are 300% Safer than American Ones. Why?" - Propel

"How to (Quickly) Build a Cycling City in Paris" - Not Just Bikes

"Utrecht: Planning for People & Bikes, Not for Cars" - Streetfilms

Emeryville Mayor Optimizing for Carless Renaissance

"Freeways of the Future: Delivering a Fast and Reliable Regional Bus Network on Existing Freeway Lanes" - San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR) (2021)

Fixing London Traffic - City Planner Fixin'

"Seattle is Building a $54BN New Railway System" - The B1M

"Lane Mathematics" - City Planner Fixin'

"The Train-Bus" - Road Guy Rob

"Why Car-Free Streets May Be Here to Stay" - Bloomberg Citylab

Highways built meant to intentionally displace minorities.

"The $1.2 Trillion Plan to Rebuild America" - The Biden Plan - B1M

"Pedestrian Overcrossings: The Bad, the Ugly, and the Mildly Acceptable (Featuring Las Vegas!)"

"World's Best Airports for Transit: 10 Places With Fast, Frequent Train Service Into the City" - City Nerd

Nature & Public Transit for ALL: "Dubai's Radical Plan For 2040" - Tomorrow's Build

"Montreal Metro Will Be 20 STOREYS Deep!" - Édouard-Montpetit - RM Transit

SEEK: Bicycles


SEEK: Streetcar Revival


How to Help

There are several ways to get involved with the campaign. For example, you can:
* Help plan an event
* Distribute literature
* Assist with phone calls
* Speak at an event
* Make a donation

Home * Any Street * Baltimore * US * 01234

Mission Abound

Homes * Any Street * Baltimore * USA * 01234

Any Street * Anytown * Baltimore * USA * 01234
