HOME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MISSION ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~ DEFINITIONS ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~1~~~~~~ REPARATIONS
~~~~~~3~~~~~~ HOUSES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOME FINANCING ~~~~~~~~
The Tenant: Rentals
~~~~~~4~~~~~~ WORK
~~~~~~5~~~~~~ TRANSPORTATION ~~~~~~~~~~
Tires Tyres Everywhere ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ World Circle Loop Lines & Baltimore Legend
~~~~~~~~ MDOT:MDTA~MTA ~~~~~~~~
Transport Overflow
~~~~~~6~~~~~~ POLLUTIONS = POISONS ~~~~~~~~
AT WHAT COST ~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~ 7 ~~~~ ENERGIES
~~~~~~~~~~ TRASH ALTERNATIVES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~8~~~~~~ NATURE RESTORATION ~~~~~~~~
Becoming a "SPONGE CITY"
Baltimore-Specific Studies
World Ecology Impact
~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE COMMONS ~~~~~~~~
HOMEWORK: What To Do Now

Baltimore Serenade: Ecosystem Guardians Embracing Impactful & Peaceful Climate Solutions


"Kitten Rescued by Firefighters After Getting its Head Stuck in a Spare Tire" - KOLO TV 8 (August 1st, 2024)

Reporter Confesses having tremendous anxiety due to having/driving her car; "I can tell you, I had plans before to meet some people {Little Italy}, but because I couldn't find parking, I've just gone home."
In San Diego, ancillary solar and wind-making energy not enough to combat motor vehicle greenhouse gas emissions. WIDENING SIDEWALKS & STREETCARS ARE ANSWERS FOR SAN DIEGO: "San Diego has made enormous strides toward getting more of its electricity from renewable sources such as wind and solar in recent years. But according to the city's latest inventory of greenhouse gas emissions, that progress is being canceled out by the city's biggest source of pollution: cars and trucks.

The findings were buried in the appendix of a climate-monitoring report uploaded to the city's website in March. They underscore the need to decarbonize San Diego's transportation system and build dense, walkable neighborhoods (like Grantville) where more residents can get around without a car. The climate report found that emissions from the generation of electricity fell by an impressive 27% from 2020 through 2021. This was attributed to an increase in renewable energy purchases by both SDG&E and San Diego Community Power, a government-run nonprofit that began purchasing energy on behalf of homes and businesses in 2021.
After 5 years, Congestion Pricing suddenly pulled by Governor Hochul. "Given that New York City has the most extensive public-transportation system in the country, Manhattan is also the place where driving is the least necessary."
"Traffic outside the golf course had been stopped after a man was struck and killed by a shuttle bus around 5 a.m. ET.

Scheffler faces charges of second-degree assault of a police officer, third-degree criminal mischief, reckless driving, and disregarding traffic signals from an officer directing traffic. The assault charge is a felony; the others are misdemeanors."

"Turning Grass into Gasoline: Green Fuel Revolution" - Curiosity Stream (2021)

Ammonia: "Does Toyota Know Something That We Don't?" - Reactions (2024)

Animated film short regarding automobile death

The driver on the bus says, "Move on back"
"Move on back"
"Move on back"
The driver on the bus says, "Move on back"
All through the town

The people on the bus go up and down
Up and down
Up and down
The people on the bus go up and down
All through the town

"Bus Stop" - The Hollies

"Riding in the bus down the boulevard ~ And the place was pretty packed (Yeah!)
Couldn't find a seat so I had to stand ~ With the perverts in the back
It was smelling like a locker room ~ There was junk all over the floor
We're already packed in like sardines ~ But we're stopping to pick up more, look out!....

There's a suitcase poking me in the ribs ~ There's an elbow in my ear
There's a smelly old bum standing next to me ~ Hasn't showered in a year
I think I'm missing a contact lens ~ I think my wallet's gone
And I think this bus is stopping again ~ To let a couple more freaks get on - look out!....

Well I should've got off a couple miles ago
But I couldn't get to the door
There isn't any room for me to breathe
And now we're gonna pick up more - yeaaah"

"The Beep Beep Song" - The Playmates [Animated]

"Women Drivers" - The Playmates

"A Great New Star" (1953) "See the USA" - at 10:15

"Car Names" - Rex Havens

Seek, "Automobile" for more songs and admirations

"Bus Driver Training" - Bob Newhart


Green Vehicle Guide - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

"Green Guide": Choosing a Fuel for Vehicles - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

"Bike vs. Bus vs. Car in Portland! How Biking is Faster, Cheaper, Healthier and Better for the Planet" - City Nerd

"True Cost: Why Turning America's Yellow Buses Electric Costs So Much - Business Insider

"The All-In Cost of Car Dependency 2022: How Driving Wrecks Your Finances (Without You Noticing)" - City Nerd

"You Don't Need to Own a Car (If You Don't Drive to Work)" - Not Just Bikes

"Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts 2020" - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

"B-U-S" Stop in Baltimore



I-695 Construction Zone Crash & Reports - Approximately 12:40 P.M. Wednesday March 22nd, 2023 [And other crashes]



The Vehicle Race: "The Stig, Hammond, May, and Clarkson Cross-London Race" - Top Gear




Tired Vehicles have Roll-Resistance (air tires increases energy needed due to decompress and compress motion - over and over) and Hydro Plane (no traction usually due to water/ice). Is it time to retire some of those tired tired vehicles? They are obviously - tired.

"Blue Sky Thinking: 5 Things to Know About Air Pollution" - United Nations News (2021)

"Dangers Behind Worn Tires on Wet or Snowy Roads" - ABC News (2020)

Heat, Neglect, and Age (6 years or older) "Bad tires can have deadly consequences on the road" - TV 3 Arizona (2019)

Stone Horizontal Divider



Stone Horizontal Divider

"B-U-S" Stop

"I read an article recently that quoted a historian's lament of of {N.Y.C.} Penn Station's demolition: 'One entered the city like a god. One scuttles in now like a rat.' Apply that line of thinking (scaled down appropriately, of course) to Louisville's transportation. Build something of lasting civic use and pride. Build something that appeals (and serves) rich and poor alike that brings someone who could otherwise afford a Lexus down to regular everyday level without offense to sensibilities while simultaneously dignifying those who have little other transport choice much more than a bus. I wish city movers and shakers could think more in the Big Four Bridge-significance mold (look: it was so good, it is still in use today & and by all sorts) and less in the short term."

Moving People Versus Vehicles "5 modes of transport with 200 people" - PTV Group

"What Happened When They Banned Cars" - City Beautiful

"Producing electric vehicles leads to significantly more emissions than producing petrol cars ... which is mostly from the battery production."
- Florian Knobloch Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance

"On Aug. 16, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act, whose climate investments include a muscular effort to convince more Americans to purchase an electric vehicle. .... A day later the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced that American road deaths soared once again in the first quarter of 2022, rising 7 percent to 9,560 fatalities - the highest quarterly toll since 2002. The two news items may seem unrelated, but they are not. If the U.S. auto industry maintains its current habits, the incipient transition to electric cars could further worsen the deadly carnage on America’s roads.

The United States is already a global outlier in traffic deaths. Unlike virtually all other developed countries, where such fatalities declined during the last decade, the U.S. has seen an increase of over 30 percent. Today, an American is more than twice as likely as a citizen of France or Canada to die in a crash. ....
National exceptionalism. Americans drive a lot, relatively speaking, and they take comparatively few transit trips (which are much safer). The U.S. installs fewer automatic traffic cameras, which can save lives, while building many more high-speed urban arterials where road deaths tend to concentrate.
The weight of these behemoths endangers other road users in a crash, and their height leads them to strike a person’s torso instead of their legs (it can also make it difficult to see those standing in front of the vehicle). American deaths among those on foot or a bicycle rose more than 40 percent during the last decade; one study found that the shift to SUVs over the last twenty years led to more than 1,000 additional pedestrian fatalities. ....
The Ford F-150 Lightning, for instance, weighs around 6,500 pounds, about a third more than its gas-powered model. The Hummer EV is even more gigantic, tipping the scales at over 9,000 pounds, with a battery that alone is heavier than an entire Honda Civic. .... Even with heavy batteries, these vehicles’ electric powertrains allow them to accelerate unusually quickly."

"Safety studies have underscored that bigger and heavier tends to mean safer—for those inside the vehicle. Looking entirely to those outside the vehicle, the numbers are less conclusive.
Overweight vehicles can lead to other problems beyond safety. They result in more wear and tear on roads and bridges, and controversial study from the UK also points to an excess of tire emissions from the extra weight of EVs."

Seek, "Tires Tyres Everywhere." Looking to ban tires, at least regulate, <U>is</U> controversial. The facts are not. Tires create more Carbon Emissions.

"If it is going to have to be just additional or more frequent infrastructure maintenance or reconstruction, then that may be the price that we, as a society decide that we're willing to factor into future budgets to get these benefits."

AUTOS "Electric Vehicle Euphoria is Dead. Automakers are Scaling Back or Delaying Their Electric Vehicle Plans" - CNBC (March 13, 2024)

NANO CELLULOSE VEHICLE (2019) [Click to Watch Wood Go!]

"Japan Just Built a Supercar Out of Wood: The Wood-Based Fibers Used to Construct the Car Weigh a Fifth as Much as Steel But are Five Times as Strong." - Robb Report (2019)


"Should Public Transport be Free?" - "Inside Story" - Al Jazzeera

"Tire Rubber-Derived 6-PPD Quinone: Testing for Newly Discovered Environmental Contaminant - Eurofins, SCIEX, and Phenomenex Collaboration

"The Tire Wear Compounds 6PPD-Quinone and 1,3-Diphenylguanidine in an Urban Watershed" - Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology - National Institute of Health (NIH) (August 4th, 2021)

Roads Do Not "Pay for Themselves"
• No transportation system usually pays for itself
• No transit system in the US pays for itself
• Yet we often use "farebox recovery" as fiscal test
• Broader economic benefits of transit
• Not generally attributed to transit investment
• Rarely factored into cost-benefit analysis
• Rarely “captured” to help finance transit system

Bus Fleet - Maryland Transit Administration

SINGAPORE: "Your Public Transport Fare, Explained" -Public Transport Council

"Getting Around Singapore - Types of Transportation" - Living Like Lionel

GERMANY: Mega Future Trains - Megastructures [MAGLEV]

"TOP-10 Traffic Solutions. Future Of Transportation" - Top Box

"Lawyers for the UK government have been in the High Court of Justice in London defending its flagship plan for reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. Three non-profit organisations, ClientEarth, Friends of the Earth and the Good Law Project, argued that the Net Zero Strategy was in breach of the 2008 Climate Change Act over its failure to set out how much individual policies will cut emissions."

Under a mile car trips add up to about 10 billion miles per year - 2009 U.S. National Household Transportation Survey (NHTS) That is the entire population of Chicago driving to Las Vegas and back!

* $900 million in fuel/driving costs

* 2 million metric tons of CO2 emissions = 400,000 cars off road each year.

Under Construction

"How Potholes Can Damage Your Car" - GEICO Living

"How to Drive on Black Ice" - United States Department of Agriculture USDA

"Stop Signs Suck and We Should Get Rid of Them" - Not Just Bikes

"The Truth About Hydrogen" - DW Planet A

"Hydrogen: Fuel of the Future?" - The Economist

"How Much Does It Cost to Buy a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle?" - Motor Biscuit




San Antonio: Renovate and Live in a School Bus! - KSAT TV12

"Why are buses in North America so Ugly to Europeans?" - Motorcoach World

CHINA: "Elevated Bus That Drives Above Traffic Jams" - Panda

- CHINA: "China's Elevated Bus is Going Nowhere" - CNN Business

CHINA: No longer called, "a bus", the example shows exactly why "future above highway travel" will not work. Has to react to every automobile crash. If two cars in opposite direction, it will not be able to pick up its "legs." Airbags great, but cannot go anymore due to car below. Notice: now it not only has rails, but steel rollers - just like a streetcar.

- "Bus with Legs Walks Over Traffic Jams - Future Transport


"Hydroplaning" - Consumer Reports

"Understanding Rolling Resistance!" - Lesics

"From Where and Why rolling resistance comes into action?" - Vatsal Jain

"Blockchain, Cobalt, Slavery... and Your Car (Electric or not)" - Transport Evolved

"Electric Buses Are A Scam" - Adam Something

"Why TrolleyBuses are vastly Superior to Battery Electric Buses!" - The Armchair Urbanist

"Why Light Rail is better than Bus Rapid Transit" - The Armchair Urbamist


"If your child rides the bus half an hour to school and half an hour back everyday from the first day of kindergarten to high school graduation, they will experience the equivalent of 90 full days of exposure to diesel exhaust." Harris said.

This does not include carbon emissions from the tires, which is estimated at least 1,000 more lethal than gasoline/diesel exhaust.


The more powerful batteries, the more vulnerable they are to catching fire. With reducing space between electrodes, more electrolyte can meet, and, just like gasoline, is flammable.

"Electric Bus Bursts Into Flames, Sets Nearby Vehicles on Fire in China" - South Morning China Post

CALIFORNIA: "Massive Fire at Compton Industrial Complex Rips Through Structures, Buses - TV 7 ABC

"Lithium-ion batteries are extremely volatile and incredibly challenging to put out. These fires burn hotter, they burn longer. They take more water. It burned very hot. It melted the roadway underneath it. There was nothing even left of the shell of the vehicle. And little education is out there to help firefighters. ... Massive recalls. The problem is costly. ....
It releases two kinds of contents in the smoke that we need to be aware of: One is Flammable. The other is, 'Toxic.' Just 90% of the gases that were from traction battery ignited, and about 10% of cases, the vapors coming from the traction batteries actually exploded. And the battery packs can reignite up to several days later."

"Electric" Battery Buses

"Electrifying Transit: A Guidebook for Implementing Battery Electric Buses" - U.S. Aid and NREL (April 2021)

"Financial Analysis of Battery Electric Transit Buses" - National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (June 2020)

"Some city transit buses might need 100 miles/day (160 km/day). Depending upon the chemistry selected, the battery pack can weigh from 1,100 lbs (500kg) to 2,200 lbs (1,000 kg). So, the eBus weight is estimated from the basic bus chassis & body (without the ICE components) + the battery pack + electric motor(s) + motor controllers. The short and imprecise answer is around 40,000 lbs (18,200 kg), very roughly for a large city transit bus with a 100-mile range."

"How much does a typical battery-powered bus weigh? How much does the battery pack weigh?" Quora [I am looking for other sources also regarding weight.]

Electric Battery Bus Cost:
Very Lowest: $750,000 which last 12 Years
Highest Cost: Almost 4 Million
Fuel Costs: $129,600 - $259,200 Lifecycle Cost: $879,600 - $1,009,200 [Battery capacity is only 70 - 80%]
Electric Battery Bus Cost: $750,000 12 Year Fuel Costs: $129,600 - $259,200 Lifecycle Cost: $879,600 - $1,009,200 [Battery capacity is only 70 - 80%]
Does not include Hydrogen run busses in this study.

COACH REVIEWS: "Are Electric Buses working out in the US?" [Forward to 1:48]

Search List

Mississauga City Buses 1989 - 2000

At first, "The Future!" and conclusion: build and use trams - streetcars. Carries more people at once, and saves oodles of labor - drivers and mechanics. Use BRT for highway suburbs.
Conclusion: build and use trams - streetcars. Tired trains and trams cannot be heated, thereby challenged to run in winter. Same hydroplane and roll-resistance issues as busses. Documented that the use of tires were because of tire manufacturer in that town or close proximity. Salespeople do make a difference - good or bad.

"Why Trolley Buses are Vastly Superior to Battery Electric Buses!" - Alan Fisher (2020)




"Electric vehicles use more than double the copper of an internal combustion engine automobile, and the metal is also used heavily in EV infrastructure"


"How a Tire is Made" - U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA)







"Where the Rubber Meets the Road: A Brief History of Tires" - The History Guy: History Deserves to Be Remembered [Start at 2:34 Feel free to donate.]

"Mileage in the Making - Story of the Tubeless Tire" (1961) - B.F. GOODRICH [What basic ingredients, and how a tire is made]

"What The Rubber 'Apocalypse' Means For The U.S. Economy" - CNBC

"Why Tire Prices Are Rising" - CNBC


"This is not the way to be. This is a waste. They shouldn't sell it. They should think about it, not commercially, but environmentally. This is what - this is our point of view. This is a disaster. And if they are thinking about it commercially, okay, this will cause more problems." - Owner of Pakistani company purchasing old tires for dismantling purposes (lessening tire landfills).

"We in the rich world are exporting used tires to the third world, because they still have a little rubber left. So we have enjoyed the tire for most of its lifetime, but the poor country gets the waste problem, which I believe is not quite ethical." - Lars Raughougar

- "What Happens To Used Tires?" - Kuwait - Documentary Shorts

"Rubber Tires - a Dirty Business" - DW Documentary

"Rubber Tire Manufacturing: National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)" - Environmental Protection Agency" EPA

"Electric Cars WON'T End Air Pollution: Government Warns That Brake Dust and Tyre Particles From all Vehicles Could Soon 'Have a Greater Public Health Impact Than Exhaust Fumes'" - Daily Mail

"Tires Producing More Particle Pollution Than Tailpipes" - WDET Radio 101.9 FM [Audio Recordings]

"PRESS RELEASE: Emissions Analytics launches new chemical fingerprint tyre database available by subscription" - Emissions Analytics

Brake & Tire Wear Emissions: Vehicle Non-Exhaust Particulate Matter Sources - The State of California, Air Resources Board


"How Old - and Dangerous - Are Your Tires?" - Edmunds

"Your Mileage May Vary" - EPA

Vehicle Rubber Tires Statistics - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Through 2918)

GERMANY: "Continental Reveals Tire Braking Test Vehicle" - Tire Technology International (May 2022)

Global Tire Testing Market, By Testing Type (Tensile Test, Tear Test, Adhesion Test, Compression Test, and Fatigue Test), By Sourcing (In House and Outsourcing), By Vehicle Type, By Region, Competition Forecast and Opportunities, 2017-2027 [BOOK]

Coho Salmon

Coho Salmon [Silver Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)] - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

"List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife; Final rule." - Lower Colombia River with deteriorating Puget Sound is Habitat for Coho Salmon. "Critical" Coho Salmon Life (2013) and Habitat (2016).

"Are Toxic Chemicals From Tires And Playground Surfaces Killing Endangered Salmon?" - U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources (July 15th, 2021)

"Broken Fish: Collapse of the Coho" - Puget Sound (2018) Documentary Film

"Car Tires & Salmon Health: Exploring New Research on Stormwater Impacts" - Fraser Basin Council (2021 Webinar) Worn tires contribute to chemical that kills Coho salmon

"West Coast Salmon Species Is Dying From Car Tire Chemicals" - Now This Earth (2021)

"Tire Rubber-Derived 6-PPD Quinone: Testing for Newly Discovered Environmental Contaminant"-Eurofins Environment and SCIEX

"Secret Life of Salmon" ~ Kids Field Experience - (2022)


99% Coho Salmon GONE - NOW "Endangered Species"

"Toxicity of 6PPD-Quinone to Coho Salmon Under Varied Environmental Conditions"

"Sidewalk Cracks" Tire Care - Street Smarts - KTNV 13

"6PPD: How Tires, Toxic Stormwater, and Salmon Don't Mix" - Stephanie Blair - Puget Soundkeeper


"6PPD-Quinone: Revised Toxicity Assessment and Quantification with a Commercial Standard" - Environmental Science & Technology - Letters (January 11th, 2022)

"6PPD-Quinone: The Environmental Contaminant Killing Coho Salmon" - Food Navigator



"In the present study, 6PPD quinone was found to be toxic to zebrafish larvae with a 24 h LC50 of 308.67 µg/L. ... The zebrafish embryo is a model commonly used to understand acute toxicity, behavioural toxicity, cardiotoxicity, and genotoxicity. The effect of many toxicants to zebrafish embryos is well correlated with those observed for rodents."

"Toxicological Effects of 6PPD and 6PPD-Quinone in Zebrafish Larvae" - Journal of Hazardous Materials (February 15th, 2022)

Trout and Halibut


"Acute Toxicity of the Tire Rubber-Derived Chemical 6PPD-quinone to Four Fishes of Commercial, Cultural, and Ecological Importance" - Environmental Science & Technology - Letters (2022)

Artificial Tire Reefs: Still Need to be Removed

Tires were dumped on purpose for Artificial Reef: "Artificial Reef Made out of Tires Causing Big Mess Off Fort Lauderdale Coast" - WPLG Local 10

"An artificial sea sanctuary made of 25,000 car tyres proved to be a bad idea as divers in France are removing them from the seafloor after it was found to spread pollution &#8230;"

"USTS Texas Clipper: Creation of an Artificial Reef" - USCG Auxiliary Production (November 17th, 2007)

"Tire Safety Rating and Awareness" - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) - United States Department of Transportation

Weight Distribution Regarding Trailer Tires - "Most People Don't Know This About Trailer Tires - Off Grid Adventure

Frederick County: Tire Disposal

Maryland One Stop: Scrap Tire Licensing: No Application Fee [1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD, 21230 Tel: (410) 537-3334]


Will Hemp Make EV Batteries Better?: Texas-Based Company Seeks to Raise Money to Develop and Commercialize Li-ion Alternative - Energy Tech (2022)


Taking fuels just to extract to use another is lunacy. Oil, petroleum, biofuel, gas, fracked gas (nothing "natural") yes can be processed and hydrogen is extracted, but what about all the energy needed in order to do so, wasteful by-products. Reserves need to be left in the ground, never be mined, drilled, pumped, and dumped, especially with all the consequential earthquakes.... Hydrogen fuel cells are only great if extracted from water. And that is expensive. IF someone/people can find a cheaper way, then Hydrogen fuel cells are mot viable and can truly be stamped, "Clean energy."

"New Study: Hydrogen Produced from Natural Gas Delivers Significant U.S. Emissions Reductions" - American Petroleum Institute (2022)

"Providing fuel to power these vehicles presents several challenges. Large investments are required to establish hydrogen production facilities and a convenient hydrogen distribution system to serve the general public. In the near term, pilot hydrogen fueling facilities are being developed that are based on liquid hydrogen, natural gas (steam methane reforming), and electricity (electrolysis). As an alternative, some manufacturers are considering using fuel reformers to allow fuel cell vehicles to use conventional fuels or chemical hydrogen storage." - Environmental Protection Agency

"In the stratosphere, the oxidation of hydrogen increases water vapor, which, in turn, increases the infrared radiative capacity of the stratosphere, leading to stratospheric cooling and an overall warming effect on the climate because energy emitted out to space is now from a cooler temperature; this stratospheric effect accounts for about 30 % of hydrogen’s climate impacts (Paulot et al., 2021). Stratospheric cooling can also lead to an increase in stratospheric polar clouds that enable more ozone-destroying reactions to occur;"

Environmental Protection Agency admits via their "Green Vehicles," Hydrogen extraction process is not, "Zero Carbon Emissions."

"Currently, the majority of hydrogen that is made for use as a fuel comes from natural gas, but hydrogen fuel also can be made from water, oil, coal, and plant material."

"Done wrong, it could be worse for the near-term climate than the fossil fuels it would replace.

While carbon dioxide can be a byproduct of hydrogen production, hydrogen itself emits no carbon dioxide when burned or used in a fuel cell. But when emitted into the atmosphere, Hydrogen contributes to climate change by increasing the amounts of other greenhouse gases such as methane, ozone and water vapor, resulting in indirect warming.

That’s a problem because hydrogen’s small molecule is difficult to contain. It is known to easily leak into the atmosphere throughout the value chain. The farther it travels between production and end-use the greater the potential for leakage."

"Hydrogen Fuel Cell vs Battery Electric - Who Wins the Battle for the Future?" - Creatch & Cars (2023)

"Here's How Long It Takes To Fully Fill A Hydrogen Car!" Out of Spec Reviews (2022)


"What is Lithium?" - Supposed to Have Fun

"The 'White Gold Rush': Inside a Lithium Mine, Where Stores of Recyclable Energy Lie" - "Nightline" ABC

"Powering the Future: The Drive for Lithium" - "CBS Sunday Morning"

"Toxic Cost of Going Green" Cobalt Mining Documentary - Unreported World

"Blood Cobalt: The Congo's Dangerous and Deadly Green Energy Mines" - Foreign Correspondent ABC News: In-depth [70% of Cobalt comes from Democratic Republic of Congo] (2022)

"Cell phones and electric cars rely on the mineral, causing a boom in demand. Locals are hunting for this buried treasure - but are getting almost none of the profit."

"The EV Boom is Being Fueled By Underpaid, Underfed Cobalt Miners: Workers at a Tesla Supplier Say They Can't Get Enough Food or Water on the Job" - The Verge (2022)

"Cobalt Angst Will Turn Carmakers Into Mine Owners" - Reuters (2021)

"How Removing Cobalt From Batteries Can Make EVs Cheaper" - CNBC (2021)

"Lithium-ion Battery, How Does it Work?" - Lesics

"Why The EV Industry Has A Massive Supply Problem" - CNBC (2022)


[WITHOUT PPDS and PAHS? - Does not say. :( ]

"Goodyear SPHERICAL TIRE Presentation" - Goodyear (2016)

"Waitlist Opens for $40.000 Lightyear 2 Solar Car, Due in 2025" - Green Car Reports (2023)


"The Automobile: Its First 100 Years" - WheelsTV

"The Great Love Affair" (1966)

"The Automobile: Its First 100 Years" - Mercedes-Benz North America

"The American Road" - Periscope Film (1953)

The Model T - Henry Ford

Classic Automobile Commercials: Various Chryslers, Various Dodges, Henry Jay, Oldsmobile, Mercury, and Ford

More Classic Automobile Commercials: Various Chevrolets, Ford, De Soto, Ambassador, Various Fords (including famous Edsel), Pontiac, Dodge, Various Lincolns, American Motors Corporation

Ford, Mercury, and Lincoln Automobiles Commercials - They were separate companies until the 1980's.

1939 World's Fair Exhibit: Devoid of public transit, like the big auto executives like.

"Suburbs On Wheels: A History of American Trailer Parks" - Documentary

"The Bug and the Beetle" - Film depicting the alarming amount of foreign cars by General Motors (Early 1970's)

"Why Station Wagons are More Popular in Europe Than in America" - CNBC (2019)

"The Downfall Of The Convertible Car" - Cheddar

"Electric Vehicle Myths" - EPA


"Your ego is dangerous
Your own blood is losing trust
Neighbors left in the dust
You go four, three, two, one, count it, count it down
Stolen throne
Playing god with a heart of stone
The whole world is waiting for you to go
Down, down, down, counting, counting down"

Showcases just how inefficient an automobile, or jeep actually is:

"One Man's Car" - Acted - for Mobil acquiring Socony-Vacuum Oil - and red Pegasus emblem (Late 1940's)

BP Changes Their Signs to AMOCO [BP still has bad Public Relations]

"The American Singers" - American Oil Company Commercial

John & Frank Commercial Festival: British American buyout becomes Gulf (1979) [Part 1]


In the following television ads, the automobile is "humanized;" it sleeps, and worries, and is relieved...

Amoco Ultimate Gasoline (1991)

"The Beverly Hillbillies - "The Clampetts Strike Oil" (Pilot 1962)


"Lithium-ion batteries are extremely volatile and incredibly challenging to put out. These fires burn hotter, they burn longer. They take more water. It burned very hot. It melted the roadway underneath it. There was nothing even left of the shell of the vehicle. And little education is out there to help firefighters. ... Massive recalls. The problem is costly. ....
It releases two kinds of contents in the smoke that we need to be aware of: One is Flammable. The other is, 'Toxic.' Just 90% of the gases that were from traction battery ignited, and about 10% of cases, the vapors coming from the traction batteries actually exploded. And the battery packs can reignite up to several days later."

"Producing electric vehicles leads to significantly more emissions than producing petrol cars ... which is mostly from the battery production." - Florian Knobloch Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance

"Are Electric Cars 'Green'? The Answer is yes, but its Complicated" (2021)

"Are U.S. Cities Ready For A Surge In Electric Cars?" - Cheddar News

"National Grid Becomes First Major Electric Company to Join EV100" - Edison Electric Institute (2021)

"Electric-Vehicle Charging Stations Could Use as Much Power as a Small Town by 2035 and the Grid Isn't Ready" - The Insider (2022)

"Your Guide to EV Batteries: Premature Death, Range Loss and Preservation" - Cars.com

"Car haulers are pushing the Biden administration and lawmakers to increase truck weight limits on U.S. highways so they can transport more heavy electric vehicles, a move fiercely opposed by the rail industry and safety advocates who say the heavier loads are significantly more dangerous.

Even before a recent spike in EV sales, U.S. roads have been carrying heavier loads, as cars and trucks climbed from an average of 3,200 pounds (1,451 kilos) to 4,200 pounds over the last four decades, according to the Environmental Protection Agency."

"Electric Vehicles Have a Weight Problem" - Fast Company (2021)

"America's New Weight Problem: Electric cars" - CNET (2022)

Long-range/haul trucks batteries add 5,300 pounds, even 5,328. By 2050 they may only lose 1,000 of those pounds due to new electric-vehicle batteries.
Engineers are concerned about road and bridge integrity due to weight.
In 2020, American Society of Civil Engineers gave U.S. a “C-" grade for its infrastructure report card, with Bridges earning a “C” and Roads a “D.”
Bus electric battery example is 500 pounds, not including the cooling system, which carries much water.

"Icy Temperatures Cut Electric Vehicle Range Nearly in Half: AAA Research Finds HVAC Use in Frigid Temperatures Causes Substantial Drop in Electric vehicle range" - AAA (2019)


"Using Gasification to Produce Hydrogen" - Gasworld (2022)

"The Sun is not fuel. It is energy."

Hydrogen Fuel! Scientist James Tour Demonstrates Method For Free & Clean Green Energy Alternative" - Dr. James Tour (2023)

"Ford CEO Farley Finally Tells The Truth About Hydrogen Cars!" - Tech Machine (2023)

"Hydrogen Powered Muscle Truck: The Future is HERE! Supercharged LS Classic With Zero Emissions" (2023)


"Sodium Ion Battery" - Science Direct Directory of Articles

"Sodium Comes to the Battery World" - Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN) (2022)

"Sodium Ion Batteries for Vehicles ~ Analysis" - The Limiting Factor (2023)

BYD SEAGULL, SEAL, DOLPHIN, & SEALION Update: World's First Sodium-Battery Powered Automobiles - Future Drive (2023)

The First (or 2nd) SALT Automobile, The Hua Xianzi (The Flower Fairy)


Television Circa 1950

"As Time Goes By" & Hating Parking Meters - Jimmy Durante {January 9th, 1970)

"Driving Miss Daisy" - Driving

"Driving to Alabama" - "Driving Miss Daisy"

"Norm Macdonald Hate Cars and Driving" - Norm Macdonald - "Saturday Night Live"

"Old Yeller" - "Dharma & Greg"

"Driving? I'm God!" - George Carlin

"Edie And The Automobile" - "Last of the Summer Wine"

"Aggressive Drivers" - Louie Anderson

"Idiots in Cars" - 9

Changing Car Tire

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"When streetcars are better than buses (and vice versa)" - Broken Sidewalk TEAR APART FOR CONTENT

Cool mountain bike

Cool mountain bike

Cool mountain bike

Cool mountain bike

Cool mountain bike

Cool mountain bike

Mission Abound

Homes * Any Street * Baltimore * USA * 01234

Any Street * Anytown * Baltimore * USA * 01234
