"16 million small businesses. A little act of hope." - President Biden
"Hickory - The Furniture Capital of the World" - Hickory Metro
"The Truth Behind 'Self-Made' Billionaires" - Robert Reich (2022)
"'Buy Where You Can Work': Boycotting for Jobs in African-American Baltimore, 1933-1934" - Journal of Social History (1994)
A national policy resource center promoting accountability for corporate and government economic development. Fights to increase
transparency and reform public money in the name of economic development. Since 1998, has exposed numerous ways subsidies
to corporations – violate civil and criminal regulations and laws.
BOOK: The Great American Jobs Scam: Corporate Tax Dodging and the Myth of Job Creation - Greg LeRoy (2005) [Free Read]
"One of the things that we found was that the association between payment frequency and spending was essentially lower for
higher income consumers, and that makes sense, right? If I never have to worry about whether or not I'm going to make it through
the month, or if I have such high levels of subjective wealth, I'm feeling pretty good, but the effect really mattered
for lower income populations. Now, in our studies, we essentially focused on that population. We focused on consumers
who were on online platforms, working to get a couple dollars per survey because that's the population that based on our real
world data analysis seemed to be the most impacted."
"People Used to Get Paid Daily. What Happened?" - Rain Technologies
"Wage and Hour Division History" - United States Department of Labor
"The Time to Modernize Government Payroll Systems is Now" - U.S. Chief Information Official Council (CIO) (2018)
A Brief History: The U.S. Department of Labor" - United States Department of Labor
"History of the Organization of Work" - Britannica
"For 95 Percent of Human History, People Worked 15 Hours a Week. Could We Do It Again? An Anthropologist Explains the roots
of our Workaholism and Offers a Vision of a More Leisurely Future" - Inc. Magazine (2020)
Baltimore Metropolitan Black workers represent little share of building trade workforce:
Brick and Stone Masons ?
Carpenters (12%)
Electricians (14%)
Plumbers and pipe fitters (14%)
Operating engineers and construction equipment operators (15%)
Concrete masons (21%)
Construction/building inspectors (20%)
So many less just in Baltimore City.
TRADES - Journey People: Baltimore City 2022 Minimum hourly wage rates [Classification One]
Get Construction Talking - "Anyone can help improve mental health in construction. It's as simple as talking."
"Sorry, New York, and San Francisco: These 4 Red-State Cities Could be the Future of America" - Business Insider (2023)
"Any attempt, to shine a broader light, on different places in the city,
is something I want to get behind." - Mike Rowe
Regarding his love for Baltimore City Citizens
"Give me a job, give me security
Give me a chance to survive
I'm just a poor soul in the unemployment line
My God, I'm hardly alive"
"The Woodwright's Shop"
"What is a good society? What do we want? What should we aspire for or to? ... It seems to be that we are once again
beginning to examine some moral questions about society. And one of the most fundamental moral questions has to do with fairness.
What do we consider to be a fair distribution of income and wealth?" - Robert Reich, Former U.S. Department Secretary
of Labor
"Austerity 101" - Robert Reich, Former Secretary U.S. Department of Labor
"By working people. For working people." - Labor Oriented Radio ~ Rick Smith [LISTEN}
"Our country faces a critical shortage of skilled trades workers, now and for years into the future. Demand is high and
growing for the electricians, carpenters, plumbers, and others who build, maintain, and repair the infrastructure that supports
the entire U.S. economy. But, due to an aging workforce and limited awareness of opportunities in the trades, the supply of
workers trained for these jobs is simply not keeping pace. The gap is already slowing down projects, driving up consumer costs,
and limiting the ability of American companies to adapt quickly to major changes brought on by new technology or regulations.
Where are the workers with the finely honed skills needed to keep our country running? Who will build the highways that
trucks travel to fill grocery store shelves, maintain the systems that keep hospitals functioning to save lives, and service
the electrical grid that powers everything from schools to stock exchanges? Who will build and repair our homes, our cars,
and our energy sources? Where is the pipeline of talented people who love and excel at working with their hands? And how many
Americans are missing out on promising career opportunities because education and training can't keep up with demand?"
- Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) - U.S. Department of Education
"Crafts make us feel rooted, give us a sense of belonging, and connect us with our history. Our ancestors used to create these
crafts out of necessity; and now we do them for fun, to make money, and to express ourselves."
- Phyllis George
"A craftsman knows in advance what the finished result will be, while the artist knows only what it will be when he has finished
it." - W. H. Auden
"Think about it. Everything with a power cord eventually winds up in the trash." - John Sarge
"To the absolutist in every craftsman, each imperfection is a failure; to the practitioner, obsession with perfection seems
a perception for failure." - Richard Sennett
"Each plank... can have only one ideal use. The woodworker must find this ideal use and create an object of utility to man,
and if nature smiles, an object of lasting beauty. - George Nakashima
Woodworking minus patience equals firewood. - Unknown
Better tools save time; they don't make you a better craftsman! - Unknown
"Know safety, no injury. No safety - know injury." Unknown
We have a crisis in the United States. Our skilled carpenters are mainly senior citizens, rapidly retiring their well-worn
hands that have turned legs, whittled sculptures, and beaded fireplace mantels for many decades. When you see today an ad
for, "Carpentry school," read the description. What it most likely will say is, "construction carpentry,"
skills to build buildings, not kitchen cabinets, or sink basins, not furniture. Just like music was taken out of public schools.
so has woodworking. Woodworking classes are so important, as one develops hand-eye coordination, as well as learn whether
this is the what they like doing; intentionally for those to become carpenter apprentices and journeymen and then masters.
A carpenter makes more than furniture: clock fixtures, signs, woodcarvings, closets, boats and ships, bookshelves, sculptures,
puzzles, wheels, and religious items, such as arks and Torah scroll holders.... Carpenters cut wood and make house and commercial
floors. When carpenters place inlays in walls, floors, sculpture and furniture, they are called, "Ebonists." In
Baltimore City, Mergenthaler Vocational-Technical High School teaches construction carpentry, but no woodworking.
BREAKING GROUND: A First Look at American High School Trades Education - ERIC
THE PROBLEM: There is a lack of people going into trades, especially carpenters. Society of the United States has chosen
for 70 years to increasingly ridicule those who do not go to college, and work with their hands. The predominant amount of
tradespeople are now senior citizens. What was once called, "Vocational Arts" became "Vocational" then
"Shop" and then taken out almost all together from every school in the nation. In our haste to attempt to end classism,
which exists more than ever, we forgot the myriad of beneficial human development the vocational arts offer to every student.
"WHERE HAVE ALL THE CARPENTERS GONE?" ["Why the Trade Labor Shortage is Only Beginning...."]
WATCH: "The Tradesmen: Making an Art of Work" - PBS
"Today's Agenda: Cutting Down on Meetings" - "CBS Sunday Morning" (2023)
"Modernize or Die"
"Manufacturing Construction" Lack of Skilled Workers Moves Offsite/Offshore - Special Report - B1M
Some Cuss Language
Some Cuss Language
"Economic Development" - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2017)
"Tech Monopolies" - "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" (2022)
"Artificial Intelligence" - "Last Week Tonight With John Oliver" (February 26th, 2023)
Some Cuss Language
Some Cuss Language
"Workforce Wire: Half of Black Workers Want to Quit - Here's What Companies Can do Better" - CNBC (2023)
"Significant EEOC Race/Color Cases (Covering Private and Federal Sectors)" - U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
"Struck-by incidents are the 2nd leading cause of death among construction workers, and the leading cause of nonfatal
injuries in the construction industry."
OSHA and CPWR Alliance: "CPWR - The Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR)" - U.S. Department of Labor Occupational
Safety and Health Administration
OSHA and CPWR Alliance: "CPWR - The Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR)" - U.S. Department of Labor Occupational
Safety and Health Administration
Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR) - The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) |
CDC, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Amidst "Journeyman" directives is Child Labor [Page 7 - 9] - CS/CS/HB 917 | Florida House of Representatives 2024
CS/CS/HB 917: Career and Technical Education" - Florida House of Representatives 2024
Amidst "Journeyman" directive is Child Labor [Page 6 - 8] - SB 460 | Florida Senate 2024
CS/CS/CS/SB 460: "Career and Technical Education" - Florida Senate 2024
"Teens would be allowed to work in residential building construction if they:
+Are not working at heights above 6 feet;
+ Have an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)-10 certification;
+ Are supervised by someone 21+ with two years of experience and an OSHA-10 certification; and
+ Are not doing work that violates the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) rules, or any other federal child labor laws."
"Florida Legislature Closer to Banning Local Heat Protections for Outdoor Workers" - Health News Florida
"Extreme heat is really insidious. It affects a wide range of bodily functions. It makes your heart pump
harder. With your respiratory system, it makes breathing harder. And when you’re breathing in hot
air, that makes your respiratory system work harder, too." - "Florida State University Professor Christopher Uejio,
who studies the climate change health impacts.

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Become an Entrepreneur through Vocational Trades! Never will your job be replaced by a machine or sent overseas.