HOME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MISSION ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~ DEFINITIONS ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~1~~~~~~ REPARATIONS
~~~~~~3~~~~~~ HOUSES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOME FINANCING ~~~~~~~~
The Tenant: Rentals
~~~~~~4~~~~~~ WORK
~~~~~~5~~~~~~ TRANSPORTATION ~~~~~~~~~~
Tires Tyres Everywhere ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ World Circle Loop Lines & Baltimore Legend
~~~~~~~~ MDOT:MDTA~MTA ~~~~~~~~
Transport Overflow
~~~~~~6~~~~~~ POLLUTIONS = POISONS ~~~~~~~~
AT WHAT COST ~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~ 7 ~~~~ ENERGIES
~~~~~~~~~~ TRASH ALTERNATIVES ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~8~~~~~~ NATURE RESTORATION ~~~~~~~~
Becoming a "SPONGE CITY"
Baltimore-Specific Studies
World Ecology Impact
~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE COMMONS ~~~~~~~~
HOMEWORK: What To Do Now

Baltimore Serenade: Ecosystem Guardians Embracing Impactful & Peaceful Climate Solutions

Energies: Baltimore Uses

What energies Baltimore currently uses, and what is needed to change - to Save Baltimore from the ravages of Greenhouse Effect.

"They told me to shovel more coal in the boiler...
They told me to pour some more oil in the burner...
Coal in the boiler --> NO GOOD
Oil in the burner --> NO GOOD
Coal? --> NO

I've got ||cling cling|| pfsssss steam heat.
I've got ||cling cling|| pfsssss steam heat.
I've got ||cling cling|| pfsssss steam heat.
But I can't get warm without your hand to hold"

There is only so much oil in the ground
Sooner or later there won't be much around
Tell that to your kids while you driving 'round downtown
That there's only so much oil in the ground

We can't cut loose without that juice
Can't cut loose without that juice
If we keep on like we're doing
Things for sure will not be cool
It's a fact we just ain't got sufficient fuel


"Maryland consumes more than five times as much energy as it produces."

"2022 Public Power Statistical Report" - Public Power Magazine

"Going Local: Municipalization Empowers Communities" - American Public Power Association (APPA)

Under Construction

Energy 101: Hydropower - U.S. Department of Energy

How Hydropower/Hydroelectric Works" - Beakman's World"

"How do Waterwheels Work?" World's Largest Waterwheel - Isle of Man - Liv Boeree


"Baltimore Welcomes Its Fourth Trash Wheel: 'Gwynnda the Good Wheel of the West'" - South Baltimore Gateway Partnership

"A World Without Water" - Real Stories

"Pumping Station Driven by a Water Wheel" - Technology & Science In Islam

"Old windmill home pumps water & could inspire future dwellings"

"How Flour Is Made At A Traditional Watermill"

Barsha Pump Water Wheels

"How A Wind Powered Sawmill Works" - Wranglestar

"How Wells & Aquifers Actually Work" - Grady Hillhouse - Practical Engineering

CAPM 2.0 Ducted Wind Video - Michael Simons

"Electric Power" - Neil deGrasse Tyson

"Friction" - Neil deGrasse Tyson


"Energy Basics: Geothermal"- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

"Why don't we all just use Geothermal Energy?" - Just Have a Think

"When warming a building, geothermal heat pumps rely on a system of pipes, pumps, and glycol/water solutions to extract heat from the ground, lakes, and ponds. When in air conditioning mode, the pumps reverse the flow to discharge heat. These pumps do not have outdoor coils or components that can be damaged, thereby also saving on maintenance costs. In fact, geothermal heat pumps have the lowest life cycle costs for space heating, water heating, and air conditioning."

"Warm Water Underfloor Heating": The Ultimate Guide

"How to Install Radiant Heat Ceilings" - "This Old House"

"How a Geothermal Heat Pump Works" - "This Old House"

What is & How does a Gyroscope Work? - "Beakman's World"

"Roads to Nowhere: How Infrastructure Built on American Inequality" - The Guardian

"DISRUPTION: Baltimore's Highway To Nowhere" - Environmental Justice Journalism Initiative

"'Highway To Nowhere' Demolition Begins" - WBAL TV11 NBC

"Righting an old wrong: Baltimore's Highway to Nowhere" - WMAR TV2 ABC

"How Does the Power Grid Work?" - Practical Engineering

"How Electricity Generation Really Works" - Practical Engineering

Various Installation Choices

"How to Install DIY Radiant Floor Heating" - "This Old House"

"Installing Radiant Heat Between Joists. Retrofit Radiant Heat Into Your Home or for New Construction"

"Earthmother Multi-function Panel for Dry Floor Heating"

"One of the Fastest Floor Heating Installation System" - Multiple Rooms

"Introduction to Ecowarm Radiant Heating"

"Suspended Underfloor Heating" - TorFloor - OMNIE

By Baltimore choosing hydronic geothermal energy to: heat, cool, and create electricity, make gyroscope-type wind turbines, and cisterns and tanks for the geothermal city-wide system (yes - industry - jobs, tax-cutter, prosperity...), Baltimore will have a glorious future. Less than this continues slow miserable death through smoke and fog = "smog", especially for children.

"Did Hooterville Electric Cause Great Northeast Blackout of 1965?" - "Green Acres"

"Homer Saves Springfield From a Nuclear Meltdown" - "The Simpsons"

For Baltimore, the answer may be Low-Enthalpy Geothermal Energy

"Low-Enthalpy Geothermal Energy Resources from Groundwater in Fluvioglacial Gravels of Buried Valleys" - Applied Energy (2003)

"Geotermia · Bodegas Regalía de Ollauri" - Wine Industry in Spain uses Geothermal

"Low temperature geothermal energy" - GRETA - EU & Alpine Space


Benefits of Geothermal Heat Pump Systems

The biggest benefit of geothermal heat pumps are that they use 25% to 50% less electricity than conventional heating or cooling systems. This translates into a geothermal heat pump using one unit of electricity to move three units of heat from the earth. According to the EPA, geothermal heat pumps can reduce energy consumption -- and corresponding emissions -- up to 44% compared with air-source heat pumps and up to 72% compared with electric resistance heating with standard air-conditioning equipment. Geothermal heat pumps also improve humidity control by maintaining about 50% relative indoor humidity, making geothermal heat pumps very effective in humid areas.

Geothermal heat pump systems allow for design flexibility and can be installed in both new and retrofit situations. In addition, the hardware may require less space than a conventional HVAC system, thus possibly freeing up space for other uses. Geothermal heat pump systems also provide excellent "zone" space conditioning, allowing different parts of your home to be heated or cooled to different temperatures.

The underground piping associated with geothermal heat systems often carry warranties of 25 to 50 years, and the heat pumps often last 20 years or more. In addition, the components in the living space are easily accessible, which increases the convenience factor and helps ensure that the upkeep is done on a timely basis.

Geothermal heat pumps have no outside condensing units like air conditioners, so there's no concern about noise outside the home. A two-speed geothermal heat system is so quiet inside a house that users usually do not know it is operating. - U.S. Department of Energy

"Choosing and Installing Geothermal Heat Pumps" - U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

"Having the USGS, the U.S. Geological Survey, involved in helping us do really granular resource mapping, so we can see on the very small scale, where are the hottest spots? Where are we going to find the best heat sources?"

Europe is Becoming Self-Sufficient Through Sharing Energy: "Europe is Building a Massive Undersea Power Network" - Tomorrow's Build

Various Geothermal Systems

"The Minewater Project 2.0 2010" - Coal Mine Tunnels Used for Geothermal Energy - Heerlen, Netherlands,

MIJNWATER - The Netherlands: Converting Mine Passages into Geothermal Use - Eliminating need for Gas in present and new homes due to population growth

"Deep Geothermal at EDEN PROJECT" - Cornwall, England - Fully Charged

Geothermal Will Change Our World... ForEavor" Eavor

"Drilling into the geothermal future: the Landmark Success of the First Deep Deviated Well" - Forge Utah - Milford, Utah (2021)


"Air Ducts - Tips to Prevent Contamination"

"Dirty Ducts & Indoor Air Quality"

"Should You Have the Air Ducts in Your Home Cleaned?" - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

"The basic cooling technology behind air conditioning and refrigerators hasn’t changed significantly since 1902, when a young American engineer named Willis Carrier devised the first air conditioner to solve a humidity problem for a printing company in New York City."

Retrofit Automobile Air Conditioners - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

"U.S. Will Dramatically Cut Climate-Damaging Greenhouse Gases with New Program Aimed at Chemicals Used in Air Conditioning, Refrigeration" - End to HFC's for Air Conditioners - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

"Airborne Bioaerosols and Their Impact on Human Health"

"The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality" - EPA

"It's uncomfortable and even dangerous to live in a house where the air either makes you sick or aggravates allergies and asthma."

1. Floor Plans - Blueprints: Architect and Designers
2. Foundation and Exterior Stairs: Stone and Brick Masons
3. Trusses, Beams, Columns, Joists...: Carpenters
4. Roof: Carpenters and Roof Installers
5. Gutters and Rain-barrels - Water Collection: Roof Installers
6. Exterior Walls: Stone and Brick Masons and Carpenters
7. Interior Walls, Lath, Floors, and Ceilings: Carpenters
8. Interior stairs: Carpenters
9. Electricity: Electrician
10. Door Framing and Doors and Window Frames and Sills
11. Pipes, Sewage, and Water/Waterless Heaters: Plumbers
12. Heating and Cooling: Plumbers and HVAC Installers
13. Plaster: Plasterers
14. Cabinets and other Built-ins: Carpenters
15. Painter: Painters
16. Toilet Installations: Plumbers
17. Bathroom and Kitchen Backsplash and Tiles: Tilers
18. Kitchen Appliances: Installers from company purchased
19. Yard - Gardening

Make a birdhouse. Make a teapoy.

This Old House - Old House and Building Expertise, Knowledge of USA Filming: Baltimore Promotion
Mike Row - Scholarships for Trades
Habitat for Humanity - assembly line, streamline experience
International Ground Source Heat Pump Association - Accredited Training for Geothermal installations, systems Will come to Baltimore to train.

"A Geothermal Teacher Guide for Grades 9-12" - United States of America Department of Energy

International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA): Training

Deep Earth Energy Production Well 1, Torquay, Saskatchewan

"Eversource Gas President Announces Geothermal Pilot Projects" - "We think it {Geothermal} has a lot of merit and worth"

Massachusetts' 2008 Global Warming Solutions Act requires emissions from burning fossil fuels, like natural gas, be cut by 80% economy-wide by 2050. A "natural" gas company, Eversource, is shifting its operations to geothermal, as the "Global Warming Solutions Act" would otherwise put them essentially out of business. Gas is out of kilter with how we must live.

"Global Warming Solutions Act" - Massachusetts (2008)

"Electric slide Harvard Law Environmental Law Clinic is Helping Massachusetts Cities and Towns Lead the Country to Reach Net Zero by 2050" Harvard Law Today

"Biomass: How Clean is Energy From Waste and Plants Really? - DW Planet A (2022)

"Nuclear Power Is Not Carbon-Free" - Michel Lee - "Enviro Close Up"

Geothermal Using Coal Mine Tunnels in Poland

"Geothermal stories: What Can We Do With the Hot Water?" - "Eniscuola Energy and Environment"

"Geothermal Energy is Poised for a Big Breakout" - Vox (2020)


Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022 - Maryland General Assembly


"Sustainable Energy Transition" - Lancaster Environment Centre (UK) [Solar-focused]

Picture of smokestacks; Size=130 pixels wide


"Why Steam Pours From New York City Streets" - Cheddar News

"Living City: A City Shaped by Steam" - The New York Times

"The Secret Infrastructure Beneath NYC" - Cheddar News

"Con Ed's Steam System An Endangered Species" - The New York Times (December 27th, 1977)

"How NYC Lights Up More Than 1,000,000 Buildings" - Cheddar News

How Hydropower/Hydroelectric Works" - Beakman's World"


"The Future of Solid State Wind Energy: No More Blades" - Undecided with Matt Ferrell


A political rally; Size=240 pixels wide

Here's another picture of supporters of our cause.

Picture of smokestacks; Size=130 pixels wide

"How AT&T Doubled In Size After A Government Breakup" - Tech Insider

"As explained in the CIS, the primary competitive issue presented by Exelon’s merger with Constellation is the potential that the combined portfolio of the merged firm would substantially increase the likelihood that the merged firm would find it profitable to withhold output and raise price. The cost of operating a generating unit varies depending on the cost of fuel for the unit and the efficiency of the unit’s technology in transforming the energy in fuel into electricity. Baseload units, such as nuclear and efficient coal-fired steam, typically generate electricity around the clock during most of the year at relatively low cost. These low-cost units, which run frequently, benefit from an increase in wholesale electricity prices and thus act as an incentive for a firm to attempt to raise prices. ....

Here, by giving post-merger Exelon an increased amount of relatively lower-cost capacity, combined with an increased share of higher-cost capacity, the merger substantially increases the likelihood that Exelon would find it profitable to withhold output and raise price by giving Exelon both additional incentive and additional ability to reduce output and raise market prices. [P7]

Exelon SEC Filing (2008)

We may also include a link to download our position papers on this page.

Campaign Headquarters * Any Street * Anytown * US * 01234

Mission Abound

Homes * Any Street * Baltimore * USA * 01234

Any Street * Anytown * Baltimore * USA * 01234
