Boats & Ships
"Don't hang around and let your problems surround you
There are movie shows ~ downtown.
Maybe you know some little places to go to
Where they never close ~ downtown."
Yes, Petula writes songs.

"How Waste Is Dealt With On The World's Largest Cruise Ship" - Business Insider
"Every day when the work is behind you
When the shop and the store put the lock on the door
Just get away where your worries won't find you
If you like, well, I'll tell you more
I'll tell you more ...
I know a place!
Where the music is fine and the lights are always low!
I know a place where we can go, yes I do!"
"The Ed Sullivan Show"
"Ferry Tales of the Chesapeake Bay" - What's Up Media
People - they rush everywhere
Each with their own secret care
So, ferry cross the Mersey
Always take me there
The place I love