Welcome!!!! We are overjoyed
you will join us !!!!
Serenade Spring Topic:
Insect Population & What You Can Do
Serenade's intention through Project Parties commencing in all four seasons, is
to raise awareness of the importance of nature connection through fun and collective
efforts. Through preparation and the effort of having fun, you can constructively
effect restoration of the web of life. Serenade’s
hope is that through repetition of activities you will reweave the tapestry
of nature connection and make new traditions for your family that will continue
for generations to come.
Complimentary Conference
Sunday, June
22nd, 2025
8:00 PM EST ~ 7:00 PM CST ~ 6:00 PM MST ~ 5:00 PM PST [For all year Standard Time locations during
Daylight Saving, please coordinate.] Conference Telephone Number: Participant Access Code: The call will last approximately one hour.
Note: A computer is not mandatory to join, but helpful to have use of in order to
seek pertaining topical information on Serenade website."
The Challenges:
Insect Population Dwindling
David L. Wagner is a Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at University of Connecticut.
He explains the reason the insect population is disappearing.
"Plummeting Insect Numbers 'Threaten Collapse of Nature'" - The Guardian
"All Insects Will Be Extinct Within 100 Years, Due To Heavy Use Of Pesticide & Human Activity" - India Times
Neonics — which kill bees — were banned in the European Union last year
Solutions: [This is where we, our call comes in - brainstorming
what we each, and collectively will - can do.]
"The U.S. Wants to Dump 1.5 Tons of Rat Poison Pellets on the Farallon Islands. Biologists say its for the Best" - The Los
Angeles Times
Solutions: What Solutions May Be Better? Marine animals, endangered
"The 2017 Agricultural Symposium explored the underlying drivers of consolidation in the agricultural
"House Democrats Gear Up to Block Planned Move of USDA Research Agencies" - American Association for the Advancement of Science(AAAS)
December 20th, 2018
"USDA plan to move offices sparks concerns about research" - Associated Press via ABC News
"Relocating Research Agencies to Kansas City is Bad Move for US Agriculture" - Organic Seed Alliance