Great suggestions!
"Toxic Laundry Detergent Ingredients to Avoid" - Mother Earth Living
"31 Ways to Spring Clean With Everyday Household Items"
"The U.K. Has Banned Microbeads. Why?" - The New York Times
Anti-bacterial soaps sound good, to effectively kill bacteria, but they're no more effective than conventional soap
and water. They also contain ingredient triclosan, a chemical that can enter one's bloodstream,
leech into waterways, increase the risk of developing allergies, interfere with thyroid regulation, and even accelerating the
evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
"5 Things to Know About Triclosan" - Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
As the market for air fresheners in aerosol, solid, or plug-in form has grown, there is remarkable concern over
harmful pollutants they often contain. Phthalates, found in children's toys are banned in some states due to hormonal and
reproductive disruptions. Carcinogens like naphthalene and formaldehyde are also some of the most common toxins.
Phthalates Factsheet - Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)