Serenade Spring / Summer Project Parties


Onward Pollinators!
2 Why Grow Food?
What is in a Name? Animals & Plants
5 AGRICULTURE: Farming & Gardening
Taxonomy of Fruits and Vegetables
Indoor Plants
COMPOST & Food Consumption
Health & Nutrition
Food Movements
Food Spies Like Us
ANIMAL TRACKS: Gardens, Shelters, Ponds....
Birds of North America
Freshwater Fish of America
RECIPES & Store/Pickle/Can....
MANAGE: Disease, Eaters, & Weeds
Invasive Species: U.S.A - States & Provinces
North American and Global Invasive Species: CANADA, GREENLAND, MEXICO, ARTIC CIRCLE...
EARTH Building and Design
Greening Your Home
Our Eco House!
ACTIVITIES: Crafts, Games, Stories & Songs
Nature Power Superheroes
Visual Messengers
Gardener's Hall of Fame
Honorable Mentions
Fictional Nature Lover Characters Hall of Fame
Horticulture Therapy
Naturally Spiritual & Religious
Hospital for Conservation
The Giving Life
Contact Us
Keep Them Wild
Schools Ban Wi-Fi
5G Ownership
Classes, Webinars, Streams, & Ask Experts
Businesses Galore!
Greater Sage Grouse
Serenade Archive Conference Calls!
Summer Conference Call June 22nd!!!!
John Denver Songs
Carly Simon Songs
USA Environment

Music ~  is the magical newspaper. - Jack Healey

"Inch by inch, row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
All it takes is a rake and a hoe
And a piece of fertile ground"
- The Garden Song

WELCOME! New additions added at least weekly!

These are songs that are to entice, inspire, challenge, and move you. There are songs about growing vegetables and communing with nature. There are songs that are specific to loving where one lives, or an affinity to a place, times gone by, and times to come - with choosing restoration and conservation. There are songs that are about animals and plants. There are songs wailing pain, travesties, and souls of the Earth. There are songs of joy and testaments to various species and their resilience. There are songs that challenge complacency, and rage in the dignity of exploring the depth of shame. There are songs of redemption; offering "aha" - the turning point of "self," renouncing behaviours of the past, forgiveness for trespasses - and the awesome commitment to do - "different." There are songs that challenge the aspect of childhood innocence due to an uncertain future, and consequences for generations to come. There are also songs - peace anthems: because war kills SO many animals - and they were never the culprits. Left wounded - and never counted. Many songs over the years acquire new meanings, so please close your eyes and listen to the song before watching the video. And then there are videos that enhance; showing the beauty of nature. Celebrate the beauty and wonderment of Planet Earth, and all its creatures, and the prospect - that everyone has a home; all creatures - great and small.

The musicians are listed alphabetically by band and individual names. The list represents the international community; instrumentals and vocals in various languages. If a solo artist is also part of multiple duos, bands, and groups, he or she is listed by their last name. Song lyrics and performances are linked to artists' accounts and websites as available by them. Enjoy all the songs, lyrics, and poignant quotes! Learn to play new songs through strumming the chords! Experience new music!
[You will notice many songs without lyrics. Unfortunately, there are many with wrong words, and/or missing verses.... Will be added as able to be corrected or found.]
["HISTORIC VALUE" = The content needs to be placed in the time of which the song was presented to the public at the inception of sharing it with the public. Some uses and characterizations can be today offensive.]

Please Start by Watching:

"Soul Meets Body" - Death Cab for Cutie

"Pass it on Down" - Alabama

The original link, the National Park Service's link to the film and song, has - disappeared.  It was commissioned in early 1990's.  In the Summer of 2019, with no explanation, the film was removed.  Above is only link found in existence. 

"Earth Song" - Michael Jackson

"Don't Lie to Me" - Barbara Streisand

Magne "Mags" Furuholmen, songwriter, keyboardist, and visual artist best known for being in the band, "A-ha."  This is a solo work.  Notice A-ha featured visually in the video.  What is your interpretation of being included?

Many artists decided to name their band after animals and naturalists.  Find out why!

Beetle to Beatle Evolution

Walking across Abby Road!

In a 1964 interview with Jim Steck, a news reporter with the LA music radio station KRLA-FM, John Lennon shares coming up with band name "Beetles -> Beatles":

John: Well, I remembered the other day when somebody mentioned the Crickets at a press conference. I'd forgotten all about that. I was looking for a name like the Crickets that meant two things, and from Crickets I got to Beetles. I changed to the B-e-a because it didn't mean two things on its own -- B, double-e-t-l-e-s didn't mean two things. So, I changed the 'a,' added the 'e' to the 'a', and it meant two things, then.

JS: What two things, specifically?

John: I mean, it didn't have to mean two things, but it said... It was beat and beetles, and when you said it, people thought of crawly things, and when you read it, it was beat music.

Why Name Beatles? - 1964 Radio Audio Recording (with additional film clips)

Jethro Tull Pop-up depicting tools and a garden. Album, "Stand"

Jethro Tull was named after, well, Jethro Tull.  Perhaps Jethro inspired the band to think of beats as seeds, and strumming a guitar as the drill patterns his ploughs made, "It was named a drill because when farmers used to sow their beans and peas into channels or furrows by hand, they called that action, 'drilling.'"

About Jethro Tull - the Agricultural Pioneer (1664 1741) Inventor of the seed drill, the horse drawn hoe, and an improved plough

The Byrds, influenced by The Beatles, chose an animal name, and changed one letter too. 
Regarding the Byrds first hit, "I was singing to God and I was saying that God was the Tambourine Man and I was saying to him, 'Hey, God, take me for a trip and I'll follow you.' It was a prayer of submission." And how better  to take a trip - than to be a bird and fly?

The Animals, Animal Liberation Orchestra, The Zebras, The Monkees, The Straycats, The Crickets, The Turtles....

Numbers & A - G

3 Dog Night

"How can people be so heartless
You know I'm hung up on you
Easy to be proud
Easy to say no

Especially people who care about strangers
Who care about evil and social injustice
Do you only care about being proud
How about I need a friend, I need a friend"

"Jeremiah was a bullfrog
Was a good friend of mine
I never understood a single word he said
But I helped him a-drink his wine
And he always had some mighty fine wine....

If I were the king of the world
Tell you what I'd do
I'd throw away the cars and the bars and the war....

Sing it now
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me"

"Wash away my troubles, wash away my pain
With the rain in Shambala
Wash away my sorrow, wash away my shame
With the rain in Shambala"

3 Doors Down

"I took a walk around the world to
Ease my troubled mind
I left my body lying somewhere
In the sands of time
I watched the world float to the dark
Side of the moon
I feel there is nothing I can do"

10 CC

"You've got to beware
If you're walking on air
Keep your feet on the ground"

"I'll wreak my wrath
On all blood donors
And their sisters
Visiting time - and flowers"

"Where on earth do I begin....

I saw her walking on the water
As the sharks were comin' for me....

So if you're travelin' in the sky
Don't be surprised if someone said,
'Hi, I'm Mandy.  Fly me ~ "

"Let's get this romance cooking honey, but let us not forget
'Life is a minestrone served up with parmesan cheese
Death is a cold lasagne suspended in deep freeze....

Love is a fire of flaming brandy, upon a crepe suzette'"

"Too many broken hearts have fallen in the river
Too many lonely souls have drifted out to sea....

The weather's turned and all the lines are down

Like walking in the rain and the snow
When there's nowhere to go
And you're feelin' like a part of you is dying
And you're looking for the answer in her eyes
You think you're gonna break up
Then she says she wants to make up....

The things we do for love, the things we do for love"

Godley & Creme

"You don't know how to ease my pain
Don't you hear any voices crying?

That's the sound of my love dying
Or is it the rain?"

"Gimme sausage, egg and beans and chips
milkshakes, clambakes, fondue & dips
and sauces, horses, 17 courses
of barbequed beef with asparagus tips
rashers of bacon, bagels and lox
and tandoori prawns and a box of chocs
spaghetti with mussels, palma hams
& deep frozen waffles with syrup & jams

 My willpower's gone
 I'm down on my knees
 Praying to the God of cottage cheese"

10,000 Maniacs

"The color of the sky as far as I can see is coal grey.
Lift my head from the pillow and then fall again.
With a shiver in my bones just thinking about the weather.
A quiver in my lips as if I might cry.

Well, by the force of will my lungs are filled - and so I breathe.
Lately it seems this big bed is where I never leave.
Shiver in my bones just thinking about  - the weather.
Quiver in my voice as I cry. "


"Angel, angel or so
Wherever you may go
Hmm, yeah...
I'll follow"

"One time, just once in my life.
Yeah one time, to know it can't happen twice
One shot on a clear blue sky.
One look, I see the reasons why you cared....

Don't throw your lifeline away"

"I can't see me in this lonely town
Not a friendly face around
Can you hear me when I speak out loud
Hear my voice above the crowd

And I try and I try and I try
But it never comes out right
Yes I try and I try and I try
But I never get it right

It's a
Minor Earth Major Sky"

"Please don't ask me to defend
The shameful lowlands of the way I'm drifting
Gloomily through time.
I reached inside myself today
Thinking there's got to be some way
To keep my troubles distant


"Flyin’ high, high
I’m a bird in the sky
I’m an eagle that
rides on the breeze
High, high
what a feeling to fly
over mountains and forests
and seas
- and to go anywhere
that I please"

"Long awaited darkness falls
Casting shadows on the walls
In the twilight hour I am alone
Sitting near the fireplace
Dying embers warm my face

In this peaceful solitude
All the outside world subdued
Everything comes back to me again ~
In the gloom
Like an angel passing through my room"

"Yellow eyes are glowing like the neon lights
Yellow eyes, the spotlights of the city nights
I am behind you
I always find you
I am the tiger
People who fear me
Never come near me
I am the tiger

The city is a prison. You'll never escape
You're forever trapped in the alleys
Look into the shadows, and you'll see the shape
Of me!"

"Flowers in a desert need a drop of rain
Like a woman needs her man
If a man's in love and his woman wants the moon
Then he'll take it down if he can"

"Thinking I belonged there
I figured it made sense
Building me a fence
Building me a home
Thinking I'd be strong there

But I was a fool
Playing by the rules"

"Thank You For the Music" | "Sunday Night"

Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame Inductees - "It was the Swedish folk music...."

"The Joy Of ABBA" - BBC

"The Last Video" - Delicious ABBA Farce!

Roy Acuff

"What a beautiful thought I am thinking
Concerning a great speckled bird.
Remember her name is recorded,
On the pages of God's Holy Word....

She is spreading her wings for a journey
She's going to leave by and by
When the trumpet shall sound in the morning
She'll rise and go up in the sky....

I'll be joyfully carried to meet Him
On the wings of that great speckled bird"


"I met a blind man
Who taught me how to see....

I thank God I woke up from the dream
Because here comes the sun and we'll be chasing all the clouds
The way bees chase honey
And drink all the flowers dry"

"Even a rock will crumble
If you strike it night and day
If hammer I must, I'm gonna get through your crust
Gonna chip that stone away"

"Wake up kid, it's half past youth
Ain't never really change but the dates
You're a grand slammer, but you no Babe Ruth
You gotta learn how to relate
Or you'll be swinging from the pearly gate

I got all answers but lo' and behold
You've got the right key baby,
But the wrong key hole ~ Yo"

"We gotta do what it takes
Cause it's all in our hands
We all make mistakes....

Take another breath
And say another prayer....

Do you see a bluer sky now
You could have a better life now
Open your eyes"

"There's a hole in my soul
That's been killing me forever
It's a place where a garden never grows"

"I wanna keep that dream alive
And eat that honey from the hive
With all the noise and all the glamor"

"There's somethin' wrong with the world today
I don't know what it is
Something's wrong with our eyes
We're seein' things in a different way
And God knows it ain't his....

There's somethin' wrong with the world today
The light bulb's gettin dim
There's meltdown in the sky"

Caution: "f" word is sung in this version.

"Lord, I must be dreamin'
What else could this be?
Everybody's screamin'
Runnin' for the sea
Holy lands are sinkin'
Birds take to the sky
The prophets all are stinkin' drunk
I know the reason why....

One of these days you'll be sorry
Too many houses on the stilt....

Man has known and now he's blown it
Upside down and hell's the only sound, we did an awful job
And now we're just a little too late"

Poppy Ajudha

"Oh it rains, dark clouds
Into my river for you
Then it readies, it burns
Until I fall into you
We make it, we shape it
Oh I find myself split in two"


"I've seen him plow a field of corn all day
That's reality
His overalls are black with dirt
But his face is still full of dignity"

"Whitetail buck deer munchin' on clover
Red-tailed hawk sitting on a limb
Chubby ol' groundhog
Croakin' bullfrog
Free as a feeling in the wind"

"We didn't know the times were lean,
'Round our house the grass was green,
It didn't seem like things were all that bad"

"I remember down in Houston
We were puttin' on a show
When a cowboy in the back stood up and yelled,
'Cotton-Eyed Joe!'

He said, 'We love what you're doin'.
Boys don't get us wrong,
There's just somethin' missin' in your song.

If you're gonna play in Texas,
You gotta have a fiddle in the band"

"Just being Nature's friend"

"Yeah, I held on to my music; I let the ladies walk away
Took my songs and dreams to Nashville then I moved on to L-A
Up to New York City, all across the USA
I lost so much of me but there's enough of me to say, that my -

 Home's in Alabama,
No matter where I lay my head
My home's in Alabama,
Southern born and Southern bred."

"My Home's In Alabama"

"Now, we're told there's a hole in the ozone
Look what's washing on the beach
And Lord, I believe
From the heavens to the seas
We're bringing mother nature to her knees"

"I remember, walking through flowers
In a garden of a mem'ry, I'm thinkin' of
I remember, being in heaven
Some other place, some other time, some other love"

"Some Other Place, Some Other Time"

"Cotton on the roadside, cotton in the ditch
We all picked the cotton but we never got rich...
Song, song of the south
Sweet potato pie and I shut my mouth
Gone, gone with the wind
There ain't nobody looking back again...
The county got the farm and they moved to town"

"We play together in Mother Nature's band"

"Old Alabama"


"Harbor' - Documentary 1976 Communing & Creating with nature in Kauai, Hawaii [With George Martin]

What would it be like to be the last of a species?  Watch this illustrious and morally stimulating film.  America sing and created the musical score.

"After nine days I let the horse run free
'Cause the desert had turned to sea
There were plants and birds and rocks and things
there was sand and hills and rings
The ocean is a desert with it's life underground
And a perfect disguise above
Under the cities lies a heart made of ground
But the humans will give no love"

"You must be lost in a faraway land
I searched forever your footprints in the sand"

"The days are getting warmer now
The nights are getting shorter now
And you know we can make it 'cause you know we're alive
But we don't have to take it, any way we'll survive"

"Ah, get behind me Satan
Quit ravishing the land
Does it take the children
To make you understand?"

"God of the sun
Don't make me wait till the morning comes
Light in the sky
Look me in the eye, eye, eye, eye....

When I called you from my river of darkness
An echo was all that came back"

"When the last eagle flies over the last crumbling mountain
And the last lion roars at the last dusty fountain
In the shadow of the forest though she may be old and worn
They will stare unbelieving at the last unicorn

When the first breath of winter through the flowers is icing
And you look to the north and a pale moon is rising
And it seems like all is dying and would leave the world to mourn
In the distance hear the laughter of the last unicorn

I'm alive I'm ALIVE"

"The monster exposed himself from underground
Burning his face as he ran through the town
Hoping the patrons just don't hear a sound....

These are the things that you'll never do
Running away from your home"

"Whenever it's a rainy day
I pack my troubles up in my room
I chase all the clouds away
I get myself back to the womb"

"Living on the riverside
Taking it all in my stride
Living on the riverside,
I'm taking life like a big long ride"

"I understand you've been running from the man
That goes by the name of the Sandman
He flies the sky like an eagle in the eye
Of a hurricane that's abandoned"

"You say that fortune brought you
Sailin' cross the sea
I don't believe you
I don't see how it's true
I think my dreamin' brought you here
If I wake tomorrow will you still be near
Should I live with rain and then the sky will clear"

"Sitting by the fireside with a book in your hand
Two lazy dogs sittin' - watchin' your man
Three roses were bought with you in mind "

"Ventura Highway in the sunshine
Where the days are longer
The nights are stronger
Than moonshine
You're gonna go I know

'Cause the free wind is blowin' through
Your hair
And the days surround your daylight
Seasons crying no despair
Alligator lizards in the air

Wishin' on a falling star
Watchin' for the early train
Sorry boy, but I've been hit by
Purple rain

Trey Anastasio

"Sweet birds are flying like the wings of my soul
The warm breeze
The eyes to the sky"

John Anderson

"Way down south in the Everglades
Where the black water rolls and the saw grass waves
The eagles fly and the otters play
In the land of the Seminole....

Progress came and took its toll
And in the name of flood control
They made their plans and they drained the land
Now the Glades are goin' dry
And the last time I walked in the swamp
I stood up on a cyprus stump
I listened close and I heard the ghost
Of Oseola cry"

About the Seminole Nation

"You can talk about the weather
Or the mayor's sister
You can talk about small talk
You can walk the city limits
In a matter of minutes
Talk about taking a walk
You can count the stars in the clear night sky
Or sit back and listen while the train rolls by
Hey it's a small town"

The Animals

"I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood"

"In this dirty old part of the city
Where the sun refused to shine
People tell me there ain't no use in tryin'"

Don Arbor ~ The Don Arbor Band


The Association

"Who's peekin' out from under a stairway
Calling a name that's lighter than air
Who's bending down to give me a rainbow
Everyone knows it's Windy"


Thea Austin

The Avett Brothers

"The nature of the road you're on
Let me see your skeleton
Well before your life is done"

"I was on the mend when I fell through
The sky around was anything but blue
I found as I regained my feet, a wound across my memory
That no amount of stitches would repair....

There's no returning to the spoils
Once you've spoiled the thought of them
There's no falling back asleep
Once you've wakened from the dream
Now I'm rested and I'm ready and I'm ready to begin"

"Fear like a habit run like a rabbit out and away
Through the screen door to the unknown....

Live like a pharaoh
Sing like a sparrow anyway
Even if there is no land or love in sight
We bloom like roses, lead like Moses, out and away
Through the bitter crowd to the daylight....

You and I, we're the same
Live and die, we're the same
Hear my voice, know my name
You and I, we're the same"

"There was a dream and one day I could see it
Like a bird in a cage I broke in
And demanded that somebody free it"

"Her name became
The flame unto the fire
A magpie on the wire warned of those
Dead until the high
Shamelessly alive until the low"

"Will I join with the ocean blue
Or run into the savior true
And shake hands laughing
And walk through the night
Straight to the light
Holding the love I've known in my life
And no hard feelings"

"Forever I will move like the world that turns beneath me
And when I lose my direction I'll look up to the sky
And when the black cloak drags upon the ground
I'll be ready to surrender, and remember
Well we're all in this together
If I live the life I'm given, I won't be scared to die"

"Sparrow's on the windowsill - and the devil's in my head"

"Did you stop to accept how pathetically dumb
It can be to
Attack those around 'cause you're
True to color, a town, a time, or a place?"


"So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself, and I
Didn't know I was lost"

The Beach Boys

"I'm gonna be 'round my vegetables.
I'm gonna chow down my vegetables.
I love you must of all, my favorite vegetable. "

"Vega-Tables" - "Vegetables" - Record

The Beatles

"Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night"

"Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say"

"Born a poor young country boy
Mother Nature's son
All day long I'm sitting singing songs for everyone.

Sit beside a mountain stream
See her waters rise
Listen to the pretty sound of music as she flies.

Find me in my field of grass
Mother Nature's son
Swaying daises sing a lazy song beneath the sun."

"We would be warm below the storm
In our little hideaway beneath the waves
Resting our head on the sea bed
In an octopus' garden near a cave"


"Hybrid people
Light a wooded matchstick
Toxic fumes from the
Burning plastic
Beats are broken
Bones are spastic....

Voodoo curses
Bible tongues
Voices comin'
From the mangled lungs....
One by one
I'll knock you out"

"Cellphone's Dead"

"Oh country down
Where I found my proving ground
All along the floodline
Wheels are turning around
The hills roll out like centuries
Pass by without a sound
Just a mile outside of town"

"Woke up this morning
Found a live light in the storm
Looked up this morning
Saw the roses full of thorns
Mountains are falling
They don't have nowhere to go....

I've gone all around
'Til there's nothing left to say
We've worn it all down....
Yeah, tie it all down
And bury me underneath the waves

"Change your heart
Look around you
Change your heart
It will astound you"

"Your eyes get stung by the rays of the sinking sun"

[All who can stay and inhabit - "live" are those with suits and breathing apparatuses]

"She's a boat through a strip-mine ocean
Riding low on the drunken rivers
She's alone in the new pollution
She's alone in the new pollution"

Bee Gees

Ludwig Beethoven

"Moonlight Sonata"

Harry Belafonte

"Come, mister tally man, tally me banana
Daylight come and me wan' go home....

Lift six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch
Daylight come and me wan' go home....

A beautiful bunch o' ripe banana
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Hide the deadly black tarantula
Daylight come and me wan' go home"

"The Banana Boat Song" (Day-O) - With - The Muppets!

"We come from the fire, living in the fire
Go back to the fire, turn the world around....

We come from the water, living in the water
Go back to the water, turn the world around....

We come from the mountain, living on the mountain
Go back to the mountain, turn the world around....

Water make the river, river wash the mountain
Fire make the sunlight, turn the world around
Heart is of the river, body is the mountain
Spirit is the sunlight, turn the world around

We are of the spirit, truly of the spirit
Only can the spirit turn the world around
We are of the spirit, truly of the spirit
Only can the spirit turn the world around....

Oh, oh, so is life
Ah, ha, so is life
Oh, oh, so is Abatiwaha
Ah, ha, so is life"

"Turn the World Around" - Jim Henson Memorial [Including Speech]

The Bellamy Brothers

"She was born in Dakota
Where she froze to death each winter
But she dreamed about the islands
By the fire burning splinters"

"Well the clouds rolled back,
And the sun broke through
And the earth seemed to move"

"There's a reason
For the sunshine day
There's a reason
Why I'm feelin' so high
Must be the season
When that love light shines all around us....

Just let your love flow
Like a mountain stream....

Let your love fly
Like a bird on the wing
And let your love bind you
To all living things"

"I didn't care if the sun didn't shine
And the rain didn't fall from the sky
I just cared about myself
From this world to the next
And from the next back to this.

By our actions we are bound.
We're running out of love
Running out of hate
Running out of space for the human race.
Planet Earth is slowing down.
You make me cry when you look into my eyes."

"So we moved like water bein' poured over polished steel....

And as we walked in to her place she reached out to dim the light
She said, "Dance with me darlin' 'til the moon and the stars retire."

George Benson

"Breezin'" - Live

Irving Berlin

"The fields of clover they seem to say,
'Why don't you come over, pay us a call I miss the cows and the chickens and the apple tree shady' "

"Voice of the City" - 100th Birthday Celebration [Film]

Leonard Bernstein

"The sabra is a cactus-type plant with tough thorns on the outside and sweet flesh inside. In common usage, it is applied to native-born Israelis."

II: Idele, The Chassidele

Andrew Bird

"Andrew Bird On Echolocating The Perfect-Sounding Home" (house and Planet Earth)

What is echolocation? Echolocation is the ability of using sound to observe one's environment through soundwaves to bounce off of nearby objects which, in return, retrieves information by measuring the amount of time it takes for the sound waves to return, enabling animals (and humans are also animals) to move about and find food, water, and shelter.

"Just Like Bats, Humans Can use Echolocation" - Science X Daily

"Belles" - Instrumental

"And it feels like 1936
In Catalonia
In Catalonia"

"Did you give it away
Did you give it away for free
Don't you give it away
Let's try to keep it in the family
I know you know desolation
Coming home with your pockets full of sand
I know it's no vacation
Now you're plowing your tiny patch of land....

Would you hide in the hay
Would you hide in the hay with me
Won't you hide in the hay
Where it's dark and we can scarcely breathe or see
Assured asphyxiation
Where the foxes and field mice make their dens"

"I can hear your tendrils still digging
For everything that's walked this Earth once living
Then to be exhumed and burned to vapor
Can you save her?

Now she's in the air
Radical and free
Neither here nor there
She's obliged to no one....

Don't pretend you can't hear
Don't pretend you can't hear"

"I paint you a picture
Of Pulaski at night
Come back to Chicago
City of, city of light
Come back to Chicago"

"See her light, how it reigns
So hard on your high plains
So you take such pains
That she won't notice you
And your x-rays
Of your Paleo man
All gaze...

And if she sees you, it changes you
Rearranges your molecules
And if you see her, it changes her"

"Sisyphus peered into the mist
A stone's throw from the precipice, paused
Did he jump or did he fall as he gazed into the maw of the morning mist?
Did he raise both fists and say, 'To hell with this' and just let the rock roll?....

Well, I let the rock roll on down to the town below
We had a house down there but I lost it long ago
Lost it long ago....

Sisyphus peered into the mist
A stone's throw from the precipice, paused"

"And from the chalky Cliffs of Dover, I'd come over,
I'd start over if I could
From the tropic of Cancer, to Capricorn"

"There'll be three white horses, all in a line"

Aloe Blacc

"I tried carrying the weight of the world
But I only have two hands"

Please seek Avicii - original


"See the snow falling on the ground
days of old , oh so cold
Wretched sailing amongst the cloud
melts the snow - still I'm cold....

a Season goes so quickly
you don't know where you are"

Blood, Sweat, and Tears

"High on a mountain where the sun still shines
And the water runs a little lazy
Wild-eyed and lonely, running out of time
Some will say I died - half-crazy"

Blue Oyster Cult

"Clock strikes twelve and moon drops burst
Out at you from their hiding place
Like acid and oil on a madman's face
His reasons tend to fly away

Like lesser birds on the four winds
Like silver scrapes in May
Now the sands become a crust
And most of you have gone away"

"Astronomy" - Video

"Home in the valley, home in the city
Home isn't pretty, ain't no home for me
Home in the darkness, home on the highway
Home isn't my way, home I'll never be"


"Seasons don't fear the reaper"

John Bon Jovi

" I spent twenty years trying to get out of this place
I was looking for something I couldn't replace
I was running away from the only thing I've ever known....

I went as far as I could
I tried to find a new face
There isn't one of these lines that I would erase
I lived a million miles of memories on that road
With every step I take, I know that I'm not alone
You take the home from the boy
But not the boy from his home
These are my streets, the only life I've ever known
Who says you can't go home?"

With Jennifer Nettles

Debby Boone

"Rollin' at sea, adrift on the water
Could it be finally I'm turning for home?
Finally, a chance to say hey,
I love You
Never again to be all alone"

"Cradle of Love" and various - Journey

David Bowie

"There's such a fooled heart
Beating so fast in search of new dreams
A love that will last within your heart
I'll place the moon within your heart

As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill has gone
Wasn't too much fun at all
But I'll be there for you
As the world falls down"

"See these eyes so green
I can stare for a thousand years
Just be still with me
You wouldn't believe what I've been through"

"And so the days float through my eyes
But still the days seem the same
And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're goin' through"

"I laughed and shook his hand
And made my way back home
I searched for form and land
For years and years I roamed

I gazed a gazley stare
At all the millions here
We must have died alone
A long long time ago"

"There was a boy
A very strange enchanted boy
They say he wandered very far
Very far over land and sea
A little shy and sad of eye
But very wise, was he"

"La la la la la la, la la la la la la la

A winter's day, a bitter snowflake on my face
My summer girl takes little backward steps away
Jack Frost took her hand and left me, Jack Frost ain't so cool

Sell me a coat with buttons of silver
Sell me a coat that's red or gold
Sell me a coat with little patch pockets
Sell me a coat - 'cause I feel cold"

"I know a government man
He was as blind as the moon....

I saw a black black stream
Full of white eyed fish
And a drowning man
With no eyes at all
I felt a warm warm breeze
That melted metal and steel
I got a bad migraine
That lasted three long years
And the pills that I took
Made my fingers disappear....

You were a talented child
You came to live in our town
We never bothered to scream
When your mask came off
We only smelt the gas
As we lay down to sleep....

Time will crawl and our mouths run dry
Time will crawl and our feet grow small
Time will crawl and our tails fall off
Time will crawl 'til the 21st century lose

Time will crawl and our heads bowed down
Time will crawl and our eyes fall out
Time will crawl and the streets run red
Time will crawl 'til the 21st century lose"

"And loves dare you to change our way of
Caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is our last dance
This is ourselves
Under pressure"

With Queen

"Sitting in the Dschungel
On Nürnberger Straße
A man lost in time
Near KaDeWe
Just walking the dead....

As long as there's sun
As long as there's sun
As long as there's rain
As long as there's rain
As long as there's fire
As long as there's fire
As long as there's me
As long as there's you"

"And the mountain moved its eyes
To the world of realize
Where the snow had saved a place
For the Wild Eyed Boy -
from Freecloud"

"You touch me
I hear the sound of mandolins
You kiss me
And with your kiss my life begins
You are Spring to me,
All things to me

Don't you know you are life itself

Like a leave clings to a tree
Oh my darling cling to me
For we are creatures in the wind
And wild is the wind, wild is the wind, wild is the wind, wild is the wind

Wild - is the WIND"


Please seek David Gates too!

"If the world should stop revolving
Spinning slowly down to die
I'd spend the end with you
And when the world was through
Then one by one the stars would all go out"

Garth Brooks

"She ran out into the ocean and to this day they claim
That if you go down by the water you'll see her footprints in the sand
'Cause every night she walks the beaches of Cheyenne"

"You know a dream is like a river
Ever changin' as it flows
And a dreamer's just a vessel
That must follow where it goes....

And I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Like a bird upon the wind
These waters are my sky
I'll never reach my destination
If I never try -
So I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry

Too many times we stand aside
And let the waters slip away
'Til what we put off 'til tomorrow
Has now become today
So don't you sit upon the shoreline
And say you're satisfied
Choose to chance the rapids
And dare to dance the tide"

"The River" - Performance at Country Music Awards 1992

The Brothers Four

Once there were green fields, kissed by the sun.
Once there were valleys, where rivers used to run.
Once there were blue skies, with white clouds high above.
Once they were part of an everlasting love.
We were the lovers who strolled through green fields.

Green fields are gone now, parched by the sun.
Gone from the valleys, where rivers used to run.
Gone with the cold wind, that swept into my heart.
Gone with the lovers, who let their dreams depart.
Where are the green fields, that we used to roam?

Jackson Browne

"Everybody I talk to is ready to leave
With the light of the morning
They've seen the end coming down
Long enough to believe
That they've heard their last warning
Standing alone
Each has his own ticket in his hand
And as the evening descends
I sit thinking 'bout Everyman"

"Keep a fire for the human race
And let your prayers go drifting into space....
Perhaps a better world is drawing near
And just as easily, it could all disappear....
Into a dancer you have grown
From a seed somebody else has thrown
Go on ahead and throw some seeds of your own"

Buffalo Springfield

"I Am A Child"
"I'd like to know what you've learned
The sky is blue and so is the sea
What is the color when black is burned?
What is the color?"

Jimmy Buffett

"People are movin' so quickly.
Humor's in need of repair....

River gets deep not shallow,
the further you move down the stream.
Wonderin' if I can keep her as I
race to keep up with my dreams.
How they shine and glitter and gleam"

Rocky Burnette

"You're rolling over in clover so refined,
But you can't fix this broken heart of mine"

Kate Bush

"Out on the wiley, windy moors
We'd roll and fall in green
You had a temper like my jealousy
Too hot, too greedy....

Leave behind my wuthering, wuthering
Wuthering Heights"

J.J. Cale

"I might go out to California,
Might go down to Georgia,
Might stay home"


"Well the girl in the forest
Reached out to ease my worried mind
Stopped me from falling into a downward spiral
I was worn by the city until I finally let go
Drifted out to the Sierras on an empty road....

What part of nature can you honestly say
Is beyond your explanations for short term gain
Something's got to change before everything's

Gonna disappear right before our eyes
And we finally face ourselves alone in the forest
Where so much rides on which path we decide oh, mmm"

"I'm in exile with a sign that reads,
'No one can tell which side of the street
Would I stand a little closer to the line'

No one can tell which side to claim
Could you speak a little more clearly once again
Speak a little clearly on the line"

Please seek "5G Involuntary Consent" page.

Glen Campbell

Southern skies
Have you ever noticed southern skies?
Its precious beauty lies just beyond the eye
It goes running through your soul
Like the stories told of old
Old man
He and his dog that walked the old land
Ev'ry flower touched his cold hand
As he slowly walked by
Weeping willows
Would cry for joy

Belinda Carlisle

"Here we go, some things are inevitable
Don't we know, it could be so beautiful
It's too real
Situation flammable
Love is, love is, love is
A big scary animal"

"4:00 in the morning we were in our beds
The swaying palm trees above our heads
Woke up to a primal rumbling sound
When the Northridge quake ripped open the
California California"

"Circle in the sand
Cold wind, tide moves in
Shivers in the salty air
Day breaks, my heart aches
I will wait for you right here"

"In this world we're just beginning
To understand the miracle of living
Baby, I was afraid before
But I'm not afraid anymore"

"Ah La Luna La Luna
The night that we fell under the spell of the moon
Ah La Luna La Luna
The light that will bring me back to you"

"Stars guide us now
The whole world is sleeping
10 million dreams will soon be told....

Whoa Runaway horses
Whoa, Take us through our life
You and I are runaway horses
Ooo baby hold on tight"

"I remember the rain pouring down
And we poured our hearts out"

"Turn away from cold and the night
Turn your face to the sun
We are truth we are one"

The Carpenters

"Bless the beasts and the children,
For in this world they have no voice,
They have no choice.

Bless the beasts and the children,
For the world can never be,
The world they see.

Bless the beasts and the children;
Give them shelter from a storm;
Keep them safe;
Keep them warm.

Light their way
When the darkness surrounds them;
Give them love, let it shine all around them."

The Cascades

"The last leaf that clings to the bough
Just one leaf, that's all there is now
Will my last hope fall with that lonely leaf, lonely leaf
With the last leaf, the last leaf
With the last leaf that clings to the bough
Bough, bough, bough ..."

"Rain please tell me now does that seem fair
For her to steal my heart away when she don't care?
I can't love another when my hearts somewhere far away....

Oh, listen to the falling rain
Pitter patter, pitter patter
Oh, oh, oh, listen to the falling rain
Pitter patter, pitter patter"

Johnny Cash

How high's the water, mama?
Two feet high and risin'
How high's the water, papa?
Two feet high and risin'

We can make it to the road in a homemade boat
That's the only thing we got left that'll float
It's already over all the wheat and the oats,
Two feet high and risin'....

How high's the water, mama?
Three feet high and risin'
How high's the water, papa?
Three feet high and risin'

Well, the hives are gone,
I've lost my bees
The chickens are sleepin'
In the willow trees
Cow's in water up past her knees,
Three feet high and risin'

How high's the water, mama?
Four feet high and risin'
How high's the water, papa?
Four feet high and risin'

Hey, come look through the window pane,
The bus is comin', gonna take us to the train
Looks like we'll be blessed with a little more rain,
4 feet high and risin'

How high's the water, mama?
Five feet high and risin'
How high's the water, papa?
Five feet high and risin'

Well, the rails are washed out north of town
We gotta head for higher ground
We can't come back till the water comes down,
Five feet high and risin'

Well, it's five feet high and risin'"
[The water never goes down again]

"Anybody here see the long-distance cheer for the notion
Well, I think we missed it
Anybody here see the sky weeping tears for the ocean

Don't give me no hand me down shoes
Don't give me no hand me down love
Don't give me no hand me down world
I got one already"

"Hey, look a-yonder comin'
Comin' down that railroad track
It's the Orange Blossom Special
Bringin' my baby back

Well, I'm going down to Florida
And get some sand in my shoes
Or maybe Californy
And get some sand in my shoes
I'll ride that Orange Blossom Special"

"Orange Blossom Special" - Manhattan, NYC 1994

Roseanne Cash

"I didn't know her then
My enemy, my treasured friend
Outside this waking dream
She remembers everything

I don't know her now
My bitter pill, my broken vow
This girl, this bird who sings
She remembers everything
She remembers everything"

Johnny and Roseanne Cash

"We're in the mills and factories
We make the steel, we cut the trees"

Johnny Cash and June Carter

Harry Chapin

"And he said "God, make it a dream!"
"As he rode his last ride down.
And he sideswiped nineteen neat parked cars,
Clipped off thirteen telephone poles,
Hit two houses, bruised eight trees,
And Blue-Crossed seven people.

It was then he lost his head,
Not to mention an arm or two before he stopped.
And he slid for four hundred yards
Along the hill that leads into Scranton, Pennsylvania.
All those thirty thousand pounds of bananas."

Chords & Lyrics

"And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man in the moon
"When you coming home, son?" "I don't know when"
But we'll get together then, dad
You know we'll have a good time then"

Chords & Lyrics

"All my life's a circle;
Sunrise and sundown;
Moon rolls through the nighttime;
'Til the daybreak comes around"

"He's the little pretzel man
He's got his twisted pretzel hands
He's got his a pretzel wife
That he's loved all his pretzel life
And he's got himself a pretzel girl
That they both brought into their world
And watch them all twist pretzels by hand, by hand
And if only we all lived in Pretzel Land"

"Pretzel Man" Chords & Lyrics

Charlie Chaplin

"Smile even though it's breaking.
When there are CLOUDS in the sky
you'll get by.
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through - For you"

Ray Charles

"Green is the color of Spring
Green can be cool and friendly-like
And green can be big like an ocean, important
Like a mountain, tall like a tree"

Chicago [Chicago Transit Authority]

The Chordettes

Eric Church

"Your mountains are a canvas for the Maker’s hand

Tonight I’m fishing Elk River
If only in my mind
No I haven’t seen her banks in such a long, long time
I carry you in my heart
Your memory comes over me like the dark"

"Like a honybee beatin' on my screen door,
I got a little buzz and my head is sore,
And from the my bed I can feel the sun,
Lord I hear the mornin' come....

Justa creepin'
Creepin', creepin', creepin'.

Head for the future,
Run from the past,
Hide from the mirror,
And live in a glass"


"Damn, I used to love this view"

"Across from that welcome sign
Ever since you caught that 'out there' bug
I catch me a ''round here' buzz

I never had big city eyes
Hell, I've never been east of Dallas"

"So blow, blow Seminole wind
Blow like you're never gonna blow again
I'm callin' to you like a long-lost friend -
But I know who you are
And blow, blow from the Okeechobee
All the way up to Micanopy
Blow across the home of the Seminole
The alligator and the gar"

Please seek "John Anderson" - who wrote the song.

"Now I'm just a country boy with a guitar
Lookin' back down this old road I've been travelin' on
It was never about tryin' to be some big star
For me it's always been about these songs"

The Coasters

"Take out the papers and the trash
Or you don't get no spendin' cash....
Bring in the dog and put out the cat
Yakety yak (Don't talk back)"

Newspaper collecting brought income for those who sought them.  Here is a 1950's depiction of a Paper Drive, with the ability of raising money, especially for charities.  The newspaper, made of better quality paper than today, was recycled.  This was before landfills became "cheap."

Bruce Cockburn

"Rain forest
Mist and mystery
Teeming green
Green brain facing lobotomy
Climate control centre for the world
Ancient cord of coexistence
Hacked by parasitic greed-head scam
From Sarawak to Amazonas
Costa Rica to mangy B.C. hills
Cortege rhythm of falling timber.....

Cut and move on
Cut and move on
Take out trees
Take out wildlife at a rate of species every single day
Take out people who've lived with this for 100, 000 years
Inject a billion burgers worth of beef
Grain eaters, methane dispensers.

Through thinning ozone,
Waves fall on wrinkled earth
Gravity, light,
Through thinning ozone,
Waves fall on wrinkled earth
Gravity, light, ancient refuse of stars,
Speak of a drowning
But this, this is something other.
Busy monster eats dark holes in the spirit world
Where wild things have to go
To disappear ~

"One day you're waiting for the sky to fall
The next you're dazzled by the beauty of it all....

These fragile bodies of touch and taste
This vibrant skin, this hair like lace
Spirits open to the thrust of grace
Never a breath you can afford to waste"

"It's daylight in the city
There's thumping in the stairwell
Kundalini sunrise....

The street is filled with noises
Life going up and down
Light comes at you sideways
Enfolds you like a gown"

"Their single crop starvation plans put sugar in your tea"

"Sun's up, uuh huh, looks okay
The world survives into another day
And I'm thinking about eternity
Some kind of ecstasy got a hold on me

I had another dream about lions at the door
They weren't half as frightening as they were before
But I'm thinking about eternity"


Leonard Cohen

"If your life is a leaf
That the seasons tear off and condemn
They will bind you with love
That is graceful and green as a stem"

Nat King Cole

"The falling leaves drift by the window
The autumn leaves of red and gold
I see your lips, the summer kisses
The sun-burned hands I used to hold"

"Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like on
A Jupiter and Mars"

"Fly Me To The Moon"

"I'm like the autumn trees that shed their leaves when
summer's through....
I'm lost
Our pet canary bird wouldn't sing"

"And if they said, 'I'd find you beyond the rainbow's end'
I would have said, 'Impossible, impossible, my friend'....

If they had said, 'A moonbeam could calm a stormy sea'
I would have said, 'Impossible, " but now at last I see'"

"Cradle me where Southern skies
Can watch me with a million eyes
Oh, sing me to sleep
Lullaby of the leaves...."

I'm breezing along, along with the breeze
I'm hearing a song, a song through the trees
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
That fine melody caressing the shore
Familiar to me, I've heard it before
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, that's Southland"

"You're my magnificent obsession
The greatest wonder on this earth
The Taj Mahal and other splendors
To me - really have no worth"

"There was a boy
A very strange enchanted boy
They say he wandered very far
Very far over land and sea
A little shy and sad of eye
But very wise, was he....

The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love - And be loved
In return"

I was walking along, minding my business
When out of an orange colored sky
[Flash, Bam, ala-Kazam]
Wonderful you came by

I was humming a tune, drinking in sunshine
When out of that orange colored view
[Flash, Bam, Ala-Kazam]
I got a look at you....

Out of an orange colored, purple striped
Pretty green polka dot sky
[Flash, Bam] Ala-Kazam and goodbye

Wow, I thought love was much softer than that
For the most disturbing sound"

"Now you go through Saint Looey - Joplin, Missouri
and Oklahoma City looks mighty pretty
You see Amarillo - Gallup, New Mexico
Flagstaff, Arizona
Don't forget Winona - Kingman, Barstow, San Bernandino"

"Oh, it's a long, long while
From May to December
But the days grow short
When you reach September

When the autumn weather
Turns the leaves to flame
One hasn't got time
For the waiting game"

"Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through
For you"

Please seek, Charlie Chaplin about this song!

"A buzzard took a monkey for a ride in the air...."

"Newborn whippoorwills were calling from the hills
Summer was a-comin' in but fast
Lots of daffodils were showin' off their skills
Nodding all together, I could almost hear them whisper
'Go on, kiss her, go on and kiss her'"

"That Sunday, That Summer"

"Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer
Those days of soda and pretzels and beer
Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer
Dust off the sun and moon and sing a song of cheer....

You'll wish that summer could always be here"

"Though the melody dies [Though the melody dies],
The song lingers on [The song lingers on]
And a thousand goodbyes [And a thousand goodbyes]
Won't convince me you're gone [Won't convince me you're gone].

I'll follow you, my love
You'll never be free,
To the ends of the earth,
Till you've given your love to me."

Gary B.B. Coleman

"The sky is cryin....Can't you see the tears roll down the street"

Phil Collins

Shawn Colvin

"I don't know why
The trees grow so tall
And I don't know why
I don't know anything at all
But if there were no music
Then I would not get through
I don't know why
I know these things, but I do"

"Snow on, snow on, snow
In the bleak midwinter
Long, long ago" *

* "In the bleak Midwinter" is a poem written by Christina Rossetti of which the song is based upon

"Oh! Hush thee, my baby, the night is behind us
And black are the waters that sparkled so green
The moon, o’er the combers, looks downward to find us
At rest in the hollows that rustle between"

Please seek Eric Whitacre: same lyrics, different melody!

Perry Como

"The ox and lamb kept time"

"Come again anytime,
You'll be welcome wherever you roam!
You can tell when there's love in a home!"
"Love in a Home"

"When you pine for the sunshine of a friendly gaze,
For the holidays, you can't beat home, sweet home"
"There's No Place Like Home for the Holidays"

"The bluest skies you've ever seen in Seattle
And the hills the greenest green in Seattle
Like a beautiful child growing up free and wild
Full of hopes and full of fears
Full of laughter full of tears
Full of dreams to last the years in Seattle
In Seattle"

Sam Cooke

"I was born by a river, oh my
In this little old tent
Oh, just like this river
I've been running ever since
It's been alone

Lord, I'm coming but I know, but I know
A change is gotta come, now
Yes, it is, my oh, my oh, my oh

It's been too hard livin', oh my
And I'm afraid to die
I don't know what's up there
Beyond the clouds
It's been alone"

"The Unlikely Story of a Change is Gonna' Come" - The New Yorker

Creedence Clearwater Revival

"Well, take me back down where cool water flow, yeh
Let me remember things I love"

"Yesterday, and days before,
Sun is cold and rain is hard,"

Crosby, Stills, Nash and sometimes Young

"Blue, blue windows behind the stars
Yellow moon on the rise
Big birds flying across the sky
Throwing shadows on our eyes
Leave us
Helpless, helpless, helpless, helpless"

"Our house is a very, very, very fine house
With two cats in the yard
Life used to be so hard"

"This old house of ours is built on dreams
And a businessman don't know what that means.
There's a garden outside she works in every day
And tomorrow morning a man from the bank's
Gonna come and take it all away."

"Well, then can I roam beside you?
I have come to lose the smog,
And I feel myself a cog in somethin' turning
And maybe it's the time of year
Yes and maybe it's the time of man
And I don't know who I am
But life is for learning

We are stardust, we are golden
We are billion year old carbon
And we got to get ourselves back to the garden

By the time we got to Woodstock
We were half a million strong
And everywhere was a song and a celebration
And I dreamed I saw the bomber death planes
Riding shotgun in the sky,
Turning into butterflies
Above our nation

We are stardust, we are golden
We are caught in the devils bargain
And we got to get ourselves back to the garden

Cutting Crew

"It must've been lonely, it must've been cold
It must've been something
Life in a dangerous time
Is there life in a dangerous time?"

"And the band, they played one more song
One for the mocking bird, they played one more song
All the tears, they fell one by one
All for the mocking-bird, they fell one by one"

"Boys and girls will see in time
That they were wrong to go
Fires don't burn at home, like they
Used to burn, those nights
Grew so long....

No seeds to fall
(All the children say)
No sons to blame
As one by one - they'll come home"

Bobby Darin

"If a tinker were my trade
Would you still find me....

If I worked my hands at wood
Oh, would you still love me?....

If a miller were my trade
At a mill wheel grinding....

If I were a carpenter"


"So meet me by the river
On a boat-shaped piece of earth
We press our bones together
And the spider does its work
With flakes of garlic
And petals from a rose
If it’s small enough to carry
You and I can call it home
You and I can call it home"

"On the way down Somerset I take pictures of cement
For the history books on Mother Earth"


"I'm always asking why this crazy world had to lose
Such a beautiful life we never knew
Gone too soon
You were gone too soon"

Paul Davis

"I sometimes wonder why all the flowers have to die
I dream about you - and now summer's come and gone
And the nights - they seem so long"

"Lovely Autumn Leaf"

"Mississippi River"

"Sun Song"

"Unsunny Day"

Andra Day

Bobby Day

"Well, the pretty little raven at the bird bandstand
Taught him how to do the bop and it was grand
They started going steady and bless my soul
He out-bopped the buzzard and the oriole"

Taylor Dayne

"Eyes of green and hair like golden arches
Deeper than the ocean or the seas
Dogs howlin' when love was spoken 
Nests were made then hearts were broken

 Loves is not always just as it seems
But I can dream of you tonight"

"Dreams" - Record

"I can't believe
You've got a heart of stone
I've seen your tears fall when
You thought you were alone"

"Wild is like the wind
Blowing me around
Chasing all my fears
Keeping my trust down"

"Hymn" - Record

"When there's clouds hangin' in the sky
And they're just not lettin' any light in....

Who will stay when the rain is fallin'
And won't let it fall on you

I'll see you through, I'll cover you
With a love so deep and warm and true
I will be there

Honey I'll be your shelter
I'll be the one to take you through the night
Whenever you need shelter
I'll make everything alright, make everything alright"

"I'll Be Your Shelter"

"Planting a Seed - Born to Sing" - Ted Talk

Death Cab for Cutie

"It was one hundred degrees as we sat beneath a willow tree
Whose tears didn't care ~ they just hung in the air
And refused to fall, to fall....

'Cause at night, the sun in retreat
Made the skyline look like crooked teeth
In the mouth of a man who was devouring us both"

"Crooked Teeth"

"Sleep, sleep with the lights on
Shutter with shades drawn
There's too many windows
Noise, cars on the freeway
Tempting a clean break
There's nowhere left to go
Watching the room tweak
Through cracks in the concrete
Plates they will shift
Houses will shake
Fences will drift
We will awake
Only to find
Nothing's the same
Nothing's the same"

"You said the cherry blossoms were blooming
And that I was on your mind"

"When I was young, lying in the grass
I felt so safe in a warming bath
Of sunlight
Of sunlight.
Vast open sky
Could do no harm
Like an embrace
From mother's arms
In sunlight
In sunlight.....

With every year that came to pass
More clouds appeared until the sky went black
And there was
No sunlight,
No sunlight.
And there was
No sunlight,
No sunlight anymore."

"I want to live where soul meets body
And let the sun wrap its arms around me and
Bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing
And feel
Feel what it's like to be new"

"Soul Meets Body"

"Searching everywhere for a homeland
Now we are under the same sun
Feel it through the leaves, let it heal us
We are the same
We are both sane
Underneath the sycamore"

"When there's a burning in your heart
An endless fury in your heart
Build it bigger than the sun
Let it grow....

And if you feel just like a tourist in the city you were born
Then, it's time to go
And you find your destination with so many different places to call home
'Cause when you find yourself a villain,
In the story you have written
It's plain to see
That sometimes the best intentions
Are in need of redemption
Would you agree
If so, please show me"


"As the sun has its place up in the sky,
I love you so dearly,
And all the same there's no need to wonder why.
I need you, please hear me ~ "

Chris De Burgh

"It was springtime in Kentucky, 1995
Well the sun was hot and the grass was green
It was good to be alive....

Well, the hero of this story that I bring to you today
Is a horse by the name of Thunder Gulch
Born in the U.S.A."

"Nothing can compare with the Connemara coast,
Gazing out in silence with the one you love the most,
The beauty of this place and the echoes deep inside,
Makes me think we're only just a moment in time"

"Reading from a map in the mind
Yes there's the ragged hill
And there's the boat on the river
And when the rain came down
He heard a wild dog howl....

And then the lightning flashed, and the thunder roared
And people calling out his name,
And dancing bones that jabbered and a-moaned
On the water"

The Decemberists

"It's the sunlight, it's the shadows
It's the quiet, it's the word
It's the beating heart
It's the ocean"

"I'm not going on
Just to sing another summer song
So long, farewell
Don't everybody fall all over themselves

I'm not going on
Just to sing another singalong suicide song
So long, farewell"

"Quiet now
Will we gather to conjure the rain down
Will we now
Build a civilization below ground
And I'll be crowned
The community kicked it around

And the Andalusian tribes
Setting the lay of Nebraska alight
'Til all the remains is the arms of the angel
'Til all the remains is the arms of the angels"

"As I laid eyes on what I'd found
It was a white crane
It was a helpless thing
Upon a red stain
With an arrow, its wing
And it called and cried
And it called and cried so
And it called and cried
And it called and cried so
And all the stars were crashing 'round
As I laid eyes on what I'd found
My crane wife, my crane wife
My crane wife, my crane wife
Now I helped her
And I dressed her wounds
And how I held her
Beneath the rising moon
And she stood to fly
And she stood to fly away"

"See this ancient riverbed
See where all the follies are led
Down by the water
 and down by the old main drag"

"What's that crashing sound
That follows us around?
That's the sound of all things good breaking....

Would you kindly keep it down?....

Just trying to get some sleep"

"And here I dreamt I was a soldier
And I marched the streets of Birkenau
And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town

Where the barkers call the moon down"

"Down by the lake we were overturning pebbles
And depending all the animals alive....

And this much I can say, would have waited till the oceans
Fell away and all the sunken cities would reveal themselves to you
But you won't, will you, because you never do
And the sun burned through, sweet as honey dew"

"And you won't make a dime
On this gray granite mountain mine
Of dirt you're made and of dirt you will return

So while we're living here
Let's get this little one thing clear
There's plenty of men to die - you don't jump your turn

And it's one, two, three
On the wrong side of the lee
What were you meant for
What were you meant for"

"When we arrive sons and daughters
We'll make our homes on the water
We'll build our walls of aluminum
We'll fill our mouths with cinnamon now

These currents pull us 'cross the border
Steady your boats arms to shoulder
'Til tides all pull our hull aground
Making this calm harbor now home"

"And summer arrives with a length of lights
And summer blows away
And quietly gets swallowed by a wave"

"My tender rose, my limber rose, my slender roping darling
My tender rose, my slender rose, my limber loping darling
But my darlin's, long long long

They came down from the mountain
They strayed too long from the fountain
Oh my girl, oh my love, I've lost you
But I won't betray, I won't betray, I won't betray our water
No, I won't betray, I won't betray, I won't betray our water
Till the water's all long gone"

The Del Vikings

"Come home with me
Way beyond the sea
I need you darlin'
So come and go with me"

Brett Dennen

"I'm gonna plant a garden
Paint my bathroom blue"

"San Francisco"

"I know I felt the ocean tickle the Earth's sandy shores
but changes come and we all know that we can't, we can't stop them
but I hold these memories and I will never drop them
and I'll watch over you"

"I am a wild child, yes I am
I love the country and I
I wanna run free and I
Don't wanna live up to anyone's plan
I wanna feel the good vibes and I
Wanna feel the sunshine with you,
By my side"

Brett Dennen takes us on a tour of his family's gardens:

"That's a Kumquat"

John Denver

Due to the sheer volume of home and environmental songs, John Denver has his own page!

Due to the sheer volume of home and environmental songs, John Denver has his own page!

Enter HERE John Denver's Page!


"A victim of collision on the open sea
Nobody ever said, 'Life's for free"
 Sink, swim, go down with the ship
Use your freedom of choice
I'll say it again, in the land of the free
Use your freedom of choice
Your freedom of choice"

"It's A Beautiful World" (scroll down)

"Something in the air
Is telling me to go there
So I'll follow my nose
Go wherever it goes

It's calling from around the corner
Waiting just outside of town
Trailing vapors sweet and tangy
Daring me to track it down....

So fresh it almost makes me want to cry
So fresh it's givin' me a second life"

"It's a beautiful world we live in
A sweet romantic place
Beautiful people everywhere
The way they show they care
Makes me want to say
It's a beautiful world
For you....
Not for me"

"It's A Beautiful World" (scroll down)

"Say goodbye to everything you knew
Say hello to what a man can do
[monster man]
[monster man]
Fear's his one and only dream
It's all obscene to monster man"

"You know i live a life of danger
For the FBI
Keeping tabs on our nation
On the land, on the sea, in the sky....

Fighting cavities of evil
Safe-guarding America's health
But not an afternoon pass"

"What we do is what we do
It's all the same, there's nothing new
What we do is what we do
It's turnin' 'round on me and you
What we do, is what we do
Just different names, it's nothing new
What we do, is what we do
Cause all we do, is what we do

Gamin', prayin', believin', maintainin'
Textin', electin', rejectin', infectin'

Eenie, meanie, meanie, meanie, minie, minie mo
The lucky ones are gonna be the first to go....

Feedin' and breedin' and pumpin' gas
Cheeseburger, cheeseburger, do it again
Feedin' and breedin' and pumpin' gas
Cheeseburger, cheeseburger, do it again...."

"When a problem comes along
You must whip it
Before the cream sets out too long
You must whip it
When something's goin' wrong
You must whip it"

"It takes a worried man
To sing a worried song"

"It's A Beautiful World" (scroll down)

Neil Diamond

We've been traveling far
Without a home
But not without a star....

Home, don't it seem so far away
Oh, we're traveling light today
In the eye of the storm
In the eye of the storm

Home, to a new and a shiny place
Make our bed, and we'll say our grace"

"She got the way to move me, Cherry"

"Call the sun in the dead of the night
And the sun's gonna rise in the sky"

"Well I'm New York City born and raised
But nowadays
I'm lost between two shores
L.A.'s fine, but it ain't home
New York's home
But it ain't mine no more....

Did you ever read about a frog
Who dreamed of bein' a king
And then became one"

"If you go away
On this summer day
Then you might as well
Take the sun away
All the birds that flew
In the summer sky ....

But if you stay
I'll make you a day
Like no day has been
Or will be again
We'll sail the sun
We'll ride on the rain
Will talk to the trees
And worship the wind"

"Then this old world stopped spinning 'round

In better days we had it all
In better days when love came easy
We had it all but I never knew"

"The good Lord's earth beneath my feet
A gentle touch"

"I am the moonlight rider
I'm riding on a sea of dreams
Far away, long ago, so it seems
Won't you take
That moonlight ride with me?"

"You taught me a little 'bout good times
I fought through a little bit of rain
You brought me a part of your sunshine
You took in the heart of my pain....

You showed what a little bit of love can do
You opened my eyes and a light came through
Took me to a place that I never knew
Goodbye to my little bit of something blue"

"Song sung blue
Everybody knows one
Song sung blue
Every garden grows one....

Song sung blue
Weeping like a willow
Song sung blue
Sleeping on my pillow"

"Song Sung Blue"

"Lordy child a good days comin',
And I'll be there to let the sun in,
And bein' lost is worth the comin' home.
La la la la la la la la la on stones.

You and me a time for planting,
You and me a harvest granting,
The every prayer ever prayed,
We're just two wild flowers that grow.
La la la la la la la la la on stones."

Good mornin'
You sure do make it like a sunny day"

"And when I heard
That lonesome whistle moan
Knew I'd finally found my way back home

In search of a dream underneath
The Tennessee moon"

Marlene Dietrich

"When Will They Ever Learn"

Songs written by Pete Seeger.  Please seek Pete Seeger!

Dire Straits

"High and dry in the long hot day
Lost and lonely every way
Got the flats all around me sky up above
Yes I need a little water of love....

Once there was a river now there's a stone
You know it's evil then you're living alone"

Please seek The Judds version too!

Disco-Tex and His Sex-o-lettes / Monti Rock III

"Boogie-woogie, woogie-boogie
Radar love is here, the star of stars"

"Tennessee Waltz"

Dixie Chicks

"Who doesn't know what I'm talking about
Who's never left home, who's never struck out
To find a dream and a life of their own
A place in the clouds, a foundation of stone....

She needs wide open spaces"

The Dramatics
The Dynamics

"Some people are made of plastic
And you know some people are made of wood
Some people have hearts of stone
Some people are up to no good"

Bob Dylan
Robert Zimmerman

"Oh what'll you do now, my blue eyed son?
What'll you do now, my darling young one?
I'm goin' back out 'fore the rain starts fallin'
Walk to the depths of the deepest black forest
Where people are many and their hands are all empty
Where pellets of poison are flooding the waters
Where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison
Where the executioner's face is always well hidden
Where hunger is ugly, where souls are forgotten
Where black is the color, and none is the number
And I'll tell it and think it and speak it and breathe it
And reflect it from the mountains so all souls can see it
Then I'll stand in the ocean until I start sinking
But I'll know my song well before I start singing"

"I've been walking forty miles of bad road
If the bible is right, the world will explode
I've been trying to get as far away from myself as I can
Some things are too hot to touch
The human mind can only stand so much
You can't win with a losing hand"

"Things Have Changed"

The Eagles

"She heard about a place people were smilin',
They spoke about the red man's way, how they loved the land
And they came from everywhere to the Great Divide
Seeking a place to stand or a place to hide"

Chris Eagleson

Earth, Wind, and Fire

Tim Easton

"I didn't mean to confuse the machine,
I just wrote some letters.
Does that mean anything?

You are an angel, under the overflow,
Looking for someone to let you grow.
I'll take you on,
I'll give you reason,
It won't be long 'til you're a hummingbird.

Jonathan Edwards

"My Home Ain't in the Hall of Fame"

"Sunshine come on back another day
I promise you I'll be singing
This old world, she's gonna turn around
Brand new bells'll be ringing"

"Sunshine" (Go Away Today)

Ludovico Einaudi

"Elegy for the Arctic" - Live Artic Performance


"Fly" - Ludovico Einaudi, Earth Hour Performance


"Newton's Cradle"



"Time Lapse"

"In a Time Lapse" Story Telling

"In A Time Lapse" - Live Album Performance [Instrumental]

"Una Mattina" - Album

Please listen to entire concert - entire album.  Below screen, is title list of the melodies.  After listening and viewing, there is a way to jump to various pieces you would like to hear again via the playlist.  Enjoy!

Electric Light Orchestra ~ ELO

"Sailin' away on the crest of a wave
It's like magic
Oh, rollin' and ridin' and slippin' and slidin'
It's magic....

It's a livin' thing
It's a terrible thing to lose
It's a given thing
What a terrible thing to lose"

"Hey you with the pretty face
Welcome to the human race
A celebration, mister blue sky's up there waitin'
And today is the day we've waited for....

Hey there mister blue
We're so pleased to be with you
Look around see what you do
Everybody smiles at you"

"Blue days, black nights
I look into the sky....
I'm living in twilight"

Tommy Emmanuel

With Rodney Crowell

The Empty Pockets

"Eyes closed leaping into open air
Holding on tightly to what's not there
In the end when I return

We'll rebuild while we watch the fires burn "

"She sang every day
All her life
Love the sound of her voice bouncing off the mountain range
Down into the valleys

So she stayed every day"


"Can't abide our sad goodbyes
I'll see you soon my friend
And though we are oceans apart
It seems you're always there"

"Blue Savannah
Blue Savannah song
Oh blue Savannah song
Somewhere 'cross the desert
Sometime in the early hours
In a restless world
On the open highway

My home is where the heart is
Sweet to surrender to you only
I send my love to you"

"I never had to call the tune
'Cause I always drifted with the tide of the moon
(Ah la luna, my love, my love, my love)

I would go out every night
Looking for someone to treat me right
Not a chance (chance) not a hope (hope)
In this world (world)

Oh I want life
Life wants me
To breath in it's love"

"Do you remember there was a time, ahaha
When people on the street
We're walking hand in hand in hand
They used to talk about the weather
Making plans together
Days would last forever"

"And they covered up the sun
Until the birds had flown away
And the fishes in the sea
Had gone to sleep

Go ahead with your dreamin'
For what it's worth
Or you'll be stricken bound
Kickin' up dirt
For when it's dark
You never know what the night it may bring

Go ahead with your schemin'
And shop at home
You'll find treasure
While cookin' up bones
But the knife is sharp
You'd better watch that you don't cut your hands

Holy Moses our hearts are screaming
Souls are lifting only dreaming
We'll be waiting some are praying
For a time when no one's cheating

The sunlight rising over the horizon
Just a distant memory a dawn chorus
Birds singing bells ringing
In our hearts in our minds"


"Call it new technology
And they use it to burn
And they show no concern
Work for their prosperity
While the big wheels turn
Now it's too late to learn

Don't upset the teacher
Though we know he lied to you
Don't upset the preacher
He's gonna close his eyes for you

And it's a shame
That you're so afraid
Just a worker waiting
In the pouring rain
Putting back the pieces
Of a broken dream
Putting back the pieces
Of a broken dream"

"One rule for us, for you another
Do unto yourself as you see fit for your brother
Is that not within your realm of understanding?
A fifty second capacity of mind, too demanding?
Well then poor unfortunate you
There are a myriad of things that you can do
Like pick up a pen and paper (Pick up a pen or paper)
Or go talk to a friend (Go and talk to a friend)
The mystery of the future (The mystery of the future)
No violence or revenge

Your shame is never ending
Just one psychological drama after another
We are guilty (Guilty) and how we ever entered into this life
God only knows, the infinite complexities of love

We are guilty and how you ever entered into this life
The Lord only knows, we're not to sacrifice the art of love"

"I'm talking 'bout the soul inside
Every thought and word and deed
We're running and we don't look back
Some people never see the light
Every particle of time
It will be a healing one....

I wanna know the way you feel
We all want to touch the sun
Send it to the end of time
Back to the beginning

All across the universe
We can feel the love
Around this crazy world
Fill us with fire
There'll be no sense of pity
We will fly into heaven

We're choking on the air we breathe
And I believe it's all a waste of time
It will fill us with fire
There'll be no sense of pity
We will fly into heaven (heaven, heaven)

Everybody is hurting
Everybody wants freedom
We will fly into heaven"

"Love leave me to sleep, let me wallow in my dreams
See the icy past fade away
The dawning of a brand new day
The echoes of the past that still remind me

How many times will I regret the chances taken?
Why do I end up always the one who is mistaken?"

"Will you be my port in a storm
And I want to climb inside your head
I'm stronger to know that you care
I love you to the sky, sky, sky, sky
I'll not tell you lies, lies, lies, lies
You can be my summer romance"

"We'll be going home
Where the passion covers me with love
Covers me with love
Covers me with love

It won't be out there, it can't be far
Falls like a teardrop to the star
A wall of silence all around
A wall of silence all around

We'll be going home
Where the passion finds the perfect love"

"I want to be in the witness protection programme
I don't like what we've become
We've become borderline obsessive compulsives
Stop the world I want to get off with you baby
Stop right now

No-one out there wants to see the things I see
It's a crazy world a million voices go unheard
What became of wanting to be free
Oh what a world

We lost power long ago
We reap what we have sown
We have no conscience to speak of
It's sheer madness
Don't take the moral high ground
Hide behind your fake words
It's just an excuse
For your weakness

What a lost opportunity, don't be upset with me
What about all the secrets here on Earth
We unbottled the genie living out fantasies
Fell for the propaganda badly
Oh what a world
And it seems to me it's the way it's gonna be"

"I shall pray love your soul to keep
The river sleeping sound
I shall be dreaming deep of you
On a bed of silver sand
I'll take you lightly by the hand
And we'll dance on by the moon"

"You are my, my one true, my world in light

My world in light saving all as one (My one true, one true)
A love that no one can deny
Only rain"

"I can't believe what is happening to me
My head is spinning (Spinning)
The flowers and the trees are encapsulating me
And I go spinning (Spinning)"

"I close my eyes to the sound in the sky and I see
Birds in the trees and pastures green
Nothing to do with the time or the place, I perceive
The rush of the sea beneath my feet

Such a lovely world, oh so magical
Precious like a pearl, wrapped up in a shell
Build your house of stone on a bed of sand
Time and tide will rise, washing through your hands

Hear your heart
See the love
Feel the soul lift up
Hear your heart
See the love
Feel the soul lift up

I lift my eyes to the sound in the sky and I hear it
The voice on the breeze is so serene
Nothing to do with the time or the place but I feel it
Like dust on the moon beneath my feet"

"Hey little wise man
You got the sweetest notion
Ooh the sweetest thing
Just once in a lifetime
You need a helping hand
Ooh a caring hand

You keep it wrapped up inside
It´s like a lethal potion
Gonna find it soul destroying....

No other wise man
Could take the hurt like you do
Ooh the pain like you
Putting on a brave face
But it gets to you somehow
Ooh gets through somehow

You hold your head in your hands
And the weight of the world on your shoulders
Come and pour your heart out to me"

"Across the sea, the sea of love
And when it`s dark I rise above
Move slowly through the quiet air....

We are space, a lonely race
A speck of dust upon the face"

Melissa Etheridge

"Longing for home again
But home is a feeling I've buried in you

I'm alright
I'm alright ~ it only hurts when I breathe
And I can't ask for things to be still again"

"Somebody bring me some water
Can't you see I'm burning alive....

Somebody bring me some water
Can't you see it's out of control

" California
Come rescue me
I am almost free"

"Just a twist of fate
Swirling in the heavens
Asking me to dance
I pick up the broken pieces
I put them back into the sky
I will illuminate the sweetness
It's time for me to fly"

"Faded By Design" - Acoustic Performance

"When my soul crashed into my body
Falling into consciousness
That's when my mind began this illusion
Of taking it - step after step

I looked into mother's eyes
I said tell me what I should believe
She drew me a room with a light and said
Just turn it off when you leave

Slow, slow, this river is slow
We're all out here on our own
Row, row, gently we row
One day we'll find our way home"

"We keep thinking
Life is what it's not
We keep building
This impossible facade

Why do we keep trying
To turn people into gods

When god is in the people"

"The bones get broken
And the skin gets torn
And the scars, they bleed
Like the day they were born....

When the whole damn world is busted
There's no need in bein' sane
Beyond repair
What the soul can bear
The nerves, they tear
Dying a death of despair, oh

Here comes the pain
Here comes the pain, oh
Here comes the pain
Here comes the pain"

"The promise of this new world
Would be mine

 Now I am throwing off the carelessness of youth
To listen to an inconvenient truth

 That I - need to move
I need to wake up
I need to change
I need to shake up
I need to speak out
Something's got to break up
I've been asleep
And I need to wake up

"I Need to Wake Up" - Film Documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth" 2006 Academy Award Winner for "Best Song"

"Oh the long nights in the small room
With the big dreams
Oh Indiana....
You're only dying here....

And before you know it
You're not alone
Looking for a place called home anywhere
Oh Indiana"

"Every night they want you to be

One of the little angels
Who flies between the star"

"Oh, the Memphis train
Come on, come on
Oh, the Memphis train

Alright, let's go
Here we go"

"I know a place
Down past an old shack
On a road that goes to nowhere
Ain't nobody coming back....

There's no one to hear
You might as well scream
They never woke up
From the American dream
And they don't understand"

"Time to come together, time to realize
I cannot blame the other, my life is my design
Time to come together, time for me to see
My brothers and my sisters, just another part of me
Hey, uh huh

This human chain will be unbroken
By and by, love, by and by
This human chain goes on forever
It's you and I, it's you and I"

"You can hide 'neath your covers
And study your pain
Make crosses from your lovers
Throw roses in the rain
Waste your summer praying in vain
For a saviour to rise from these streets"

Please seek Bruce Springsteen and the East Street Band for Original.

"I am so sorry for the unexpected rain"

"My eyes are wide-open recognizing change
It feeds the fires of the fear
Where human love seems strange....

There's no need for hiding
And there's no need for shame
Come into the sun, tell everyone
Love has a face it has a name....

A sacred force created me
In that I had no choice"

Jay Farrar

Fats Domino

"On Blueberry Hill) We'll see what we shall see
(On Blueberry Hill) I'll bring my horn with me
(When I found you) I'll be wit' you where berries are blue
(The moon stood still) Each afternoon we'll go
(On Blueberry Hill) Higher than the moon we'll go....

The wind in the willow played (do you really love me)
Love's sweet melody (as I love you?)....

Though we're apart, you're part of me still
For you were my thrill on Blueberry Hill"

Jay Ferguson

"She was the color of the Indian summer
And we shared the hours without number
Until one day when the sky turned dark
And the winds grew wild
Caught by the rain and blinded by the lightning
We rode the storm out there - on Thunder Island"

The Fifth Dimension

First Aid Kit

"Sometimes I wish I could find my Rosemary Hill
I'd sit there and look at the deserted lakes and I'd sing
And every once in a while I'd sing a song for you
That would rise above the mountains and the stars and the sea
And if I wanted it to it would lead you back to me

And the lion's roar, the lion's roar
Is something that I have heard before
A children's tale, the lonesome wail of a lion's roar"


Wolf-mother, where you been?
You look so worn, so thin....

Wolf-father, at the door
You don't smile anymore....

When I run through the deep dark forest long
After this begun
Where the sun would set
The trees were dead
And the rivers were none
And I hope for a trace
To lead me back home from this place
But there was no sound there was only me, and my disgrace"


Ella Fitzgerald

"I'll sing to her, bring Spring to her
And long, for the day when I'll cling to her"

"Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered" Live

Singing a song
Nothing but bluebirds
All day long"

"Summertime, time, time,
Child, the living's easy.
Fish are jumping out
And the cotton, Lord,
Cotton's high, Lord, so high."


The Five Stairsteps

Fleet Foxes

"In the quivering forest,
Where the shivering dog rests,
Our good grandfather
Built a wooden nest
And the river got frozen,
And the home got snowed in,
And the yellow moon glowed bright
Till the morning light"

"Blue Ridge Mountains" - A "take away" show

"I was a child in the ivy then
I never knew you, you knew me
Not like you knew me
Off on the other ocean now
All is behind you, all is sea"

"How could it all fall in one day?
Were we too sure of the sun?"

"If You Need To, Keep Time On Me"

"Who stole the life from you?
Who turned you so against you?....

Fire can't doubt its heat
Water can't doubt its power
You're not adrift, you're not a gift
You know you're not a flower"

"Through the forest
Down to your grave
Where the birds wait
And the tall grasses wave

They do not
Know you anymore
More, more, more"

"Light ended the night, but the song remained
And I was hiding by the stair, half here
Half there, past the lashing rain
And as the sky would petal white, old innocent lies came to mind
As we stood, congregated, at the firing line....

As if it were designed, painted in sand to be washed away
Oh, but I can hear you, loud in the center
Aren't we made to be crowded together, like leaves?"

Fleetwood Mac

Florence and the Machine

"And good God, under starry skies we are lost
And into the breach we got tossed
And the water's coming in fast

And oh my love remind me, what was it that I said?
I can't help but pull the earth around me, to make my bed"

"I couldn't hide from the thunder in a sky full of song"

Dan Fogelberg

Foggy Bottom Boys

"Listen to the mockingbird,
Listen to the mockingbird,
Still singing where the weeping willows wave"

Steve Forbert

"Good planets are hard to find
Temperate zones and tropic climes
True currents in thriving seas
Winds blowin' through breathing trees
Strong ozone and safe sunshine
Good planets are hard to find....

Good planets are in demand
Clean beaches and sparkling sand
Land masses with room to spare
Jet streams and perfect air
High forests and low wetlands
Good planets are in demand....

Good planets are rare indeed
Rain fallin' on crops and seed
Big rivers and good topsoil
Fuel sources from cane to oil
Green gardens of all we need
Good planets are rare indeed....

Good planets are scarce and few
Earthworms and caribou
Strong food chains and tasty meals
Textiles and plants that heal
Iron mountains and skies of blue
Good planets are scarce and few"

"Buildings an' people down under the skies,
I walk down the street lookin' out through my eyes,
I'm getting so skinny it hurts to sit down....

Well, I'm tryna get up, tryna laugh in my head,
I'm walkin' on eggs and I'm climbin' on thread....

I'm 's'posed t' be happy, I'm here where it's at,
I'm a face in the crowd, I'm a big city cat"

"It was down by the Sally gardens
My love and I did meet
She crossed the Sally gardens
With little snow-white feet....

She bid me take life easy
As the grass grows on the weirs
But I was young and foolish
And now I am full of tears"

"Down By The Sally's Gardens"

"Just to reach you, my friend
Just to find you and see -
If you still care for me"

"Well, I'm goin' down to Laurel"

"If winds calm down to nothing
Leaves will still be rustling - in the Magic Tree....

And while away the hours
Soaking up the flowers - of the Magic Tree

Who grew up tall with his roots down deep....

Something's always brewing in the Magic Tree"

"Roll your rain
Roll your rain
Roll your rain down"

"Down Silver Avenue in rain and mist
You're lookin' for Easy Street - which don't exist....

Gotta love - to live
Gotta wild, old, rambling road, boy....

And back in Baltimore, the morning came
Her face was Paradise - You hear Her name
Can't break Her spell, oh, no, you can't break Her spell"

"'Oh the engine's gone dead,' cried the men who work there
And she passed up the dock on the wide Delaware
Then the ship ran aground and the oil got away
And they penned that report, 'The Big Spill' on that day

It was hundreds of thousands of gallons galore
Stretching thirty-two miles down the Delaware shore
There were geese in the marshes out looking for food
They got stuck where they stood in the oncoming crude

And it's oil, oil
Ah, drifting to the sea
Oil, oil
Don't buy it at the station, you can have it now for free
Just come on down to the shoreline, where the water used to be"

Steve Forbert Interview about "The Oil Song" - The Huffington Post Transcript

"The rain and sleet and snow is the stuff we gotta to go through
Till we get back to sunny days, oh they seem so far away from now

The sleet and rain and ice, is the price we gotta pay
To get to summer days again,
Back when there ain't no howlin' wind again

You folks in Nova Scotia
Mankind not supposed to live up there the whole year's time
I'll let Sascato know, Sasquatchwan in June,
But not now in that harsh climb, climb....

Pollyanna Postman knows it,
And every time it snows its more than the job entails.... the mail - the mail

I hear Chicago's sneezing,
Yeah, Minneapolis's wheeze, with snow piled up all this time"

"Oh, Gods and years will rise and fall....

Come on out beneath the shining sun

Meet me in the middle of the night
Let me hear you say everything's alright
Sneak on out beneath the stars and run....

Let me smell the moon in your perfume"

"Time to get together
It’s an uphill climb
In…cle…mental weather
Makes it hard, sometimes"

Interview - KRVM 91.9 Eugene, Oregon

Fortunate Ones

"You can't live for yourself on the far side of good
And try to use what you got like you said that you would
Step back from a forest, all you have is the trees
And seeds of doubt that you plant float away with the breeze....

So what's there to do when you see what you got
And then your mind knocks you out with all the things you have not
Succumb to the light and it's easy to choose
When you learn that the things that you love you can lose"


"Here we stand
Oaks and willows hand in hand
A breath of air, a grain of sand
Holding hard to what we have....

And now it's so clear to me
We're hanging on the breeze
And it's hard to say
And it's harder still to know
We knew we'd have to let this go"

"Oaks and Willows" - with Lyrics below

The Foundations

Inez & Charlie Foxx

Aretha Franklin

"This is the house that Jack built, y'all
Remember this house!

This was the land that he worked by hand
It was the dream of an upright man
There was the room that was filled with love
It was a love that I was proud of
This was a life of a love he planned"

"The House That Jack Built"


"See the snow falling on the ground
days of old, cold so cold
Wretched sailing amongst the cloud
melts the snow - still I'm cold"

Please seek original at Blackfeather

Fresh Maggots

Glenn Frey

"The sun goes down the night rolls in
You can feel it starting all over again
The moon comes up and the music calls
You're getting tired of staring at the same four walls

You belong to the city
You belong to the night
Living in a river of darkness beneath the neon light
You were born in the city

Concrete under your feet
It's in your blood it's in your moves

For a man of the streets"

The Friends of Distinction

"Sure is mellow grazin' in the grass
(Grazin' in the grass is a yes, baby, can you dig it)
What a trip just watchin' as the world goes past
(Grazin' in the grass is a yes, baby, can you dig it)

There are so many groovy things to see while grazin' in the grass
(Grazin' in the grass is a yes, baby, can you dig it)
Flowers with colours bright, makin', everything outta sight
(Grazin' in the grass is a yes, baby, can you dig it)

The sun beamin' out between the leaves
(Grazin' in the grass is a yes, baby, can you dig it)
And the birds dartin' in and out of the trees
(Grazin' in the grass is a yes, baby, can you dig it)"

Annette Funicello

"There is romance 'neath Hawaiian skies
Where the lovely hula hula maidens roll their eyes

[While the silvery moon is shining above]
[The kane's and wahini's sing a song about love]

Paridise now, at the hukilau"

"I saw a boy on Oahu isle
Floatin' down the bay on a crocodile
He waved at me and he swam ashore
And I knew he'd be mine forevermore....

He sings his song from banana trees....

'Pineapple princess', he calls me pineapple princess all day
As he plays his ukulele on the hill above the bay"

"Pineapple Princess"

"From my city in the East ~ to the city of the ages"

The Hawaiiannette Album

Magne Furuholmen

Peter Gabriel

"I'm digging in the dirt"

"Suki plays with Leo
Sacha plays with Britt
Adolf builds a bonfire
Enrico plays with it"

"Working in gardens, thornless roses,
Fat men play with their garden hoses"

"Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon
We are shakin' the tree
Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon
We are shakin' the tree"

"Wind was blowing, time stood still
Eagle flew out of the night
He was something to observe
Came in close, I heard a voice
Standing, stretching every nerve
Had to listen, had no choice
I did not believe the information
Just had to trust imagination
My heart going boom, boom, boom
"Son", he said, "grab your things, I've come to take you home""

"Solsbury Hill"

"Monkey, Too much at stake
 Monkey, Ground beneath me shake
 Monkey, And the news is breaking
 Shock! Shock! Shock! – watch the monkey get hurt, monkey
 Shock! Shock! Shock! – watch the monkey get hurt, monkey"

ABUSE: Bornean orangutan [Endangered Species] clearly taught to smoke cigarettes at Bandung Zoo in Indonesia [Video]

Art Garfunkel

Please also seek, "Simon and Garfunkel."

"Is it a kind of a dream
Floating out on the tide
Following the river of death downstream
Oh, is it a dream?

There's a fog along the horizon
A strange glow in the sky
And nobody seems to know where it goes
And what does it mean?
Oh, is it a dream?"

"I'm the kid who ran, away with the circus
Now I'm watering elephants
But I sometimes, lie awake in the sawdust
Dreaming I'm in a suit of light....

I'm the kid who, always looked out the window
Failing tests in geography
But I've seen things, far beyond just the schoolyard

Distant shores of exotic lands
There, the spires of the Turkish Empire
It's six months since we made landfall
Riding low with the spice of India
Through Gibraltar, we're rich men - all"

David Gates

Please seek Bread too!

"So forget your past my Goodbye Girl
'Cause now you're home at last"

"See the clouds - they're giving life below
In colors that the canvas cannot show
Keeping secrets no one else could know
For I'm the one who told them so....

Rainfall don't bother me at all
You see the world reflected on the highway
Come on rainbow - I can't let you go
Before I reach the end of you someway
So the next time raindrops fall
If it makes you climb the walls just think
Of green"

Marvin Gaye

"Oh, make you wanna holler
The way they do my life
Make me wanna holler
The way they do my life
This ain't livin', This ain't livin'
No, no baby, this ain't livin'
No, no, no"

"Inner City Blues" [Makes Me Want To Holler]

"Whoa, ah, mercy mercy me
Oh things ain't what they used to be, no no
Where did all the blue skies go?
Poison is the wind that blows from the north and south and east....

Oil wasted on the oceans and upon our seas, fish full of mercury....

Radiation under ground and in the sky
Animals and birds who live nearby are dying
Oh mercy,

What about this overcrowded land
How much more abuse from man can She stand?
Oh, no no, na, na na, na
My sweet Lord, na, na, na
My Lord, my sweet Lord"

Crystal Gayle

"You are the one who makes me fly so high
You are the rain when my spirits run dry
You give my life
A hope that's real
'Cause when I'm with you
You take me away
To another world"

With Gary Morris

Mordechai Gebirtig

"Get up man! It’s dawning,
The beam says to me,
Here’s a sunbeam-bouquet, look up and see,
It’s springtime, the time of good news,
Soon will come blossoms, and seeding, and birds,
And nestlings and freedom and bright cheerful words
For all mankind"

"It's burning! Brothers, It's burning! Oh, our poor town, alas, is burning! Angry winds with rage are tearing, smashing, blowing higher still the wild flames----all around now burns! And you stand there looking on with folded arms, and you stand there looking on----our town is burning!"

"Our Town is Burning" and "A Beam of Sunlight"

Zack Gill


"Would you order on demand
From the disembodied hand
From the moving lights up in the sky?"

All Lyrics

Golden Earring(s)

"Like darkness in the temple of doom
I need a guiding light
Tell me, what am I supposed to do ~
Albino Moon"

"Clouds in the sky
Gathering for a fight
Chasing their prey till it can't go on....

I wish the sunlight was burning in my eyes
Instead of shades, black faces of the skies"

"Goin' back right through the city
Through the country, rivers so pretty
People wonder why I'm going back home
Just the place where I belong"

"Morning sunshine, praise the earth
Fill your glass with wine and dirt
I don't mind, I'm the big tree
I don't mind, I'm the blue sea....

I'm sun, I'm warm, I'm child of the moon
Even when it's dark, I'll send the dune

Can't you hear there's fishermen laughing
The whale dips down, I hear him crying for me
I'm shade, I'm good, I'm beams in June
Even when it's dark, I'll light your room...."

"The rainbow hides no treasure"

"Mother mother, gotta understand
That mother mother we've got murder on our hands....

Gather all you hunters, and gather all you prey
Listen to what the wind and the trees have got to say
To all you marble statues and you bricks of clay
Blow you all to kingdom come on your judgment day"

"I'm a spacey-dog, gone astray
A million miles - and the job don't pay
I've seen a junkyard between the stars"

"We got a thing that's called radar love
We got a wave in the air
Radar love....

Gotta keep cool, now, gotta take care
Last car to pass, here I go
And the line of clouds goes down real slow....

And the newsman sang his same song
One more radar lover gone
We got a thing that's called - radar love"

"Where flies the falcon,
in the high sweet air
Without hunting this Sprane Valleys deer"

"There's a truth behind it all
I believe it's getting bigger
But it's all up to you, and it's all up to me
Yeah it's all up to me
Your sweet talking babe, won't turn the world around

Meet me underground, turn the world around
Climb a mountain yeah, cry me an ocean too
Turn the world around, turn the world around....
Don't say impossible, when it's possible         
 We're responsible, let's turn the world around
Only one light to follow, only one dream to share
Let's strike a bargain, it's gonna get us there
All your sense, all your love……………."

"My beacon's been moved under moon and star
Where am I to go now that I've gone too far?"

"Fascinating lady, snowflake in the sun
You make me feel so bourgeois.... 

You âre still honey to the flies
Attract the incrowd dandies
Faraway-look in their eyes
You are the bright, nocturnal Vanilla Queen"

"Every time it feels like the earth is shakin'
It doesn't matter, a glass is fallin',
I hear it shatter"

Bobby Goldsboro

"The first day that she planted it
Was just a twig
Then the first snow came and she ran out
To brush the snow away
So it wouldn't die....

in the early spring
When flowers bloom and robins sing
She went away"

"If'n I was God, well just for spite
I wouldn't set the sun at night
Till everyone was treated right
By everyone else they see....

And God that ain't half of what I would do
If n' I was You"

"If'n I Was God" - "Tom Sawyer" scene

Jose Gonzalez

"Who cares in a hundred years from now
All your small steps, all your shitty clouds
Who cares in a hundred years from now
Who'll remember all the players
Who'll remember all the clowns"

"Take this seed, take this spade
Take this dream of a better day
Take your time, build a home
Build a place where we all can belong"

"Why can't you take the leaf off your mouth?
Now that you have the facts on your side
Take a moment to reflect where you're from
Let reason guide you,
See old tracks take you out from the dark
See old tracks lead you up to the stars"

"Teardrop on the fire of a confession
Feathers on my breath
Night, nights of matter
Black flowers blossom"

Green Day

The Guess Who

"Anybody here see the noise, see the fear, and commotion
I think we missed it

Anybody here see the sky weeping tears for the ocean

Don't give me no hand me down shoes
Don't give me no hand me down love
Don't give me no hand me down world
I got one already"

"No time for a summer friend
No time for the love you send
Seasons change and so did I
You need not wonder why
You need not wonder why
There's no time left for you
No time left for you"

Burton Cummings with Ringo Starr, Joe Walsh, & Todd Rundgren - 1992

"Maybe I'll be there to shake your hand
Maybe I'll be there to share the land
That they'll be givin' away
When we all live together
I'm talkin' 'bout together now....

Did you pay your dues
Did you read the news
This mornin' when the paper landed in your yard....

you know I'll be standin' by
(Share the land) to help you if you're worried
(Shake your hand) no more sadness, no more sorrow
(Share the land) and no more bad times
(Shake your hand) every day comin' sunshine
(Share the land) every day everybody laughin'
(Shake your hand) walkin' together by the river
(Share the land) walkin' together and laughin'
(Shake your hand) everybody singin' together
(Share the land) everybody singin' and laughin'
(Shake your hand) good times, good times
(Share the land) everybody walkin' by the river now
(Shake your hand) walkin', singin', talkin'
(Share the land) smilin', laughin', diggin' each other"

"Share the Land" - Fan Slide Video

Guns N' Roses

"See a sky lit on fire, seen the dog in here.
She lift her lips, with a passion, I"n the third degree"

"More than you got to rule the nation
When all we've got is precious time
More than you got to fool the nation
But all I've got is precious time....

You think you got it all locked up inside
And if you beat them enough they'll die
It's like a walk in a park from the cell
Now you're keeping your own kind in hell
When your Great Wall rocks blame yourself
When their arms reach out for your help
And you're out of time?"

"You know you're all alone
Your friends they aren't at home
Everybody's gone to the garden
As you look into the trees

You can look but you don't see
The flowers seem to tease you at the garden
Everybody's there, but you don't seem to care
What's it with you man, and this garden?"

"It's a critical solution
And the east coast got the blues
It's a mass of confusion
Like the lies they sell to you....

Tell me how a generation's
Ever s'posed to learn
This fire is burnin'
And it's out of control....

Lost in the garden of Eden
Said we're lost in the garden of Eden
And there's no one who's gonna believe this
But we're lost in the garden of Eden

Most organized religions make
A mockery of humanity
Our governments are dangerous
And out of control
The garden of Eden is just another graveyard
Said, if they had someone to buy it
Said, I'm sure they'd sell my soul

"Mama take this badge from me
I can't use it anymore
It's getting dark too dark to see
Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door....

Mama put my guns in the ground
I can't shoot them anymore
That cold black cloud is comin' down
Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door"

"And when your fears subside
And shadows still remain, oh yeah
I know that you can love me
When there's no one left to blame
So never mind the darkness
We still can find a way
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
Even cold November rain"

"The surgeon general says it's hazardous to breathe
I'd have another cigarette but I can't see
Tell me who you're gonna believe....,

Captain America's been torn apart
Now he's a court jester with a broken heart
He said, 'Turn me around and take me back to the start
I must be losing my mind - are you blind?'
I've seen it all a million times....

Take me down to the paradise city
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Oh won't you please take me home
I wanna go, I wanna know
Oh won't you please take me home"

"Little patience, mm yeah, mm yeah
Need a little patience, yeah
Just a little patience, yeah
Some more patience, yeah (I've been walking the streets at night, just trying to get it right)
A little patience, yeah (Its hard to see with so many around
You know I don't like being stuck in the crowd)
Could use some patience, yeah (And the streets don't change but maybe the names)"

"She's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by....

Where do we go?
Where do we go now?
Where do we go?

"Welcome to the jungle, it gets worse here every day
You learn to live like an animal in the jungle where we play
If you hunger for what you see you'll take it eventually
You can have everything you want - but you better not take it from me"

Arlo Guthrie

"Inch by inch, row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
Gonna mulch it deep and low
Gonna make it fertile ground

Plant your rows straight and long
Season with a prayer and song
Mother Earth will make you strong
If you give her loving care"

Woody Guthrie

"Sharecrop bottom a few days ago
Water got high, spread a lot of mud
Caught me a gal with a rake and a hoe
We dug our lives away-o
And we dig our lives away

Climb way up to the forks of the tree
Prettiest little bird nest I ever did see
Get up the sticks and eggs and all
And dig my life away-o
Well I dug my life away "

"This land is your land, this land is my land
From California, to the New York Island
From the redwood forest, to the gulf stream waters
This land was made for you and me....

In the squares of the city, in the shadow of the steeple
Near the relief office, I see my people
And some are grumblin' and some are wonderin'
If this land's still made for you and me."


Numbers & A to G

H - L

Hall and Oates

"Seasons change, people change
But you can't hold back the clock
Cause time won't stop for you and me
 And the world keeps spinning 'round"

"I watch the danger zone
For signs of life but not a soul alive
Try every trick I know
To keep my temperature from blowing sky high....

On the edge of a heading for heavy weather
I suspect I can tell I can feel it in my bones
All not well but you never know
Cold Dark and Yesterday"

"We don't need a whole lot of money
We don't need a Cadillac car
What we need is a mountain in Montana
A thousand acre world"

"Green flag is rising and baby green means go
New world on the horizon
And who deserves the love more than you
More than me
Both of us
Can't you see....

What we believe has got to be more than the words of our friends
Honey I love the life but I'd fight for our world not to end"

"There's a thunder storm 'a brewin'
And the day is turning gray....
I've got to move myself out to the country
I'm lookin' out for any place at all
I'm gonna spend another Fall In Philadelphia"

"See a lot of people fighting for the left or the right
Fighting people see black or white
You'd like to go your way sure I'd like to go mine
But we're all in this together running out of time

 Woman to woman and man to man
Heart to heart and hand to hand
Set an example for all the little boys and girls
For the hand that rocks the cradle can rule the world"

"Oh my...marigold sky
Gold leaf reflections on the ocean"

"In the moonlight
Under startlight
Songs old as the night
Are what I've been dreamin' of
Everybody's hard as iron
Locked in a modern world
Dreams are make of a different stuff
I believe love will always be the same
The ways and means are the parts subject to change"

"Keep on missing each other
Our world's out of order
All I see is missed opportunity
Will we ever learn"

"The shades all around aren't the colors we used to see
Broken ice still melts in the sun
And times that are broken can often be one again....

Reaching out for something to hold
Looking for a love where the climate is cold
Manic moves and drowsy dreams
Or living in the middle between the two extremes....

I'm out of time"

"There was music all night"

With Train

"It's a case of
Possession obsession
Just a taste of
Possession obsession
Brings of a case of possession
I hear you say possession

Now, don't you know
It's a matter of fact
The more that you take
(Gimme some)
The less you get back"

"We lost what we had
That's why it hurt so bad
It set us back a thousand years
We're gonna make it up
Though it's gonna be rough
To erase all the hurt and tears....

We're gonna make it in the place of changing the world
Any way we can.  Any way we can."

"I think the sun was in my eyes
This time the time won't pass me by"

"If there's enough to go around why can't I get mine
If everybody knows they've been lied to
If everybody knows it, then why are they waiting
On a gas line
I think it must be a test to weed the best from the rest
But whatever they are doing is driving us
Out of our minds....

 Who said the world was fair
or that we should care"

Emmylou Harris

George Harrison

"Tell me, what is my life without your love
Tell me, who am I without you, by my side?"


"'Sell me, sell you,' the porpoise said
'Dive down deep to save my head
You, I think you got the blues too'

All that night and all the next
Swam without looking back
Made for the western pools, silly, silly fools"

"Well I stumbled upon your secret place
Safe in the trees, you had tears on your face....
See the dog and butterfly
Up in the air he likes to fly
Dog(gy) and butterfly below she had to try
She roll back down to the warm soft ground
Laughing to the sky, up to the sky"

"Show me the way
To the deepest mountains
Too high and beautiful to be
Mistral, mistral wind

All the hours on the watch"

"Never ask what's become of us
Just dedicate your sorrow
Here and now
To the soul of the sea
And me....
Mama ocean hold me to you
Rock me on your waves
And tell me
Is it all true?"

"We're not gonna sit in silence
We're not gonna live with fear

It's time you know we all should stand together
We got the power to be powerful
And believe it we could make it better"

Don Henley

"I pulled my coat over my shoulders
And took a walk down through the park
The leaves were falling around me....

What the head makes cloudy
The heart makes very clear
The days were so much brighter
In the time when she was here
I know there's somebody, somewhere
Make these dark clouds disappear
Until that day, I have to believe
I believe, I believe"

Jim Henson

"I might stay for a day there if I had my wish
But there's not much to do when you're friends are all fish
And an oyster and clam aren't real family
So I don't want to live in the sea

I'd like to visit to the jungle, hear the lions roar
Go back in time and meet a dinosaur
There's so many strange places I'd like to be
But none of them permanently

So if I should visit the moon
Well, I'll dance on a moonbeam and then
I will make a wish on a star
And I wish I was home once again

Though I'd like to look down at the earth from above
I would miss all the places and the people I love
So although I may go I'll be coming home soon
'Cause I don't want to live on the moon"

"It's not that easy being green
It seems you blend in with so many other ordinary things
And people tend to pass you over 'cause you're
Not standing out like flashy sparkles on the water
Or stars in the sky

Green is the color of Spring
Green can be cool and friendly-like
And green can be big like an ocean, important
Like a mountain, tall like a tree....

But if green is all there is to be
It may make you wonder why, why wonder why
Wonder, I am green and thati'll do fine, it's beautiful
And it's what I want to be"

"Who said that every wish
Would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star

Somebody thought of that
And someone believed it
And look what it's done so far

What's so amazing
That keeps us star gazing
And what do we think we might see

Someday we'll find it
That Rainbow Connection
The lovers, the dreamers, and me

All of us under its spell
We know, t's probably magic"

"Rainbow Connection" - 1979 Academy Awards "Best Song" Nominee

Paul Williams shares The Story Behind, "The Rainbow Connection" - The Tennessean

The Hollies

"Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you"

"All that summer we enjoyed it
Wind and rain and shine
That umbrella, we employed it
By August, she was mine"

Gustav Holst

"The Planets"

Bruce Hornsby and the Range

"Of the lost soul coming down the road
Somewhere between two worlds
With an oar in his hands and a song on your lips
We'll row the boat to the far shore
Row the boat of love lost soul"

"Listen to the mandolin rain
Listen to the music on the lake
Listen to my heart break ~ every time she runs away
Listen to the banjo wind
A sad song drifting low
Listen to the tears roll
Down my face as she turns to go"

"Well, they passed a law in '64
To give those who ain't got a little more
But it only goes so far
Because the law don't change another's mind"

Ian Hunter

"I hear the sons of Memphis-I hear the brothers of Harlem
I hear the Nashville Cats n' the rag time mamas outa New Orleans
I hear the Windy City-I hear the gospel singers hymn-and it seems to me
American music is all there's ever been

C'mon baby oh oh -oh oh-oo-oo
I love the names of the cities - I hear the echo echoing
And it seems to me American music is all there's ever been"

"We walked to the sea, just my father and me
And the dogs played around on the sand
Winter cold cut the air, hanging still everywhere
Dressed in gray did he say, 'Hold my hand?'"

Janis Ian


"They say there was a fire on the night I died"

"To ride the high seas
She must be beautiful
White linen sails
That have captured your vagrant breeze
Singing her siren song
Luring you far from the harbor
And into the gales"

"Swannanoa, I am longing
For my home so far away...
And the mountains, and the mist
And the white clouds they kissed"

"When the rain refused to fall
Air filled our bellies
Dust filled up our lungs"

"Something's wrong in heaven tonight
You can almost hear them cry
Angels to the left and the right
Saying, "What about the love?
What about the love? What about the love?"

"What About the Love?"

Benard Ighner

"There are not many things in life
You can be sure of, except

Rain comes from the clouds
Sun lights up the sky
And hummingbirds do fly"

"Everything Must Change"

The Indigo Girls

With Three 5 Human

"Dear Mr. President,
Come take a walk with me
Let's pretend we're just two people
And you're not better than me
I'd like to ask you some questions
If we can speak honestly"

"Get out the map and lay your finger anywhere down
We'll leave the figurin' to those we pass on our way out of town
Don't drink the water
There seems to be somethin' ailin' everyone"

"Clearing webs from the hovel
A blistered hand on the handle of a shovel....

Learn how to use my hands, not just my head
I think myself into jail
Now I know a refuge never grows
From a chin in a hand in a thoughtful pose
Gotta tend the earth if you want a rose"

James Ingram

"Life is but a grain of sand, washed away
Beneath the morning tide
Precious hours grow too few
Somehow you must try to justify
The aging of your mind and yet - a baby's born"

"And the eagle shall soar, above
And the land shall be healed once more - with love.

Alone in the dark
it's hard to imagine
that day will ever come.
That the season will change
and life will begin once again
out in the sun."

"Rain comes from the clouds
Sun lights up the sky
Hummingbirds they do flap
Their wings and go by by, oh fly"

"In a time when the words of the truth are not spoken
There's a war...There is hatred tearing us apart
And the sea reaches high to horizons now broken
And the world is so weary and fighting and lost
You must GO...Go on and STAND IN THE LIGHT

And the world will remember why LOVE is the way we must go"

The Isley Brothers

"All babies together, everyone a seed
Half of us are satisfied, half of us in need
Love's bountiful in us, tarnished by our greed
When will there be a harvest for the world

A nation planted, so concerned with gain
As the seasons come and go, greater grows the pain
And far too many feelin' the strain
When will there be a harvest for the world"

"See the curtains hangin' in the window, in the evenin' on a Friday night
A little light a-shinin' through the window, lets me know everything is alright
Summer breeze, makes me feel fine, blowing through the jasmine in my mind"

Please seek Seals and Crofts for original.

It's a Beautiful Day

"White bird
Dreams of the aspen trees
With their dying leaves
Turning gold

But the white bird
Just sits in her cage
Growing old

White bird must fly
Or she will die
White bird must fly

Or she will die"

Alan Jackson

Janet Jackson

Michael Jackson

"She said this is the place where no people have pain
With love and happiness
She turned around looked down at my eyes and started cryin'
She grabbed my hand, 'You got a friend'....

I seen the grass and the sky and the birds
And the flowers surrounded by the trees
This place is filled with love and happiness
How in the world could I wanna leave"

"Ben most people would turn you away
I don't listen to a word they say
They don't see you as I do
I wish they would try to'
I'm sure they'd think again if they had a friend like Ben"
{Ben is a Rat.}

Lee Harcourt Montgomery Interview regarding film, "Ben"

"You give me butterflies inside, inside and I....
'Til the end of time"

"Stories buried and untold
Someone is hiding the truth, hold on
When will this mystery unfold
And will the sun ever shine
In the blind man's eyes when he cries?

You can change the world (I can't do it by myself)
You can touch the sky (Gonna take somebody's help)
You're the chosen one (I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
If we all cry at the same time tonight"

"It's a turf war on a global scale
I'd rather hear both sides of the tale
See, it's not about races
Just places"

"What about sunrise
What about rain
What about all the things that you said
We were to gain....

Look what we've done
What about all the peace
That you pledge your only Son....

What about the seas    (What about us)
The heavens are falling down (What about us)
I can't even breathe    (What about us)
What about apathy    (What about us)
Drowning in the seas    (What about us)
What about the promised land
Preachin' what I believe    (What about us)
What about the holy land    (What about it)
What about the greed    (What about us)

"We were together most of the time
But summer's gotten away from us
Time's moving too fast for us"

"The fantasy you see is like a child again
Through rainbow colored eyes"

"There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow"

"Nobody hurt nobody else
Oh no I wouldn't let it be
Nobody have a need to pray
Except for thanking me

If'n I was God
I'd make us wise
So everyone could realize
That everywhere beneath the sun
Everyone needs everyone"

"I've been a victim of a selfish kind of love
It's time that I realize
That there are some with no home, not a nickel to loan
Could it be really me, pretending that they're not alone?

A willow deeply scarred, somebody's broken heart
And a washed-out dream
They follow the pattern of the wind ya' see
'Cause they got no place to be
That's why I'm starting with me"

"Oh my god, can't believe what I saw
As I turned on the TV this evening
I was disgusted by all the injustice
All the injustice

All the injustice"

Caution: "f" word is sung in the video.

"I can't believe this is the land from which I came
You know I do really hate to say it
The government don't want to see
But if Roosevelt was livin'
He wouldn't let this be, no, no....

Some things in life they just don't want to see
But if Martin Luther was livin'
He wouldn't let this be, no, no"

Instrumental - 2 Chellos

"But They Told Me A Man Should Be Faithful
And Walk When Not Able
And Fight Till The End
But I'm Only Human

Everyone's Taking Control Of Me
Seems That The World's Got A Role For Me
I'm So Confused
Will You Show To Me You'll Be There For Me
And Care Enough To Bear Me"

The Jamies

"It's time to head straight for them hills
It's time to live and have some thrills
Come along and have a ball
A regular free-for-all"

Waylon Jennings

Jethro Tull

"Building castles by the sea, he dares the tardy tide to wash them all aside

The cattle quietly grazing at the grass down by the river
Where the swelling mountain water moves onward to the sea:"

"You were kissed by a witch, one night in the wood...

Leaves falling red, yellow, brown, all look the same
And the love you have found, lay outside in the rain
Washed clean by the water but nursing his pain
The witch's promise was coming
And you look - and there's where for your own selfish gain"


You've blown it all sky high
Our love had wings to fly
We could have touched the sky
You've blown it all sky high"

Peg Leg Joe

"Follow The Drinking Gourd" - History with Song sung by Richie Havens

Billy Joel

"Now we are forced to recognize our inhumanity
A reason coexists with our insanity
Though we choose between reality and madness
Its either sadness or euphoria"

Elton John

"I'll pick a star from the sky"

"There's a time for everyone, if they only learn
That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn
There's a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors
When the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yours"

"From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking, step into the Sun
There's more to be seen than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done

Some say eat or be eaten
Some say live and let live
But all are agreed as they join the stampede
You should never take more than you give....

Some of us fall by the wayside
And some of us soar to the stars
And some of us sail through our troubles
And some have to live with the scars

In the circle of life
It's the wheel of fortune
It's the leap of faith
It's the band of hope
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle ~ the circle of life"

"I saw a black cat tease a white mouse
Until he killed it with his claws
Seems a lot of countries do the same thing
Before they go to war"

"What happened here
As the New York sunset disappeared
I found an empty garden among the flagstones there

Who lived here
He must have been a gardener that cared a lot
Who weeded out the tears and grew a good crop
And now it all looks strange
It's funny how one insect can damage so much grain"

"They bend like trees in winter
These shuffling old grey lions
Those snow-white stars still gather
Like the belt around Orion"

"I miss the earth so much
I miss my wife
It's lonely out in space
On such a timeless flight....

Mars ain't the kind of place
To raise your kids
In fact, it's cold as hell
And there's no one there to raise them
If you did"

Michael Johnson

With Leo Kottke

"There's a quarter moon that's laying up on the ridge
And he's making up his mind to rise or to set
There's a lot of water flowing under this bridge
There's a voice inside me saying, 'Get your feet wet'"

"I know this night won't last forever
I know the sun is gonna shine sometime
I need some hope for a bright tomorrow
And I know this heart is gonna mend just fine"

Howard Jones

Norah Jones

"The water on the ground
Ain't got no place else it found
So it's only got one thing left to do

Creep on in
Creep on in
And once it has begun
Won't stop until it's done
Sneaking in"

"We're a wheel of cheese high in the sky
But we're gonna be sinkin' soon

In a boat that's built of sticks and hay
We drifted from the shore
With a captain who's too proud to say
That he dropped the oar
A tiny hole has sprung a leak
In this cheap pontoon
Now the hull has started growing weak
And we're gonna be sinkin' soon"

"Sinkin' Soon"

"Now the night
Will throw its cover down
On me again
Ooh, and if I'm right
It's the only way
To bring me back"


The Judds

"There's a bird in my tree
Singin' sad autumn melodies
There's a old sumer breeze
And it's blowin' away

There's a cloud in my sky
There's a boy who's been on my mind
There's a tear in my eye
And I think it might rain"

"Grandpa, tell me 'bout the good old days
Sometimes it feels like, this world's gone crazy

Grandpa, take me back to yesterday
When the line between right and wrong
Didn't seem so hazy

Grandpa, everything is changing fast
We call it progress, but I just don't know
And Grandpa, let's wander back into the past
And paint me the picture of long ago....

 Was a promise really something people kept
Not just something they would say - and then forget"

"Water of love deep in the ground
But there ain't no water here to be found
Some day baby when the river runs free
It's gonna carry that water of love to me"

Please seek Dire Straits version!

Wynonna Judd

"No one else on earth
Could ever hurt me
Break my heart the way that you do"


Due to the volume of songs that fit this musical topic, Kansas will have their own page.

"Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know
On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about like I'm a ship on the ocean
I set a course for winds of fortune, but I hear the voices say-"

"Same old song, just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do crumbles to the ground though we refuse to see....

Now, don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
It slips away
And all
Now, don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
It slips away
And all your money won't another minute buy
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind"

"We've strangled all her trees and starved her creatures
There's poison in the sea and in the air
But worst of all we've learned to live without her
We've lost the very meaning of our lives
And now she's gonna die"

"When I'm needing a friend I'll remember the wind
And my life here with the breezes of sorrow
I'll be leaving him soon 'cause I've got to make room
For the lonely that will find him tomorrow
On a black stormy night in your bosom I'll cling
And I'll know I've found love and the last song we'll sing"

"Today I found a message floating
In the sea from you to me
You wrote that when you could see it
You cried with fear ~ the point was near
Was it you that said,
'How long to the point of know return?'"

"Answers hard to find
With a mind that lives confined
Blind and unaware
Doesn't mean it isn't there....

If you can change your mind
And see what's there to find
There's rhythm in the spirit

 A new light will arise ~ And let you recognize"

"There's No Place Like Home" - Kansas Serenading Topeka

Carole King

Gershon Kingsley

"Popcorn" - 13 Versions (original and covers)

The Swedish Chef's "Popcorn" - The Muppets

The Kingston Trio

"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" - Live - With Mary Travers!

Gladys Knight and the Pips

"Darkness all around me
Blackin' out the sun
Old friends call me
But I just don't feel like talkin to anyone"

Cyndi Lauper

"All through the night
stray cat is crying so stray cat sings back"

"I'm like a rockin' ship
On your rollin' sea
You know crash lightnin'
Never frightens me. Nah."

"There's something in the air ~
Electric - I like
Igniting endlessly
I started to dance

Without a net on a real high wire
I'm stepping out with my wheels of fire"

"All of my days, all of my life
Standing by you
All of my days, all of my life
I will find you
All of my days, all of my life
Standing by you
All of my days ~ all of my life
Landing next to you....

Everything you know
Everywhere you go
Echo, Echo ~~~~ Home, Home"

"Some boys take a beautiful girl
And hide her away from the rest of the world
I want to be the one to walk in the sun"

Look for Steve Forbert!  He is the one bringing Cindi flowers.

"Now whenever I'm alone
And I think I might forget
I wear my lucky hat
Just like a crown up on my head

'Cause all I have ~
Is a hat full of stars...
If you could see me now
You would've seen far
You should've seen the magic
In my hat full of stars"

"There's a raging storm
In a troubled sea
But you're clouding my mind
With celebrity

There are darker times for me
Behind smoke and mirrors, amputees
It's a different world
Now I see the deflowering
Of the birds and bees"

"When I was eight I had a friend
With a pirate smile
Make believe and play pretend
We were innocent and wild
Hopped a fence and slammed the gate
Running down my alleyway
In time to watch Sally's pigeons fly

We loved to watch them dive and soar
Circle in the sky
Free as a bird from three to four
And never knowing why
Neighbors pulled their wash back in
Put away my Barbie and Ken
Look out overhead
While Sally's pigeons fly....

And me, I can't remember when
A pirate smile hasn't made me cry
I close my eyes
And Sally's pigeons fly~~~~"

"Flashback--warm nights--
Almost left behind"

"I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid - to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful ~
Like     a rainbow"

Led Zeppelin

"These are the seasons of emotion
And like the wind, they rise and fall"

"In a tree by the brook
There's a songbird who sings
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgivings....

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow
Don't be alarmed now
It's just a spring clean for the May Queen"

John Lennon

Julian Lennon

"There’s only one direction
In order to survive
And as we disgrace the truth
Love has lost its way to greedy roots
Sometimes this world’s so cold
Where is all this hatred coming from....

Until we get it right
The universe will cry
Until we get it right
Religion will divide
The politics will lie
The blind will lead the blind
An empire for an eye
And still not satisfied
And still we wonder why
And hate will multiply
Hate will multiply
The universe will cry



"If we believed in love
We wouldn't worry 'bout the problems of tomorrow,
There'd be a strength inside of us
To last the rest of our lives"

"I'm making my way, each morning I pray for you,
day after day,
I'll turn every stone, until I get home to you,
day after day...."

"Cos’ I believe that everyone’s the same
Cos’ we’re all so disconnected
But I have realised every moment there’s a sign
Hidden in the rhythm of the mind
That guides us all to where we ought to be

Save our souls.... And Cry...

Oh life is singing in the rain
Oh open up your heart again
Cradle life and love
Cradle life and love and let it flow"

"Tired of this world
All the good that we do never seems to get through
It’s a shame
We’ve pleaded for change
But the wars carry on whether you're weak or strong
Don’t you know
I can change, you can change
Everything wrong with our lives
We can change all of our lives....

Learn from history
Can’t you see
Life is meant to be
You and me
Watching the sun go down
Turn your life around"

"What can I say to bring you home again"

"Do you believe that time’s are gonna change
I wanna believe but life is kind of strange
Is there a realm that we don’t know about
If it’s all true then we should scream and shout
And let it out"

"Why do you always look the other way
When I’m trying to see your soul"

"Open your mind and your heart will often dare to dream
Hold my hand and we shall fly to somewhere in between"

"We are a rock revolving
Around a golden sun
We are a billion children rolled into one
So when I hear about the hole in the sky
Saltwater wells in my eyes

We climb the highest mountain
We'll make the desert bloom
We're so ingenious we can walk the moon
But when I hear of how the forest have died
Saltwater wells in my eyes

I have lived for love
But now that's not enough
For the world I love is dying And now I'm crying
And time is not a friend (no friend of mine)
As friends we're out of time
And it's slowly passing by ....right before our eyes"

"Saltwater" 25 Years Later - Animated

"We're all in it together
Someday, Someday
One love now and forever
Someday, Someday
Wish our dreams could be as one
Someday, Someday
Try to fix what we've undone
One day, one day
Nothing stays the same
When you're lost and when you're broken
All that's left remains (All that's left remains)"

With Steven Tyler

"We all want to Touch the Sky
We all ask the question
How do I survive will I be strong enough"

"Sitting on a pebble by the river playing guitar
Wondering if we're really ever gonna get that far
Do you know there's something wrong?
'Cause I felt it all along"

"The Last Word" on Album, "Everything Changes" - Julian Lennon

Little Anthony


Kenny Loggins

"This world bound in chains that we live in
To know what it is to forgive,
And to be forgiven?
It's been too many years of talking now.

Isn't it time to stop somehow?
Air that's too angry to breathe
Water our children can't drink
You've heard it hundreds of times

You say you're aware, believe and you care, but
Do you care enough
To talk with conviction of the heart?"

This link used to work.  This was the National Park Service's link to the film and song.  It was commissioned in 1991.  In the Summer of 2019, with no explanation, the film was removed.  I have written a letter - September 1st, 2019 regarding, "Its whereabouts," and restoring it to below list, as well as its listings via Youtube - National Park Service (NPS).

National Park Service List

"Christopher Robin and I walked along,
Under branches lit up by the moon.
Posing our questions to Owl and Eeyore.

As the days disappeared far too soon.
Now I wandered much further today than I should,
And I can't find my way to the three-acre wood.
So help me if you can, I've got to get

Back to the house At Pooh Corner by one.
You'll be surprised, there's so much to be done,
Count all the bees in the hive,
Chase all the clouds from the sky,

He came to me asking help and advice,
And from here no one knows where he goes.
So I went in to ask of the Owl, if he's there,
How to loosen a jar from the nose of a bear?"

Trini Lopez

"Well, I'm gonna lay down my sword and shield,
(Where?) down by the riverside
Down by the riverside, down by the riverside
I'm gonna lay down my sword and shield,
(A-ha) down by the riverside
I'm gonna study war no more"

About, "Down By the Riverside"

"Diplomatic Bureaucrat, Chairman of the Board
Where have you been,
What have you perceived
What are you living for?....

Listen to the golden rule
It's the only way
Learn to give instead of take
Hurry don't be late

Say, 'Hello' and show a smile
Put your pride aside
That is what life is about
Let that be your guide....

But it's more - important to be nice"

Lord Huron

Los Lobos

"Kiko and the lavender moon
Out playing, makes believe
Nobody can see
And then he waits
And then he fakes
And then he bends
And then he shakes
He plays and plays
Still playing till he
Goes off to sleep"

"The sunlight plays upon my window pane
I wake up to a world that’s still the same
My father said to be strong
That a good man could never do wrong
In a dream I had last night in America

 A wise man was telling stories to me
About the places he had been to and the things that he had seen
A quiet voice is singing something to me
An age old song ’bout the home of the brave in this land here of the free
One time one night in America"

With Lyrics

The Lovin' Spoonful

"The ocean breeze is coolin' my mind
The salty days are hers and mine
Just to do what we want to
Tonight we'll find a dune that's ours
And softly she will speak the stars
Until sunup"

"And even if time ain't really on my side
It's one of those days for taking a walk outside
I'm blowing the day to take a walk in the sun
And fall on my face in somebody's new mowed lawn"

"Daydream" - A Beatles "try"

"Believe in the magic of-a rock and roll
Believe in the magic that can set you free"

"Nashville cats, play clean as country water
Nashville cats, play wild as mountain dew
Nashville cats, been playin' since they's babies
Nashville cats, get work before they're two"

"Night Owl Blues" - Instrumental

"You and me and rain on the roof
Caught up in a summer shower
Dryin' while it soaks the flowers
Maybe we'll be caught for hours
Waitin' out the sun"

"All around, people looking half dead
Walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head....
And babe, don't you know it's a pity
That the days can't be like the nights"

"Summer in the City"

"You came upon a quiet day"

Herman's Hermits Pick

Frankie Lymon and the Teenages

Stay with it.  It is worth it!  Live performance at end.

Lynyrd Skynyrd

"Big wheels keep on turning
Carry me home to see my kin
Singing songs about the south-land
I miss 'ole' 'bamy once again and I think it's a sin"


H to L

M - Z


"There's a storm ahead  (there's a storm ahead)
I hear the wind blowing  (I hear the wind blowing)
Let me catch my breath  (let me catch my breath)
Will we win this race?  (Will we win this race?)"

"Devour me when you're with me
Blue wish window seas
Speak delicious fires
I'm your candy perfume girl"

"The storm isn't in the air, it's inside of us
I want to tell you about love and loneliness"

"If the land of make believe
Is inside your heart, it will never leave
There's a golden gate where the fairies all wait
And dancing moons, for you....

On the merry-go-round of lovers and white turtle doves....

Pink elephants and lemonade, dear Jessie
Hear the laughter running through the love parade
Candy kisses and a sunny day, dear Jessie
See the roses raining on ~ the love parade"

"Dear Jessie"

"Love is a bird, she needs to fly
Let all the hurt inside of you die
You're frozen
When your heart's not open"

"Tropical, the island breeze
All of nature wild and free
This is where I long to be
La isla bonita
And when the samba played
The sun would set so high
Ring through my ears and sting my eyes
Your Spanish lullaby"

"Shining brighter than all the stars in the sky
Never forget how to dream
Flying higher than all the birds in the sky
Never forget who you are
Little star"

"A man can tell a thousand lies
I've learned my lesson well
Hope I live to tell
The secret I have learned
'Til then ~
It will burn inside of me"

"But there's more to learn from the look in your eyes
That trip round this world, the stars in the sky
Now all the books I've read  ~
And the things I know"

"In the windmills of my eyes
Everyone can see"

"There's hunger everywhere
We've got to take a stand
Reach out for someone's hand
Love makes the world go round"

"You must be my lucky star
'Cause you make the darkness seem so far
And when I'm lost, you'll be my guide
I just turn around and you're by my side

Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight
Starlight, star bright, make everything all right
Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight
Starlight, star bright

"Ride like the wind
Never look behind"

"I worship the gurus' lotus feet
Awakening the happiness of the self revealed
Beyond comparison, working like the jungle physician
To pacify loss of consciousness from the poison of existence
In the form of a man up to the shoulders
Holding a conch, discus and sword
Thousand headed, white
I bow respectfully

[This song is in Sanskrit]

"Sky fits heaven so fly it
That's what the prophet said to me
Child fits mother so hold your baby tight
That's what my future could see
Fate fits karma so use it"

"We're gonna swim to the ocean floor"

"No more sadness, I kiss it good-bye
The sun is bursting right out of the sky
I searched the whole world for someone like you
Don't you know, don't you know that it's

True love (This time I know it's true love)
You're the one I'm dreaming of (The one I'm dreaming of)
Your heart fits me like a glove (Heart fits just like a glove)
And I'm gonna be true blue
Baby, I love you"

Morgan Mallory

"Be the generation to restore"

With Lyrics

The Manhattans

"Another sad day in my life
Nothing is the same
Since you've been gone....
I'm so depressed, I can't even eat"

"Little bitty babies,
Trying to sleep
Well, mommas' trying to keep um
Out of the heat"

"There's no house without a home
And there's no man who wants to be alone.....

There's no life without a plan.....

That's how I know
There's no me without you
There's no me without you"

The Manhattan Transfer

Barry Manilow

Burnt out ends of smokey days
The stale cold smell of morning
The street lamp dies, another night is over
Another day is dawning

Bob Marley

"Have no fear for atomic energy
'Cause none of them can stop the time
How long shall they kill our prophets
While we stand aside and look? Ooh
Some say it's just a part of it
We've got to fulfill the Book"

"Redemption Song"

Richard Marx

"Say that you'll be with me
When the sun brings your heart to mine"

" I'm ready to soar
Right through the sky
Never dreamed I'd find something to lift me so high
I've always had wings
But I wasn't ready to fly"

"Oceans apart - day after day
And I slowly go insane"

John Mayer

"Clouds of sulfur in the air
Bombs are falling everywhere
It's heartbreak warfare"

"Heartbreak Warfare"

Paul McCartney

"We learn to live, we learn to give
Each other what we need to survive together alive."

Duet with Stevie Wonder

Tim McGraw

"Six lanes tail lights
Red ants marchin' into the night
They disappear to the left and right again
Another supper
From a sack
A ninety nine cent heart attack
I got a poundin' head and an achin' back
And the camels buried in a big straw stack....

Waitin' out a blizzard
Dancin' 'cross the desert
Watchin' the sun set in Monterey
Girl I swear just the other day you were
Down in Georgia
Pickin' them peaches
In Carolina
Barefoot on the beaches
No matter where you choose to be
In my heart I'll always see you"


"Now everybody stands up
The congregation sings
It's a song of sweet forgiveness
And as the chorus rings

The wind blows clear my memory
The pages start to turn
Then suddenly I'm singin'
The moment that I learn "

"Well I'm from a map dot
A stop sign on a blacktop
I caught the first bus, I could hop from there
But all o' this glitter is gettin' dark
There's concrete glowin' in the city park
I don't know who my neighbors are
And there's bars on the corner and bars on my heart
I'm gonna live where the green grass grows

Watch my corn pop up in rows
Every night be tucked in close, to you
Raise our kids where the good Lord's blessed
Point our rockin' chairs towards the west
And plant our dreams where the peaceful river flows
Where the green grass grows"

Loreena McKennitt

Due to the volume of songs that pertains to this music topic, Loreena McKennitt will have her own page.

"You gave your life for all of us
And all humanity

As I stand here at your graveside
The spring birds sing their song
My child, I love you more and more
And will, my whole life long"

"Breaking the Sword" (Click "Watch")

"He fell into his sleep
Beneath the cedars - all my love I gave
And by the fortress walls
The wind would his hair against his brow"

"When in the springtime of the year
When the trees are crowned with leaves
When the ash and oak, and the birch and yew
Are dressed in ribbons fair

When owls call the breathless moon
In the blue veil of the night
The shadows of the trees appear
Amidst the lantern light"

Sarah McLachlan

"The world's on fire and
It's more than I can handle
I dive into the water
(I try to bring my share)
I try to bring more
More than I can handle
(Bring it to the table)
Bring what I am able"

Don McLean

"I leave the noise and the dark city canyons
And walk through gates of wrought iron black
There lies a world that's transformed before me
When I arrive will I ever go back....

We might go walking hand in hand in the garden
And cross the bridge when it's starting to rain
And then go laughing and looking for shelter
And find a feeling that you can't explain

The colorful birds in botanical gardens
All fly away to a breezy lagoon
Where lovers can swim in the warm summer waters
Surrounded by flowers and the light of the moon

It's getting late and the gates will be closing
Shall I remain or go back to the world
Shall I remain in botanical gardens
Surrounded by flowers and those beautiful girls"

"Snarling equinox among the rocks will seize you
And the Fahrenheit comes out at night to freeze you
Wild duodenum are lurking in the trees
And the jungle swarms with green apostrophes
Oh, the Amazon ~ is calling me"

"On the Amazon" [Live 1971]

"The river of love is risin' at my doorstep, it won't let me be.
I keep dreamin' of you and what the river will do
As it starts flowin' over me.

The river of love is risin' by my window, it won't let me sleep.
It's so windy and black and there's no turnin' back
'Cause I know I'm in so deep."

"Starry Starry night
Paint your palette blue and grey
Look out on a summer's day
With eyes that know the
Darkness in my soul.

Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In colors on the snowy linen land.

And now I understand what you tried to say to me....

Swirling clouds in violet haze reflect in
Vincent's eyes of China blue.

Colors changing hue
Morning fields of amber grain
Weathered faces lined in pain
Are soothed beneath the artist's
Loving hand.

And now I understand what you tried to say to me
How you
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free."

Jonathan McReynolds

"I'm Not Lucky, I'm Loved" - Video

John Mellencamp

"There's a black man, with a black cat
Livin' in a black neighborhood
He's got an interstate runnin' through his front yard"

"The crops we grew last summer weren't enough to pay the loans
Couldn't buy the seed to plant this spring and the farmers bank foreclosed....
When you take away a mans dignity he cant work his fields and cows
Rain on the Scarecrow
Blood on the plows"

"No I cannot forget where it is that I come from
I cannot forget the people who love me
Yeah, I can be myself here in this small town
And people let me be just what I want to be"

Men at Work

"Dr. Heckyll is his own little guinea pig
'cause they all think he's mad
Sets his sights on the search of a lifetime
And he's never, never sad....

This is the story of Dr. Heckyll and Mr. Jive
Believes the underdog will eventually survive"


"Do unto others as they've done to you
But what the hell is this world coming to?

Blow the universe into nothingness
Nuclear warfare shall lay us to rest"

"Fighting Fire With Fire"

"This temple, it tilts
Yes, this is the house that Jack built"

"At last the thawing has begun
Come trade your darkness for the sun
Melting the chill of winter's turn
For soon the lords of summer shall return"

"Pay no mind to the distant thunder
New day fills his head with wonder, boy"

"In wildness is the preservation of the world
So seek the wolf in thyself
Shape shift
Nose to the wind

Shape shift
Feeling I have been
Move swift
All senses clean
Earth's gift
Back to the meaning
Of wolf and man, yeah"

"All you children touch the sun
Burn your fingers one by one
Will this earth be good to you?
Keep you clean or stain through?

So wake up, sleepy one
It’s time to save your world"

Mike and the Mechanics

"Between the present and the past
We only sacrifice the future
It's the bitterness that lasts"

Stephanie Mills

Jason Miraz

"If this life is one act
Why do we lay all these traps
We put them right in our path
When we just wanna be free....

With peace in my mind
I got peace in my heart
I got peace in my soul
Oh, wherever I'm going, I'm already home"


"Everybody Wants to Be a Cat" - "The Aristocrats" [Film clip with lyrics] 1970 [Historic Value]

"The Music and Heroes of America" - Peanuts

"The DJ Kat Show" - theme

"Dixie" - Lyrics and Song Recordings [Historic Value]

"Plant them in a hole,
Wait for a minute
Wait a couple days and water them again

Go to sleep - wake up man
Trees take a long time
Do I got bad dirt?
Please somebody tell me"

"Trees" - Saturday Night Live

"Come along and join us  (Delicious eats)
Come along, we're going to have some fun  (Delicious, eats)
Come along and join us  (Delicious, eats)
Get a little bowl of vegetable soup....

It takes - ALL kinds of vegetables  (Delicious eats)
ALL kinds of vegetables  (Delicious eats)
ALL KINDS of vegetables  (Delicious eats)
To make a VEGETABLE soup"

"Vegetable Soup" - Theme Song & Episode One

"Woody the Spoon" - "Vegetable Soup" Recipes (Bette Midler)

Father John Misty

"The comedy of man starts like this
Our brains are way too big for our mothers' hips
And so Nature, she divines this alternative....

They build fortunes poisoning their offspring
And hand out prizes when someone patents the cure
Where did they find these goons they elected to rule them?
What makes these clowns they idolize so remarkable?
These mammals are hell-bent on fashioning new gods
So they can go on being godless animals....

The only thing that seems to make them feel alive is the struggle to survive
But the only thing that they request is something to numb the pain
Until there's nothing human left"

"Pure Comedy" - The Album

Joni Mitchell

Rows and floes of angel hair
And ice cream castles in the air
And feather canyons everywhere
I've looked at clouds that way

But now they only block the sun
They rain and snow on everyone
So many things I would have done
But clouds got in my way

"Just when you're thinking
You've finally got it made
Bad news comes knocking
At your garden gate
Knocking for you
Constant stranger
You're a brute, you're an angel
You can crawl, you can fly too
It's down to you
It all comes down to you"

"Cry for us all, Beauty....

 I wish I had more of a sense of humor
Keeping the sadness at bay
Throwing the lightness on these things....
Laughing it all away"

"Still I sent up my prayer
Wondering where it had to go

With heaven full of astronauts
And the Lord on death row
While the millions of his lost and lonely ones
Call out and glamour to be found
Caught in their struggle for higher positions
And their search for love that sticks around"

Modest Mouse

"Coyotes tiptoe in the snow after dark
At home with the ghosts in the national parks
Mankind's behavin' like some serial killers
Giant ol' monsters afraid of the sharks

And we say, we're in love with all of it
And we say, we're in love with everything
And we say - what can we say?"

"The world's an inventor
With its work crawling, running, squirming 'round
Trees drop colorful fruits
Directly into our mouths

The world's an inventor
We're the dirtiest thing it's thought about -
And we really don't mind"

Eye gauging murder depiction for the last tree.

"We swam like rats on fire right, right down the reservoir
We took all that we could carry but we tried to carry more....

We choked on street tap water - well, I'm gonna have to try the real thing"

"The air’s on fire so we’re movin’ on
Better find another one ‘cause this one’s done
Waitin’ for the magic when the scientists glow
To push, push, push, push, pull us up

Spend some time to float in outer space
Find another planet, make the same mistakes
Our mind’s all shattered when we climb aboard
Hopin’ for the scientists to find another door"

Nudity blocked patches in video.

"The ocean breathes salty, won't you carry it in?
In your head, in your mouth, in your soul.
And maybe we'll get lucky and we'll both grow old.
Well I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I hope so....

When the ocean met the sky. (You missed, you missed)
You missed when time and life shook hands and said goodbye. (You missed)
When the earth folded in on itself. (You missed)
And said "Good luck, for your sake I hope heaven and hell (You missed, you missed)
are really there, but I wouldn't hold my breath." (You missed, you missed)
You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death? (You missed, you missed)
You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?"

"This rock of ours is just some big mistake
And we will never know just where we go
Or where we have came from....

As soon as you paint every last grain of sand
As you soon as you paint every star
In the sky, sky, sky, sky, sky, sky
Wave bye, sugar boats!

Well, I’m swatting at mosquitoes as they’re orbiting me
I'm orbiting the sun and this goes on and on and on, you see"

"They keep us in
To pull us out
I'm rising up
Wish I was sinking down
And it's not like
There was warning
We were happy
And it's not like
There was mourning
In the warning

I know I am a scout
I should've found a way out
So everyone can find a way out"

Moody Blues

Gary Morris

"You are the one who makes me fly so high
You are the rain when my spirits run dry
You give my life
A hope that's real
'Cause when I'm with you
You take me away
To another world"

With Crystal Gayle

"She looked into a heart so sad
And saw what no other ever had
Beneath the snow she saw the spring
She finds good in ev'rything

Give her thorns and she'll find the roses
Give her sand and she'll find the sea
Give her rain and she'll find the rainbows
Just see the love she found in me
Just see the love she found in me"

Van Morrison

"Well, I'm thinkin' about my people, and the love we once had
Well, I'm thinkin' about my people, and the love we once had....

Well, I'm walkin' in the morning, and I am talking all to myself
Well, I'm walkin' in the morning, and I am talking all to myself
I get up 5 AM - that is, Greenwich Mean Time....

Well I'm walkin' up the hillside, and trying to catch a bus on time"

"When it's not always raining, there'll be days like this
When there's no one complaining, there'll be days like this
When everything falls into place, like the flick of a switch
Well my mama told me - there'll be days like this"

"You don't have to wait for mountains
Lift your spirits high
Wide oceans or deep valleys
Or eagles flying by

Wonders all around us
And life is all we've got
If you wait for mountains then you're
Gonna miss a lot"

"The olden summer breeze was blowin' on your face
The light of God was shinin' on your countenance divine
And you were a violet color as you
Sat beside your father and your mother in the garden
The summer breeze was blowin' on your face
Within your violet you treasure your summery words
And as
The summer breeze was blowin' on your face
Within your violet you treasure your summery words
And as the shiver from my neck down to my spine
Ignited me in daylight and nature in the garden....

Listen no guru, no method, no teacher
Just you and I and nature"

"Hark, now hear the sailors cry
Smell the sea and feel the sky
Let your soul and spirit fly
Into the mystic

And when that fog horn blows
I will be coming home, mmm mmm"

"Well, it's a marvelous night for a moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes
A fantabulous night to make romance
'Neath the cover of October skies

And all the leaves on the trees are falling
To the sound of the breezes that blow
And I'm trying to please to the calling
Of your heart-strings that play soft and low

And all the night’s magic seems to whisper and hush
And all the soft moonlight seems to shine in your blush

"And all my tears have flown
All my tears like water flown
And all my tears like water flown
All my tears like a water flown
For the lion
For the lion
For the lion
For the lion"

"Out on the highways and the by-ways all alone
I'm still searching for, searching for my home
Up in the morning, up in the morning out on the road
And my head is aching and my hands are cold

 And I'm looking for the silver lining
Silver lining in the clouds and I'm searching for
And I'm searching for the philosophers stone
 And it's a hard road, it's a hard road ~ daddy-o

Motley Crue

"I'm on my way
Just set me free
Home sweet home"

"Little boy with hopeful eyes
Daddy's comin' home tonight ~
So don't you cry"

"Broke dick dog
My head slung low
Tail knocked in the dirt
Time and time
Of being told
Trash is all I'm worth"

This song and video connotes feeling like abused animals.  Safe video.  There are no swear words.  The video however, may not be for all viewers.

"I could face a mountain
But I could never climb alone
I could start another day
But how many, just don't know"


"And then the cat crept in, and then crept out again

Hey you guys
You can hear that alley cat cry
Well she ain't superstitious but she's hangin' on life No. 9
Well you may not really know it but she hides in the light
And she may not know it but this cat can bite
I said a hey you guys
Look who's awaitin' outside"

"Well that's right, that's right, that's right, that's right,
I really love your tiger life

That's neat, that's neat, that's neat, that's neat,
I really love your tiger feet

I really love your tiger feet
Your tiger feet
Your tiger feet
Your tiger feet"

Michael Martin Murphey

"By the dark of the moon I planted
But there came an early snow
There's been a hoot owl howling by my window now
For six nights in a row
She's coming for me I know
And on Wildfire we're both gonna go"

Anne Murray

"It's all about the way things are,
And not the way things might have been,
You can be ridin' in the hurricane's eye,
And still have peace within!"

"Why does the sun go on shining?
Why does the sea rush to shore?....

Why do the birds go on singing?
Why do the stars glow above?....

Don't they know it's the end of the world?
It ended when you said good-bye."

"End of The World"

"Oh, I can see Arkansas across the Mississippi
I can see a big river barge headin' down to new Orleans
I can see the cotton fields on the other side
And the sun going down again"

"I come to the garden alone
While the dew is still on the roses
And the voice I hear, falling on my ear
The Son of God discloses....

And the joy we share as we tarry there
None other has ever known
I'd stay in the garden with Him
'Tho the night around me be falling"

"So little snowbird take me with you, when you go
To that land of gentle breezes where the peaceful waters flow

Spread your tiny wings and fly away
And take the snow back with you where it came from on that day
The one I love forever is untrue
And if I could you know, that I would fly away with you
Yeah, if I could you know, that I would fly-y-y-y,

Fly away with you"

"I sold my soul,
 You bought it back for me
And held me up
And gave me dignity
Somehow you needed me

You gave me strength to stand alone again
To face the world out on my own again
You put me high upon a pedestal
So high ~ that I could almost see eternity
You needed me, you needed me ....

You held my hand when it was cold
When I was lost you took me home
You gave me hope when I was at the end
And turned my lies back into truth again ~
You even called me, 'Friend'"

Lukas Nelson and the Promise of the Real

"Just yesterday night
As I turned out the lights
I heard someone yelling
In the alley outside,
'We live in a world
Where evil never sleeps'
But nothing makes me feel stronger
And nothing gives me more peace
Than the breath of my baby
While she peacefully sleeps"

Ricky Nelson

"Went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends
A chance to share old memories and play our songs again"

"Goin' down to lonesome town
To cry my troubles away
In the town of broken dreams
The streets are paved with regret
Maybe down in lonesome town
I can learn to forget (to forget)"

"Pretty Polynesian baby over the sea
I remember the night
When we walked in the sands of the Waikiki
And I held you, oh so tight "

About Ricky Nelson

Willie Nelson

First "Farm Aid" Concert: Circa 1985

"Some day when we meet up yonder
We'll stroll hand in hand again
In a land that knows no partin
Blue eyes crying in the rain'"

"Blue Eyes Cryin' in the Rain"

"Blue skies smilin' at me
Nothin' but blue skies do I see
Bluebirds singin' a song
Nothin' but blue skies from now on"

"The world’s gone to hell
And we’re sure gonna miss it a lot"

"Under everything, just another human being, aw-huh,
Yeah, I don't wanna hurt her, there's so much in this world
To make me believe....

Stay with me,
Let's just breathe"

Please seek Jim Henson for Original.

Nelson Family

Notice: One foul word

Juice Newton

"Maybe the sun's light will be dim
And it won't matter anyhow"

"Go tell it on the mountain
Over the hills, and everywhere"

"There are far too many rivers
Some won't reach the sea"

"I never saw the mornin' 'til I stayed up all night
I never saw the sunshine 'til you turned out the light
I never saw my hometown until I stayed away too long
I never heard the melody until I needed the song"

"San Diego Serenade"

"You make my sun shine, you make my boats fly
You sign my hopes high in so many ways
You take away things, you cry and I'll break
You make my soul shake in so many ways"

"And As We Lie Here Just Two Shadows
In The Light Before The Dawn....
You're My Sunshine, You're My Rain
The Sweetest Thing ~ I've Ever Known ~ Is Loving You"

Olivia Newton-John

"From where I stand
You are home free
The planets align so rare
There's promise in the air
And ~ I'm guiding you"

Stevie Nicks

"Crying in the morning... trying to be strong
Waiting for the spring to turn into the fall"

"And there are people who roam the Docklands
And there are ships passing in the night
And there are thousands of things that I have dreamed
Gone in the daylight"

"She's off to the valley where the
sun meets the sea
You understand that
She wants to live by the ocean"

"So her nights became nightmares,
As she fought for their souls
And the days became worse,
For the ones she had lost
Children of the world,
The forgotten chimpanzee
In the eyes of the world
You have done so much for me....

So she watched as they put them all into cages
Well they might as well have caged her very own baby
They might as well have put us both into prison
Through a window, all our sorrows,
Would become our only visions,
Nothing more"

"Open up the window
And listen to the rain
Take some time to smell the roses
And you can throw away the pain"

"Love is like a river - running
Straight back to the sea"

"Now I've a big house
With pillars standing tall all around
Yeah, and I've got a garden
And it's got roses dangling down to the ground
Yes, and I've got money
Men to love me and acres of land"

"I've been walking under rainbows too long to tell
You keep walking down mean streets
My street angel
I try to bring you in out of the cold
But street angels live on the street
And they always will"

Ozzy Osbourne

"Crazy, but that's how it goes
 Millions of people living as foes
 Maybe. it's not too late
 To learn how to love, and forget how to hate

 Mental wounds not healing
 Life's a bitter shame"

"We need a miracle a miracle a miracle man....

See it's all around your head like a hurricane
It echoes through the halls of your beautiful veins
The shock is the awe of the reaction
So everybody pray to a midnight sun"

"The light in the window is a crack in the sky
A stairway to darkness in the blink of an eye
A levee of tears to learn she'll never be coming back
The man in the dark will bring another attack....

"It's just a sign of the times
Going forward in reverse"

"I heard them tell me that this land of dreams was now
I told them I had ridden shooting stars
And said I'd show them how....

 Over the mountain, kissing silver inlaid clouds
Watching my body disappear into the crowd"

Donny Osmond

"Crazy horses all got riders - and they're you and I"

"And they called it puppy love
Oh, I guess they'll never know
How a young heart really feels
And why I love her so"

"Like a river flowing into the ocean,
I can feel you coming back to me

'Cause our love is like a sacred emotion,
And it's burning bright
For the whole world to see"

Owl City

"You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world"

Roo Panes

"Fresh air, open ways, mild nights, wild days,
Wondering in wonder, pondering what wandering we'll do"

"I tried to part the sea,
Find wonders for your love,
I sought the best of me,
But all I showed was what I couldn't be,
Your hush was a beauty I'd not seen,
Your kindness made a gentle wreck of me

Once hope found hope,
And once I traveled winter with the sun
Your heart was my home,
The rest of me will roam into tomorrow, my love,
For tomorrow there's love, there's love

Beneath the yellow clouded moon,
Where buried hopes rise from their tombs,
The whispers call to heaven above,
That you caught me up in the windy arms of love"

"Let me out of this cage, before I swell up with rage.
Let me sing to old age before I'm done.
Let me shout to the skies that I'm too young to die."

"Upwards I climbed
Above me stretched the northern skies
Beneath the great night's height
I fought alone
I was at war
Both with myself and with it all
My own shadow now my home
No place to call my own"

"Run like a stubborn tide
Unstoppable, untamed and wild
But a brave face isn't brave I've learned....

You told me, sing for the wind my love
Fear not for tomorrow
'Cause love's the journey of a lifetime
And where you finish isn't where you start"

"Pouncing ray to ray through the dappled shadows
Light was pouring down upon the stepping stones
Felt like morning coming for his throne
I don’t know why
But it looked like a tiger striped sky"

Dolly Parton

"Gentle as the sweet magnolia
Strong as steel - her faith and pride
She's an everlasting shoulder
She's the leaning post of life
She hurts deep -  and when she weeps
She's just as fragile as a child
And she's a sparrow when she's broken
But she's an eagle when she flies"

"There's snow in the tropics
There's ice on the sun
It's hot in the Arctic
And crying is fun
And I'm happy now
And I'm glad we're through
And the sky is green
And the grass is blue

And the rivers flow backwards
And my tears are dry
Swans hate the water
And eagles can't fly
But I'm alright now "

'The Grass is Blue"

"Back to the time when I was a kid
With the sounds of a cricket and it's called home
On the front porch singing and fern pots hanging"

"The money bug then bit me and I whispered in his ear

Oh, I'll oil wells love you
I'll oil wells care
I'll oil wells need you
I want you oil wells dear"

"If I were a little sparrow
O'er these mountains I would fly
I would find him, I would find him
Look into his lying eyes
I would flutter all around him
On my little sparrow wings....

Little sparrow, little sparrow
Oh the sorrow never ends "

"I watch through the windows of forgiveness
I cry but my word's my only witness
Oh-oh-oooh-oh where is the river unbroken "

"Eagle When She Flies" Innersleeve Liner Notes:
 "We Only Have 10 Years To Save our Planet It Starts with you and It's Easy:
Buy Environmentally Sound Products
Pressure Political Leaders
Love and Respect all Life
Turn off Lights
Car Pool
Earth Communications Office
To Receive Additional Information on
What you can do for the Earth send $1.00 to
ECO, 1875 Century Park East, Ste 2656, LA, CA 90067  - 1991

Pearl Jam

"And when the time is right, I
hope that you'll respond
like when the wind gets tired
the ocean becomes calm
I may be dreaming but I'm
longing to belong -
to you "

Katy Perry

Peter, Paul, and Mary

"I'm a long way from home, and I miss my loved one so
In the early mornin' rain with no place to go."

"Still the world is in labor,
She groans in tra-vail,
She cries with the Eagle, the Dolphin
She signs in the song of the Whale.
While the heart of her people
Prays at the wall"

Plant your rows straight and long
Temper them with prayer and song
Mother Earth will make you strong
If you give her love and care

Old crow watchin' hungrily
From his perch in yonder tree
In my garden I'm as free
As that feathered thief up there

Inch by inch, row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
All it takes is a rake and a hoe
And a piece of fertile ground

"The Times They are A'Changin'

Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers

"Well the good ol' days may not return
And the rocks might melt ~ and the sea may burn"

"Learning to Fly" - Live



"How do you sleep while the rest of us cry?
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye?
How do you walk with your head held high?
Can you even look me in the eye?"

With the Indigo Girls


Presidents of the United States of America

"Peaches come from a can,
They were put there by a man
In a factory downtown

If I had my little way,
I'd eat peaches every day
Sun-soakin' bulges in the shade"

Elvis Presley

"I come to the garden alone
While the dew is still on the roses
And the voice I hear falling on my ear
The Son of God discloses....

He speaks and the sound of his voice
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing
And the melody that he gave to me
Within my heart is ringing"

"As the snow flies
On a cold and gray Chicago mornin'
A poor little baby child is born
In the ghetto"

"I gave a letter to the postman
He put it in his sack,
I woke up the next morning
He brought my letter back

She wrote upon it, 'Return to Sender
Address Unknown
No such number]
No such zone'"

Punch Brothers

"I can't {won't} call it rescue,
What brought me back here to this old world to drink and decline,
Pretend that the search for another new world was well worth the burning of mine.
But sometimes at night, in my dreams,
Comes the singing of some unheard tropical bird,
And I smile in my sleep,
Thinking Annabel Lee's finally made it to the top of the world."


"It's the terror of knowing
what the world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming 'Let me out'"

With David Bowie


Rapid Eye Movement

"Sometimes everything is wrong"

"Me, my thoughts are flower strewn
Ocean storm, bayberry moon....

I have got to find the river
Bergamot and Vetiver
Run through my head and fall away
Leave the road and memorize
This life that pass before my eyes"

"The world is collapsing
Around our ears
I turned up the radio
But I can't hear it"

The Ravyns

"So, as it unfolds we only recreate the old
All the things the same - on the inside
Oh, and though it's true
 you are just a walking dejavu
Everything must change from the inside"

"All the simplest equations never add up very far
And all my musical persuasions kept me reaching for the stars"

"The room was close
With smoke pollution"

The Red Hot Chili Peppers

"I walk through her hills
'Cause she knows who I am
She sees my good deeds
And she kisses me windy
I never worry"

Restless Heart

"How much more damage now, unto me,
Could one tender lie do?
When we fall so far,
Are we wrong to try?
To fight off the truth,
With a tender lie?"

"First the fire, then the rain"

"The lonesome Texas sun was setting low
And in the rear view mirror I watched it go"

"Bluest Eyes in Texas" - Serenade

"Here comes that Hummingbird, she's right on time, that's right

I'm gonna ride that Hummingbird
Just let me ride that Hummingbird
We're gonna ride
Just let me ride that Hummingbird"

"Hummingbird" - Live "Hee Haw"

"'Till all the mountains are valleys
And every ocean is dry, my love"

Kenny Rogers

"This time my journey to wherever you are
I sail on your river, so far my love we'll never be found....

Moonlight shining on your face
My bridges burned
With all my tears that you replaced
Two hearts together is a beautiful sight

I'll take you to heaven so far
My love will follow you there ~
If we believe


We got eyes that see in the dark
And the power of love lives for making you mine
Am I the light of someone you need more of
Let me be that love you can be sure of

Is it only my imagination? ~


I got you


Like the eagle that flies in the sun
I'll be lost in your fire before we are done
And the view from my window is brighter
Born to be all you need


"You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille
With four hungry children and crops in the field"

The Rolling Stones

"Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts
It's not easy facing up when your whole world is black

No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue
I could not foresee this thing happening to you"


"Wild, wild horses we'll ride them some day"


"What can this thing be that I found?

See how it sings like a sad heart
And joyously screams out its pain
Sounds that build high like a mountain
Or notes that fall gently, like rain."

"When they turn the pages of history
When these days have passed long ago
Will they read of us with sadness
For the seeds that we let grow
We turned our gaze
From the castles in the distance
Eyes cast down
On the path of least resistance

Cities full of hatred
Fear and lies
Withered hearts
And cruel, tormented eyes
Scheming demons
Dressed in kingly guise
Beating down the multitude
And scoffing at the wise"

"A hot and windy August afternoon
Has the trees in constant motion
With a flash of silver leaves
As they’re rocking in the breeze

The boy lies in the grass with one blade
Stuck between his teeth
A vague sensation quickens
In his young and restless heart
And a bright and nameless vision
Has him longing to depart"

"Electricity? Biology?
Seems to me it’s Chemistry

Emotion transmitted
Emotion received
Music in the abstract —

Elemental empathy
A change of synergy
Music making contact —

No flow without the other
Oh but how
Do we make contact
With one another?"

"And the men who hold high places
Must be the ones to start
To mould a new reality
Closer to the Heart"

"The earth beneath us starts to tremble
With the spreading of a low black cloud
A thunderous roar shakes the air
Like the whole world"s exploding"

"In the constellation of Cygnus
There lurks a mysterious, invisible force
The Black Hole
Of Cygnus X-1

Six Stars of the Northern Cross
In mourning for their sister’s loss
In a final flash of glory
Nevermore to grace the night…"

"When our weary world was young
The struggle of the ancients first began
The gods of Love and Reason
Sought alone to rule the fate of Man....

They battled through the ages
But still neither force would yield
The people were divided,
Every soul a battlefield…

We can walk our road together
If our goals are all the same
We can run alone and free
If we pursue a different aim

Let the truth of Love be lighted
Let the love of truth shine clear
Armed with sense and liberty
With the Heart and Mind united
In a single perfect sphere"

"His world is under observation —
We monitor his station
Under faces and the places
Where he traces points of view

He picks up scraps of conversation —
Radio and radiation
From the dancers and romancers
With the answers — but no clue"

"The spirit ever lingers
Undemanding contact
In your happy solitude

Invisible airwaves
Crackle with life
Bright antennae bristle
With the energy
Emotional feedback
On a timeless wavelength
Bearing a gift beyond price
Almost free"

"Sprawling on the fringes of the city
In geometric order
An insulated border
In between the bright lights
And the far unlit unknown....

Nowhere is the dreamer
Or the misfit so alone....

Any escape might help to smooth
The unattractive truth
But the suburbs have no charms to soothe
The restless dreams of youth"

"There is unrest in the forest
There is trouble with the trees
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their pleas"

"The Trees"

“To seek the sacred river Alph
To walk the caves of ice
To break my fast on honey dew
And drink the milk of Paradise…”

Earl Scruggs

Please seeki Foggy Bottom Boys too.


"Then the rainstorm came over me
And I felt my spirit break
I had lost all of my belief, you see
And realized my mistake
But time threw a prayer to me
And all around me became still"

Seals and Crofts

"Sweet days of summer, the jasmine's in bloom
July is dressed up and playing her tune
And I come home from a hard day's work
And you're waiting there, not a care in the world"

Pete Seeger

"I've travelled around this country
From shore to shining shore
And it really makes me wonder
What the world is coming to

I see the weary farmer
Just plowing up the loam
And I see the auction hammer
A'selling off his home"

"In Mr. Thompson's factory they're making plastic Christmas trees
Complete with silver tinsel and a geodesic stand
The plastic's mixed in giant vats, from some conglomeration that's
Been piped from deep within the Earth, or strip-mined from the land
And if you ask them questions they say, 'Why don't you see?
It's absolutely needed for the economy.'

What will we do when there's nothing left to read
And there's nothing left to need
There's nothing left to watch
There's nothing left to touch
There's nothing left to walk upon
And nothing left to ponder on
Nothing left to see
And nothing left to be but garbage"

"To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time for every purpose, under Heaven

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep"

"Turn, Turn, Turn, To Everything There Is A Season" - The Byrds

"We were on maneuvers in-a Louisiana,
One night by the light of the moon.
The captain told us to ford a river,
That's how it all begun.
We were -- knee deep in the Big Muddy,
But the big fool said to push on"

"When Will They Ever Learn"

Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band

" And I felt like I belonged
I felt so strong
As I walked on

There was rhythm
And there was order
There was a balance
There was a flow

There was patience
There was a power
I could not know

And I felt it all made sense
The innocence          The permanence"

"Has it really been ten long years
Now you're finally comin' home
Comin' home
You've been gone so very long
Comin' home"

"I've been down in the Delta workin' these fields
Breakin my back, I need a better deal
So long Mississippi, so long Alabama
I want to face the promise of the Promised Land"

"Think in terms of bridges burned
Think of seasons that must end
See the rivers rise and fall
They will rise and fall again

Everything must have an end
Like an ocean to a shore
Like a river to a stream
Like a river to a stream
It's the famous final scene

And how you tried to make it work
Did you really think it could
How you tried to make it last
Did you really think it would?"

"The Famous Final Scene"

"The sky was getting light
And the sun came
Through the trees
I had a fine memory
Such a fine memory"

"Like wind on the plains, sand through the glass
Waves rolling in with the tide
Dreams die hard and we watch them erode
But we cannot be denied
The fire inside"

"Who wants to take that long shot gamble
And head out to Fire Lake
Head out...
Who's gonna do it"

"She stood there bright as the sun on that California coast
He was a Midwestern boy on his own
She looked at him with those soft eyes so innocent and blue
He knew right then he was too far from home
Oh ~
He was too far from home"

"And sometimes even now, when I'm feeling lonely and beat
I drift back in time - and I find my feet
Down on Mainstreet
Down on Mainstreet"

"Out past the cornfields where the woods got heavy
Out in the back seat of my '60 Chevy
Workin' on mysteries without any clues
Workin' on our night moves....

I woke last night to the sound of thunder
How far off I sat and wondered
Started humming a song from nineteen sixty-two
Ain't it funny how the night moves
When you just don't seem to have as much to lose
Strange how the night moves
With autumn closing in"

"Stood alone on a mountain top, starin' out at the Great Divide
I could go east I could go west - it was all up to me to decide
Just then I saw a young hawk flyin' and my soul began to rise
And pretty soon
My heart was singin'"

"Sometimes at night, I see their faces,
I feel the traces they've left on my soul
Those are the memories that make me a wealthy soul
Those are the memories that make me a wealthy soul"

Naomi Shemer

Every bee that brings the honey
Needs a sting to be complete
And we all must learn to taste the bitter with the sweet....

For the sake of all these things, Lord,
Let your mercy be complete
Bless the sting and bless the honey
Bless the bitter and the sweet.

"I came upon the water wells
On my way I said,
'This is not sprawled country
From which my love
I have forgotten a city and a house'
And in following
She was wild

To the water wells, to the water wells
To the spring that which pulsates on the mountain
My reputation you will find gentle
Who is terrified?
Groundwater recharge
And who is a river

I only loved
Her giving me a shade in the summer
And in the terrible sandstorm
I just loved it
That She built me a city and a house
She is my life, and she is
I die every hour

To the cisterns ...

Where he figmed
And there the olive seedlings
And the wonderful blossoming of pomegranates
Name I liked
The drunk and not the wine
She would close her eyes slowly

To the water wells ..

Horchat Hai Caliptus = The Eucalyptus Grove

Tribute: For All These Things - Naomi Shemer

Allan Sherman

Carly Simon

Due to the sheer volume of home and environmental songs, Carly has her own page!

Enter HERE to go to Carly Simon's Page

The Simon Sisters

"Calico drum, the grasshoppers come
The butterfly, beetle, and bee
Over the ground, around and around
With a hop and a bound, but they never came back to me
They never came back
They never came back"

"Little lamb who made thee
Dost thou know who made thee
Gave thee life and made thee feed
By the stream and o'er the mead"

"You can really have no notion how delightful it will be
When they take us up and throw us, with the lobsters, out to sea"

"They sailed away, for a year and a day
To the land where the bong tree grows

"We will dust the gray mountains and sweep the blue sky
And I’ll love you as long as the furrow the plow
As however is ever and ever is now"

"Till all the seas gang dry, my dear
And the rocks melt with the sun
I will love thee still, my dear
While the sands of life shall run"

"Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I
But when the trees bow down their heads
The wind is passing by"

"Well the little stars were the herring fish
That lived in the beautiful sea
Now cast your nets wherever you wish
Never a feared are we

So sang the stars to the fishermen three
Wynken and Blynken and Nod"

Carly Simon & James Taylor

"Well, the sun is surely sinkin' down
But the moon is slowly risin'
So this old world must still be spinnin' round
And I still love you"

"Close Your Eyes"

"Everybody have you heard
He's gonna buy me a mockingbird"

Please Seek Original - Inez & Charlie Foxx

"The Times The are A Changing"

Simon & Garfunkel

"His heart is laughing, screaming, pounding
The poem across the tracks rebounding
Shadowed by the exit light
His legs take their ascending flight
To seek the breast of darkness and be suckled by the night, ooh"

"Michigan seems like a dream to me now
It took me four days to hitchhike from Saginaw
I've gone to look for America....

And I'm empty and aching and I don't know why
Counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike
They've all come to look for America
All come to look for America
All come to look for America"

"We come on the ship they call the Mayflower
We come on the ship that sailed the moon
We come in the age's most uncertain hour
and sing an American tune
But it's all right, it's all right
You can't be forever blessed"

"April, come she will
When streams are ripe and swelled with rain"

"Zebras are reactionaries
Antelopes are missionaries
Pigeons plot in secrecy
And hamsters turn on frequently"

"Homeward bound
Home, where my thought's escaping
Home, where my music's playing
Home, where my love lies waiting ~
Silently for me"

"And a rock feels no pain
And an island never cries"

"I threw a pebble in a brook
And watched the ripples run away
And they never made a sound.
And the leaves that are green turned to brown,
And they wither with the wind,
And they crumble in your hand."

"He freely gave to charity, he had the common touch,
And they were grateful for his patronage and thanked him very much,
So my mind was filled with wonder when the evening headlines read,
"Richard Cory went home last night and...."

Richard Cory - Poem by Edwin Arlington Robinson

"Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme"

"And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the sign said, 'The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls
And whispered in the sounds of silence'"

Paul Simon

Please also seek, "Simon and Garfunkel."

"I wish I was,
Homeward bound,
Home where my thought's escaping,
Home where my music's playing,
Home where my love lies waiting
Silently for me."

With George Harrison

"A son gone to the grave
Now the sorrowful parade
To the riverbank

Must be half the county come down
To the riverbank....

It’s a long walk home"

"This is the story of how we begin to remember
This is the powerful pulsing of love in the vein
After the dream of falling and calling your name out
These are the roots of rhythm
And the roots of rhythm remain

Joseph’s face was black as night
The pale yellow moon shown in his eyes
His path was marked
By the stars in the Southern Hemisphere
And he walked the length of his days
Under African Skies"


Considered the Originators of Hard Rock, Celtic Rock, and Glam Rock genres, Slade continues to be one of the most influential bands in the world.  But don't call it "hard rock.  Slade likes to call it, "Good Time Music."  Slade has yet to be chosen for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in USA.

"I've seen the yellow lights go down the Mississippi
I've seen the bridges of the world and they're for real....

I've seen the sunset in the east and in the west
I've sang the glory that was Rome
And passed the hound-dog singer's home
It still seems for the best

And I'm far, far away
With my head up in the clouds
And I'm far, far away
With my feet down in the crowds
Lettin' loose around the world
But the call of home is loud
Still is LOUD"

"Like a dark horse - see how she ran"

"How does it feel right at the start
and how does it feel when you are thrown apart
'cos many years from now there will be new elations
and new frustrations"

"So let's all pull together, my oh my
Yeah, let's all pull together, my oh my
We can ride the stormy weather
If we all get out and try
So let's all pull together, my oh my
Yeah, let's all pull together, my oh my"

"See chameleon
Lying there in the sun"

Sly and the Family Stone

"Life, Life
Tell it like it is
You don't have to die before you live"

"Another generation
Who do you wanna be?
Get into your own thing
Everybody's free, free, free, free

Love city
Love city

Look into the future
Tell me what you see"

"Plastic Jim
All his thoughts have faded
He cannot be degraded....

All the plastic people
What do they all come for?"

Patti Smith

"In the form of shining valleys
Where the pure air recognized
And my senses newly opened
I awakened to the cry"

Sons of the East

"There's no more white stallions at my door
I see the stars up from the floor"

"I searched so long in the sand
for my left and my right hand
Help me understand
Sun upon my back

Still I fight on
Still I have no home
The world a place to go"

The Sons of the Pioneers

"All day I've faced the barren waste
Without the taste of water, cool, water
Old Dan and I with throats burned dry
And souls that cry - for water, cool, clear, water"

"The everlasting hills of Oklahoma
They hold a million treasures to be found
Golden grain on hills of green
Wave to valleys cool and clean
Too bad some folks have never seen
The everlasting hills of Oklahoma"

"Deep in my heart is a song
Here on the range I belong
Drifting along with the tumblin' tumbleweeds
Drifting along with the tumblin' tumbleweeds
Tumbleweeds, tumbleweeds
Tumble weeds"


"Black hole sun
Won't you come
And wash away the rain"

The Sparrow
John Kay

Bruce Springsteen & East Street Band

"Sky of blackness and sorrow (a dream of life)
Sky of love, sky of tears (a dream of life)
Sky of glory and sadness (a dream of life)
Sky of mercy, sky of fear (a dream of life)
Sky of memory and shadow (a dream of life)
Your burnin' wind fills my arms tonight
Sky of longing and emptiness (a dream of life)
Sky of fullness, sky of blessed life (a dream of life)"

Edwin Starr

Ringo Starr

"I was walking in a midnight sun"

"A passenger's time seems to go to slow"

"If I had the wings of an eagle,
Over these broken dreams I will fly....

If I had the strength of a lion,
There'd be no one to keep us apart.
And if I was to crack just like thunder,
I would shout what I feel in my heart."

Please also seek, "The Beatles."


"Wouldn't you like to get off the earth today
Step into a cloud and fade so deep away'

Providing home, herd, rest, refuge, and individualized care for life.

Al Stewart

"Her eyes shine like the moon in the sea
She comes in incense and patchouli
So you take her, to find what's waiting inside
The year of the cat"

"The Year of the Cat" - Live Performance 1977

Stone Temple Pilots

"And I feel, so much depends on the weather
So is it raining in your bedroom?
And I see, that these are the eyes of disarray
Would you even care?"

The Stranglers

"We didn't use cruel words
To navigate cruel seas
The wind was biting hard
At times I had to scream
I was a toiler on the sea
I was a toiler on the sea"

Johann Strauss

"The Blue Danube"

Barbra Streisand

"Looking at the skies
I seem to see a million eyes
Which ones are yours?"

"Why can’t you just tell me the truth?
Hard to believe the things you say
Why can’t you feel the tears I cry today?
Cry today…cry today

How do you win if we all lose?
You change the facts to justify
Your lips move but your words get in the way
In the way…in the way

Kings and queens, crooks and thieves
You don’t see the forest for the trees
Head and heart, on our knees
You can’t see what we all see

How do you sleep when the world keeps turning?
All that we built has come undone
How do you sleep when the world is burning?
Everyone answers to someone"

"Don't Lie to Me" - With Lyrics Below

"It's raining, it's pouring
My lovelife is boring me to tears, after all these years

No sunshine, no moonlight, no stardust, no sign of romance
We don't stand a chance"

Duet with Donna Summer

"There's a place for us
A time and a place for us
Peace and quiet and open air
Hold my hand and I'll take you there

Somehow, some day ~


"Well, I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home."

The Sufaris

The song, "Point Panic" is about surfing where one should not.  Point Panic is at Point Panic Beach Park in Honolulu, Hawaii (seek map below).


"Green-eyed lady, wind-swept lady
Rules the night, the waves, the sand
Green-eyed lady, ocean lady
Child of nature, friend of man"

Donna Summer

"It's raining, it's pouring
My lovelife is boring me to tears, after all these years

No sunshine, no moonlight, no stardust, no sign of romance
We don't stand a chance"

Duet with Barbra Steisand


James Taylor

"I've seen fire and I've seen rain
I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end
I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend
But I always thought that I'd see you again"

Lyrics (#7)

"Sunny skies weeps in the evening
It doesn’t much matter why
I guess he just has to cry from time to time
Everyone’s leaving
And Sunny skies has to stay behind"

Piotr IIich Tchaikovsky

"Waltz of the Flowers"

Tears for Fears

"Never forgotten, never let it disappear
This could be our last chance
When we gonna make it work?
Working hour is over....
We've got the whole wide world in our hands
We've got the whole wide world in our hands.....
We can do anything that we want
Anything that we feel like doing -

"And all the love, and all the love in the world
Won't stop the rain from falling"

"Cold, no heat on the horizon
Guess I'm cold"

"There's no turning back
Even while we sleep
We will find You acting on your best behavior
Turn your back on mother nature
Everybody wants to rule the world"

"My mother and my brothers used to breathing clean air
And dreaming I'm a doctor"

"In a dream at the edge of a river
Where we swam where I watched you shiver
Came to life in my arms and then turned to dust"

"All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow"

"My features form with a change in the weather....
When the wind blows
When the mothers talk"

"In violent times
You shouldn't have to sell your soul"


"Politician granny with your high ideals
Have you no idea how the majority feels?
So without love and a promised land
We're fools to the rules of a government plan....
The birds and the bees....
Everyone (everyone) read about it, read about it
Read it in the books, in the crannies and the nooks, there are books to read
Sowing the seeds Sowing the seeds of love, we're sowing the seeds....
Open your eyes (I love a sunflower)....
Sowing the seeds,
An end to need
And the politics of greed"

"This is the working hour
We are paid by those who learn by our mistakes
And fear is such a vicious thing -
It wraps me up in chains"

Jesse Terry

"Home, this should be home
I should feel warm
But I gotta get out
There ain’t no more blood in this stone
This should be home "

Three 5 Human

Timmy Thomas

Aaron Tippin

"In an extraordinary place
Where the stars and stripes and the eagle fly"

"Now I know that things are different than they were in Daddy's days
But I still believe what makes a man really hasn't changed

You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything
You've got to be your own man not a puppet on a string
Never compromise what's right and uphold your family name
You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything "

Toad the Wet Sprocket

"Like water through my hands
You'd give him any ending
But if he's all you say
Would he fly from heaven
To this world again
To this world again"

"I'm not afraid things won't get better
But it feels like this has gone on forever
You have to cry with your own blue tears
Have to laugh with your own good cheer"

"We sing the nightingale song alive"

"You can take me down
To show me your home
Not the place where you live
But the place where you belong"

"We spotted the ocean at the head of the trail
Where are we going, so far away
And somebody told me that this is the place
Where everything's better, everything's safe"

The Tokens

"In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight
In the jungle, the quiet jungle
The lion sleeps tonight"


"The moonlit wings reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation
I stopped an old man along the way
Hoping to find some long forgotten words or ancient melodies
He turned to me as if to say, 'Hurry boy, it’s waiting there for you....'
The wild dogs cry out in the night....
As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti....
I bless the rains down in Africa
I bless the rains down in Africa
(Ah, gonna take the time)
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had


"Africa" continuously played in Namib Desert, Africa

Randy Travis

"We're all just ants on a log
Floatin' down a river
Runnin' around
But not gettin' anywhere

 Power stearin' wheels
Just ain't connected
And we can't jump off like flees on a dog
Can't fly away like flies on a hog
We're really just along for the ride like ants on a log"

"My love is deeper than the holler
Stronger than the rivers
Higher than the pine trees growin' tall upon the hill

My love is purer than the snowflakes, that fall in late December
And honest as a robin on a springtime window sill
And longer than the song - of the whippoorwill"

A Whippoorwill Sings

"Well Honey....
As long as old men sit and talk about the weather
As long as old women sit and talk about old men"

"I thought that he walked on water"

"Come on, now, sky
Be a friend to these eyes
And I know that I
Can't hold back the pain
I wish it would rain"

"I'm going deep,
I'm going long 'til I run that needle through every last song He ever sung,
So pour 'em strong and smoke 'em if you got 'em
Tonight, I'm playing Possum"


"Tonight, I'm Playing Possum" - Live Performance

"An old mail pouch, tobacco sign
Fadin' on the barn,
Bringin' back sweet memories of Mama's farm
When love was just a country girl that lived on down the road.
[Spoken:] You know, she almost had me turned around,
But that was years ago.....

Well, I left my soul out in the rain,
Lord, what a price I've had to pay.
The storms of life are washin' me away.
Yeah, the storms of life are washin' me away."


"The days grow shorter and the nights are getting long
Feels like we're running out of time
Every day it seems much harder tellin' right from wrong
You got to read between the lines"

"Music holds the secret,
To know it can make you whole
It's not just a game of notes,
It's the sound inside your soul
The magic of the melody
Runs through you like a stream
The notes the play flow through your head
Like a dream
Like a dream
Like a dream"

"I live my life
Like I wanna live
I got no reasons that I have to give
Now no one's got
No chains on me
I'll tell you somethin' baby
It's the way it should be"

"We've passed the point of no return
How can we make amends
All alone I watch the candle burn
Burning at both ends
Nothin's ever gonna change
Can tears wash away this pain

Tears in the rain
Here it comes again
I'll never know the reason why
I cry these tears in the rain (rain)

The time has come to make a stand
We've waited much too long
Nobody's gonna lead us by the hand
How could we be so wrong"

Ike and Tina Turner

"I love you, baby, just like Robin loves to sing
I love you, baby, like a flower loves the spring
And I love you, baby, like a school boy loves his pet"

Twenty One Pilots

"I wish I found some better sounds no one’s ever heard
I wish I had a better voice that sang some better words....
Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days
When our momma sang us to sleep but now we’re stressed out....
It’d be to my brother, 'cause we have the same nose
Same clothes homegrown
A stone’s throw from a creek we used to roam
But it would remind us of when nothing really mattered
Out of student loans and tree-house homes - we all would take the latter"

Bonnie Tyler

"We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks....

A total eclipse of the heart"


"See the world in green and blue
See China right in front of you
See the canyons broken by cloud
See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
See the Bedouin fires at night
See the oil fields at first light and
See the bird with a leaf in her mouth
After the flood all the colors came out

It was a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
The Beautiful Day"

"In the lands you have a garden"

"I was unconscious, half asleep
The water is warm till you discover how deep...
I wasn't jumping... for me it was a fall
It's a long way down to nothing at all"

Carrie Underwood

"'Cause sometimes that mountain you've been climbing
Is just a grain of sand
And what you've been out there searching for forever
Is in your hands"

"He said, "I've been where you've been before.
Down every hallway's a slamming door."
No way out, no one to come and save me
Wasting a life that the Good Lord gave me

Then somebody said what I'm saying to you
Opened my eyes and told me the truth."
They said, "Just a little faith, it'll all get better."
So I followed that preacher man down to the river

And now I'm changed
And now I'm stronger
There must've been something in the water
Oh, there must've been something in the water"

"'This is our temporary home
It's not where we belong
Windows in rooms that we're passin' through
This is just a stop, on the way to where we're going
I'm not afraid, because I know this is our -
Temporary Home.'"

"And when you’re lost out in this crazy world
You got somewhere to go and get found
Thank God for hometowns
Thank God for hometowns"

"She almost turned around
But that would be like pouring rain drops
Back into a cloud
So she took another step and said
I see the way out, and I'm gonna take it....

Till the moon and the sun were floating side-by-side"

"God put us here on this carnival ride.
We close our eyes, never knowing where it'll take us next.
Babies are born, and at the same time, someone's taking their last breath....

Its the wheel of the world.
I don't know what it is, I'm flying high, but I'm wondering why I'm sinking on this ship going down.
Life keeps on moving anyway."

The Valentines

"He made the mountains so high
he made the rare earth that fine
You're my nature's creation, of lovin' sensation 
My heart, on fire, it's filled with desire"

Eddie Vedder

"And when the time is right, I
hope that you'll respond
like when the wind gets tired
the ocean becomes calm
I may be dreaming but I'm
longing to belong -
to you "

Suzanne Vega

"But the only soldier now is me
I'm fighting things I cannot see
I think it's called my destiny"

The Velvelettes

"We'll take a little sunshine, one loving cup
Just a little sunshine and you brighten up
We'll have sweet tomorrows
Cause with love and tender care"

"The grass looks greener on the other side
But you just might be taken for a ride"

Antonio Vivaldi

About "The Four Seasons" - Encyclopedia Britannica

"....And in the pleasant, blossom-filled meadow,
To the gentle murmur of leaves and plants,
The goatherd sleeps, his faithful dog beside him...."


"Under the merciless sun of the season
Languishes man and flock, the pine tree burns.
The cuckoo begins to sing and at once
Join in the turtledove and the goldfinch....

 And the shepherd weeps because overhead
Hangs the fearsome storm, and his destiny"


"The peasant celebrates with dancing and singing
The pleasure of the rich harvest,"


"Frozen and shivering in the icy snow,
In the severe blasts of a terrible wind
To run stamping one’s feet each moment,
One’s teeth chattering through the cold."


Voice in the Beehive

"You are the brightest star among
The dullest skies. The only truth
Among all of these lies. You're beauty
To my eyes."

"I walk the earth my darling
This is my home

So take my hand
Just take my hand
And we will walk together"

"I Walk the Earth"

"Can't save the ocean but we sure can save a dime.
We may all look good but I think we're running out of time.
If we looked around as much as we look at ourselves.
Stop listening to gossip and start listening to cries for help.

Everybody's saying, 'Look at me! Look at me!' Everybody's
Certain they've got something no one else can see.
The earth is drying. Planets are dying. Everybody's saying,
'Yea, I know - but look at me!'"

"There are monsters, there are angels.
There's a peacefulness and a rage inside us all.
There's sugar - and there is salt
There is ice and there is fire
In every single heart
There are monsters, there are angels."

"I walk the earth my darling but I never feel at home and we all
Say I will change tomorrow.
I will change it all tomorrow"


"Walkin' down the street, smoggy-eyed....
Crying in the night, teary-eyed.....

Wonder when I'll find paradise
Somewhere there's a home, sweet and nice
Wonder if I'll find happiness
Never give it up now I guess"

The Weavers

"You'll weep for the rocks and mountains
You'll weep for the rocks and mountains
You'll weep for the rocks and the mountains
When the stars begin to fall....

Will there be time to find salvation
Will there be time to find salvation
Will there be time to find salvation
When the stars begin to fall"

"Whistling Dick" and "Alice Hawthorne" Richard Milburn and Septimus Winner

"Listen to the mockingbird,
Listen to the mockingbird,
Still singing where the weeping willows wave"

Eric Whitacre

"Where billow meets billow, then soft be thy pillow
Oh weary wee flipperling, curl at thy ease
The storm shall not wake thee, nor shark overtake thee
Asleep in the arms of the slow swinging seas!
Asleep in the arms of the slow swinging seas!"

Please seek Shawn Colvin: same lyrics, different melody!

Written by Rudyard Kipling  and Eric E Whitacre

Roger Whittaker

"If I knew then what I know now
(I thought I did you know somehow)
If I could have the time again
I'd take the sunshine leave the rain
If only time would trickle slow"

Origin of the Skye Boat Song

The White Buffalo

"The mornin' sun, has just begun
Can I bathe in your heat and light
It's washed in red, it must go down again
Not too soon can you arrive
Well I'll wait for you through the night"

The Who


Dar Williams

"Sky had turned red, smoke was boiling
Two hundred yards to safety, death was fifty yards behind....

I lay face down and prayed above the cold Missouri waters"

"Down by the water with the steel turbines humming"

"Out of the northwest and through the Rocky Mountains
Across the prairies to the Appalachian
Rises now the Pennsylvania farms into the traffic of the eastern cities
Into my town, onto my street
Up the stairs, into my house
Grab the kids, and out the back into the garden"

"Buy the sky and sell the sky and bleed the sky and tell the sky

Don't fall on me"

"The Hudson, it holds the life
We thought we did it on our own
I thought I had no sense of place or past
Time was too slow, but then too fast
The river takes us home at last....

If you're lucky you'll find something that reflects you
Helps you feel your life protects you
Cradles you and connects you to everything"

"Ancient smiles encased in whalebone
Spines of steel from head to tailbone
Cannons poised to blast the turning of the tide"

"It's Alright"


"I'll take you to the mountains
I will take you to the sea
I'll show you how this life became
A miracle to me"

Hank Williams

"Many years I've been looking for a place to call home
But I failed to find it so I must travel on
I don't care for fine mansions on earth's sinkin' sand
Lord build me a cabin in the corner of Gloryland

Lord build me just a cabin in the corner of Gloryland
In the shade of his tree of life that it may ever stand"

"'Hey good looking, what you got cooking
Hows about cooking something up with me'

Say, 'Hey sweet baby, don't you think maybe
We could find us a brand new recipe'"

"You got me chasin' Rabbits, walkin' on my hands,
And Howlin' At the Moon"

"Did you hear that lonesome whippoorwill?
He sounds too blue to fly....

I've never seen a night so long
When time goes crawling by
The moon just went behind a cloud
To hide its face and cry

Did you ever see a robin weep
When leaves begin to die?
That means he's lost the will to live
I'm so lonesome, I could cry"

"I saw the light I saw the light
No more darkness no more night
Now I'm so happy no sorrow in sight
Praise the Lord I saw the light"

"The old cow's standin' by the Bull Durham sign
Just awaitin' for the grass to turn green....

Worm must be waitin' for the early bird
I guess the early bird's waitin' for the worm....

Sunflowers waitin' for the sunshine
Violets just waitin' for dew
Bees just waitin' for honey
And, honey, I'm just waitin' for you"

"I went down to the river to watch the fish swim by;
But I got to the river so lonesome I wanted to die..., Oh Lord!
And then I jumped in the river, but the doggone river was dry...."

"My tires and tubes are doin' fine but the air is showin' through
You clap hands and I'll start bowin', we'll do all the laws allowin'
Tomorrow I'll be right back plowin', settin' the woods on fire"

Kenyon Wilson

"Songs of Distant Earth" - Live Performance

Wilson Phillips

"If I listened long enough to you
I'd find a way to believe that it's all true
Knowing that you lied, straight-faced, while I cried
Still, I'd look to find a reason to believe"

"And her eyes are like skies about to rain
But there's work to be done, and she does not complain
Her children are so far away
I heard you crying, I heard you praying
Now you must go, and it's so hard to say....
We're convinced our intentions are good
But we live in this world often misunderstood
Can you feel it? (Uh-huh)
I can feel it
And no one seems to care much, and its so hard to say....
Turn around but she's lost in the sun
There was so much to say, but she's already gone"

"Goodbye Carmen"

Steve Windwood

"Music is a world within itself
With a language we all understand
With an equal opportunity"

The Wombles

The Wombles are fictional pointy-nosed, furry creatures created by author Elizabeth Beresford.  Originally appearing in a series of children's books from 1968, to becoming a television show, and even a band, created a environmental movement, still popular today. The Wombles live in burrows, where collecting and recycling rubbish in creative ways is their life passion. Although Wombles live in every country in the world, Beresford's stories are focused on the lives of the inhabitants of the burrow on Wimbledon Common in London, England.

"Underground, overground, wombling free,   
The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we
Making good use of the things that we find
Things that the everyday folks leave behind

Uncle Bulgaria, he can remember the days
When he wasn't behind the times
With his map of the world
Pick up the papers and take them to Tobermory

 Wombles are organised, work as a team
Wombles are tidy and Wombles are clean
Underground, overground, Wombling free
The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we

People don't notice us, they never see
Under their noses a Womble may be
Womble by night and we Womble by day
Looking for litter to trundle away

We're so incredibly utterly devious
Making the most of everything
Even bottles and tins
Pick up the pieces and make them into something new
Is what we do

Underground, overground, Wombling free
The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we
Making good use of the things that we find
Things that the everyday folks leave behind"

"When the sun doesn't shine and it's cloudy and gray
And it's only the beginning of the wombling day
And you've got to do the washing up for Madame Cholet"

"Some people follow the sun
Some people cry when it rains
We like a shower, because it clear the air
We don't care, because we've got an umbrella"

"Underground ~ Overground"  [Instrumental Song]


"What are the words that I'm supposed to say?
Your white skin, swirling fireflies.
Darkness has surrounded Baltimore bay.
Why don't you open your blue eyes?
Are they things that water can't wash away?
How can your absence leave no trace?
As I let you sink in Baltimore bay.
I drown myself deep in disgrace.

What is the price, am I supposed to pay?
For all the things I try to hide?
What is my fate, am I supposed to pray?
That trouble's gone with the sunlight?

A warm sun rises and ignites the bay.
I come back home and start to cry
I'll never come back to Baltimore bay.
Try to forget the fireflies.
What are the words that I'm supposed to say?
If someone knew about this lie?
If your body rises to the surface?
Through the silence of fireflies "

Neil Young

"When you hear real music, you get lost in it, because it sounds like God."

"Neil Young's Lonely Quest to Save Music" - The New York Times Magazine

"Well, I dreamed I saw the knights
In armor coming,
Saying something about a queen.
There were peasants singing and
Drummers drumming
And the archer split the tree.
There was a fanfare blowing
To the sun
That was floating on the breeze.
Look at mother nature on the run
In the nineteen seventies.
Look at mother nature on the run
In the nineteen seventies."

"Lately I been thinking
About the changing world
Trying to fit in pieces of the dreams
Just trying to add it up
Figure out what it means
When a lost planet comes tumbling home....

While the day is with us
And the birds are near
Singing in the sun, basking in its light
As it just risen
Through the fogs of fear
Can I take a minute to do what's right
Before that starts me thinking
Distracting me again"

"Over the rainbow
Send me away
Down by the river"

"Got styrofoam boxes
for the ozone layer
Got a man of the people,
says keep hope alive
Got fuel to burn,
got roads to drive.

Keep on rockin' in the free world,"

" There's a full moon risin'
Let's go dancin' in the light
We know where the music's playin'
Let's go out and feel the night"

"Every junkie's
like a settin' sun"

Please also seek: Buffalo Springfield and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young

The Zombies

"The summer is here at last
The sky is overcast
And no one brings a rose for Emily
She watches her flowers grow
While lovers come and go
To give each other roses from her tree....

Her roses are fading now
She keeps her pride somehow
That's all she has protecting her from pain

And as the years go by
She will grow old and die
The roses in her garden fade away
Not one left for her grave
Not a rose for Emily"

"Do you remember summer days
Just after summer rain
When all the air was damp and warm
In the green of country lanes?
And the breeze would touch your hair
Kiss your face and make you care
About your world
Your summer world
And we would count the evening stars....

And I can't forget you
Won't forget you
Won't forget those days
And Beechwood Park"

"His alone girl fades away
Left out on a limb"

"I knew her when summer was her crown
And autumn sad
How brown her eyes

I knew her when winter was her cloak
And spring her voice
She spoke to me

Silver and gold
Strawberry clothes
Money will buy
Something to hold
See in her eyes
Nothing will last
Like emerald stones
And platinum"

"She takes your hand
When the world stays outside
That's something to see
That's nothing to hide"

"You made the sun shine through
And changed my world from black -
Give me that hunger"

"And from that nameless changing crowd
A sweet vibration seemed to fill the air
I stood astounded staring hard
At men with flowers resting in their hair"

"Who can tell where the journey may lead me
Who can say where the rainbow may be found"

"The warmth of your love
Is like the warmth of the sun
And this will be our year
Took a long time to come"

"To take you in the sun to promised lands
To show you - every one
It's the time - of the season - for loving"

ZZ Top

"Let's go out to Egypt 'cause it's in the plan,
Sleep beside the pharoahs in the shifting sand"

Songs Related to Climate Change and Human Impact on the Environment Compiled by Richard L. Wallace, Ursinus College Environmental Studies Program January 2009

Wikipedia's Incomplete List

Love Song to the Earth



California Zephyr

California Zephyr

Blue Ridge Mountains Fleet Foxes

Wondering Where the Lions are Bruce Cockburn
Sunrise The Who
A Painted Postcard   David Broza
All Rise   Blame Sally
Little Lion Man Mumford & Sons
All too late   Leeb
Southern Sun Boy & Bear
           Blue Skies Nils Lofgren
    The Head and the Heart

Montreal     The Ghost of Paul Revere

A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request      Steve Goodman

Set on Fire Magic Giant

Ballad of a Ball Game Christine Lavin
The Joke Brandie Carlile

Weather Conditions Song List

Independent - KEXP

M to Z

M to Z

M to Z

M to Z

Numbers & A - G

H - L

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M to Z

M to Z

M to Z

Numbers & A - G

H - L

M - Z

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M to Z

Sing Out Loud!  Sing Out Proud!

Go Serenade!
