Here is where you will be educated on how geothermal works, who and how a system is installed, and how your
financial investment with utilizing deductions through various programs and pooling to be listed will benefit not only
humanity, but your pocket book and wallet.
From Greek, “geo”
meaning Earth, and “therme” meaning heat, geothermal is Planet Earth’s heat sinks. Despite its name, geothermal
also cools as the earth is cooler than the air in warm months. I am writing this guide for you in order to explore, educate, aid, share, and choose to proceed with geothermal
installation. I have spent countless hours reading, viewing, compiling articles,
films, websites, tax grants…. I also pooled - listed all companies, most
service your county (so don’t go by address) as well as The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (like
BBB for Geothermal). Geothermal ensures you will always have
year round electricity, heat & humidification, cooling & dehumidification, air cleaner, despite possible uncontrollable
costs due to coal, gas, and oil depletion, plentiful money savings, and also - do right by Planet Earth.
Coming Soon! [Computer found and Geothermal file hopefully will be recovered
for this page!]
"PG&E Shut Off Power In Sierra Foothills And North Bay" - (Video Report) KOVR 13 CBS Sacramento
"A Guide to the Energy of the Earth" - Ted Talks Education
"Energy 101: Geothermal Energy" - U.S. Department of Energy
"Energy 101: Geothermal Heat Pumps" - U.S. Department of Energy

"Victory for the Geothermal Heat Pump Industry: Geothermal Heat Pump Tax Credits Reinstated" on February 9th, 2018!!!!
Geothermal 101 - GeoExchange
Geothermal History and Facts - Energy101.org
"Geothermal Energy: Harnessing the Heat Beneath Your Feet" - University of California Television
Baltimore City
Advances and Opportunities
Mayor's Office of Employment Development has Chosen 8 Industries for Workforce Development.
This Includes: Sustainable Energy and Environmentally-driven Services "Today’s
so-called “green collar” jobs are ones that focus on either the conservation of energy and natural resources,
the restoration of the environment, or the mitigation of pollution. Thus, sustainable energy occupations could relate to the
installation of green roofs, the auditing of energy use for an office building, the installation and/or manufacturing related
to renewable energy sources (solar, geothermal, etc.), the installation of energy efficient retrofits in existing industrial
facilities, or new construction utilizing “green” building practices. Environmentally-driven occupations
would include those in: brownfields restoration, urban agriculture, the recycling of obsolete computers or other IT
equipment, or those related to the de-construction of homes and the recycling of select building materials. These green collar
jobs could offer many Baltimore residents the chance to be productively engaged in the workforce and thus better able to support
themselves and their families financially."
Subdivision Regulations
Baltimore City - Well Tags (First step to drilling)
Baltimore Whiskey Company ~ Baltimore Spirit Company
"Baltimore Whiskey Company is Building Geothermal System for New Union Collective Distillery" - The Baltimore Sun 2018
The Episcopal Church
The Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church in Oak Park
St. Patrick's Church Cathedrals New Tradition: Geothermal