Organizations to entice you to become involved! Find your passion!
"In vain is the glorious chart of God in Nature spread
out for them. So many acres chopped is their motto, as they grub away amid the smoke of the magnificent
forest trees, black as demons, and material as the soil they move upon." - John Muir (Letter to friend, Mrs. Ezra
S. Carr September 13th, 1866)

"Do we, as Christians, need John Muir? I think we do. While we cannot follow him in regarding Nature
itself as salvific, the passionate excesses of his thought and language and example are more than ever a necessary corrective
to our suburban, mega-church separation from the wild. We are new creatures in Christ, but first and foremost we are creatures,
in need of our fellow forest creatures and in need of all of God's creation."
"There’s a popular but erroneous idea circulating today that Christianity is indifferent to—and
perhaps even the inherent enemy of—environmentalism. In fact, important Christian thinkers and leaders of the past have
encouraged deep respect for nature. One monumental example is John Muir, virtual patron saint of the National Parks system
and founder of the Sierra Club. Muir was reared in the Stone-Campbell movement. His father brought the family to the U.S.
because of the Campbells’ preaching, when John was ten years old.John himself became
an active disciple, teaching Sunday school, memorizing the New Testament and large parts of the Old. That biblical underpinning
remained with him the rest of his life, informing his diction, imagery, and ideas when he wrote about nature."
"'The Earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof' - Psalm
24:1As followers of Jesus Christ, committed to the full authority of the Scriptures,
and aware of the ways we have degraded creation, we believe that biblical faith is essential to the solution of our ecological
problems. Because we worship and honor the Creator, we seek to cherish and care for the creation. Because we have
sinned, we have failed in our stewardship of creation. Therefore we repent of the way we have polluted, distorted, or
destroyed so much of the Creator's work.....These degradations of creation can be summed up as 1) Land Degradation;
2) Deforestation; 3) Species Extinction; 4) Water Degradation; 5) Global Toxification; 6) the Alteration of Atmosphere;
7) Human and Cultural Degradation."

"We call on all Christians to work for godly, just, and sustainable economies which reflect God's
sovereign economy and enable men, women and children to flourish along with all the diversity of creation. We recognize
that poverty forces people to degrade creation in order to survive; therefore we support the development of just, free
economies which empower the poor and create abundance without diminishing creation's bounty."
"It's time we return to being people known for our love and care of the earth and our fellow
human beings." - Richard Cizik

The John Ray Initiative Connecting Environment, Science and Christianity


Priest, who felt he needed to reach out beyond his Parrish...."
"Music is the magical newspaper. Governments can't stop it. And when you hear music, you make your own democratic
free decision about what it means to you. And that's the best of democracy and freedom. It's inside the soul,
it's inside the mind. - Jack Healey
Colleges and Universities

Environmental Stewardship
Books of the Bible
More Coming Soon!
The Anglican Catholic Church
Queen Elizabeth II Her Royal Heiness HRH HMS The
Sovereign Defender of the Faith Supreme Governor of the Church of England
Audio - Queen Elizabeth Bans Plastics
What is The Queen's Commonwealth Canopy? - Official HRH website
"The Queen's Commonwealth Canopy" - Overview
"The Queen's Commonwealth Canopy" - Documentary
Queen's Commonwealth Canopy Updates
It's a family affair....
Prince Harry and Rhino Conservation Botswana - Harry's "Second Home"
Prince Harry Visits Nevis Turtle Nesting Site - Video
Prince Harry visits conservation project at Epping Forest - Video
Prince Harry joined school children at a conservation project in Epping Forest - Video
Pope Francis Pope Francis of the Holy Sea Franciscus
"“LAUDATO SI’, mi’ Signore” – 'Praise be to you, my Lord.' In the words
of this beautiful canticle, Saint Francis of Assisi reminds us that our common home is like a sister with whom we share our
life and a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us. 'Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth,
who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruit with coloured flowers and herbs.'This
sister now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with
which God has endowed her. We have come to see ourselves as her lords and masters, entitled to plunder her at will. The violence
present in our hearts, wounded by sin, is also reflected in the symptoms of sickness evident in the soil, in the water, in
the air and in all forms of life. This is why the earth herself, burdened and laid waste, is among the most abandoned and
maltreated of our poor; she “groans in travail” (Rom 8:22). We have forgotten that we ourselves are dust
of the earth (cf. Gen 2:7); our very bodies are made up of her elements, we breathe her air and we receive life and
refreshment from her waters.
Nothing in this world is indifferent to us."
"Laudato Si: Care for Our Common Home" - Encyclical Letter on Environment and Human Ecology
Pope's Encyclical Counterpart - Short Version [Video]
The Ecology Encyclical: Care for Our Common Home - Salt and Light Special [Video]

Salt and Light Media: Papal and Catholic Environmental "Creation" Coverage
Pope Francis and the Environment: Why His New Climate Encyclical Matters - Catholic Theology: Yale University [Video]
"Integral Ecology"
Pope Francis addresses Joint Session of Congress
"We collect information about existing environmental efforts including but not limited to recycling;
upgrading heating, cooling, lighting, or septic systems; installing insulation, energy-saving windows, or solar power arrays;
planting trees or a rain garden; collecting rainwater runoff in rain barrels; landscaping with native plants; or restoring
shoreline in an environmentally appropriate way."
Maryland's Eastern Shore: Environmental Ministries Commission
"In 2015, at our 239th Diocesan Convention, we passed the following Resolutions:
(1) that … every congregation … renew its commitment to conduct an approved energy audit with all due speed;
and on that foundation; (2) that … diocesan and parish organizations … make resources available to congregations
to help them pursue energy audits; and (3) that … every congregation, with the assistance of Property Support
and the Committee on the Environment … develop a “self-study” plan for the conversion to renewable energy
sources within the next ten years. We must follow through on these resolutions quickly."
The Episcopal Diocese of New York - Environment: Committee's Call for Climate Action Teams
"The Diocesan Committee on the Environment issues an urgent call for the formation of Climate Action Teams in each of
the three major regions of our Diocese: New York City (Manhattan, Bronx and Staten Island), (4) Mid-Hudson (Orange,
Dutchess, Ulster, and Sullivan Counties), and (5) the Counties of Westchester, Rockland, and Putnam. We’re
looking for able volunteers who are willing to meet as Climate Action Teams within those regions for the purpose of education,
mutual support, and organizing." If you are interested, please click through to their website.
Micael Genholm - "Charismactivist"
Micael Grenholm "Charismactivist"
"I call myself a charismactivist; which means that I am fully convinced that activism for peace and
justice should be performed in the power of the Holy Spirit. Miracles, healing, prophecy, and evangelism
should be combined with peacemaking, economic equality, simplicity, and care for the environment, just as in the biblical
Evangelist (no other affiliation)
Dr. Katherine Hayhoe
"Dr. Katherine Hayhoe, an evangelical Christian and atmospheric scientist, says it’s all in how
you communicate."
"An Evangelical for Climate Science We Need to Talk-About-It-More" [Video]
Dr. Katherine Hayhoe
Dr. Myles Monroe
generally fall into one of three groups: the few who make things happen, the many who watch things happen, and the overwhelming
majority who have no notion of what happens. Every person is either a creator of fact or a creature of circumstance. He either
puts color into his environment, or, like a chameleon, takes color from his environment."
“Of all the challenges our 21st Century World must confront such
as terrorism, wars, epidemics, global warming, and corporate corruption, the greatest challenge is finding effective leaders.”
Bahamas Risk of Global Warming/Climate Change
Myles Munroe died in 2014.
Southern Baptist