"Here Comes the Rain" - Eurythmics

RESOLVED, geothermal direct use system complements plasma arc gasification, trees and vegetation plantings and ecosystem repair, ____________dark sky to combat light pollution, Ghent Plan, green hydrogen cell fueled vehicles, and Streetcars provides a complete quality of life which sustains

WHEREAS, the Abell Foundation study did not explore the binding and continuing affects transfer
may increase remarkably.

WHEREAS, "Investigating the Geothermal Potential of Baltimore," 2002 report by Abell Foundation (page 25) confirms geothermal viability for direct use (water not gel)system for all of Baltimore, "The financial analyses show that a geothermal system for direct use in Baltimore with the specification listed would cost around $23 million."

WHEREAS, the Abell Foundation 2022 study predicts, "5-10 times rise in gas price in the next decade or so, which can be translated to 2-3 times rise in electricity prices" further making geothermal crucial investment to make today;

WHEREAS, "The objective of this funding opportunity is to identify and develop EGS pilot demonstration projects in a variety of geologic formations and subsurface conditions that will act as:"* 1) Models roving reliability and performance 2) "Learn by doing" experiments 3) Opportunity to test geological condition hypotheses and validate design approaches 4) Collaboration opportunities to improve and establish best practices and general operational processes 5) Opportunity to network

WHEREAS, Baltimore and Maryland being at sea level, melting glaciers at increasingly rapid pace is creating, "Sunny day" floods, becoming a common occurrence in Annapolis

WHEREAS, Baltimore, Annapolis, and The State of Maryland has no plan to mitigate the vastness of ocean waters, whether via ice shelves or through storms evidence by flooding Patapsco River's Baltimore Harbor

WHEREAS, the combination of heat waves, increasing heat bulbs, Baltimore is the 9th hottest urban heat island, permanent flooding displacing residents, and weather bringing drought conditions, spells disaster for ecosystems, human livability and commerce, and it already occurring

Topis 1 was selected EGS Proximal demonstrations will show that the use of EGS stimulation methods can transform low permeability or underproductive wells in or near existing hydrothermal fields into productive, economically beneficial assets for geothermal developers, with the goal of sustainably increasing the output of the existing reservoirs by at least 5 megawatts (MW) per site/well.

Depicts using shallow horizontal digging - no drilling to utilize geothermal heating and cooling - anywhere.

Tuesday, May 9th, 2023


For the purpose of Baltimore becoming United States of America's, "Enhanced Geothermal Systems Pilot Demonstration Project" for all coastal and estuary cities; addressing and eradicating air, water, and soil pollutions and emission classifications, thereby achieving continuous energy independence, which creates an economic surplus of electricity boon, providing Charm City - a secure and radiant future.

WHEREAS, the United States Government is searching for innovative ways to solve: The Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming, Climate Change, Energy Crisis, and now encompassing all, "Climate Crisis";

WHEREAS, President Biden's landmark Bipartisan Infrastructure Law requires the United States Department of Energy to award up to $74 million to support enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) pilot demonstration projects, the latest geothermal-based project offered over the past 2 years;

WHEREAS, the legislation authorizes the Department of Energy to support up to seven competitively selected pilot projects that can collectively demonstrate EGS in various geologic settings, using a multitude of development techniques, combining geothermal with other hydrothermal energies, well orientations, and many other points of access whether never used extra drilled holes or pile-driven near/next to bridges, tunnels, street and highway pillars, subway stations, and particularly deep trenches, like Baltimore City portion of interstate 170;

WHEREAS, the very best chance for Baltimore to receive deeply competitive 1 of only 7 awards of $5 Million to $25 Million each is/was to qualify for Round One, with "Letter of Intent" due on March 8th, 2023, met by the key participant;

WHEREAS, the want - the demand for more electricity production is necessary as peak demand consumption rises due to health-risk temperatures;

WHEREAS, along the banks of waterways flowing towards Baltimore, farms and mills used waterwheels and windmills to produce energy for their livelihoods:

WHEREAS, Those very same waterways were purchased in the 1950's when Baltimore City due to need to provide additional fresh drinking water for exploding population growth of approximately 1 million people, so built several dams to create reservoirs, drowning out mills:

WHEREAS, Robert Moses' blueprinted highways never came complete to fruition, leaving a deepened span of dug down land, nicknamed, "The Highway to Nowhere," continue to fester and collect tears of sorrow as heavy as the hammered house bricks begging mercy for their simple existence;

WHEREAS, the least expensive type of electric company to finance and run is a cooperative (Co-op)

EGS demonstrations utilizing existing infrastructure proximal to existing geothermal/hydrothermal development with immediate potential for electrical power production

RESOLVED, Geothermal is indeed the, "Superior Energy;" as Mother Earth continuously supplies, makes, and provides: heat when cool, cool when hot, hot water, precise temperatures and measurements, Direct Use System for all customers: buildings, streets, and sidewalks (saving lives as no outages and no toxic snow melting products and contaminated salts use), high caliber indoor air quality, produces electricity, produces high quality sellable mineral deposits, drought proof - with ability to grow vegetation including food: fruits, vegetables, grains..., offers unique recreation such as hot spring spas, swimming pools, waterslides, camping... water waste processing, thermal desalination for fresh water from otherwise unusable water, through, "Process Membrane Distillation," low-enthalpy resolves arsenic in freshwater, produces green hydrogen cell fuel and green ammonia;

RESOLVED, Low Enthalpy a form of geothermal , uses shallow horizontal digging - no drilling to utilize geothermal heating and cooling - anywhere.

RESOLVED, MONEY FREEDOM of choice Saving countless lives as no outages cooperative ability to receive patronage dividends)

RESOLVED, Baltimore to harness a multitude of hydropower methods: wave, ocean, tidal, dam, waterwheel
RESOLVED, utilizing soon to be decommissioned "Highway to Nowhere," (I-170) for highway use of which 2 Million federal dollars has been allocated to study and pick best use(s).
for the already deeply dug
These 2 million dollars can be utilized for Geothermal Generation and, "400 Block," a unique and innovative energy Park above for all to experience and share as alternative plan.


direct system

Due to is to attempt through Topic Area in $74 million to support enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) pilot demonstration projects

RESOLVED, Baltimore can well rely on Virginia, Maryland, & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives to help set up electric cooperative, currently serving more than 2 million people in the three states.

EDIT RESOLVED, the key to the success of Baltimore becoming energy independent on continuous energies is not independent use, but the various energies fueling each other, creating a vortex that condenses the amount of energy expended, namely hydrothermal and geothermal, which create both create electricity, but only geothermal generates for buildings, streets, sidewalks... heating and cooling;

to engage and transform its lay of the land in order to provide and secure a lasting future addressing to eliminate all types of emissions and the moral yearning and imperative mission to end air, water, and soil pollution and fossil fuel use;

"Investigating the Geothermal Potential of Baltimore" - Abell Foundation (2022)

MODE ONE: BODIES OF WATER Rather than drilling, geothermal can be retrieved by using bodies of water like ponds and lakes.

MODE TWO: ABANDONED WELLS Using abandoned wells to be - example; Geothermal Direct Heat Return Flow Wells.

MODE THREE: TUNNELS [By/Near where structures already exist.] Baltimore Harbor Tunnel (I-895), an under Patapsco River 1.4 mile long four-lane tunnel. It is 50 to 101 feet (15.3 - 30.8 meters) below water/ground surface. Fort McHenry Tunnel (I-95), an under Patapsco River 1.4 mile long eight-lane tunnel. It is 107 feet (32.6 meters) below harbor water surface level.

MODE FOUR: BRIDGES [By/Near where structures already exist.] Baltimore has many bridges and drudged up land with abundance of records that can be quickly in use for every conceivable geothermal - thermal use.

MODE FIVE: LAND Low-Enthalpy Geothermal offers a negative to be an extreme positive. It is estimated that Baltimore is the 9th hottest Urban Heat Island. Using the lay of the land of Baltimore, besides the normal benefit of geothermal energy outputs, Baltimore will have another line of protection against heat - especially wet bulb. Low-Enthalpy also offers Baltimore the benefit, should there ever be a rise for, can remove arsenic (The Science of the Total Environment (April 2020) -NIH.

MODE SIX: GEOTHERMAL GENERATION - Utilizing, "Highway to Nowhere." A deep sunken part of a highway (I-170) that is scheduled to be dismantled. 2 Million federal dollars has been allocated. These 2 million dollars can be utilized for Geothermal Generation and, "400 Block," a unique and innovative energy Park above for all to experience and share as alternative plan.






Are there any countries that have already achieved nearly Net Zero Carbon Emissions?

YES! - ICELAND! Nearly 100% zero carbon emissions for decades. Iceland citizens have geothermal exclusively to thank for lifting them out of poverty as a nation. On top of all the free energy to heat, cool, cook, and produce energy, Geothermal is a super tourist attraction. No wonder $$$$$$ - AND - LOVING IT!

"Iceland and Geothermal Energy" - Green by Iceland


Tuesday, May 9th, 2023


For the purpose of Baltimore to engage and transform its lay of the land in order to provide and secure a lasting future

For the purpose of Baltimore to engage and transform its lay of the land in order to provide and secure a lasting future

WHEREAS Baltimore is considered a, "Coastal City" due to its proximity to the Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the United States of America, of which its health is in decline, massive amounts of toxic sediments due to cattle and poultry farm waste, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Per and P marine
and from landfill rain runoffs

WHEREAS Baltimore continues to purchasing, providing, building materials continues to use dark instead of white reflective paving for streets
and even advocates in using outdated infrastructure technology: gas... even solar panels






While businesses (more so non-profits: Johns Hopkins, churches...) and individuals can afford geothermal (vertical drilling and closed-loop gel), there are increasing chances of fracking causing earthquakes and shake. An entire city system would not have them occur.

While gas mains and pipes need to be safe, it is counter-intuitive to continue to place more - as bge - An Exelon Company is invested in fracked gas, and it coming from other states.

WHEREAS, current electric-providing private sector company is a monopoly, continuously petitioning the Maryland Public Service Commission (MPSC) for never-ending rate hikes, lobbies the federal government for utility subsidies for the financially poor (who already cannot bear the costs), allowed by MPSC to dispense the very same money, only to collect the entire sum for themselves; in other words, the United States Government partially finances private owners, ensuring company payment stability for stockholder shares - dividends profits;

"We analyzed >400 particulate samples collected from throughout the Chesapeake Bay region between 1991 and 1998 for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Isomer ratios of PAHs associated with aerosol and surface water particles demonstrate that motor vehicles are a major source of carcinogenic combustion-derived PAHs to Chesapeake Bay. Most of the benz[a]anthracene, benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[b]fluoranthene and their isomers in air, rain, and surface waters of Chesapeake Bay appear to be derived from automotive sources. Lesser, but still significant amounts (53(±5)%) of these PAHs in the sea surface microlayer near urban areas are motor vehicle-derived, with 47(±5)% being coal-derived. In contrast, PAHs in surface sediments of Chesapeake Bay are predominantly coal-derived (86(±8)%) and at most 14(±8)% motor vehicle-derived. Thus, carcinogenic PAHs input to the bay from motor vehicles are either degraded prior to deposition to the sediments or are diluted by previously deposited coal-derived PAHs in the seabed. Like anthropogenic nitrogen (NOx), which leads to coastal eutrophication, managing the impact of carcinogenic PAHs on coastal regions will need to focus on motor vehicle use, which continues to outpace population growth in areas such as Chesapeake Bay.

WHEREAS Baltimore is considered a, "Coastal City" due to its proximity to the Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the United States of America, of which its marine

WHEREAS Baltimore continues to purchasing, providing, building materials continues to use dark instead of white reflective paving for streets
and even advocates in using outdated infrastructure technology: gas... even solar panels

While businesses (more so non-profits: Johns Hopkins, churches...) and individuals can afford geothermal (vertical drilling and closed-loop gel), there are increasing chances of fracking causing earthquakes and shake. An entire city system would not have them occur.

While gas mains and pipes need to be safe, it is counter-intuitive to continue to place more - as bge - An Exelon Company is invested in fracked gas, and it coming from other states.

For the purpose of Baltimore becoming the exemplary "Peace City" for the world

WHEREAS, war, threat of war, preparation for war, real or unreal, have seeped into the human psyche in the form of fear causing division through beliefs in imaginary lines and boundaries, and judgmental thoughts of those people living within them;

WHEREAS, the United States of America, although stating its policy to be a peaceful nation, seems regularly to be involved in military conflict; offering our youth the example that solving conflicts is through violence;

WHEREAS, outrageous cruelty, incomprehensible oppression, torturous slavery, and genocide experienced by Native Americans and African-Americans indeed occurred;

WHEREAS, immoral and inhumane economic, educational, emotional, and spiritual injustice - slavery of the modern era continues to thrive;

WHEREAS, Baltimore, the once prosperous cultural and industrial powerhouse city of the world now clings to a shadow of its former self due to the decline of democratic education and participation;

RESOLVED, the Mayor and City Council offers atonement to all its people, past and present, for any prejudices, mis-fortunes, and atrocities it has placed, through law, spoken, or unspoken word;

RESOLVED, Baltimore becomes the exemplary "Peace City" for the world by the focus and the commitment to uproot, deal with truth, and heal causes to the only problem that truly divides us, the lack of love;

RESOLVED, an exemplary "Peace City" is a city that does not use or promote anyone or product hurting any of its citizens, chooses to concentrate its energy on mentoring, works with the vision that opportunity and prosperity is indeed unlimited for all, integrates efficient land allocation and conservation, and is not afraid to say compassionate love is the central focus of politics;

RESOLVED, Baltimore, the exemplary "Peace City" for the world participate in the international movement of thoughts and prayers in silence for peace of our planet, Earth, daily at three o'clock Post Meridian for at least three minutes;

RESOLVED, the Mayor and City Council keeps this Resolution permanently and prominently displayed in City Hall, free photocopies available to public, and books where its citizens and visitors can pledge becoming part of the peace process.


For the purpose of Baltimore becoming the United States of America's, "Enhanced Geothermal Systems Pilot Demonstration Project" for all coastal and estuary cities; addressing and eradicating air, water, and soil pollutions and emission classifications, thereby achieving continuous energy independence, which creates an economic surplus of electricity boon, providing Charm City - a secure and radiant future.

WHEREAS, the United States Government is searching for innovative ways to solve: The Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming, Climate Change, Energy Crisis, and now encompassing all, "Climate Crisis";

WHEREAS, President Biden's landmark Bipartisan Infrastructure Law requires the United States Department of Energy to award up to $74 million to support enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) pilot demonstration projects, the latest geothermal-based project offered over the past 2 years;

WHEREAS, the legislation authorizes the Department of Energy to support up to seven competitively selected pilot projects that can collectively demonstrate EGS in various geologic settings, using a multitude of development techniques, combining geothermal with other hydrothermal energies, well orientations, and many other points of access whether never used extra drilled holes or pile-driven near/next to bridges, tunnels, street and highway pillars, subway stations, and particularly deep trenches, like Baltimore City portion of interstate 170;

WHEREAS, Baltimore has at least one substantiated direct use geothermal well and waterway dams, well qualifying for experimentation with Topic Area 1 EGS Proximal: "EGS demonstrations utilizing existing infrastructure proximal to existing geothermal/hydrothermal development with immediate potential for electrical power production" [A]

WHEREAS, "The objective of this funding opportunity is to identify and develop EGS pilot demonstration projects in a variety of geologic formations and subsurface conditions that will act as": 1) Models proving reliability and performance 2) "Learn by doing" experiments 3) Opportunity to test geological condition hypotheses and validate design approaches 4) Collaboration opportunities to improve and establish best practices and general operational processes 5) Opportunity to network [A]

WHEREAS, the very best chance for Baltimore to receive deeply competitive 1 of only 7 awards of $5 Million to $25 Million each is/was to qualify for Round One, with "Letter of Intent" due on March 8th, 2023, met by the key participant;

WHEREAS, the want - the demand for more electricity access, rather than the energy itself, is necessary to address, as peak demand consumption rises due to health-risk temperatures

WHEREAS, during peak times, high demand overwhelm power grids that electric companies can institute rolling black outs, and can actually cut service off completely to all customers, as evidenced in summer of 2022 in California and in Maryland in winter of 2022 due to power plants operation difficulties in extreme cold

WHEREAS, along the banks of waterways flowing towards Baltimore, farms and mills used waterwheels and windmills to produce energy for their livelihoods:

WHEREAS, Those very same waterways were purchased in the 1950's when Baltimore City due to need to provide additional fresh drinking water for exploding population growth of approximately 1 million people, so built several dams to create reservoirs, drowning out mills:

WHEREAS, Robert Moses' blueprinted highways never came complete to fruition, leaving a deepened span of dug down land, nicknamed, "The Highway to Nowhere," continue to fester and collect tears of sorrow as heavy as the hammered house bricks begging mercy for their simple existence;

WHEREAS, the least expensive type of electric company to finance and run is a cooperative (Co-op)

WHEREAS, the Abell Foundation study did not explore the binding and continuing affects transfer feeds
may increase remarkably.

WHEREAS, "Investigating the Geothermal Potential of Baltimore," 2002 report by Abell Foundation (page 25) confirms geothermal viability for direct use (water not gel)system for all of Baltimore, "The financial analyses show that a geothermal system for direct use in Baltimore with the specification listed would cost around $23 million."

WHEREAS, the Abell Foundation 2022 study predicts, "5-10 times rise in gas price in the next decade or so, which can be translated to 2-3 times rise in electricity prices" further making geothermal crucial investment to make today;

WHEREAS, Baltimore and Maryland being at sea level, melting glaciers at increasingly rapid pace is creating, "Sunny day" floods, becoming a common occurrence in Annapolis

WHEREAS, Baltimore, Annapolis, and The State of Maryland has no plan to mitigate the vastness of ocean waters, whether via ice shelves or through storms evidence by flooding Patapsco River's Baltimore Harbor

WHEREAS, the combination of heat waves, increasing heat bulbs, Baltimore is the 9th hottest urban heat island, permanent flooding displacing residents, and weather bringing drought conditions, spells disaster for ecosystems, human livability and commerce, and it already occurring

Topis 1 was selected EGS Proximal demonstrations will show that the use of EGS stimulation methods can transform low permeability or underproductive wells in or near existing hydrothermal fields into productive, economically beneficial assets for geothermal developers, with the goal of sustainably increasing the output of the existing reservoirs by at least 5 megawatts (MW) per site/well.

Depicts using shallow horizontal digging - no drilling to utilize geothermal heating and cooling - anywhere.

* "Funding Notice: Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Pilot Demonstrations" - Geothermal Technologies Office - United States Department of Energy:

Maryland One of 13 States Warned of Rolling Blackouts Asked To Conserve" - WJZ TV 13 Baltimore (December 24th, 2022)

[WHEREAS, "brown out" status and off peak hours to reduce cost used to be offered, but due to current ownership, bge-An Exelon company only offers a flat price for gas and electric overnight espe

bge Time of Use:

current utility company Exelon charges flat prices instead of Baltimore Gas and Electric who offered "brown out" and off peak hours overnight especially peak times when high demand can overwhelm and actually cut service off completely as evidenced in summer of 2022 in California
and the moral yearning and imperative mission to end air, water, and soil pollution and fossil fuel use;

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