"As airborne methane surveys of oil and gas systems continue to discover large emissions that are missing from official estimates1,2,3,4,
the true scope of methane emissions from energy production has yet to be quantified. We integrate approximately one million
aerial site measurements into regional emissions inventories for six regions in the USA, comprising 52% of onshore
oil and 29% of gas production over 15 aerial campaigns."
"Asphalt-Related Emissions Are a Major Missing Nontraditional Source of Secondary Organic Aerosol Precursors" - American Association
for the Advancement of Science (2020)
"Do I have to draw a picture
Put it in front of your face
Then make you take a good look at
What's a taken place
Do I have to draw a picture
Can't you see for yourself"
Dioxide(NO2), Ozone (O3) {ground}, Particulate Matter (PM), and Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
"Ground-Level Ozone Pollution" - The Environmental Protection Agency
Stratospheric Ozone is ozone that is Earth protection. For all animals, including humans, it acts as protective layer between
us and the sun.
"Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation" - World Health Organization
Ultra Violet Color Index Scale
FAMILY OF CHEMICALS: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions
* Dioxin and Furan emissions
* Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) - from gasoline use (vehicles, lawnmowers, and other lawn machines....)
* Perchloroethylene Emissions - from dry-cleaning use
Household Emissions
"Volatile Organic Compounds' Impact on Indoor Air Quality" - Environmental Protection Agency
"Global Oil Refining's Contribution to Greenhouse Gas Emissions From 2000 to 2021" - The Innovation, Science Direct (2022)

"Copper and the Dark Side of the Energy Transition" - DW Documentary (2023) [Wind, Solar, and Electric Batteries need lots
of copper]
"The Problem with Biofuels" - Real Engineering (2022)
"The Fight for Water" - DW Documentary (2022)
"And you of tender years
Can't know the fears ~ That your elders grew by
And so, please help ~ Them with your youth
They seek the truth"
Maryland: 19 miles southeast of Washington, D.C., at the Brandywine landfill in Prince George’s County, ash from three
NRG coal plants has contaminated groundwater with unsafe levels of at least eight pollutants, including lithium at more than
200 times above safe levels, and molybdenum (which can damage the kidney and liver) at more than 100 times higher than safe
levels. The contaminated groundwater at this site is now feeding into and polluting local streams. ....
The researchers of this report could not determine the safety of drinking water near the coal ash dumps analyzed in this study
because power companies are not required to test private drinking water wells. However, the report contains examples
of several well-documented instances of residential tap water contaminated by coal ash. For example: ....
At a coal ash landfill in Gambrills, Maryland, ash dumped in an old sand and gravel quarry caused unsafe levels of
arsenic, beryllium, lithium, and other pollutants in multiple residential wells. Constellation Energy settled a lawsuit
with impacted residents for $54 million.
Additional examples of contamination of residential drinking water outlined in the report are in Indiana, Illinois, Maryland,
Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Wisconsin and North Carolina.

Though in USA approximately 1%, greenhouse gas emissions from Fluorinated Gases are potent: substitutes for ozone-depleting
substances such as refrigerants (hydrocarbons), transmit electricity through power grid (sulfur hexafluoride) and main industrial
processes of aluminum, magnesium, and semiconductor manufacturing, they have extremely higher global warming potentials (GWPs)
relative to other greenhouse gases. Their small atmospheric concentrations can nevertheless have major effects on global
temperatures, especially in the entire manufacturing, during use (aluminum for building materials and food, and disposal (one
Unfortunately, with the rise of semi-conductor chip industry and building manufacturing facilities in the United States, the
rise of Fluorinated Gases are on the rise, and so this man-made greenhouse gas emission is here to continue to ruin lives.
The difference between air pollution and greenhouse gases is easy to understand: Air Pollution refers to the presence
of substances in the atmosphere that have a detrimental effect on humans and other living organisms. Greenhouse Gases are
gases that have the ability to absorb and trap heat.
"Preliminary US Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimates for 2022" - Rhodium Group Research (2023)
Lower carbon emissions helps, but the rise in temperature of the Earth is accumulative. This is why, "No emissions"
is imperative. Through Geothermal, countries like Iceland have and continue to achieve undetectable carbon emissions.

Map - Future of Climate Change - Climate Change Science - US EPA |
"New York City's Greenery Absorbs a Surprising Amount of Its Carbon Emissions: A Hyper-Local Study of Vegetation Shows That
the City's Trees and Grass Often Cancel out all the CO2 Released From Cars, Trucks and Buses on Summer Days." - Columbia Climate
School - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (2023)
"Changemakers: Energy Efficient Buildings - Clean Power" - ENDEVR (2021)

Developed-country governments must provide large-scale public financing to support the much-needed transformation in the developing
world. To succeed, the transition must be just and ensure the rights of workers, peasants, women, migrants and indigenous
peoples. Here, public and community ownership is crucial.
Social movements in the Global South are already providing models of this approach. For example, La Via Campesina –
an international movement comprising peasants, smallholder farmers, agricultural workers, rural women, youth, indigenous people
and others – has shown how peasant agriculture and agroecology can cool the planet, feed its inhabitants, nurture
its soil, support its forests, safeguard seed diversity and protect water basins.
Moreover, community forest management helps to safeguard the forests, protecting the livelihoods of those who depend on
them and preserving biodiversity. As it stands, only eight percent of the world’s forests are in the hands of communities."
"False Climate Solutions are Benefitting no One: Governments Within the Developed World Must Re-Evaluate Their Current Economic
Systems in Order to Drastically Cut Carbon Emissions at the Source" - The New Economy (2020)
European Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Emission Totals (2021):
"Majority of individual countries report that PAH emissions have decreased since 1990, five countries, Bulgaria, Denmark,
Finland, Malta and Romania have reported an increase in PAH emissions. One cause of these increased emissions is
the introduction of policy measures that have encouraged the burning of renewable materials (e.g. wood by Danish households).
Wood burning produces emissions of PAHs and hence, in this instance, policies that have been implemented to address
one environmental issue (climate change) have had unintended consequences on another (air pollution). In absolute terms, the
emissions of PAHs from these countries are relatively low compared with other countries, but the effect on local populations
and environmental quality may, nevertheless, be notable. Of the EEA-33 countries, Portugal and Germany reported the highest
PAH emissions."
Eight-hour Ozone Standard
The Baltimore region is designated as “moderate” nonattainment for the 2015 8-hour ozone standard. The
standard is 0.070 parts per million (ppm). This designation became effective November 7, 2022. The region failed
to attain the marginal nonattainment standard by the attainment date of August 3, 2021, so was reclassified
as moderate nonattainment. The new attainment date is August 3, 2024, but attainment must be demonstrated by the last
full ozone season prior to the attainment date, which is August 2023. The region has one year to perform a conformity
determination for this NAAQS.
"For the Baltimore region, the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) established the Interagency Consultation
Group (ICG) to carry out the consultation process and provide recommendations on air quality topics. .... The ICG
meets formally to discuss and recommend appropriate procedures for determining conformity of the Plan and TIP. These meetings
are critical to the findings reported in this document, as well as to the development of the consultation procedures that
will govern future conformity determinations. ICG meetings provide an additional forum for public participation and input
to the process, including comments on technical methodologies. Meetings are advertised on the BMC website. Agendas, meeting
minutes, and necessary materials are emailed to interested parties and are also on the BMC website.
PAGE 10: Table of Resilience 2050 Financial Forecast Budget ["Estimated revenues of $20.883 billion in state and federal
system preservation funds available from 2028-2050."]
PAGE !! - 14 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATIONL "Transit Systems and Operating Assumptions"
BALTIMORE REGION, according to Baltimore Regional Council and Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB): Baltimore City,
Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, Carroll County, Harford County, Howard County, and Queen Anne's County
"The Baltimore Metropolitan Council maintains an Activity Based Model (ABM), known locally as Initiative to Simulate Individual
Travel Events (InSITE), for the Baltimore ozone non-attainment .... The InSITE ABM is composed of three
major inputs: 1) synthetic household and population database, 2) transportation networks, and 3) person daily activity pattern
tour and trip roster."