Additional Monies
"Against the ruin of the world, there is only one defense - the creative act." - Kenneth Rexroth

PICK AXING FEDERAL MONEY DIAMOND - Illustration by Hieronymus |
Decision Support for Tribes: "Tribal Community Collaboration" - NREL
PRESENTATION: "What's New at the U.S. Department of Energy's Geothermal Technologies Office?" - Stanford Geothermal Workshop
- Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy(February 6, 2023)
PHASE 1: $15,000 - Deadline Auguat 25th, 2023
Total: $2.3 Million
"In addition to cash prizes, competitors will receive multiple types of support throughout the prize, including training
in innovation methods, connections with commercialization mentors, and an introduction to marine energy."
Powering Coastal Cities With Ocean Waves: New Marine Energy Prize Investigates Novel Materials To Capture and Convert Wave
Energy [Deadline August 25th, 2023)
"Imagine using the force of ocean waves to power the nation's coastal cities. With wave energy being the most abundant
and geographically diverse marine energy resource in the United States, it is possible. - National Renewable Energy Laboratory
(NREL March 30th, 2023
Last week, the U.S. Department of Energy's Water Power Technologies Office launched the, "Innovating Distributed Embedded
Energy Prize" (InDEEP) in partnership with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories. The
prize aims to forge a path for early-stage marine energy technologies to one day help power the nation’s grid and coastal
cities. Specifically, this prize will award up to $2.3 million to competitors investigating distributed embedded energy converter
technologies (DEEC-Tec).
DEEC-Tec combines many small energy converters, often less than a few centimeters in size, into a single, larger structure
that converts the movement of ocean waves into energy. This larger system could convert energy from a wide range of ocean
locations and wave types. InDEEP aims to support early-stage DEEC-Tec research that lays the foundation for the eventual deployment
of these technologies at all scales, including at the utility-grid scale.
New marine energy technologies have a key role to play as the United States works toward net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
The total available wave energy resource in the United States is equivalent to approximately 34% of all U.S. power generation
in 2019, but although wave power has exciting potential, it is also a complex energy resource. InDEEP participants will investigate
novel technologies that could harness and convert the power of ocean waves into usable types of energy, like electricity.
"Powering Coastal Cities With Ocean Waves New Marine Energy Prize Investigates Novel Materials To Capture and Convert Wave
Energy" - NREL (2023)