"A 'Ghost River' Is Unearthed in Baltimore" - Bloomberg News [Sumwalt Run, entombed into a brick-and-concrete culvert]
MAP: Baltimore City, Anne Arundel, and Baltimore Counties Locations of Patuxent and Patapsco Aquifer Wells (1985)
"We maintain an exclusion list of areas we refuse to invest in, including weapons manufacturing, tobacco production and
distribution, prostitution, coal-based businesses, gambling, pornography, drugs and alcohol-related activities, and any operations
involving serious or systematic human rights violations."
"Wheelabrator Lies" - Clean Air Baltimore Coalition
"Breakdowns can be dangerous. Models from Georgia Tech show that indoors can be even hotter than outdoors, something people
in poorly-insulated homes around the world are well acquainted with. 'A single family, one-story detached home with a large,
flat roof heats up by over 40 degrees in a matter of hours if they don’t have air conditioning,'" - Katie Martin,
Administrator of Home Improvements and Community Services, Foundation for Senior Living
Bordeaux City, France awarded Engie a 30 year - 45 million dollar contract to develop geothermal district heating network
for entire city. - District Energy Initiative (2017)
"District Energy: The Key to Achieving Low-Carbon Communities" - International District Energy Association (2015)
District Energy Initiative Website
"Offering efficient steam, hot water, and chilled water to nearly 250 customer buildings within the central building
and in Harbor East."
"District Energy: The Key to Achieving Low-Carbon Communities" - International District Energy Association [Video]
While businesses (more so non-profits: Johns Hopkins, churches...) and individuals can afford geothermal (vertical drilling
and closed-loop gel), there are increasing chances of fracking causing earthquakes and shake. [An direct use citywide geothermal
system would never have one occur.]
While gas mains and pipes need to be safe, it is counter-intuitive to continue to place more - as bge - An Exelon Company
is invested in fracked gas, which comes from other states.
Baltimore City and Region continue to have rising utility rates. When Baltimore Bas and Electric was local, there was one
raise in their last 20 years. Today, bge - An Exelon Company raises twice - January and June of 2023, and continues to fight
for multi-tiered hiking plans. Private sector is the most expensive because it must answer stockholders with generous

bge updating gas system near Walther &Fleetwood avenues to enhance safety & service. 2020 Balto Sun |
"Too HOT and HUMID to Live: Extreme Wet Bulb Events Are on the Rise" - PBS Terra (2023)

Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks |
Tree Neighborhood - Currently, according to Baltimore City Government, residents are to purchase and plant trees on their
It is wonderful when people learn about trees. It simply should be - together - City Representatives teaching and plant -
together: "Thank you for your interest in Baltimore City’s trees! Please get permission from the Urban Forestry Division
before planting a tree in a public right of way.
We promise to make this as easy and painless as possible. If a permit is required, it is free. We will add your new tree(s)
to the Baltimore City tree inventory, plus we want to be sure you select a species that is appropriate for your location."
Forestry & Tree Services - Department of Recreation and Parks
[Still left up to citizens. Should be major endeavor - like in Ethiopia.
The Baltimore Tree Inventory Map [ Zoom in several times. No date listed.]
"History of the Water System" - Baltimore City Department of Public Works
Granite Pipeline Project - Dead Run Floodplain - Baltimore City Recreation and Parks [Gas line]
No Forestry - Planting Trees Project listed. :(
The trees are not planted on private property. So why do residents have to, "water" the trees????:
"The Forestry Division is pleased to plant street trees on the street right-of-way at the request or approval of property
owners. Trees must be planted in locations that promote tree vigor, minimize safety hazards, and reduce conflicts with sidewalks.
Most importantly, trees must be routinely watered by the resident.
"Canton Coal Pier" Architectural Survey (Today and History, storage and export business) - Maryland Historical Trust (2019)
Conrail in Baltimore - History in Photographs