"Home in the valley
Home in the city
Home isn't pretty
Ain't no home for me
Home in the darkness
Home on the highway
Home isn't my way
Home - I'll never be
Burn out the day ~ Burn out the night
I can't see no reason to put up a fight
Time is the essence
Time is the season
Time ain't no reason
Got no time to slow"
Current Maryland Energy Policies & Resources
"The main cause of climate change is human activities, particularly the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the
Continue to EDIT - FIND SOURC In November 2018, a federal report advised, "Climate change is affecting the natural
environment, agriculture, energy production and use, land and water resources, transportation, and human health and welfare
across the U.S. and its territories."
EDIT - FIND SOURCE The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is warning that the world has no more than a year
or two to see meaningful improvement in GHG emissions to avoid more drastic impacts of climate change.
"With 3,100 miles of shoreline, Maryland is the fourth most vulnerable state to suffer the effects of sea-level
rise associated with climate change. Rising sea levels and increased storm intensity could have devastating
and far-reaching impacts on the Atlantic coast and the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem that affect the environmental, recreational,
and economic benefits enjoyed by Marylanders and visitors. Although Maryland's coastal areas may be considered particularly
vulnerable, all areas of the state are at risk. In general, climate change alters the severity, frequency, or distribution
of existing issues that are impacted either directly or indirectly by temperature and precipitation. This includes, but is
not limited to:
* Impacts on coastal, bay, and inland water quality parameters that may change the viable uses of surface water, such as
for irrigation, recreation, or human consumption. MDE's Water and Science Administration's Climate Adaptation Goals and Strategies
are available here.
^ Human health issues, including those affected by impacts on food and water supply, air quality, and extreme weather events.
* A higher probability of negative outcomes for disadvantaged communities and individuals inherently more sensitive or with
a reduced adaptive capacity for responding to the impacts of climate change.
* More frequent disruptions to urban and coastal infrastructure in Maryland caused by extreme weather events and sea-level
rise impact the economy of the region by restricting the flow of goods and affecting days worked;
^ Common stressors experienced among ecosystems, agriculture, fisheries, and forests such as those caused by general changes
in temperature and precipitation regimes; increased extreme weather events; and increased pressures from weeds, diseases,
and pests."
"On or before JUNE 30, 2023, the Department of the Environment shall: (1) Submit a proposed plan that reduces statewide greenhouse
gas emissions by 60% (from 2006 levels) by 2031 to the Governor and General Assembly; (2) Make the proposed plan available
to the public; and (3) Convene a series of public workshops to provide interested parties with an opportunity to comment on
the proposed plan. The Department shall, on or before December 31, 2023, adopt a final plan."
Maryland currently, as of 2022, bundles the renewable energies, chooses complex category separations and in terms of laws,
to raise "renewable" energy in small raised percentage requirements. Cash and immediate "incentives" to developers signifies
a fear that in order to do what is valuable and ethical is not enough, and so, considered, a bribe.
Each renewable energies works so differently, especially whether "continuous" or "fleeting" type. It is imperative that the
shift be to geographic location, the addition of all hydrothermal separate, then threading how each energy can be fed into
another for optimal use.
Most recent legislation which includes Geothermal. Nothing specific to geothermal.
AN ACT: "FOR the purpose of altering the renewable energy portfolio standard in certain years to require a certain percentage
of energy from Tier 1 renewable sources each year to be derived from certain geothermal heating and cooling systems;
requiring a certain percentage of energy required to be derived from certain geothermal heating and cooling systems to be
from systems installed on certain property; clarifying that energy from certain geothermal heating and cooling systems
is eligible for inclusion...."
Maryland Environmental Service (MES)
"MES Geothermal Study Organizational Chart" [Tasks 14 & 15: "Provide upfront and cash incentives to developers"]
As of August 19th, 2022 in the State of Maryland there are 3,268 Private Geothermal Pump Systems, mostly closed loop. Less
than 1% open loop (water). Wells prior to 1975 are not counted. Regarding "Task 12," oddly, most well known are
not included (and none international) as Boise, Idaho - district city-wide geothermal system, used for a few hundred years
now, and Iceland, who is zero-emissions.
Assumption made that State of Maryland is not interested in getting rid of "natural" gas, though State of Maryland banned
fracking banned statewide; "The language of the house bill excludes natural gas systems from consideration"
This study/report is split into parts - not done by one entity.
"How Do Green Building Principles Support Energy Efficiency?" - Straughan Environmental (2015) [Study/Report on on their website,
but this showed up.]
the nation's first Net Zero Energy School, an elementary school in Richardville, Kentucky leveraged green design with solar
PV and GHC to become which means that
Net Zero and Net Energy Plus __________ the school generates more energy than it consumes over the course of a year.
"Between 500 and 600 district heating systems operate in the United States—from geothermal and other sources. NREL works
with municipalities, utilities, tribes, universities, and other partners to identify potential for supplying heat from local
geothermal resources and realize economic and environmental benefits."
"The Cornell University campus is the first geothermal district heating system in the eastern United States."
"Geothermal Heating and Cooling" - Maryland Energy Administration
Wetlands and Waterways Program -
Maryland Fuel Production (By Year) - Maryland Department of the Environment, Minerals, Oil, and Gas Division
"Oil Control Program started in November 1988 as the Industrial Discharge Program under the Hazardous and Solid Waste
Management Administration."
Maryland Industrial Materials Production (By Year) - Maryland Department of the Environment
Mines and Quarries - Maryland Department of the Environment, Minerals, Oil, and Gas Division


COAL BASINS IN WESTERN MARYLAND - Department of The Environment |
"One Year After Climate Solutions Now Act, Lawmakers Focus on Passing Smaller Climate Bills - Maryland Maters (2023)
Maryland Forest Resource Fact Sheet 2023
Trap of institutional structure, Must be short term gain.
"Noam Chomsky - Manufacturing Consent" - Chomsky's Philosophy
"Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent Revisited" - "The Listening Post" - Al Jazeera
"Noam Chomsky: The Essentials" - Chomsky's Philosophy (2018) Fashionable consumption Content (ads) and Fill (Something to
make you tune in) Newspapers today, privileged elite
Notice that in the waterways, there are no living creatures - fish....
Maryland's largest producer of bituminous coal. A subsidiary of Alliance Coal LLC/Alliance Resource Partners, L.P. with operations
in Maryland, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana and West Virginia.
what happens to sediment transport when a river freezes?
"Oceans, rivers, lakes and streams
Have all been touched by man
The poison floating out to sea
Now threatens life on land"

Liberty Reservoir Dam 2015 |

"Founded in 1994, the Maryland Water Monitoring Council (MWMC) serves as a statewide collaborative body encouraging effective
collection, interpretation, and dissemination of environmental data."

"Conowingo" is the Susquehannock word interpreted best as, "At the rapids."
The Susquehanna Power Company had filed an application to build the dam in 1923. With completion year of 1928, it gave local
historians some time to plan to remove a good number of carved petroglyphed boulders by Native Americans over centuries. Unfortunately,
not all of the boulders were saved. The Maryland Academy of Sciences used dynamite to blast those in Bald Friar area of Conowingo.
Trucks hauled boulders to various sites, to treasure seeker robbers grabbing some, but the largest collection went to Baltimore
City. The collection in Druid Hill Park were moved to a museum in Calvert County. There is interest in them be moved back
to their native place - the Susquehanna River - at Conowingo.
In 1928, the first hydropower / hydroelectric dam that started to operate in Maryland. It was an alternative to burning coal
and oil, thereby a source of clean energy. The Conowingo Dam spans the lower Susquehanna River along the Chesapeake Bay.
The Conowingo Dam currently has 11 turbines, which can produce up to 572 megawatts (MW) of electricity.
Today, the dam still produces hydropower, but at same time, can no longer effectively trap sediment in its 14-mile (22.5-kilometer)
long reservoir. Behind its 94-foot (29-meter) high barrier wall, is at least 200 million ton (181 million metric ton)
massive conglomeration of coal-black muck — accumulated over decades as coal tar from Forever Chemical Family,
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, carcinogen pollutants: road, roof, tar, and tire sealants through tire revolution erosion,
and farmlands, incinerators, industrial zones, and towns.
PRESS RELEASE: Maryland Congressional Delegation Urges Focus On Environmental Protection As State Negotiates New Conowingo
Dam License" - April 4, 2023
"Geothermal Heating and Cooling" - Maryland Energy Administration
$ *Residential Incentives" - Maryland Energy Administration
"Description of the Documents for the Maryland Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Program » Geothermal REC Frequently Asked
Questions" - Maryland Public Service Commission
"Maryland Eyes Expansion of Geothermal Industry" - Maryland Matters (2021)
"Wells, Septic Systems and Water Quality" - University of Maryland Extension
"Documented Orphaned Oil and Gas Wells Across the United States" - Environmental Science and Technology - American Chemical
Society (2022)
Md. Code Regs. - Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 6, March 24, 2023 - Section - Well Abandonment
and Sealing Standards-General
"Well Construction" - Maryland Department of the Environment
"Information About Your Well" - Maryland Geological Survey
"Residential Wells" - Maryland Department of the Environment
Well Records - Maryland Geological Survey
Well Logs: Worldwide Well Data Resource, Built by Customer Demand - TGS
Waterwatch: "Daily Streamflow Conditions Map" General - USGS
Waterwatch: "Real-Time Maryland Streamflow Map" - USGS
"Environmental Protection Agency EPA Selects William & Mary's Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) Model as Bellwether
for Bay Health" (2022)
"The Chesapeake Bay: Geologic Product of Rising Sea Level" - USGS (1998)
"Study: Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Would Bring $22 Billion Boon" - WBOC (2014)
How the Chesapeake Bay Became a Cloud-Making Factory - The Washington Post (2019)
Allegany County
Anne Arundel County
"Mechanical Permit Application" - Anne Arundel County Government
Baltimore City
2S5E-1 | Aquifer Code: 217PTXN.| 290 Feet | Patuxent Formation of Lower Cretaceaus age | April 1943 to current year - USGS
Well Tags / Well Records... - Baltimore City Health Department
"Oil/Gas Well Completion Report - Maryland Department of the Environment" - Maryland Department of Environment
Baltimore County
"Request Well and Septic Records"
Observation Wells - Baltimore County, Maryland - USGS
"Sustainability" - Baltimore County
Calvert County
Caroline County
Carroll County
Cecil County
Charles County
"The Role of the Architect in Sustainable Development LEED or NAHB Designer?" - Charles County Government (2010)
Charles County Receives Stimulus Funds through Energy Grant: Over Half a Million Dollars Will Be Used for Energy "Efficiency
Programs in Partnership with American Communities Property Trust and Meridian" - News Release - From the Office of the: Charles
County Commissioners (2010)
Dorchester County
Garrett County
Frederick County
"Green Homes Challenge Resources and Links" - Frederick County Division of Energy and Environment
"School Construction Roundtable" - Frederick County Government (2016)
"Green Homes Challenge" - Frederick County Government
"Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Loans" - Frederick County Government
Harford County
Geothermal - Harford County
Howard County
"Geothermal Well Setbacks" - Howard County Health Department
Geothermal Schools: "The Calvin Ball Bulletin Construction Edition" - f Howard County Council Member Calvin Ball (2013)
"Sample Commercial Building Permit Descriptions of Work, Application Specific Info, and Required Documents - Howard County
Department of Inspections, Licenses, and Permits
Kent County
"Renewable Energy Task Force" - Kent County
Montgomery County
"Guidelines for Geothermal Well Systems" - Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services
"Wheaton Revitalization Project Overall Timeline" - MCDOT
Prince George's County
"Sustainable Energy Resources - Prince George's County -
Queen Anne's County
Permits - Queen Anne's County Government {Scroll} (2018)
St. Mary's County
Somerset County
Talbot County
"Heating Systems Installation & Service" - Talbot County Government (2015)
Washington County
"Permitting Options" - Washington Country Government
Wicomico County
Worcester County
REPORT: "Maryland Power Plants and the Environment" - Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MNDR) (December 2017)
"There is limited potential for concentrating solar, enhanced geothermal, or hydrothermal generation in states in PJM,
according to NREL estimates."
Daniels Dam - Patapsco River - Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Bloede's Dam - Patapsco River - Wikipedia
"The old hydroelectric dam spanning the lower Susquehanna River is still producing power, but its days of effectively trapping
sediment in a 14-mile (22.5-kilometer) long reservoir behind its walls are over. Behind the 94-foot (29-meter) high barrier
lies a massive inventory of coal-black muck — some 200 million tons (181 million metric tons) of pollutants
picked up over decades from farmlands, industrial zones and towns. ....
Intense cycles of downpours are washing pollutants into the Chesapeake from municipal sewer overflows, subdivisions and farms
where manure often isn’t effectively handled and nitrogen and phosphorous-rich fertilizers are used. Experts say climate
change is accelerating the environmental decline, potentially leading to more damaging algae blooms and dead zones in the
Chesapeake and coastal waters."
Conowingo Hydroelectric Generating Station: "An Engineering Feat of Hydroelectric Power" [Constellation 50 year lease - Expires
"EPA Declares 'No Confidence' in Cleanup Plan for Conowingo Dam" = Bay Journal (2022)
Allegany County
Anne Arundel County
Baltimore City
PHOTOGRAPHS: Rare Photos Taken During Liberty Reservoir Construction That Will Simply Astound You - Only In Your State
SLIDES 1978 - 2008 "Liberty Reservoir Fishing Baltimore / Carroll County" - David Kirk (2009) David Kirk
Cicadas "22 miles on Liberty Reservoir: Topwater Bite - The Little Stuff (2021)
Liberty Reservoir
Liberty Reservoir and Liberty Dam - MDNR
"The Lost Village of Oakland Mill" - Carroll Magazine - Mary Spiro (2005)
"Recalling the Fluid History of Liberty Reservoir, Oakland Mill" - The Baltimore Sun (2011)
Liberty Dam In Maryland - Karaan Verma (2020)
Baltimore County
Calvert County
Caroline County
Carroll County
Cecil County
Charles County
Dorchester County
Garrett County
Frederick County
Harford County
Howard County
Deep Creek Dam (An embankment dam)
Kent County
Montgomery County
Prince George's County
Queen Anne's County
St. Mary's County
Somerset County
Talbot County
Washington County
Wicomico County
Worcester County
"Geothermal Wells in Maryland" - Maryland Department of the Environment
Oil, Shale, and Gas: GEOLOGY OF THE MARCELLUS SHALE IN MARYLAND: "Conventional Appalachian Deep Gas Source Bed and Unconventional
Gas Reservoir" [Conventional Versus Unconventional Gas Wells ~ Primarily Western Maryland] (2010)
"Study Finds Potential in Brackish Groundwater Desalination: Water-starved areas could find new sources by desalinating water
that's much less salty than seawater" - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (2018)
"Fresh, Brackish or Saline Water for Hydraulic Fracs: What are the Options?" - Geo Logic Environmental Services, LLC - EPA
"Brackish Water as a Resource" - Fluence Corporation [Desalinization]
Geothermal Integrated Multi-Effect Distillation (MED) and Desalination
"A Comprehensive Review of the Geothermal Integrated Multi-Effect Distillation (MED) Desalination and its Advancements" -
Groundwater for Sustainable Development (2022)
"From the Mountains to the Sea" Maryland Water Monitoring Council (MWMC)
Streams & Watershed Education - Maryland Department of Natural Resources
"Maryland Streams Symposium" (2011)
Patapsco River Dam Removal Monitoring Project (2011)
It is possible that the dismantling of of Union and Simkins Dam caused the flooding of Ellicott City. Bloede Dam has being
removed too. Daniels Dam is still intact.
[There are little to no articles, environmental projects, or research that Maryland directive is to skew that Maryland has
little to no potential to make energy, while giving Exelon - Constellation in March 2021 a 50 year lease - To Produce Energy
- Electricity through the
- but gets sold to the Pennsylvania - New Jersey - and Maryland (PJM) Energy Market and peco, bge, pepco... - Exelon Companies...
and non-owned. "Middleman's Middleman" - offering highest utility costs with highest profits.]
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and
Streets "The Green Book" The Geometric Design of Highways and Streets
Car-First Streets - Or...
- "US Streets Are Dangerous. We Can Fix Them!" PBS Terra & City Beautiful" (2022)
[Exelon "subsidiaries" are only listed, and by name previously used prior to purchase. So instead of current,
"bge - An Exelon Company," it is listed as, "BGE" | pepco - An Exelon Company," is listed as "Pepco"
| peco - An Exelon Company," is listed as "PECO" ] coned - An Exelon Company," is listed as, "ConEd"