Have you valuable experience to share of how you have overcome an obstacle(s)? Please share with us your solution oriented
philosophy - Your Story.
As technology has changed and grown, Serenade will be using Facebook. Details and link soon.

Serenade is unique because it honors the personal journey of every - every person.
"Personal" goes to specific story topics and web links.

"Voice Out" is where you can share experiences related to societal issues.

About Intimacy
Importance of Touch
"I've Never Been To Me" Charlene ~ Listen & Lyrics
"One of These Days" Tim McGraw
"Get A Life" Soul II Soul
In the end, only kindness matters. -- Jewel
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know, right now you can't tell - but stay awhile
and maybe then - you'll see - a different side of me
I'm not crazy I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
but soon enough you'll think of me and
How I used to be - me. -- Matchbox 20