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THE WASHINGTON PAPERS - National Archives |
George Washington
Presidency April 30, 1789 - March 4th, 1797
The George Washington Papers
"The Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington is a resource for scholars, students,
and all those interested in George Washington, colonial America, and the Revolutionary and founding eras." 3200
Mount Vernon Memorial Highway Mount Vernon, Virginia 22121 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tel.: 703-780-2000
Washington - Biography
Mount Vernon
John Adams

THE ADAMS PAPERS - National Archives |
Presidency March 4th, 1797 - March 4th, 1801
Thomas Jefferson

THE JEFFERSON PAPERS - National Archives |
Presidency March 4th, 1801 - March 4th, 1809
James Madison

THE MADISON PAPERS - National Archives |
Presidency March 4th, 1809 - March 4th, 1817
James Monroe
Presidency March 4th, 1817 - March 4th, 1825
John Quincy Adams
Presidency March 4th, 1825 - March 4th, 1829
Presidency March 4th, 1829 - March 4th, 1837
Presidency March 4th, 1837 - March 4th, 1841
Presidency March 4th, 1841 - April 4th, 1841
Presidency March 4th, 1841 - March 4th, 1845
James Knox Polk
Presidency March 4th, 1845 - March 4th, 1849
James K. Polk Presidential Library
Presidency March 4th, 1849 - July 9th, 1850
Presidency March 4th, 1850 - March 4th, 1853
Presidency March 4th, 1853 - March 4th, 1857
Presidency March 4th, 1857 - March 4th, 1861
Presidency March 4th, 1861 - April 15th, 1865
Andrew Johnson
Presidency April 15th, 1865 - March 4th, 1869
Ulysses S. Grant
Presidency March 4th, 1869 - March 4th, 1877
Rutherford Birchard Hayes
Presidency March 4th, 1877 - March 4th, 1881
Presidency March 4th, 1881 - September 19th, 1881
Presidency September 19th, 1881 - March 4th, 1885
Stephen Grover Cleveland
Presidency March 4th, 1885 - March 4th, 1889 and March 4th, 1893 - March 4th,
Presidency March 4th, 1889 - March 4th, 1893
Presidency March 4th, 1897 - September 14th, 1901
Presidency September 14th, 1901 - March 4th, 1909
Presidency March 4th, 1909 - March 4th, 1913
Thomas Woodrow Wilson
Presidency March 4th, 1913 - March 4th, 1921
Presidency March 4th, 1921- August 2nd, 1923
Presidency August 2nd, 1923 - March 4th, 1929
Presidency August 2nd, 1923 - March 4th, 1929
Presidency March 4th, 1929 - March 4th, 1933
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Franklin Delano
Presidency March 4th, 1933 - April 12th, 1945
Harry S. Truman
Truman's Famous Quotes
Presidency April 12th, 1945 - January 20th, 1953
Dwight David Eisenhower
Presidency January 20th, 1953 - January 20th, 1961
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Presidency January 20th, 1961 - November 22nd, 1963
Lyndon Baines Johnson
Presidency November 22nd, 1963 - January 20th, 1969
Richard Millhouse Nixon
Presidency January 20th, 1969 - August 9th, 1974
Gerald Rudolph
Presidency August 9th, 1974 - January 20th, 1977
James Earl "Jimmy" Carter
Presidency January 20h, 1977 - January 20th, 1981
Ronald Wilson Reagan
Presidency January 20th, 1981- January 20th, 1989
George Herbert Walker Bush
Presidency January 20th, 1989 - January 20th, 1993
William Jefferson "Bill"
Presidency January 20th, 1993- January 20th, 2001
Presidency January 20th, 2001 - January 20th, 2009
Barack Hussein Obama
Presidency January 20th, 2009 - January 20th, 2017
Presidency January 20th, 2017 -