Welcome to Serenade's Solution Blogs!
Solution Blogs are where you can read and post solutions regarding a particular subject. It is a great way to network and
also read the latest new articles regarding the subject. Just click the classy button and there you are!
How to use Solution Blogs:
Each Solution Blog offers the opportunity to share by catagory and specific location. Just pick by clicking on catagory desired.
Once you are on your choice blog, choose to read all posts or use the menu on the right to choose location or specific subtopic.
You can also post. When you post please list your e-mail address so that people can network and contact you directly.
Please stick to the issue. GoSerenade.org [especially the Webmaster :~} ] wants everyone to enjoy the freedom to post, so
please come from your highest self when you post (in otherwards no profanity or tearing down someone's ideas). Solution Blogs
are NOT opinion discussion blogs, but FACT based discussion blogs. There are plenty of opinion charged blogs at various e-locations.
For sharing your story - personal messages and to ask questions please see "Story Blogs."
These Solution Blogs are about the actual work - the work that people do that provide healing and cures through their experiences.
This is about having the courage to ask and have the broadest spectrum of guidance when making a decision. This is the place
for a person to share their Voice, their Heart, your Voice, and your Heart - maybe for the first time. Their wonderful ideas
can be what others can use that connects the ideas with the source that brings forth answers. Ideas into action creats results.
What a great thing; to be able to offer reality. We can all use more vision. We can have true hope.
You will notice that not all countries are listed for each topic. It is a goal that all will one day be listed. The decision
was to list a few from each continent due to wanting to spend time providing more Solution Blogs. General continent listings,
"Other Countries in Asia" (for example) available for those not listed.
Under Construction. Placing Sub-topics on the boards is an involved and tedious process. In other words, "A lot of work."
Please keep coming back to the various message boards and view sub-topics by viewing topics (found on left hand side).
To view best what is coming, please click onto "Consumer Issues" and click on left side menu
"Oregon, Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, or Idaho." You will see how you will be able to post specifically regarding location.
Larger cities will have their own subtopic. You can also post via county (in other countries by providence, district, city-state,....).
Serenade is an offering to planet Earth.
