April 2001:
* Peace Resolution passage makes history in the United States of America in Baltimore on April 3rd, 2001.
Enter Peace Resolution
Printable Version of Peace Resolution
Adopt Peace Resolution
More accomplishments soon will be listed to fill gap.
July 2003:
Wheeling, West Virginia: Library visit. Interviewed with local librarian regarding the dissemination and circulation of
local, state, and national information and how their system works and is arranged.
March 2003:
San Diego, California: Interview with local and state librarians regarding the dissemination and circulation of
local, state, and national information and how their systems work and are arranged.
June 2004:
* Denver, Colorado: Interview with a state librarian representative regarding the dissemination and circulation of
local, state, and national information and how their systems work and are arranged.
September 2004:
* New Look and Method for entire Serenade website.
* World Wide Web site (www) domain for Serenade.
* September 4th ~ Done! www.GoSerenade.org
* Official new look launch!
* Solution Message Boards.
October 2004:
* Began insertion of Sub-topics (by specific location) for Solution Message Boards ("Consumer Issues" was first).
* Started asking people regarding being part of "Friends of Serenade."
November 2004:
* Story Message Boards Created.
* Continued building subtopics for Solution Message Boards.
December 2004:
* Serenade Pioneers - Inquiry/Class meeting held on December 15th, 2004 at Belmont Library in Portland, Oregon.
January 2005:
* Serenade Circle on Presidential Inauguration Day ~ January 20th, 2005 at Friendly House in Portland, Oregon.
February 2005:
* Concept Review.
March 2005:
* Commission City Government Inquiries Started.
April 2005:
* Sacramento, California: Interviews with local and state librarians regarding the dissemination and circulation of
local, state, and national information and how their systems work and are arranged. Cassette Tape Recorded. See June 2005 for link
to read transcripts.
May 2005:
* Transcribing interviews.
June 2005:
Read Transcripts
July 2005:
Portland Children's Bill of Rights involvement starts.
August 2005:
* Mentorship Program sub-web site launched.
* Contacted film enthusiasts in Baltimore in preparation of makeing a documentary film on Mentorship.
* Prepared for 3 1/2 week trip, Mentor Gathering....
September 2005:
Inagural Mentor Gathering in Baltimore, Maryland September 7th, 2005.
Research being conducted in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., New York, and Philadelphia.
Librarians Speak: The State of Collecting Government Documents in the United States
October 2005:
Name "Serenade" Filed. Paperwork.
March 2006:
* 19 day trip prepared all via train - Amtrak. [2 Region Pass - "non-peak" rate]
* Research on Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, and Nebraska state libraries and federal depositories. State government too.
* Texas and Nebraska selected.
April 2006:
* Interviews set up in Texas and Nebraska.
* San Francisco "Man on Street" interviews - Mentor Gatherings, Line of people registering to vote
May 2006:
* Texas - Austin, Texas Federal, State Depository Librarian interviews, "Man on Street" interviews Capitol, Lyndon
Baines Johnson Research, Library, and museum.... [bats:~)]
* Nebraska - Lincoln, Nebraska Librarian Interviews Nebraska Library Commission, Lincoln Star Journal (personal tour and
interviews conducted), Capitol, "Man on Street" interviews - Mentor Gatherings, Primary Election Day -Interviews
- "Man on Street"
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
Articles of Incorporation research work, and writing.
October 2006:
* Colorado Denver, Colorado. Librarian interviews, research on state and city, "Man on Street" interviews. [1st
autumn snow!]
* Nevada trip planned - January 2007.
November 2006:
Articles of Incorporation research work, and writing.
December 2006:
Articles of Incorporation research work, and writing.
January 2007:
* Nevada Carson City, Nevada. Librarian Interviews, Nevada State research, Capitol....
February 2007:
Articles of Incorporation research work, and writing.
March 2007:
Interviews conducted and research in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Tallahassee, Florida.
April 2007:
Interviews conducted and research in Lansing, Michigan
May 2007:
June 2007
Summer 2007 Mentor Gathering: Santa Fe, NM
Autumn 2007 Mentor Gatherings: Baltimore, Harrisburg, and Ithaca
February 2009:
Serenade Gathering: Weaving Neighborly Spirit of Friendship - February 28th Print Out Flyer Here!
March 2010
Serenade Project Parties Commence
MORE Accomplishments Coming Soon! :~)

.... Much to add....
April 2022:
"Baltimore Serenade: Kindred Living Through Embracing Peaceful Changing Climate Solutions" started to be built.
"Baltimore Serenade: Kindred Living Through Embracing Peaceful Changing Climate Solutions"