There are many issues that effect each of our lives yet we are often not aware of them until it
is too late. Serenade believes that civics classes for all is the vehicle for each citizen having a complete civics education.
Through having classes, programs, and materials on a subject, one begins to build a foundation and starts acquiring knowledge.
But true education begins when applied to a situation and integrating it with ones' roots and community. That is all a citizen
needs to do - their share.
The purpose for Civics Classes is to educate and enligten citizens on their infinite power
to use democracy on a daily basis. Our vision is to create a series of classes that evoke conversation and build confidence
that The United States of America can have the best government system when we all do our share. We offer this
to our educational systems; our schools and libraries, the proper places (besides home) for democracy to be taught, discussed,
debated, and experienced. We look forward to true free and equal speech and access to all government depository
items twenty four hours a day, everyday. We see more books, more manuscripts, more audiovisuals on democracy shaping our minds
at libraries. We want the return of Department of Civics in libraries. We desire to create a sacred space for expression for
anyone who joins in hope and peace; no matter who you are, what your age is, or what background you possess. It is, "For the
people by the people."
Civics Classes = Civics Class Circles
The Civics Class Circle invites people through offering the education they so desire, and being
introduced to other things that they didn't know they desire even more. This project brings awareness, and returns democracy
to its places of origin organically.

The vision is that the series of civics classes planned for Serenade evoke conversation and build confidence that the citizens
of each neighborhood, town, and city can have the best government system when we all do our portion. Serenade will offer these
classes at no charge to our educational systems; schools and libraries. Besides at home, these are proper places for democracy
to be taught, discussed, debated, and experienced. Baltimoreans as well as other United States country people surely look
forward to true free and equal speech and access to all government depository items twenty-four hours a day. Returning Department
of Civics to libraries with more books, manuscripts, and audiovisuals on democracy will shape our minds and hearts. The desire
to create a sacred space for expression for anyone who joins in hope and peace; no matter who you are, what your age is, or
what background you possess. Indeed, "For the people by the people."
To bridge non-partisan political groups who often offer literature geared to assist the individual, yet either don't have
the resources or the vision to help people who are in disadvantaged communities, with organizations whose main objective is
getting a lot of people to show up to planned events centered around issues, is not as hard as it seems. Yet beliefs need
to change. Politicians view numbers of people as strength, power. It however does not serve the many who don't know individual
power. The message the populace hears is, "We don't believe in you, or care about you. You have no individual voice and
numbers are key to accomplishments." If individuals were taught, encouraged, and tutored to write letters, telephone
their politicians, expressing mind and heart, as well as showing up physically, spontaneous healing would occur simply because
each person was fully present with their energy.

Why "Complete" Civics Education?
"Complete" civics education offers the fortuity to have an accurate whole authentic picture;
in other words a panorama of factual rights and duties of a citizen. There are aspects of civics education that are affected
by perception. Hence, no civics education would be complete without learning about ourselves through others' eyes.
of us has the opportunity to learn about ourselves. An aspect of how we can grow and change is to be willing to listen to
others that can tell us about our blind spots; the parts of ourselves we cannot see through interaction with others. An individual
can never see its entire body. The individual can only see an image in a mirror. There is much another can share with us,
tell us.
Citizens collectively as a nation can take advantage of information observed by outsiders. The way we are
perceived, is actually important knowledge. We often do not like the image or the blind spot report. But if we can discern
without rejecting we can possibly be well enriched.
Education Supportive
ENTER: Citizen Participation Commission
Volunteer to help with Civics Education!
Librarians Speak: The State of Collecting Government Documents in the United States

Go Serenade!
