
Serenade Pioneers

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Be part of this historic beginning of Serenade!

There is much work to be done in education activism and focusing on things that really bring change in small steps is much more productive and useful. The first is to work with libraries to instill the foundation, Civics Departments, which were dismantled in the 1960s. To have music departments and not a civic departments - where all is pulled together for citizens is a travesty. There is also a major problem of libraries getting local governments to send updated information - books pamphlets.... It is important to have the foundation in public meeting rooms. The space for citizens, the space for peace to be talked about is in libraries.

"...if civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the
science of human relationship - the ability of all peoples,
of all kinds, to live together and work together in the same
world, at peace."
--President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Become a Serenade Pioneer at Serenade's first Library Meeting!

Wednesday. December 15th, 2004
Belmont Library
1038 Southeast 39th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97214

6:30 - 8:00 PM

Belmont Library Location Information and Picture

On December 15th, 2004 Serenade will commence.

* Find out why Serenade is unique.

* Meet people in your community.

* Share in fun and deep conversation.

* Have questions answered.

* Come to learn something about your self. An Insight Quiz will challenge how we think and educate us more about what each of us personally know.

* Inquiring minds want to know. What steps can we collectively take? We will have the first step defined and ready to act upon.

"I believe that an aroused, informed, inspired American citizenry is the most powerful force on earth.... No single person needs to be a hero. Everyone needs to be a little bit heroic." --Newt Gingrich

Go Serenade - because no solution occurs without pure love, knowledge, and intent.


Go Serenade!
