Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote, "From the first moment of life, men ought to begin learning to deserve to live; and, as at the
instant of birth we partake of the rights of citizenship, that instant ought to be the beginning of the exercise of our duty."
(A Discourse on Political Economy) Every child is a citizen. So every child's duty is to learn how to become a responsible
one. The best mentor a child can have is a parent. To guide not only the parent, but the child as well, family civics, where
a family becomes educated and chooses family projects of which to work on lifts not only that family, but the whole community.
For Example: "There have been so many parents that approached me (while having petitions signed) asking what they can do to
not let their children's school Eutaw-Marshburn* be closed down in Bolton/Marble Hill**. Starting Circles in this neighborhood
(my former neighborhood) at Eutaw-Marshburn Elementary School*/Crispus Attuks Police Athletic League Center on Madison Avenue
is a prime way to facilitate such a mentoring program. The children and parents can hold family citizen circles in not only
saving the school from closing and destroying community unity, but building on that unity to envision what else they would
*The school was saved from the students being cut into attending three different schools, one being a middle school. We all
did it! Together!
**Neighborhood in Baltimore, Maryland
It is also important that adults have mentors too - an awfully overlooked importance in society.
In ancient and not so ancient times, people had high regard for their elders - the Wise Ones. Today "old" is regarded as,
well, discardable, disposable, as material objects are, instead of how we view fine wine and beautiful usable antiques. We
need to find and link the chain of humans again. Masters and apprentices, coaches and players, teachers and students. We need
to find and touch the places within ourselves that are not so invincible in order to grow. A mentor can help us soften the
pain and help us build endurance for life.
Developing how to incorporate democracy into our daily lives can be one of the most effective ways to start the
healing process. By becoming mentors to each other with accurate information and material availability, everyone has
the opportunity to have the tools necessary to empower and accomplish their unique dreams and goals for their lives, families,
neighborhoods, and world.
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